
Idea Generation Quotes

There are 325 quotes

"Leadership is not about telling you what to do, it's about creating an environment where great ideas can come together."
"Your mind doesn't spawn ideas from nothing. Your brain is more like this forever moving Segway where it jumps from idea to idea via what connects them."
"Freedom of speech is not only necessary in order to produce new inventions and innovations but also to produce new ideas."
"It's worth it to spend some time thinking about something. Oftentimes you can come up with very good ideas and better ways to do something way more effectively."
"My mind is often feels like a very wild storm. I have a fountain of ideas."
"Discipline yourself for, let's say, 30, 60, 90 minutes a day, sitting down and thinking of writing down 10 ideas that could be of service to other people."
"We're entering a golden age... when you don't have resource shortages, you have idea shortages."
"Fixing the inner cities is not a money problem... it's an idea shortage not a resource shortage."
"Never trust ideas you haven't had while walking."
"At the end of the day, we are all creators. Some create new ideas; others recycle those ideas."
"Everyone has at least four ideas per year, any one of which would make them a millionaire."
"I think it's far more interesting to formulate an idea and then be able to convince other people that it just might be true."
"Boredom is the rest period that your brain gets... you are coming up with your own ideas."
"Every single one of those is the beginning of an idea for a website."
"Creativity is making novel associations between ideas."
"Do not let co-pilot generate the ideas, you are the one that generates the ideas."
"Sometimes you end up coming up with something interesting."
"Creativity is basically a combination of diverse source material."
"Let's stop being so easily influenced, let's start writing our ideas down, start believing in ourselves."
"Both your ideas came from firsthand experiencing the problem."
"What is really amazing is to see some retail guys coming through and actually coming up with really good top-quality ideas that you might not even see generated on you know one of the old desks that we worked on."
"Is there a way or you or we get inspired by we get something in the mail like wow that's a good idea maybe we should do that."
"Chat GPT4 can help you create ideas faster and make the speed of everything a lot faster."
"Ideas are everywhere. You have to be open to them."
"What's your favorite idea? Mine is being creative."
"I have a similar planning method where in my head I'll go like huh that's a cool idea."
"And so people like really self-censor a lot in most organizations because they don't look stupid and they don't be sort of associated with just having all these like wacky bad ideas."
"Can you just, I know, I know, it's because it's because I'm having better and better ideas."
"It's an idea, I think it's a kind of a cool idea."
"Being a good listener...you can get so many other ideas from other people."
"Many of the best ideas come out of personal frustration."
"This is where emergence happens, this is where the ideas are captured effortlessly anytime anywhere and they reveal themselves at the right time in the right place."
"Think of specific, relevant ideas that answer the question."
"They generate simple ideas that directly answer the question."
"The leverage that could come from that idea is so much more than if you just had it on your own."
"The whole point of theorizing and brainstorming is coming up with new ideas."
"Creative people when they think of one idea, the probability that that will trigger an associated idea is higher."
"One of the best uses of GPT3 that I've found is to ask it to give you ideas for things."
"Do you have any million dollar ideas that everyone watching this can steal?"
"The goal is to get one great idea that you're willing to move forward with, blaze forward with."
"Write down all of your ideas; your ideas are very valuable."
"No idea is stupid, tap into your creativity. Birth of new ideas, creative side."
"All those new ideas, epiphanies, surrounded by lightbulb moments."
"It's easy for you to come up with good product ideas."
"Let yourself write up 20 prototypes... have fun fantasizing, have fun putting together odd ideas."
"It opened my mind to just come up with so many different ideas."
"Building a store idea is going to start branching off of what we just talked about here."
"Creativity is more so making connections between already existing ideas."
"You're the person that's like, you have the ideas, you have the creative thoughts."
"Ideas in equal ideas out... the more quality ideas you put into your mind... the more value you'll be able to offer the world."
"Throw all the ideas on and then edit later on."
