
Strangeness Quotes

There are 446 quotes

"Reality is often much stranger than fiction."
"Live people ignore the strange and unusual. I myself am strange and unusual."
"The truth is often much, much stranger than any theory could be."
"I think things are about to get much more strange."
"Sometimes, to love someone you’ve gotta be a stranger."
"I thought this was a strange and interesting experience."
"The truth is really stranger than fiction if you really look at the actual documents themselves."
"The fact that the guy knew my name was very strange to me."
"The world can be a strange place, and Kaori's story is just an example of this."
"It just keeps getting weirder guys, it just keeps getting weirder."
"Things get more and more strange... as time goes on."
"The world is a stranger place than I thought it was."
"2020s here, shit's stranger than it's ever been before."
"We are in a deeply strange political moment."
"It's very strange. It's not like a walkie-talkie either. I mean, it's prayer."
"Stayed creepy, because this world is a strange one."
"Truth is stranger than fiction in this new world."
"Although this is a strange tale, it is actually true."
"Long story short, these things are really weird."
"Wow, that's weird. But nothing about what's gone on in the world in the last two and a half years isn't weird."
"These are real things... there's something very, very strange about them."
"Reality is a million times stranger than fiction." - Retired Lieutenant Colonel
"It looked completely natural, not like a mirage or anything, yet it felt so strange."
"Chris Chan: a real-life character in a story stranger than fiction."
"These are weird times we're living in, guys. Super weird times."
"We live in a big, strange world, so big and so strange in fact, that the weirdest possible day would be one where absolutely nothing weird happens at all."
"It's a situation where the truth is way stranger than fiction."
"Reality is really very strange and very... you can almost say spiritual in a way."
"This is the weirdest thing in the world, all this stuff is like new."
"What a weird world we're living right now, it's awesome."
"History is often stranger than fiction, and usually weirder and creepier too."
"Reality is stranger than fiction."
"Things are really getting Wicked and weird out here."
"This case was stranger than fiction and nothing like it seemed."
"Strange how much I feel for you, it's even stranger how much it seems you want me too."
"Let it be known that a lot of crazy stuff happens within this country."
"The bizarre had become commonplace."
"He almost seems like he wasn't a person but an alien wearing a human suit that didn't have time to put it on properly."
"It was one of the strangest experiences of my life."
"The first weird thing to happen was I noticed that in every room but my bedroom... there were piles of swept dust."
"It was bizarre, as I looked, tall weeds had been parted as if something had been there, yet there was no visual trace of it."
"Super crazy, creepy, weird, unexplainable."
"Television used to be really freaking weird."
"This is a very deep soul connection, and that's why I feel so weird."
"Life is a bit weird, very, very strange."
"until next time stay safe out there and stay creepy because this world is a strange one."
"God damn this is this is just weird you know but it works."
"I'm finding the whole thing very strange it's very interesting I'm learning a lot and it's um it's yeah I I just don't know."
"It's just weird, but weird in a good way."
"That's possibly one of or the strangest movie I've ever seen."
"Strangeness is the source of inspiration, the endless source of inspiration for our endeavors in science and philosophy."
"It's just so strange... you can't help but love it."
"This movie exudes joy. And it's so, so strange."
"God has some very strange ideas. What a way to seal a covenant!"
"Being a human being is freaking bizarre, right?"
"Real life is way stranger than any fiction."
"It's super strange, like, you know, like nothing happened, you know, that was it, it's just it, yeah, it's super strange."
"There's a place for strangeness in this sport, and then I think Davey Grant is doing a good job of occupying it."
"What the [ __ ] was that? That was the strangest night of fights."
"Things started to get really strange."
"It's always a bit strange, you get that trepidation the night before and excitement."
"It was kind of weird when it just turned black outside."
"Things just keep getting stranger."
"...what a strange, strange place. It's even stranger in real life than the pictures and the videos we'd seen before."
"This is weird I don't know guys a little bit unusual."
"This one snowballed into something that was really, really bizarre."
