
Cultural Value Quotes

There are 189 quotes

"Food is so much more than ingredients; it has cultural and social value, as cooking and eating bring us together with our families, friends, and communities."
"Art like that... it should not be owned in the private sector; it should be in a museum."
"Black Lives Matter. Black culture matters. Black communities matter."
"Historic places lend a kind of dignity to an area."
"It was like something very precious to the Western soul was burning up before our eyes."
"Movies are not just about the time they come out; they are about the time they will exist on the shelf for the next 50 or 60 years."
"The art of cinema is being systematically devalued, sidelined, demeaned, and reduced to its lowest common denominator: content."
"Entertainment with value was possible in modern America."
"Each of us can play a part in making up for the deficit created by the loss of the physical."
"We are comfortable in our culture, we are proud of our culture."
"All video games consist of art within them, so they should in theory have a bit of preservation."
"There's even a word, bayanihan, which means to help someone like the Philippines without expecting anything in return."
"Art and education are markers of a civilized society."
"Culture has surfaced as an indispensable element of a nation's competitiveness and economic resource that produces added value."
"These are also works of art, these are priceless works of art that someone spent years making and that have stood there proudly for decades or centuries in some cases, and we're tearing all this stuff down like it's nothing."
"It's a good example of a theatrical experience that's worth it."
"Freedom is not just a line on a piece of paper, Maria. Freedom is a culture, freedom is a way of life."
"We don't have to take our history and put it somewhere else. There's so much greatness here."
"People think that economy is the best, but culture and values are the most important."
"Tamil language and literature are among the world's most valuable treasures."
"Don't pass up the second city, because this city rocks."
"There is a disrespect for the lack of appreciation for the experience of the elders and the family unit."
"Knowledge of this is revered in every culture."
"Writing, I think, is indispensable. I think there's no question that literacy and creativity and the telling of stories are what makes societies distinctive and culturally enriching places to be part of."
"Somewhere has cultural institutions makes people want to live there because there's more to do."
"We don't have to assign a false sense of importance to some art over others."
"Some of these authors spent months writing and editing novel length works to have them then deleted entirely as if there were something with no artistic or cultural worth."
"Yu-Gi-Oh is more than just a nostalgia piece; it holds great value"
"I have the feeling that here in England and in your country it is there's a huge value for the tradition of this cup." - Chelsea manager
"Support local artisans... has a story behind it, a meaning."
"When you buy your favorite artist album you are directly saying I think what you're doing is valuable and that's like you're saying like thank you like please continue to make art to like put all the time in in the effort."
"It says a lot about how little has been done to protect video games as a medium."
"Art, literature, relationships: avenues where meaning reveals itself."
"A sword such as this will bring honor to its bearer."
"The greatest achievement of Western civilization is the rule of law."
"The emotion Mario Cristobal and his football team it's just it's it's really neat to see that because we're in this era where people want to diminish the value of bowl games."
"Without game critics to think about games as something that are human and metaphorical and contextual, games will just become commodities."
"You get a country that's been around for a long time and it's still precious and valued amongst its people just the way it is."
"Nostalgia isn't automatically bad if its indulgence is meaningful and earned."
"There's no right or wrong way, there's just preferences."
"Respect all memes... Memes should be respected."
"The glory of a nation is in its literature, its sculpture, its painting, its architecture, its gardening, and not in its warfare or its geopolitical position." - Thomas Jefferson
"I'm not trying to romanticize the past. All I'm trying to do is rescue useful knowledge from our ancestors."
"I think the theater is actually, you know, the one true church."
"I think [the communal movie experience] always will be [important]."
"We completely undervalue the economic value of culture."
"Child, you so-called Black Hispanics and Native Indians, compared to as gold, man, you are precious in His sight, so you better believe He's going to defend you."
"We as a black community deserve nice things, black women deserve luxury."
"Someone really should bring back this ride for its uniqueness alone."
"New York is his people, it's, it's, it's like I was just there this weekend, it's like that place is like really, you got to be there to like really understand like that place is really freaking special."
"I'd love for us to bring back the appreciation, even paying for music."
"Our music forms have their complete integrity and wholeness."
"I think Disneyland has a certain kind of sanctity to it, a Living Museum of sorts."
"Art, especially art of our day, is a public good, and you deserve more from your art."