"Knowing a lot about a lot of things allows you to cross-pollinate ideas."
"Every idea that we have ends up on a post-it note in one form or another."
"Thought experimentation is essential for the production of ideas."
"Mind maps can be used in a lot of different ways... it's a great way to brainstorm ideas."
"The best thing you can do, in my experience, is have a great idea."
"Even if that is the case, one of the best sources of ideas comes within you and that's your dreams."
"Hopefully, it's given you a few ideas for some applications of your own."
"Ideas will be coming to you and coming quickly, so make sure to capitalize on this energy."
"Capture ideas in the void. Every idea is crucial and leads to something."
"That is probably the best idea I think I've ever had."
"Toriyama is known to be forgetful... if I don't forget stuff new ideas won't come to my mind."
"Clarity is the sign of a lifeless concept; when philosophy is clear, it is not generative."
"I just have to come up with ideas, which is easy, I'm good at that."
"And the comment section is also a great source of video ideas."
"Maybe if people come up with particularly intriguing ideas this time, I'll make another one of these going even deeper into the concept."
"Anyone who spends a good deal of his time thinking is going to come up with a good idea once in a while."
"This could be a really valuable tool to get that first kind of like a sort of idea of what's going on in a field."
"For giving you ideas quickly and for pushing you down the right path I really feel like it is something that you could use to get over that hump."
"Focus on expansion, focus on being confident in yourself. Brilliant new ideas will present themselves to you."
"All great ideas are simple. How come there aren't more of them?"
"The only way you get great ideas, is if people feel safe to say them out loud."
"We're back, all right, I got some hot idea action up in this piece."
"Creativity is very important as it'll be able to help aid other creators by giving them new ideas."
"You can't polish a turd. So what I do is that I launch a lot of ideas."
"I'm not a smoker smoker but I'll do my thing but like I was literally just thinking I'm an idea machine so I'm always coming up with ideas anyway so I was sitting in a bed and it hit me like a light bulb I'm like [ __ ] vegan."
"Your employees are people too, and sometimes they're gonna have good ideas."
"Communication is happening, ideas are popping off, but things are moving slow."
"That early stage of just not having any rules and just having that sort of freeform experimentation really formed this sort of rich petri dish of ideas and possibilities."
"Out of all those terrible ideas you'll find one that will productively stretch your mind."
"Everyone has a good idea every hour, and if it's wrong, I'll have another one an hour from now."
"Put your thinking cap on, it's brainstorming time!"
"Every great idea has an inspiration and ours will come from a handful of random word cards that we will quickly combine to create zany new essential products."
"Just keep on generating new ideas and discard the ones that don't work."
"If you are not in touch with the pain of a people, you should not be coming up with ideas for that people."
"If you have ideas, start writing them down. Before you know it, you might have an idea for 15 different videos."
"Boredom helps people come up with good ideas."
"Give yourself more to work with, have more resources, have more ideas, have more references, have more life experiences."
"Creative ideas evolve out of the invisible and profound nothingness of pre-verbal consciousness."
"Brilliant new ideas will present themselves to you."
"Good ideas come from bad decisions. That's how ideas work."
"So many creative ideas for me come when I'm just meandering or just driving with the radio off alone."
"Just keep throwing ideas out there and hopefully one of them will work."
"The best ideas come when your mind is running free."
"This video is going to unlock secrets, generate ideas, and spark creativity."
"Many of my greatest ideas... received within... state of flow."
"Something every artist has to face is how to come up with new ideas."
"Get your journal out, start writing down different ideas."
"We're planting ideas and visions and new thoughts, and that's it's a beautiful time."
"We take ideas from other people, people we've learned from, people we run into in the coffee shop, and we stitch them together into new forms and we create something new."
"That's a great idea, I'm full of good ideas."
"Great ideas are coming to the surface and creating them. The universe is here to support you."
"Sucky ideas are better than no ideas, and trying is better than not trying."