"Misconceptions stick to us like gum on shoes and our lead real or dreamed up can be just as strange."
"I recall taking a look at the stairs for the first time and being immediately struck with how odd they were"
"Really strange times we're living in."
"It gets even weirder. The Poltergeist type activity ramped up and eventually it led to stuff like the bathtub turning itself on in the middle of the night when I was the only one home."
"Things just got weirder after that small incident."
"This is very weird. It's very strange."
"Surrounded by the ordinary, we are unable to see how it is strange."
"Reality is not just stranger than we suppose, it's stranger than we can suppose."
"This is by far the most bizarre, crazy, and creepy thing I have ever experienced."
"It's cool, it's fine. Social media is so goddamn weird."
"I'd love to know if anyone else has ever experienced anything as strange as this"
"Life is just really weird, isn't it?"
"Sometimes the universe and life get a little strange."
"Pay attention to these stories; they may just help you see that you're living in a world much stranger than you could possibly imagine."
"Truth is often stranger than fiction."
"There's strange weird stuff going on."
"Well, Jonah, this has been a strange show and it's coming to a close."
"Wow, that's messed up enough to sound like it came out of Greek mythology."
"Those of us who blipped away came back the same age but our classmates that didn't blip had grown 5 years. That's so weird!"
"It really does seem as though something unusual happened here, and I couldn't explain to you what, but something just feels very off about this one."
"There's moments that are uncomfortable just because of how surreal it is."
"Ant-Man might be one of the weirdest franchises I think I've ever seen."
"Life is strange isn't it? Yes it is, it's weird."
"It's day 31 and things are getting weird. Love you."
"Representation for strange people in general. I love a strange protagonist because that's inherently relatable, is it not?"
"This is the weirdest Detroit tourism board ad ever."
"It's very strange for things. It just gives you a wonderful nostalgic feel."
"Things are definitely going to get weird."
"This is the strangest nightmare I have ever known."
"For the first time in forever, feels very strange."
"His stories are much less predictable than others, largely because of just how strange they are."
"The internet is truly a weird and wonderful place."
"YouTube's a weird job, man. Very, very weird job."
"This just might be the strangest movie I've ever seen."
"This was the most bizarre thing I've seen in a long time."
"The truth is stranger than fiction baby... you came in with your hands tied behind your back or you're fighting with one hand tied behind your back."
"Physics became very strange in the 20th century."
"Truth became stranger than fiction."
"The world is still a very weird place right now."
"Welcome to the strange and scary mysteries of the month for August 2022."
"Reality can often eclipse the strangest of fiction."
"Piranesi... so weird... truly a book like you've never read before."
"Life happening and being in the public is really weird. That's never not weird."
"It's weird, I think it's too weird for me, I don't say that very often."
"Where we are headed is one of the strangest, the darkest, and the most documented paranormal sites in all of the United States."
"It's a very strange bag from my point of view."
"The world has become a very strange place. I can assure you of that."
"Truth is often Stranger Than Fiction after all."
"It was weird, the writing was so good."
"This is so weird this is weird this is weird."
"The weirdest thing was that time just really seemed to move so slow."
"Isn't that weird? Yeah, isn't that weird?"
"That's the most intergalactic stray I've ever."
"It's weird coming home to a gust that's like not on our bed, it is weird yeah."
"This is officially the strangest apartment in New York City."
"It was a pretty unnerving and bizarre experience for sure."
"It was a truly strange and magical experience."
"The life of the believer is amazing and it's strange. The strangeness is in that it is good in its entirety."
"Oh, he comes in peace. What an alien thing to say."
"This world is a strange one sometimes."
"Sometimes these stories don't make any sense, they're entirely strange, but they are true."
"Nothing else peculiar happened that night but stranger things were yet to come."
"We've devolved into weirder and weirder Concepts"
"Culture is really weird when you think about it."
"Our planet is a very strange place."
"We can't trust what we see. The familiar may seem strange, the strange familiar. One long category error."
"I burst out laughing... it was getting weirder by the second."
