
Human Creativity Quotes

There are 98 quotes

"It's a pretty awesome life. I get to enjoy awesome creations of humans of which I believe ChatGPT is one of."
"These models have an incredible capacity to synthesize information across sources, and I feel like that is a source of innovation for humans as well."
"I'm not afraid of AI at all. Don't sleep on human creativity."
"It will be a world of abundance. The only scarcity that will exist in the future is that which we decide to create ourselves as humans."
"The brilliance of humans, digging out materials from the ground, transforming them into machines, and then driving to your girlfriend's house. That's insane."
"Let's define what art is: the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination."
"People really underestimate the creativity of the human mind."
"The value of an artwork is rooted in assumptions about the human performance underlying its creation."
"This is meant to be a celebration of human ingenuity and human weirdness. Hope you enjoy it."
"But on the other hand, the story of human innovation is fantastically creative."
"They came about because of the great wonders of human ingenuity."
"It's almost unbelievable that humans created it, but the code types really... it gives you really nuanced information about a person's personality."
"Human creativity is still superior over machine engineered content."
"Books are proof that humans are capable of working magic."
"Inventing new things is a wonderful part of humanity."
"The ideas we call string theory are a testament to the power of human creativity."
"AI is kind of the meme right now, but it's never going to take away from human content."
"Brilliancy and creativity are things that machines cannot operate within, as brilliance is based on creativity and risk-taking, which machines cannot encode."
"Everything generated by AI originates from Human Creative Source." - George Carlin's Legacy statement
"The AI can never replace the soul of an artist. It will never be able to produce unique ideas the way a person can."
"Humans are very good at inventing new schemes for meaning."
"Humans have always had this drive to create, to build worlds, whether in text, on screens, or in games."
"Building things, making things, creating things - that's what humans excel at."
"Creativity ... is an integral, organic property of human nature ... It is a necessary accessory of the human spirit."
"Any lyric or any stuff, it needs to be cohesive, has to come from a human being."
"I'm an artist. An artist is a human being that creates something that creates an emotional response in another human being."
"Good writing can only be done by human brains."
"AI might be able to perform some impressive tasks but it can't replace online creators because it's not capable of imagination creativity and a human perspective it's a tool not a creator."
"Anything that is man-made we can produce more of it."
"As a species, whatever we imagined, we created."
"Humans, they're pretty creative, right? You know the relentless curiosity and the dreams to explore."
"AI music now... humans do beautiful things that computers can't do."
"There's these wonderful massive opportunities for the companies that integrate Technologies."
"The future is music or movies without AI... humans do beautiful things that computers can't do."
"Bitcoin is actually channeling human ingenuity in a way that causes it to improve over time."
"Every human being is equally powerful in their creative ability to shape the planet."
"We triumph in innovation, ingenuity, surprise, discovery."
"Creativity, creativity. At the end of the day, that's probably one of the last bastions of human value that is not gonna be displaced by technology."
"I feel almost as if floored that this music even came from a human"
"The bounds of human creativity and imagination go a lot further than what people think."
"Reaching for the Stars involves overcoming obstacles, and every step forward is a win for human creativity in the vastness of space."
"Our inventions and discoveries are but reinventions, rediscoveries."
"AI isn't going to replace artists who still know how to do it with their hands."
"The language models score higher in creativity than people."
"This is a story about stolen intelligence, about the deceptive illusions of AI, and what it means to be human, to be creative, to be free."
"We need to still have that pride and also give the credit to humans. Let's not forget our creativity and emotion and intelligence is unique."
"There's gonna be a fine line between things that were generated by AI or could have been and were influenced by that innovation versus things that were produced prior to that time that had to have been only produced by humans."
"These AIS are going to aid the human in the process of creation and invention, not replace them."
"Memes to me are the most important art form currently being made by human beings."
"So many things that humans have created, wondrous things."
"Oh my gosh, I am blown away. This is the kind of work that humans are on this earth to create."
"Oh man, just when you think it can't get much worse, there's just more and more things that come out. Humans are so disgustingly creative in the way that they create things. Maybe Free Will was a mistake."
"Even if you have an AI that does, there will be something that is superior. A human will beat the machine. It can replace us at grunt work, it can replace us at some very surface level things, but the top-tier things, the creativity, can't do it. Not yet, not close."
"Absolutely amazing what people make."
"As great as Ai and all the tools around them can be it really is important that humans are at the center of content creation."
"Not a single human artist will lose their job because of this new technology."
"Proof that in the computer dominated World human Ingenuity and creativity will always Triumph."
"Cinema, you know? Like humans made this [ __ ] you know, look at this."
"...I just continue to believe that stuff that's made by people is going to have a larger impact."
"Humans are remarkably artistic. They are remarkably creative."
"The things that we humans come up with just to entertain ourselves and others, to distract us from the inevitability of our own death."
"Absolutely not, there's humanity and emotion in certain works that AI can never imitate."
"Art won't be obsolete until Humanity dies."
"The creative powers of art are enlisted to show that our reality, our life world, is in fact humanely made."
"Only human beings make the Unreal real."
"Humans have made significant scientific and technological advancements and have demonstrated remarkable creativity, resilience, and determination in the face of challenges."
"This is a general human impulse to create something that is perfect."
"The Bible is both the inspired word of God and also the creative work of man."
"Human ingenuity has long outstripped what computers have been able to do."
"The imagination of nature is far, far greater than the imagination of man."
"Creativity is in our DNA. I believe that we have a moral responsibility to bring that creativity out of ourselves and foster that within our teams and within our organizations."
"The first pictures that human beings ever made were night pictures."
"Human ingenuity will solve this problem."
"There's just this endless well of human creativity out there."
"A piece of music that is so beautiful, you cannot believe a human being actually wrote it."
"That's humans being geniuses, that's the magic."
"There will always be a market for art made by humans without the assistance of machine learning."
"I look at Humanity, I look at the Universe, I look at Consciousness."
"I just think that it's so great that humans are like, let's make a music."
"I think God actually enjoys it when we use the gifts she's given us, our freedom and creativity."
"We want people to feel that excited about writing an application on top of Snowflake inexpensively where it's about human power and human creativity."
"He makes us in His likeness to create ourselves, to write, to paint, to dance, to make music."
"That human beings can come up with stuff like this is just ridiculous."
"It is a record also of endurance, of survival, of adaptation, and creativity in the face of overwhelming obstacles."
"We respect the work of artists and acknowledge that AI generated art using stable diffusion is a tool that could be used to enhance creativity but it does not replace the value of human creativity."
"It's amazing how much creativity people have."
"Indie games and even just Indie art in general has always been about human expression."
"The humans had created and monopolized the Galaxy's first culture industry."
"That's where the human creativity will be."
"It's interesting to watch the creative power and vitality of man and nature."
"AI is a tool created and controlled by humans; it requires creativity, innovation, understanding - qualities that are uniquely human."