
Nuclear Fusion Quotes

There are 167 quotes

"Nuclear fusion, I think, is also like quite amazing and I hope as a world, we can re-embrace that."
"Fusion research is completely justified; we should be spending more time and effort on it than we currently do."
"One of the real holy grails would be nuclear fusion because you can get a thousand times more energy out of it than a similar nuclear fission reactor."
"This amount of nuclear fusion fuel would give you the same amount of energy as an entire train's worth of coal."
"Fusion is considered the Holy Grail of energy."
"The emergence of fusion technology holds the potential to transform our current world."
"Fusion technology can potentially revolutionize the energy industry."
"Stellarators, nuclear fusion could be propelled forward."
"Nuclear fusion could be a viable pathway to becoming a type one civilization."
"Helium-3 is a particularly promising fuel source for nuclear fusion."
"Nuclear fusion has got none of those flaws. The fuel is cheap and abundant. You can do it anywhere, anytime."
"We've literally just made a small sun, that is cool, that is very, very, very cool."
"The energy from the Sun, both light and heat, originates from nuclear fusion. So, this is what we're teaching in science classes."
"Nuclear fusion is the fundamental energy source of the universe."
"All of the stars throughout the cosmos have fusion happening at their heart."
"Energy density: fusion requires about 10 million times less fuel to produce the same energy."
"We want to take those protons and push them together to make them combine and release energy."
"We could have had nuclear fusion by now if we hadn't stopped investing."
"Generating reliable nuclear fusion could ultimately save Earth and all forms of life by eliminating our dependence on the sun."
"Nuclear fusion may be our best shot at creating a limitless and environmentally friendly energy Supply."
"It will definitely serve as a very important first step in achieving an actual nuclear fusion that we can use for clean energy."
"Fusion is the only reaction that can take us to the stars thank you for listening."
"Star builders are interested in fusion on earth because right now today we're in an energy crisis and fusion promises to be a new and clean energy source."
"Fusion is the perfect way to make energy. It's clean, it's safe, it doesn't produce CO2. It is definitely the energy source of the future."
"People joke about fusion being a long way away. It really depends on us and how badly we want this."
"Fusion is the only reaction that can take us to the stars."
"What is nuclear fusion? How can just one glass of anything contain as much energy as 10 million pounds of coal?"
"In fusion, you need to get more energy out than you put in."
"Helium-3 is attractive in this regard because it's considered our best option for aneutronic fusion."
"In the decades to come, nuclear fusion could not only change everything about the way the world fights Wars but it could literally change the way Humanity approaches the concept of conflict itself."
"Nuclear fusion is the same process that powers our sun and every other star in the universe."
"Stars shine through the process of nuclear fusion."
"China's artificial sun ran for 20 minutes at a whopping 70 million degrees."
"International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor: A potential game-changer in clean energy."
"Nuclear fusion is harnessing the power of the sun. Wouldn't that be amazing?"
"I burst into tears and I was jumping up and down in the waiting area."
"The stars acted like giant thermonuclear reactors creating new elements."
"Jet is the biggest fusion facility in the world."
"Focus Fusion is the name we're using for nuclear fusion with a device called the dense plasma focus using hydrogen boron fuel."
"Helium-3 has the potential to revolutionize our energy needs by fueling Advanced nuclear fusion reactors."
"It's certainly been true that we've been promised nuclear fusion as a power source for a long time and it hasn't come true."
"Nuclear fusion turns hydrogen into helium at the core of the Sun."
"Each step of this fusion reactions gives off less and less and less energy as it goes until you get to iron, and then it takes energy in order to fuse it because that's what the curve means."
"When we look up at night and view the Stars, everything we see is shining because of distant nuclear fusion."
"The Sun shines because of nuclear fusion reactions."
"China has created an artificial sun and in 2022 it broke the record for the longest sustained nuclear fusion ever."
"If nuclear fion has the best cost physics of any energy source but is currently the most expensive to build, there's clearly room for improvement."
"The only thing that's going to solve all of this is, from my point of view, is nuclear fusion."
"At one moment, the pressure at the core became so great that hydrogen atoms started to mix and form helium."
"The triple alpha process is the fusion of helium nuclei into carbon and then into oxygen."
"At the core of these nuclear pressure cookers, temperatures and pressures are so high that they provide the perfect conditions for nuclear fusion."
"Nuclear fusion is when we join light things together to make heavier elements."
"...nuclear fusion mimics the process that powers the sun, merging atomic nuclei to produce vast amounts of electricity."
"When they crash into each other, they explode and release energy."
"The Sun is a nuclear fusion reactor, a controlled one fortunately for us, and this is the source of its energy."
"Hydrogen turns into helium; that missing mass gives you energy by Einstein's famous E=mc²."
"That's why when you take those two neutrons to protons and smash them together to make helium, you get energy out as nuclear fusion."
"Think of me as an evangelist of fusion; I'm here to increase your faith in fusion."
"Converting hydrogen to helium is how fusion exists."
"When you slam these nuclei together, you make heavier nuclei that are missing some mass, and the mass has become energy."
"The pressure pushing out is the fusion actually propping up the sun in its size."
"The mini nuclear fusion reactor was an innovation unseen in previous Mjolnir versions."
"The sun isn't burning... it's a process called nuclear fusion."
"These very high temperatures and very high pressures eventually lead to nuclear fusion."
"The sun is basically a stable hydrogen bomb."