"Anyone can think of a really good idea... the playing field is level for everyone."
"Progress, economic, technological, medical, scientific depends on ideas."
"When you're in a state of appreciation, good ideas flow; trust and act on them."
"I automatically find myself stimulated into a response that generates ideas."
"If you do great research, then you will have a huge array of ideas to work from."
"Don't be the person who always shoots down every idea without an alternative idea."
"The best ideas are right around you, but so oftentimes I'm running late or I gotta go A to B..."
"We need something, I don't know, I need more ideas."
"We've never seen this many good ideas being thrown at us at once."
"Every thought you have, every idea you have, everything."
"How long do you think you'll survive in your hardcore world and will I ever run out of ideas? I actually at this point think I'm more likely to run out of ideas before I die."
"That's a really cool idea, one thing that I've always wanted to add."
"It means you feel safe to throw out a really stupid idea."
"If ever you come across somebody who believes that he has a completely new and original idea what you are actually seeing is someone who is ignorant of history because there is nothing new under the sun."
"I think NE is a really well-liked function out in the world; it can be very optimistic, it's got a lot of new ideas."
"What AI is, is a pattern recognition machine; it will recognize the greatest ideas that have ever been had."
The visualization technique: "The easiest and most obvious way to formulate an idea is to visualize it, to see it in your mind's eye as vividly as if it were alive."
"It's ambitious, but it was my idea."
"It facilitates creativity and idea generation."
"Boredom is the scientific prerequisite to ever having new ideas or creativity."
"Maybe we come out with our own Hallmark movie, you gotta come up with something."
"There's no bad ideas and don't judge someone for their bad ideas, judge them for their great ones."
"Many more topics you got because I feel like it's just going to distract you unless you get some ideas from the chat and then you put it away."
"If not, you're going to get the same ideas over and over again because if you're not constantly learning new things then your ideas are just limited to what's in your head and eventually you're going to drain it."
"It's helping you come up with new ideas, make new connections."
"If you read enough papers and really study them and understand them and replicate enough results, pretty soon you have your own ideas for pushing forward the art. This is a very reliable process."
"It's never a finished thing in itself. It's a nugget of an idea."
"I can't come up with ideas without being inspired by something else um you know I just my brain isn't good enough for that sort of thing."
"This just gave me an idea too, look you can put like different."
"My dad is a funny guy. He has a unique idea, crazy idea, and he always called me and said, 'Masa, I got an idea. You have to do this.'"
"You only have to find one really, you do not have to have tons of good ideas in this business."
"I like to go from idea to revenue."
"Don't let that idea die inside your head."
"The best way to come up with a good idea... is to come up with a lot of ideas."
"You know, I saw the great Tom Selleck, Magnum, P.I. himself, talking about reverse mortgages, and it gave me an idea."
"...a lot of people have ideas in their head that they just can't really put their finger on... and if you sit down and force yourself to write about that topic it things really start crystallizing and solidifying..."
"Chat GPT can be used responsibly; it helps students generate ideas, and students can do the work of structuring and expressing those ideas in their own words."
"In terms of getting ideas uh when it comes to what kind of books you know should you create because obviously if something is selling well then you want to model that you know get ideas from it and go and create something similar if you can right."
"The way that you come up with these ideas... is focusing on one idea out of a big thing."
"I asked it to come up with business ideas and it did."
"If I don't write it down, that idea never existed because I will forget it."
"Ideas come quick when you're motivated. They don't come when you have everything you need."
"I think the idea comes about from personal experience."
"Start with a good idea. Second, the most important thing is the Curiosity Gap. You want to open a loop."
"Ideas that I cooked up over a more than 10-year period with my friend the late great anthropologist Professor David Graeber."
"All great ideas come from hard work and careful planning. Once in a while, they just jump out at you."
"I don't have a lot of good ideas. My good ideas are really good, but they come not a lot."
"Ideas are not the same as topics like you can have a topic that you want to explore that is not inherently the idea for the video the idea is almost like a Russian nesting doll inside of the topic."