"And it is a reminder that precious works of art remain hidden in plain sight just waiting to be found."
"A beautiful and unique expression of Art and creativity."
"There's just such a soul here at this market."
"The Masai relationship with their cattle is not merely economic but also spiritual."
"I am sick of the disrespect of Chinese American food."
"Some artworks matter more than others. They deserve to be saved and shared instantly with your loved ones."
"Freedom should be celebrated and that's just what we do."
"Artists and content creators deserve more funding and consideration."
"The experience of art is shot through with emotion."
"Art supports life, not the other way around."
"True wealth is being able to choose what to do, the ability to do what you want when you want it."
"Live music is needed, live music is so deeply valuable."
"That's a priceless piece of American pop culture."
"Once is yay, two is a coincidence. Hmm, three is a national treasure."
"You have to love a city where the art comes first."
"You cannot put a price on the ability to meme."
"That's a great line that should be immortalized in the Library of Congress."
"Culture is important. Culture is our heritage of music, dramas, artists, and innovations. That is our culture."
"This one is truly a masterpiece, it deserves a spot in a museum."
"Comedy is so important... when people are losing their sense of humor."
"Maybe if we actually respect language for what it is -- literally, the greatest invention in the history of humankind -- then in the future, we can celebrate endangered languages as living languages, as opposed to museum pieces."
"Blackness can sit in a room by itself without any acknowledgement from white supremacist institutions and still be more valuable than platinum."
"The cultural currency that is New Orleans is what makes the festival dope."
"Jade rocks are considered to be worth more than gold."
"People do culture wise look at gold... gold you have to take into the bigger picture now."
"Comics are fine. Comics have never been better."
"That's crazy she should have gotten more I know because she's so iconic she was so iconic content that was lasted the test of time" - Trish
"Our goal is to preserve this not just for itself but as a symbol of the genius of mankind and Western civilization."
"You're allowed to be outrageous in this country."
"It shows that you're about more than money. You know what culture is."
"I like embracing my elders as elders in this series."
"Perhaps the essential fact about ancient Greece that plays a part in the Iliad is that the greatest value men had was that of glory."
"Well, the world needs and deserves your father's poetry."
"Video games are art worth preserving for generations."
"Luxury as we know it is basically an aesthetic."
"I adore this movie I Marvel at this thing it's one of my most treasured pieces of art that has ever existed."
"A painting belonging to an as yet unnamed family was sent to art restorer Antonella Di Francesco."
"The art of the present, the art of the now, the modern, was as worthy of people's attention as the venerated art of the past."
"I feel like some day, people will not know how unique this sound is now."
"The value of any historic structure or property diminishes historically when you move it from its original site."
"I'm a believer in that every culture has as much value as every other culture."
"Recognize the value of our cultural icons and heroes."
"Nobody really saw at the time the cultural value of horror as a means for expressing their political ideals. Once everything else was taken, I think they sort of migrated to horror because, well, that's one of the genres we haven't captured yet."
"Respect in Hawaii is so important."
"It's about whether we value it and we care about it, and it's not a commercial enterprise. It's about something beautiful and important that was created by our ancestors that we're literally going to lose."
"Compassion is a very important cultural value. It's front and center in Tibetan culture."
"There's only one of you that's ever existed, right? And there's a reason for that, there's a purpose behind it. And the purpose behind it is, our culture thrives by the diversity, the people coming into it with different angles, different perceptions, different ideas."
"Live music is incredibly important."
"There is no need to burn libraries, no need to burn books when no one wants to read them."
"Old-school will never die, you know?"
"Works of art should be in public galleries. Uncle Ray said, walking with him through the Lou, arm around 13-year-old Daniel's shoulder."
"I feel like honestly it could totally be a beautiful thing to bring back."
"You've proven that this [culture] is Evergreen."
"Senior citizens are one of our most valuable resources as far as folklore and things like that."
"The art reflects what the culture really loves the most you know I mean there was a time when sculpture was what culture loved the most and there was some amazing you look at a Bernini or you look at a Canova and you're like oh wow."
"There is no Market. Saying that we have enough artists is like saying we have enough scientists."
"What you guys are doing is so valuable for the culture."
"With all great art, there is always more to see and appreciate."
"There is still a place in the culture for novelists, plural."
"No, because in spite of all the formality and rigidness that we are subject to, I am sure the Malayan way of life has more to offer me."
