
Fullness Quotes

There are 363 quotes

"Emptiness is not nothingness; it's actually emptiness is fullness. Empty of self means full of other."
"The Holy Spirit dwells in you in fullness, nothing lacking."
"We will not settle for anything less than the fullness of Jesus, the fullness of His Spirit, the fullness of all that God has for me."
"Getting in touch with and figuring out what are my cues, what does my body do when it's starting to get full."
"I want your joy to be full, I want your joy to be full, I want your joy to be full."
"The more branches you have, the fuller this tree is going to look."
"It's happening. It is so full, so present with us right now."
"It's packed in there, absolutely, it reaches the top."
"Your life is going to become more full, either physically or metaphorically."
"Satiety was huge. You are full, you don't think about food."
"It is literally full, look at the little sheep on the glasses here, so cool."
"Just keep it simple, it's also where a lot of your fullness in your beard comes from."
"For this reason I bow my knees before the Father... that you may be filled with all the fullness of God."
"It's time to rise up and walk in the fullness of his spirit. Amen."
"You can eat three of them, you're not full."
"This is just totally full of stuff."
"I love looking at pizzas like this. Like, when I see them so full, it just makes me so happy."
"The key selling point here is that it's full and, of course, it's vintage."
"Be full and total in what it is that you do."
"They're just so full, they're just packed to the room."
"To be empty of self again is different. It's empty itself, but it's incredibly full of life, it's full of energy, it's full of reality."
"I feel pretty full though from dinner so that's good."
"I believe a fullness of the doctrine of Christ."
"Anyway, guys, I'm full, so nothing around here is tempting."
"This was fire, that was great breakfast. I feel good, man. Full, yeah, full. That's nice."
"That was so fire, that was great breakfast. I feel good, man. Full, yeah, full. That's nice."
"I promise I'm not pressuring you. Are you full at least? That's all that matters. Amen."
"Life taught me how full it could be."
"I've been recording non-stop for the last like seven or so hours and I just wolf down a load of chili, so I'm literally full of beans."
"The love of God produces the fullness of God."
"Our basket is literally full to the top."
"I'm like so full which is honestly I like to feel full after a meal."
"In the beginning there is the fullness of life."
"The fact that every single seat here is going to be full."
"So I guess the thing that surprised me the most about this flight is just how full it is, honestly."
"We are stuffed to the max. I don't think I could have one more bite of anything."
"Eat when you're hungry, you stop when you're full."
"I'm absolutely stuffed from dinner."
"This was really yummy I am way too full of Korean corn dogs now."
"Everything is inherently empty and full."
"It's packed to the brim with content."
"I'm really full. That was like a brunch, basically. It's already, we're going to go back deeper into the market and see what else we can find. Thank you, thank you, thank you all."
"...hunger is a scream, fullness is a whisper."
"Salvation is His choice in all its fullness."
"The fullness of His attributes are going to be put on display."
"I'm hot and I'm full, I'm very full."
"A journey is indicated, your life will become more full."
"My heart is so full for the love of these characters."
"To say I'm stuffed is an understatement."
"We are going to be full today, people. Full, I tell you."
"It's chock-a-block full of classics."
"Thinking about empty and full is cool."
"I'm so full, I literally have a food baby."
"We ran as fast as our full bellies could take us."
"In our attempt to be full, we become empty."
"Spiritual fullness is discovered on the path of obedience."
"There is a message in that about the God who loves to fill what is empty and the God who loves to empty what is full. One is the nets; the other is the tomb."
"Life has been very full in the best possible ways."
"The fullness of life is not what others have that you do not, it's the love we all share and the happiness that can be derived from it."
"That cooler is Chuck full of food."
"...the combination of outright clarity mixed with smoothness and some fullness of sound..."
"couldn't manage a pudding because we're both very very full"
"Life is only this moment, and the totality of life and the fullness of life is arriving here and now in each and every moment."
"The more of them, the fuller it looks."
"In order to receive the fullness of the priesthood, we must have a temple."
"You will find Jesus in all His fullness in the Catholic Church."
"Look how full this is. You do not know how good that makes me feel."
"We are seeing God restoring the fullness of the gospel."
"When you're feeling full, you cannot then be craving something else."
"I breathe in the fullness and richness of life."
"Jesus said that I came that you might have life and have it to the full. And when it comes to situations like this, that comes through forgiveness."
"I'm living life to the fullness, and I think that we should be more interested in quality of life than longevity."