"There is not only a trace but a significant graphic account of the first self-sustaining nuclear fusion reaction ever achieved on earth."
"The sun releases energy through nuclear fusion reactions."
"We have joined the community of planets that have learned that the major source of energy in the universe is nuclear fusion."
"Nuclear fusion would be safe, it would be clean, there would be no waste problem, and we have an almost infinite amount of the element deuterium which comes from seawater that we would use for nuclear fusion."
"Nuclear fusion has been a pipe dream for decades, always 20 years away."
"Fusion in essence isn't terribly complicated; we can make new elements by combining smaller elements and in the process release a lot of energy."
"The first small-scaled nuclear fusion-powered spacecraft begins testing, producing energy without nuclear waste."
"Mass is converted into pure energy! This is nuclear fusion in a nutshell."
"A star... becomes stable when the nuclear fusion reaction emits an outward force of heat."
"A literal wave of nuclear fusion contributes only a tiny fraction of the entire energy released from a supernova."
"The hydrogen nuclei come together, we call that nuclear fusion because they're fusing."
"Ultimately though, fusion can release a lot more energy as the binding energy difference for lighter nuclei is far greater."
"Fusion occurs when two light nuclei combine to produce one heavy nucleus."
"If nuclear fusion can be effectively harnessed, the world's energy crisis would end."
"Africans understood the nuclear bomb; they understood the power of nuclear fission but also had a great respect for nuclear fusion."
"Stars are inconceivably hot, so hot they sustain thermonuclear reactions that transform hydrogen into heavier elements."
"The Sun fuses hydrogen atoms into helium under extreme pressures and temperatures, a reaction that releases immense amounts of energy."
"The Sun is a massive ball of hydrogen going through a process of nuclear fusion to turn it into helium, emitting a massive amount of energy."
"The nuclear fusion is really what holds the star up against the pull of gravity."
"Nuclear fusion is often referred to as the Holy Grail of clean energy."
"Fusion is when the atom splits and in that process, it creates a lot of energy."
"Baron mode is comprised of a process called nuclear fusion, the process of energy that quite literally powers the likes of stars."
"Once the temperature reaches a whopping 10 million kelvin, hydrogen nuclei are going to fuse into helium."
"Fusion is everything, they can still mess it up, but I think it'll be a lot easier for them to not."
"They've mastered nuclear fusion which is a lot cleaner than the fission technology we use in our timeline."
"For Fusion to occur, you need three basic things: confinement time, a lot of temperature, and pressure."
"Nuclear fusion is where you take two small nuclei and jam them together, and it releases energy."
"When fusion starts, the star comes to life, and we call it a main-sequence star."
"We've got this nuclear fusion reactor about 93 million miles away."
"This is China's artificial sun, a one trillion dollar project where they were testing nuclear fusion capabilities and were able to burn plasma up to five times stronger than the sun's heat."
"So their artificial sun, the purpose is it would be a clean source of energy. So if they're able to master nuclear fusion, they would be able to generate electricity without any greenhouse gas emissions."
"They were able to burn that plasma up to 267 million degrees Fahrenheit, which is five times stronger than the sun's core."
"A fusion reaction is where two small nuclei combine to form a larger nucleus."
"Nuclear fusion occurs when two nuclei of deuterium combine; an isotope of helium and a neutron are formed after the fusion."
"We are not against the continued research into nuclear fusion; we just want to ensure that it is done in controlled and safe conditions."
"Hydrogen is fusing into helium at a temperature of millions of degrees."
"First net energy production through nuclear fusion."
"Fusion is when we have two light nuclei colliding and fusing together to make one nucleus."
"We are all the products of nuclear fusion in stars and stellar explosions."
"Our Sun... produces energy in a nuclear fusion reactor at its core."
"Fusion could find economic applications beyond power generation."
"The sun is a star, and at the core, the pressure and temperature bring together hydrogens, convert them into heliums with a loss of mass, which turns into energy."
"It's because of the discovery of fusion that just took place here in the United States."
"Every cycle a fuel pellet must undergo fusion to achieve the required gain, overcoming any instabilities."
"The energy we receive from the sun is from nuclear fusion; the sun is made up mainly of hydrogen and helium."
"Nuclear fusion is the joining together of lighter nuclei to form a heavy nucleus and the production of an enormous amount of energy."
"If Jupiter had become 80 times more massive, nuclear fusion would have occurred in its core."
"Fusion is when you take two small nuclei and fuse them together under enormous temperatures and pressures to make big nuclei."
"Our sun... works more like a gigantic nuclear reactor, constantly fusing hydrogen atoms to create helium inside its core."
"Fusion would be light nuclei that slammed together to become a helium nucleus."
"There is no reactor that has been made in the world that can generate this much amount of energy which is the order of 25 or 26 mega electron volts."
"Fusion by simply using hydrogen... would give you helium plus energy, and that energy could be used to boil water, produce steam, drive a turbine, drive a generator, produce electricity."
"Some of you watching this video might indeed go into working on this work, and you may well be the one who leads to the breakthrough that leads to successful nuclear fusion reactors."
"Quantum Computing and nuclear fusion are probably the biggest predictable saltatory leaps out there."
"The fact the universe was so hot at the first few minutes meant that the nuclei which were there... would be combined together and they would fuse together if you have high enough temperatures."
"Fly to different planets, okay, we can do incredible things, we recently cracked nuclear fusion."