"It's totally collaborative, and it is true anybody at any point can have the best idea in the world."
"I think too just like if you have an idea, get one or two other people to brainstorm with you and use your strengths to pull it off, that's really good."
"Your brain is for having ideas, not for holding ideas."
"How come no one else has thought of that?"
"I know it helps me out as well because I like to have lots of ideas when I'm filling up journals."
"'He was sitting in the basement staring up at the ceiling when an idea came to him.'"
"I would say an idea and then you gauge whether there's an audience for that idea."
"...sometimes change places, sometimes it's the writing that gives me the ideas and sometimes it's the ideas they give me the writing."
"The cost of writing down a bad idea is basically zero."
"Chat GPT is an incredible tool for idea generation, market research, product definition, solution design, and more."
"Ideas will come to me, but you have to be aware of them, right? Because they're quick and they're fleeting."
"I just say a ton of crazy [__] and sometimes that goes bad, but I think it's worth proposing ideas."
"So what is the core foundation of the whole track? No matter how good your structure your arrangement your sound design your mixing your mastering is without a good idea then your song will never be able to stand on its feet."
"The reason that works is because I'm obsessed with this industry in business. I'm constantly filing away ideas."
"Once you actually take the energy to write an idea down and it's like kind of implanted into your brain almost like a seed it starts to grow."
"It's probably Edie and Ray's idea."
"Write a lot, work hard on the good ideas, and walk fast on the bad or average ideas."
"It's not about the best idea wins; it's about getting to the best."
"What a fun idea for a video, I think."
"This tool actually uses Reddit to come up with some different ideas for you."
"Generating new cohesive good ideas and good layouts."
"How about we make a doll series that looks like that? That's a good idea."
"But I still see so many people who spin their wheels on trying to come up with the perfect idea."
"One idea actually leads to another idea from another person."
Boredom can lead to creativity: "People get their best ideas in the shower when the brain has time to mind-wander."
"Good morning it is Wednesday and I already have a little fun idea Brewing."
"One little project that we have like as an idea ends up sort of like snowballing into this like crazy big project."
"I came up with a genius idea if I do say so myself."
"My ideas... they come from anywhere and everywhere."
"So the first thing that I learned, is I think that most originality dies in the idea selection process."
"The originality of an idea depends on the obscurity of sources."
"This is the birdsong technique and you know this thing of I don't have original ideas uh I don't know what to make videos about uh I don't know what to write about it holds so many people back and there's no need for it because you can just generate endless ideas."
"And so many of us as we write, we try to say, 'Oh, but none of these ideas are 100 percent mine.' But that pressure of 100 percent originality, I mean, it's nonsense. That's not how ideas work."
"And the process of writing is not only refining that idea and helping you reflect on it, but you actually generate new ideas in the process of writing."
"The first step should always be to find your idea."
"Then slowly at first, but finally with a flash of inspiration, the idea came and I smiled."
"I thought of an idea. That would be cool."
"Desire for ideas is like bait for a fish, and as with fishing, you should wait patiently, concentrating on the outcome."
"I just had an idea. I'll bottle it up deep inside."
"I've had an idea I've tried to write a couple of times..."
"Dude, that's actually such a good idea, please don't recycle this based on hotness."
"There's no such thing as a bad idea in Hollywood. Everything is a pretty decent idea to discuss because you never know what's going to sell."
"The single most important variable that affects how good your ideas are is how many ideas you have."
"She was like, 'Hey, I came up with this idea like two weeks ago.'"
"Billy is the idea guy here and he's going to want to be in control."
"Help me come up with ideas because I don't know, let them come up with ideas."
"Coming up with ideas for us isn't the hard part; it's the how are we going to get it done."
"I encourage you to pick through the ideas you like, and to discard the ones you don’t like, and add to it with your own ideas and inspirations."
"Just had a great idea. A genie, they said."