"Jesus is the Incarnation of the Triune God, the fullness of God dwell in bodily form in the person of Jesus."
"If you are united to Jesus Christ, you have all fullness in Jesus Christ."
"And we have this nice focal point at the end of this garden. Very, very full this year."
"He liked to live his life to the full."
"This was such a wonderful, very full birthday."
"And to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled with all the fullness of God."
"Can we find a way to love each other at full capacity now instead of waiting for when we're like perfected in the next life?"
"The Holy Spirit is the fullness of the father and the hands and feet of Jesus doing the inner work."
"This heart mind or openhearted awareness has that fullness or wholeness."
"I am going to live my life to the fullest."
"Unbelievably delicious and I am uncomfortably full."
"The earth is the Lord's, the fullness thereof, the world, and they that dwell therein."
"Emptiness is the plenum void, the full void which ceaselessly shows its rich potential."
"God has a determined time, not just a day, a determined time when that fullness comes."
"Healing work is not about getting rid of something; it's about showing up in your fullness to stay grounded in the integrity of what you know is possible."
"Essentially layering is stacking and placing audio clips on top of each other so when played back the audio sounds fuller and more complete."
"The fullness of the Holy Spirit is a daily experience."
"Christ's Church is catholic in the sense that it possesses the entire fullness of the truth and the grace to illuminate and redeem the world."
"We're looking at not just a hashed brown, not just a fried egg, we're looking at the full breakfast."
"Feel your fullness; tune into our bodily signals that let us know that we are full and no longer hungry."
"It is when we surrender to that emptiness, it is essentially fullness and oneness."
"If we would glory, we must glory in this. That we receive from the fullness of the Lord Jesus Christ."
"You can't be filled with the fullness of God without the love of God."
"Get full of the word, get full of the Holy Spirit, and when you do that in itself, fullness is a protection."
"We can walk in the fullness of our inheritance that was provided through the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus."
"Jesus didn't come that we might have meetings and have them more abundantly; He came that we could have life in all of its fullness."
"In him dwells all the fullness of God himself in flesh."
"God always loves us in the way He loves Jesus because He only loves in fullness."
"The wedding hall was filled with dinner guests."
"For in Him the whole fullness of deity dwells bodily, and you have been filled in Him, who is the head of all rule and authority."
"For it was the Father's good pleasure for all the fullness to dwell in Him."
"Satiety is the physical feeling of being full and satisfied."
"That Jesus Christ is Lord in all the fullness of what that word 'Jesus' means and what that word 'Lord' means."
"It is as ridiculous to yearn for return to that original fullness as it is to believe that with this complete emptiness, history has come to a standstill."
"Lord, drench us with your spirit, fill us with your spirit, that even if our bodies and minds cannot grasp your presence, our spirits may be so full of you."
"It pleased the Father that in Him all the fullness should dwell, and by Him to reconcile all things to Himself."
"I came that you might have life and have it in all its fullness."
"We are gathered here this day, Oh God, because we are all empty and you are the God of all fullness."
"It really feels like a full experience, something very immersive."
"After you've had enough, you start to feel full in your stomach; it's a good feeling of satisfaction."
"It was amazing, we had a full day, everyone is so kind."
"Life is a serious opportunity to live fully and nothing less."
"Everything we had today was so good, I'm so full right now."
"The beauty of Christianity is that we are called to function in his fullness."
"The amount of bulk in your food is the single most important determinant of how satisfied you feel after a meal."
"The seven spirits of God are one spirit, the number seven is the number of fullness, completion, it's the number of all God can reveal and give to you."
"But look at this full wreath for that amount of money."
"We don't need to give people some surfeited, some minimalist, some truncated understanding of the gospel; they need to be given the full glory of the gospel."
"The Holy Spirit's fullness and the way of the cross go together."
"I refuse to settle for a lesser form of Christianity; my fullness is coming."
"We are stuffed, I cannot move, that was delicious."
"Eating a low energy dense first course enhances satiety and reduces meal energy intake."
"It's finally healthy and thick throughout all of my head and I'm finally content with my hair 100%."
"To know the love of Christ is to be filled with all the fullness of God."
"We are the fullness of life, the greatness of life."
"Lips are visibly smooth and appear fuller."
"You want to make sure that the top leaves are in between the bottom leaves so it'll look fuller."
"Awareness is empty only in this sense that it's empty of objects; it's full to the brim with love and presence and intelligence."
"It's weird how full this plant looks for such a small compact plant."
"It's possible for us to be filled with all the fullness of God."
