
Fermi Paradox Quotes

There are 76 quotes

"I deeply want to believe that the answer is yes. I do find that kind of where... I find the Fermi paradox very, very puzzling."
"A lot of you are probably familiar with the Fermi Paradox, named after Italian physicist Enrico Fermi, who is famous for creating the first nuclear reactor. This paradox seeks to answer the question: Where are the aliens?"
"The Fermi Paradox is more paradoxical than ever before."
"The Great Filter... tries to answer the Fermi Paradox: Where is everybody?"
"The Fermi paradox is the apparent contradiction between the lack of evidence and high probability estimates for the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations."
"This very question is considered in the Fermi paradox...if intelligent life was so abundant in our galaxy, they should have knocked on humanity's doors long ago."
"The Fermi Paradox is basically this idea seeking out to explain why, with all the noise and signals we've been sending out, why haven't we been contacted by something in the galaxy."
"One of the fascinating aspects I find of the Fermi paradox is that it is so productive, it brings in so many different aspects of science."
"The Fermi Paradox is fundamentally a response to our deepening understanding of the antiquity of our world and the evolutionary path of life on it."
"The Fermi Paradox, contrasted with the potential for humanity to achieve interstellar travel, underscores the mystery of why we have not yet encountered signs of extraterrestrial civilizations."
"Many solutions for explaining it have been offered, but the focus of this series is just that there is no paradox because we’re simply massively overestimating how likely life is to arise, grow to complexity and diversity, get smart, get technology, then grow to be a galaxy spanning civilization we could easily spot."
"The Fermi Paradox suggests that if intelligent life is common in the universe, why haven't we detected any evidence of it?"
"We can't be the only ones sitting on computers of some kind wondering the same thing, sending out signals. But it's so quiet. The Fermi Paradox attempts to explain this, and to date, no one has been able to solve it."
"The simulation hypothesis solves the Fermi paradox and shows that intelligent civilizations are able to avoid self-destruction."
"To shake off the feeling of despair and loneliness, we need to crack the mysteries of the great silence and the Fermi Paradox with a new approach."
"Extinction only works as a Fermi Paradox solution if it is both going to end with nothing left with colonial or growth tendencies, and is virtually inevitable."
"You only need that one civilization that can expand and likes to do so to swarm the whole galaxy over, or many galaxies."
"The tension between the apparent abundance of potential places for life and the fleet absence of any evidence that anything like us has ever come before is termed the Fermi paradox."
"The universe seems empty, devoid of others, known as the Fermi Paradox."
"The solution to the fermi paradox is that we just got lucky with our planet."
"So a common answer to the Fermi Paradox is that advanced civilization arise a lot but tend to collapse."
"In short, in a galaxy of hundreds of billions of stars, each of which having billions of years to spawn life and civilization, isn't it odd that none have made themselves apparent to us?"
"The Fermi paradox has become only more paradoxical."
"Maybe the Fermi Paradox was never a paradox at all."
"There is no Fermi paradox because we are utterly, utterly alone."
"Where are all the aliens? It's a paradox, a Fermi paradox. In fact, if there's so much space out there, so many planets..."
"The truth about the Fermi Paradox has already been figured out. It just hasn't been equally distributed yet."
"It's vastly less plausible than self-destruction as an explanation for the Fermi Paradox."
"Favorite solution to the Fermi paradox: We're in a zoo."
"Where the heck is everybody? The Fermi Paradox."
"I firmly believe in a very scary thing known as the Fermi paradox."
"The answer to the fermi paradox: civilizations either collapse from burnout or redirect themselves to prioritizing homostasis."
"The Fermi Paradox: If there's a high likelihood of advanced extraterrestrial civilizations in our vast Universe, why haven't we detected or encountered any yet?"
"Regardless of what one may think as far as solutions to the Fermi Paradox and just how common life is in the universe, one thing is clear: We exist. That we do."
"The Fermi Paradox arises from the fact that there have been no signals yet in a galaxy packed with worlds: why isn't Earth crawling with alien visitors?"
"Is it something we should be looking for? It's called the Fermi paradox."
"The Fermi Paradox is very simple: there are billions of stable stars in our universe..."
"I often talk about solutions to the Fermi Paradox on this channel and how we might detect alien civilizations."
"...the reason that the Fermi Paradox isn't a paradox is I don't think people end up exploring space, I think they explore virtual worlds which will be far more interesting."
"The fact that we still have no evidence of intelligent alien life despite the high probability that such life exists, is called the Fermi paradox."
"That will wrap us up for today but we’re just getting started with November and next week is our 3-hour special, The Fermi Paradox Compendium of Solutions & Terms."
"Quiet aliens are, by definition, the only kind we currently observe, since they preserve the Fermi Paradox, and Loud Aliens are what we are looking for with SETI."
"The Fermi Paradox: there's 400 billion stars in the galaxy, trillions of galaxies in the Universe, why not? Nobody with us?"
"Do we live in a galaxy full of immortal aliens, and the solution to the Fermi paradox simply that humans are impatient?"
"Where is everyone? If there are loads and loads of stars out there in loads and loads of different galaxies, and if there's life on at least one planet, then how come there isn't life on loads of planets and how come we have heard nothing from anyone as yet?"
"This is something that is known as the Fermi Paradox."
"The Fermi Paradox establishes that it's much harder for life to exist than we originally thought."
"The Fermi paradox... where is everybody? The amount of time it would take for an advanced society to colonize every star system in the galaxy is very short compared to the age of the galaxy."
"The Paradox of not detecting any advanced extraterrestrial intelligence anywhere out there."
"The Fermi Paradox is the big question about why the Universe appears to contain billions and billions of planets, yet seems to be absent any huge and ancient galactic empires."
"I want to know the truth of the Fermi Paradox."
"Eternal inflation may solve the Fermi Paradox."
"By detecting a certain signature from one of the stars or one of the planets somewhere out there, it would maybe help us answer the famous Fermi Paradox: Where is everybody?"
"It's that time again, it's time to talk about Fermi Paradox."
"The existence of alien life could be explained by the Fermi Paradox."
"The so-called Fermi Paradox is based on the assumption that a lot of planets exist, and that the Earth is not so special."
"By studying Mars... we can actually start to constrain the Fermi paradox scientifically."
"It's wonderful to think about the Fermi paradox and that we might be one of the first generations to actually know something concrete about the answer to this fundamental question."
"The Fermi Paradox highlights the contradiction between the high probability of extraterrestrial civilizations in the universe and the complete lack of evidence for, or contact with, such civilizations."