"You don't have to bring in fiction, it's so bizarre."
"Reality is also often stranger than fiction."
"He has an amazing eye for the mundane and at the same time for the complete strangeness and other worldliness of things."
"The world was already strange enough."
"Fact is invariably stranger than fiction."
"It's weird good weird though, I like it."
"This is the strangest, most confusing, most confounding story."
"Our world is a strange place and the more you know the stranger it gets."
"This has to be the weirdest thing I've ever seen."
"All right, um, this was just kind of strange."
"It's a little dull and weird and off-putting at times."
"It's just so bizarre how things turn out."
"We all agreed that we hadn't and that it was a bit weird."
"The world is full of divinity and strangeness."
"Something strange is happening, but part of the strangeness can be that it feels inexplicably familiar."
"It was very, very weird and scary because again I wasn't moving my body."
"I literally have nothing on my account. It feels so strange."
"Margaret revealed the strangeness hidden behind the most familiar things."
"Isn't it strange we turn to strangers?"
"She's weird. It's probably been years since I saw that, but what weird."
"The stranger the encounter, the most believable."
"I don't feel the need to prove that I'm anybody's friend. Okay, I think it's weird at this point. I don't really understand it."
"The world is a curious and strange place."
"It's just the weird world that we live in."
"Strange things can happen here, no stranger would it be if we met at midnight in the Hanging Tree."
"The strangest part was how each video ended getting weirder, a bizarre tribute to Jim Davis."
"There's nothing strange about it. Either one who opened it or how, I climbed in the lock, that's all figured out."
"The real fact is stranger than fiction."
"The shocking controversies surrounding the mum family serve as a stark reminder that the truth is often stranger than."
"The sheer imposing bulk, distance leapt, and eccentric coloration pointed to something far stranger than any local megaphone."
"This was the strangest thing I have ever experienced and I don’t know if anything will top it."
"This was the weirdest work week I've ever had in my whole entire life."
"Everything's so political, everything's so weird now. These are things we could have never imagined a few years ago."
"That's the weirdest thing I've seen in this game."
"We live in a truly strange world right now."
"It's like a glitch in the matrix."
"The world we live in is certainly a strange place."
"Life can be stranger and scarier than any horror movie."
"This is one of the weirdest nights ever, honestly."
"Strange occurrences happen to many people and the cases on this list are among the weirdest we've found."
"Is it weird to have your old body just hanging around?"
"It's a strange old time, isn't it? No one could really see it coming."
"It's really strange, like what the actual hell?"
"If you're normal, that's really strange. That's not normal to be normal. No way."
"It was so good, so weird, I'm going to put this down 'cause my phone is really heavy, but it was so good, so weird."
"It's often said that reality is stranger than fiction, and Joplin, Missouri knows this best."
"That's the weirdest thing I've ever seen but it looks pretty good."
"Isn't that so weird how stuff like that happens?"
"The entire presentation was this video or film that was narrated by this machine voice. It was very strange to me or interesting, I mean it was intriguing."
"I'm so happy that this site exists and people like you are out there telling these strange stories and giving people the opening they need to re-examine the strangeness of their lives and the world in which they live."
"Life is a lot more bizarre than I thought."
"I am drowsing off, I cannot rub the strangeness from my sight..."
"Our good old solar system is actually a pretty bizarre place."
"Reality is stranger than we could ever imagine."
"Sometimes real life is stranger than fiction."
"...the knocking, the giggling, it somehow all made sense in some way."
"It's completely bizarre, offputting, and unexpected."
"Hands down the strangest thing I've ever seen."
"It was such a strange and frightening occurrence."
"I've been dealing with ghost-related stuff for most of my life, but this is the strangest occurrence."
"I'm glad I could find this thing. It's very strange."
"The strange Dignity of The Human Experience."
"It was really strange and kind of beautiful."
"It's the most bizarre experience I have ever had."
"What is that, even though? It's a weird one. That's just [ __ ] weird."
"There are things in this cosmos that are stranger than fiction."
"Everything about today is surreal."