
Astronauts Quotes

There are 132 quotes

"Some researchers believe that when our astronauts were on the moon, alien races warned them not to return."
"The reason astronauts look like they're floating in space is because everything, including the International Space Station, is falling together at the same time."
"Dragon Endurance has returned home, and NASA astronauts Raja, Tom, Kayla, and Matthias are back on Earth after a 23 and a half hour return journey from space."
"NASA astronauts and one Russian cosmonaut on their way up to the International Space Station."
"Astronauts on board are the only humans to have ever set foot on an alien world."
"You know what's crazy? Astronauts just came back from satellites just orbiting the Earth. How crazy is that?"
"As someone who wanted to be an astronaut as a child, I'm extremely excited to have you join us today. I continue to be in awe of the incredible work that you do."
"Astronauts are so fascinating, and they give so much inspiration to all of us."
"Astronauts are brave, but they're also very smart."
"Over the next hour we will follow the return of Axiom astronauts... conclude the first of several planned Axiom private astronaut missions."
"The heroic spirit of these astronauts lives on in you. Their stories tell the story of humanity embracing the legendary in all of us."
"A calm born of proven competence... that's what astronauts do for a living."
"Astronauts seem so cool and serious and intelligent... they're also giddy excited humans who were clearly thrilled to be where they were."
"The names of the astronauts became synonymous with human ingenuity, resolve, and the boundless spirit of exploration."
"A long-standing NASA tradition is for astronauts to eat a breakfast of steak and eggs just prior to a launch."
"The Encounters of astronauts with unidentified objects have also played a role in the broader context of the search for extraterrestrial intelligence."
"The astronauts were about the closest thing to comic book heroes the world had ever seen."
"Second stage is lit, continuing to carry the crew five astronauts into orbit."
"Armstrong said, 'Well, you know, there are huge ships out there... and we're not alone.'"
"I think people just overlook that these guys didn't become astronauts to become famous celebrities."
"God bless our brave astronauts now soaring through the heavens."
"Astronauts are people who willingly put themselves in harm's way in order to advance the human species."
"I have nothing but utmost respect for astronauts because of the years of physical and mental training they endure."
"The story goes Bruce and Walter are astronauts doing boring and lastra not stuff but a fateful encounter with a mysterious spaceship leads them to believe that there is something strange and potentially dangerous waiting on the moon."
"Fascinating, these four astronauts, three Americans, one Canadian, are going to be headed to the Moon."
"The advantage of sending AI astronauts is that they can survive interstellar travel over long periods of time."
"The forever remembered exhibit memorializes the 14 brave astronauts who perished during the loss of the orbiters Challenger and Columbia."
"Galactic cosmic radiation will pose a significant threat to astronauts engaged in future deep space missions."
"Astronauts obviously can't smell space when they're in it because they can't take off their helmets... what causes this smell is the presence of hydrocarbons that float around in space."
"...men were like astronauts, it was the equivalent, I mean they were propelling themselves through the sky..."
"Astronauts are the verb in space."
"Astronauts can grow approximately two inches in height when in space."
"There were those men standing around for a long time. They sent up about 15 White astronauts before they sent up one Black."
"We are in outer space. We are astronauts, you realize that? We are astronauts right now."
"And how could astronauts go into outer space without special clothing?"
"Comprehensive training for astronauts and Mission Control Personnel ensures effective management of unexpected situations."
"... astronauts on the ISS see a sunrise and sunset 16 times every 24 hours."
"The fanfare that accompanied the return of the dead astronauts could easily be mistaken for a fourth of July celebration."
"Astronauts typically would go to be vice presidents of Boeing, vice presidents of Lockheed Martin and places like that."
"But I think a lot of us take what we have learned as astronauts and apply them in different fields."
"...astronauts can go to the moon and probably not have serious problems with pulmonary function."
"I can't rid myself of the thought of the sacrifice made by these astronauts."
"The answer is these were Lego astronauts."
"We've already sent astronauts to Uranus's Moon Miranda, even the Fallen planet of Pluto."
"Fearless astronauts had to be to keep a level head facing death. I don't think I could do that."
"Welcome back to space, CJ and Beth."
"We're proud of those three men up there."