"Music is an art form that should be respected."
"What's the good of this? That's like asking what's the good of the Sistine Chapel."
"I've been a fan of Saturday Night Live and I believe in it as a cultural institution."
"The idea of the museum being a repository, being an archive of art where you collect the things that you deem valuable."
"Collectors, historians, enthusiasts, people love this sword and for a pretty good reason."
"If you're from New York especially, you understand the value and the specialty that is a bacon egg and cheese, baby."
"Of all the virtues, the Chinese place most value on education."
"Cultural ecosystem services... could produce new medications or help students earn more wages in the future."
"His swadharma remains to explain Bharati civilization's value to the future of humanity."
"The world is better with more rhythm makers and musicians in it."
"The elders who are still here with us today are our national treasures."
"...there's something about that part of of England that I still treasure. I do think that's really valuable."
"Storytellers were respected throughout every generation."
"In my opinion, Tamil language and literature are among the world's most valuable treasures."
"Classical Chinese poetry...produces and maintains deep ideas through time that's why people read poems 2,000 years old still relishing them as if they were written yesterday."
"You've given us a national treasure."
"Literature is something that a particular culture has decided is worthy and should be preserved and read and studied and carried forward."
"But to the Icelanders, it's respected, it's revered, and this fish here is their life."
"We thought we had a chance to save a sliver of culture for the rest of the world."
"We have to produce a culture that is worth fighting for, that is worth asserting, or that is worth inviting people to."
"Luckily, a literary and historically minded communist man stressed the importance and artistic value of a nation's folklore."
"The most valuable intellectual treasure we have is our languages."
"Manga is still really underrated."
"Showing disrespect to the past is a terrible mistake."
"Fruit is almost treated like a delicacy here in Korea."
"There's so much for visitors to benefit from here; the value that you get over a visit here and the sights and art is fantastic."
"Without books, we don't have any record of human history, of art, of literature, no chronicle of the human endeavor."
"Fish glue is one of the eight treasures, known as the 'ocean ginseng'."
"The gift of gold in this society was a statement of the most serious intentions."
"This country is so lucky to have New Orleans."
"As the value and status of Stradivari violins continue to rise, more and more are now joining the Messiah in museums and institutions around the world, changing forever the connection between musicians and their instruments."
"It's an Age of Mythology that we value and we love and that we in many ways still try to emulate."
"The world is obsessed with youth. Why not praise and elderly older culture, not youth culture?"
"Our trip made me love the land in Bears Ears, but it was the time I spent talking to Cynthia and Woody that really made me understand the value of the area's cultural history."
"How valuable and creative this music is and what it means to us in the American society, especially from the standpoint of blacks."
"Art is worth saving, music, art, literature, these are precious things."
"There is so much good in dance, there is so much good in music, you don't have to stoop to this pop culture level to entertain your children."
"Every culture has something to offer."
"A big part of our culture is feeding people."
"The knowledge of what works well for people is what's valued in Leaver cultures."
"This is a massively undervalued part of our nation's history."
"The arts... that's culture for our country."
"The founding families have always valued the arts."
"Coral is not to be cherished in the palm of your hand; It is to be enshrined as a flower in the Shangyang Palace."
"The home is the rock foundation of society and always has been of any people."
"...Palestinian Society in general prioritizes education, it's Paramount as a kind of cultural value."
"The citizens treat food as their heaven, rice as the master of all food."
"It's called Black Gold by the indigenous through the Himalayan Mountains, and really I see it as a product whose time has come."
"Cultural currency means when you have an album that people continue to keep going back and listening to."
"We care about culture, we stand up for it, and we always will."
"If you make a Norwegian friend you take him with you forever."
"I'm not here to bash my mother because she's a black woman, and it is very important for me to make sure that I still as a black man carry the role of covering the most powerful treasure that we have on this earth."
"The world benefits so much from what used to be dismissed as kids' stuff."
"Jews have valued education over the years."
"The value of Picasso as a brand, it's like saying you inherited Elvis Presley."
"We have to believe in the value of African-American thought, black American thought, black American product, really black American life."
"Filial piety is paramount among all virtues, and filial piety is everything."
"Cantonese are underrated, and I think that we have to take some responsibility for why that is."
"These medicines can heal us, can help us to do all sorts of things, and they have immense value in human lives and human cultures."
"That's an American treasure right there."