"I'm praying that you'd be filled with the fullness of God."
"The Holy Spirit does not come in portions, and he does not come in less potent forms."
"Until knowing the love of Christ which is beyond all knowledge, you are filled with the utter fullness of God."
"A silence that is full of life itself."
"We are because God is. All things are full of God and all take their abode from that fullness."
"We have such a full, blessed life."
"The emptiness of the cross is the place where we find the fullness of God."
"Now everything looks nice and full."
"Jesus is the image of the invisible God, and in him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell."
"Taylor had a zest for life and always did things to the fullest."
"I am so full, and my dinner is huge, so I'm excited."
"The wall looks full, it's insane, I can't believe it."
"If you care for somebody, you're going to want them to experience the fullness of life."
"All that fullness is in Him, and therefore what God has done is to make Him, the Lord Jesus Christ, unto us everything that we need."
"It's a two-pronged approach: you're reducing overall intake because your feelings of fullness are higher, and your feelings of hunger are lower."
"The glass is always full, even if there's only 50% liquid in there, there's oxygen in there."
"Nothing can stop us from entering into the total fullness of what God has prepared for His people."
"50% air, 50% water, technically the glass is completely full."
"The fullness of the deity or all the fullness of the godhead lives in bodily form."
"When I eat a meal, I am satisfied. I have a feeling of fullness and I'm very happy."
"Everything was amazing, I'm decently full, I'm grateful, I'm satisfied."
"I am full, I am incredibly full, but in a very, very good and happy way."
"It's definitely warming up the sound, filling out the body, making it just feel a lot more full."
"I just really love when my hair looks nice and full, voluminous, and still defined."
"The glass is full and now my glasses run."
"Ah, I'm so full. This is a good meal."
"Emptiness is always full; it's full of its own radiance."
"I want us to be full of the Holy Ghost."
"In Him, all the fullness of deity dwells in bodily form and in Him you have been made complete."
"Emptiness is always full, and it's full of the radiance of the ground."
"God loves you, He fully loves you."
"They make the universe feel more full."
"Expect to live in the fullness of everything I have for you every day of this year."
"Jesus walked in the fullness of the spirit."
"He always loves in fullness because he is love."
"The fullness of God is connected to growing in the love of God."
"Seeing the cup look full, seeing the blessings in this cup, and learning how to connect back to that Essence."
"In Him is dwelling all the fullness of deity in bodily form."
"The fullness of that which makes God God is dwelling right now in the resurrected Jesus Christ in bodily form."
"Space may look empty because it is black, but don't let the darkness fool you; space is anything but empty."
"If you use full range of motion all the time, you will have full bulging muscles."
"In His perfect unity, there is a fullness that is absolutely exhaustless."
"Discover the satisfaction factor. Your body will tell you when you've eaten enough real human food and it's time to stop."
"My heart is full of love for you."
"God wants to bring you to his fullness in your life not only to bless you, but so that you could be a testimony, a signpost, to other people about what God could do for them."
"It's the softened heart that receives the greater portion of the word until they knows God in His fullness."
"Caffeine strengthens the hair, resulting in thicker, fuller hair."
"You are filled with all the fullness of God when you know the love."
"It really fills everything out and makes our bouquet feel really full."
"It is very, very full and very, very much loved now."
"For in him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell, and through him to reconcile to himself all things."
"For in Christ dwells all the fullness."
"Breathe a full body breathe from your toes to the crown of your head."
"Just moving at a slow enough pace so your breath has time to fill up completely and empty fully."
"When you are full, beware that you don't forget God."
"It absolutely just fills up the cabin with a much fuller sound, lower end, the thump you can feel."
"I would devote my life to living as fully and deeply and beautifully as I possibly can."
"Make peace with fullness; it takes about 20 minutes for your body to cue your brain that you're full."
"Life is so precious; we only live once, we don't have another life, so we have to take life very seriously and just live to the fullest, creating memories."
"To each their own, and I don't care. Whatever you want to do, you do it to the fullest."
"I like it to be as full and as elegant as possible."
"All the way my Savior leads me, O the fullness of His love!"
"For in Him, dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily."
"What you want to do is try to make your beats sound as full as possible with the least amount of sounds."
"Most of us have no idea how vast we can be, just how tremendously full we can become with the feeling that is the fullness of life."
"Satiety is how long the feeling of fullness lasts after the meal."
"In holiness is the fullness of God."
"It is Jesus who attracts people, Jesus in his fullness."