
AI Tools Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"Most videos, maybe most of them, will use AI tools in the production."
"AI tools are only as strong as the person behind them."
"Software engineers using GitHub copilot are twice as productive as those not using AI."
"Let me show you guys how I generated 80 AI website templates in under one hour."
"I was actually very surprised, maybe we could use this for future projects."
"When you build a chat bot with Dialogue Flow, you can automatically integrate it with a bunch of different platforms like Facebook Messenger, Slack, and you can now even connect it directly to a phone line."
"Using this method with Chat GPT and Mid-Journey, you have essentially infinite creativity."
"Apple has restricted the use of Chat GPT and other external AI tools for its employees."
"If you want to learn about all the cool AI tools that are popping up on a daily basis, make sure you check out futuretools.io."
"Creative Agents can supercharge your design and production teams, working across images, slides, and other modalities."
"I feel like all these AI tools generally think it's like a net positive."
"Notebook LM is different from other AI tools because you can train it on a specific set of documents you know and trust."
"Knowing how to interact with this new wave of AI tools is also going to become a skill that is going to boost our code and productivity."
"Annotating massive quantities of data with AI tools for better or for worse."
"But this experiment still blew my mind because it showed me just how many insane AI tools are out there that are completely free."
"Google Vids: an AI-powered video creation app for work."
"The AI community has been building better tools that lets us aggregate these use cases and make it easy for the end user to do the customization."
"So if you want to master Chat GPT or Mid Journey or any of these top AI tools, especially if you're doing this to be more productive with work and business."
"Chat GPT and Claud are perfect for coming up with niches, coming up with ideas for videos, scripting the videos, helping you think of titles, and even thumbnail ideas."
"This is the first time in history that we've had powerful general-purpose AI tools available to everybody."
"It's a genius idea: recording lectures, transcribing them, and turning them into nice notes and slides using AI power tools."
"These AI tools like Dolly and chat GPT are insane."
"These AI tools cover just about everything that you're going to need moving into 2024."
"All these AI tools have a practical use to them."
"How do we create high-quality content faster using AI tools but also pass AI content detection?"
"Learning these AI tools will make you much more productive."
"2023 is a beautiful time to be alive because today these AI tools can help you do all of those things."
"Use AI tools to create YouTube shorts and micro content from longer form videos."
"You can start using AI Tools in your Niche and become 3x 4X 5x more productive."
"Consider exploring niche markets like adult content with AI tools."
"I'm convinced that these AI tools will be pretty much ubiquitous."
"Companies may be banning or having limits around the usage of AI tools right now but what I know will happen or what I see will happen in the near future is they will come out with their own version of tools for this AI or for these AI tools that these employees can use."
"You can use these AI tools and get really amazing results, but you have to know what you're doing."
"If you want to know about even more cool tools in the AI space, make sure you head over to futuretools.io."
"Ranking on Google is getting tougher, but there's ways to do it that are new and updated using AI tools, using software, using structure, using formatting."
"With Magic Edit, anyone can make complex photo edits without needing prior experience or advanced editing software."
"Dialogflow CX... is a very powerful tool for being able to answer customer questions and help get people to the solutions they need."
"It's such a game changer from tools like Dolly and Mid Journey."
"Freelance copywriting is still a good thing that you can use with Chat GPT, and it'll speed up your content production."
"Using a suite of powerful new AI tools can create text, voice, or graphics with a simple prompt."
"My advice is to not be afraid of AI but instead jump in with both feet excited, learn, grow in these tools and start leveraging them in your creative work."
"Wix announced you could create an entire website and deploy it with just a couple of chat Bots."
"Creators can come to W without any programming knowledge and use AI to create each software that they want to sell."
"I've been on the lookout for completely free AI tools that won't cost you a single dollar."
"Chat GPT is a very valuable tool for us as programmers and traders."
"It can even mimic your voice... so you can basically make it say whatever you want without you actually having to say it."
"That is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to AI tools."
"You now know five free AI SEO tools that you can use to rank your website."
"Having these AI tools at your fingertips massively increases the amount of leverage you're able to provide as a senior engineer."
"What is this navigation? Well, this navigation is first of all, you can locate it here under window, and then AI, and then navigation."
"There is a sense in which I agree, which is we shouldn't believe that with either RL or supervised learning we basically have all the tools we need, and then it's just a matter of finding new architectures to make progress towards AI."