"We're live inside the room right here, crew four astronauts getting their spacesuits on."
"The crew 3 astronauts are currently on board the space station, conducting scientific research in a myriad of areas."
"Samantha Christopher ready. The third consecutive ESA astronaut to ride aboard the Crew Dragon."
"But they were always so proud when the astronauts would come and visit."
"The potato chip scene has sparked some great pictures from real astronauts floating around their rockets and eating floating foods."
"Safety first, it's not worth risking the lives of those astronauts."
"I love these astronauts, all astronauts who ride bikes on Mars."
"Astronauts in space can lose about one percent of their muscle mass each month."
"I just thought those guys going up into space and walking on the moon was beyond cool."
"Astronauts are scientists too, that's because they do experiments when they're exploring on the moon."
"Astronauts have already walked on the moon's surface."
"Looks like you've got three happy astronauts there, glad to be back to the ground."
"Astronauts are meteorites because they enter the atmosphere of the Earth and they land and they survive."
"The isolation test currently underway deep inside Little Venus was part of an important program to select and train the next generation of astronauts."
"There are currently seven human beings living and working aboard the International Space Station as part of Expedition 66."
"Astronauts on board the International Space Station don't use their feet to walk; they float around."
"UFO sighting credibility by regular people can be questionable, but what if the sightings come from those who have actually visited space?"
"Astronauts are highly trained professionals renowned for their competence, courage, and scientific acumen."
"As we left our tracks on the moon, so too must the ancient astronauts have left theirs on Earth."
"There is a danger that the astronauts could perceive reality differently due to their isolation."
"Every Dragon astronaut crew brings a stuffed toy with them."
"They walked out of the crew quarters building as every NASA astronaut has done since Apollo 7."
"These astronauts could one day in fact walk on the moon as a part of the Artemis program and could be among the first humans to walk on Mars."
"Armstrong, Aldrin, and Collins were feted in ticker-tape parades across the United States and then across the world."
"Our disappointment is exceeded by our pride in astronauts Walter Schirra and Thomas Stafford."
"I have a rocket engine that was used to train the astronauts before they landed on the moon."
"I am the official nurse and the only nurse assigned to the seven United States astronauts."
"Is someone who's been to space, he's really down to earth."
"The astronauts have lived on the space station for six months."
"These people are astronauts, not photographers, and despite that, they managed to take some exceptional photos while on their missions."
"It appears conscious or not that the astronauts are actually breathing at some point before they hit the water."
"Space music... astronauts have returned to Earth with fascinating tales of hearing odd noises while in space."
"And once more the United States is about to send two men into space."
"These are the astronauts, United States Project Mercury."
"Astronauts can grow up to 3% taller when they're on long missions."
"We face a national tragedy this evening as America mourns the loss of those seven brave astronauts on board Columbia."
"Astronauts have to learn Russian before they are allowed to zoom up to the International Space Station."
"Eight of them became astronauts by flying an airplane through space."
"These are highly trained astronauts that have been getting ready for this moment for the past couple of years."
"The astronauts like to break their own stories."
"Being able to see the astronauts at work... that's probably my favorite aspect of the job."
"The European Space Agency yesterday unveiled a new class of astronauts."
"Astronauts have gone on space walks told us that space has a metallic, sweet, burned steak smell."
"Astronauts and cosmonauts are totally reliant upon the technology of the ISS."
"They're experiencing gravity for the first time in months."
"Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, Jim Lovell... Do you know who my favorite is? Sally Ride."
"Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins, and Buzz Aldrin were the first men upon the moon."
"Astronauts have so much prestige because they come the closest to kissing the snarling jaws of certain death."
"Realize that astronauts are exceptional people prepared for extraordinary deeds."
"Astronauts who go into space, because there's no gravity on their spine, they get taller."
"We'll miss you guys. Godspeed, soft landing, and we'll see you back on Earth in the fall."
"The astronauts have to maintain a very strict exercise program: they do 2.5 hours of exercise, six days a week."
"Wow, you guys are astronauts, cool and welcome to our best day ever."
"Astronauts return to Earth about three percent taller after six months in what we call microgravity."
"It's amazing you follow the story of four astronauts who are sent to this different solar system."
"It's so far from land that the closest humans to Point Nemo are usually astronauts."