
Emptiness Quotes

There are 1223 quotes

"The emptiness of emptiness... how delightful that is to an Advaitan's ear."
"Emptiness is not nothingness; it's actually emptiness is fullness. Empty of self means full of other."
"This building is completely empty right now, so it's just us and nothing and no one else."
"We must empty ourselves in order to be filled."
"Imagine trying to feel whole, to feel full, but no matter how much you filled yourself up, it was like shoveling dirt into a bottomless pit."
"Money doesn't buy you happiness; money is buying you emptiness."
"A wise person should really always engage in the discourse on emptiness and contemplation on emptiness."
"Universal compassion, bodhichitta, and emptiness are three main elements of practice."
"If there's a hole the size of God in your heart, and God does not fill it, something else will instead."
"The union of clarity and emptiness; clarity refers to the clear light and emptiness to the emptiness quality."
"The very beautiful, empty atmosphere, the haunting spectacle of it all."
"Your emptiness is so deep because you have so much to give."
"Your words are as empty as your soul." - Dracula
"That guy clearly just has no soul right like it's just like there's nothing there's nothing there in him you know he's just he's he's a vessel for just like for for fame and money and and nothing will ever fill that hole inside of him."
"With all the levers turned off just like this, we have nothing right here."
"I've never seen a character embody sheer emptiness on screen better than Kendall in this one season."
"Silence fills the empty grave now that I have gone."
"Clarity: emptiness is form, form is emptiness."
"Maybe feeling like an empty room is what inspires you to fill it."
"The reward is hollow and shallow if you don't have anyone there to celebrate it with."
"Your emptiness and his holiness want to have a confrontation."
"If you keep living like that hollow place doesn't exist, then I can't show you how I take hollow and turn it into hallow."
"Before we can be filled, we gotta purge what we allowed to fill up that empty place in the first place."
"There's nothing in there and there's nothing in there and there's nothing in there and there's nothing in there."
"The love of my life died. I don't think you understand, do you? Understand what you have when you have everything but you have no one. It's like multiplying by zero, you have nothing."
"The textures, colors, shadows, and lines speak of a life once lived within the confines, and the absence is as empty as it is filled." - Mike Corral
"How do you fill that empty feeling that you have inside? Shop. Sex. Drugs. Gossip."
"The only reason for living at that stage had been to facilitate the growth of their children and the task had left them with nothing."
"I was tested negative for the virus, allowed to leave home, the city is completely empty."
"This room is like so empty like this is the one room we have not put any effort into since moving."
"Emptiness means transience; nothing permanent to hold on to."
"You can only achieve fulfillment when you achieve emptiness."
"There's a lot of empty pool here, I don't know if that will be the case when you stay here but we can dream."
"Girl, please, there's nothing in here. A little bit of when I just died, even though it's warm."
"The lie is going to become more evident as people realize how completely empty their lives are."
"If you're in this for yourself, you're going to end up being empty."
"It's just emptiness, and it's just the opposite of feeling lost or like your mind knew, you feel very calm."
"It is really evident how much of the world we just leave empty."
"The emptiness, it's not dead, it's filled with love."
"Facts though. All they talk about is smash and dash and hypergamy bs but not actually how to have an actual life. Most of these dudes are empty inside and they try to cover it up by laughing at women."
"The melody was sad but it was his, and so she loved it, and it was certainly better than emptiness."
"Guys, please! Somebody, anyone! This place is empty!"
"False light points back to the self, to material Works, to empty promises."
"An aesthetic life without meaning is still empty."
"The more empty you become, the more you will allow in."
"It's so empty here... it's always been that way."
"Sampson shows us how he got to heaven empty-handed."
"They suffered loss and they got to heaven empty-handed."
"With a dimension as empty and barren as the end, there's so much potential."
"In emptiness, there is no form, no perception, no conception, no volition, no consciousness, no eye, ear, nose, tongue, body, or mind."
"I didn't expect to feel so empty, no joy of Victory."
"It doesn't matter how much money you have, how much wealth you have, how much influence you have if you don't have God, you will be empty."
"It's a blank slate with no real character of its own, and here, that deep sense of emptiness is exactly what the song needs."
"There's an emptiness and an apathy and a numbness in this world and god is coming to quicken our spirits and to make us come alive."
"The entire house was empty. The entire place was coated with layers upon layers of dust."
"Is there anything sadder than the guy who flexes when he has nothing?"
"You have to have the thing where like, 'I have to do this. If I don't do this, I just feel hollow and I just feel [expletive].'"
"The emptiness was the greatest asset that she had."
"You are at that point or reaching that point of feeling nothing, feeling at that zero point as we often say, feeling as though you've lost so much and so much has been cleared away and deconstructed."
"Fascism fills the emptiness and blandness of liberal democracy with reactionary ideology."
"The Republican Party stands for nothing." - Faron Cousins
"What we perceived through the senses is empty space is actually the plenum." - David Bohm
"Walking through this empty house, I've just remembered..."
"If I speak with the tongues of men and angels but have not love... I'm just a resounding gong."
"Our graveyard is empty, which kind of makes me feel bad."
"They are Wells without water, clouds carried by The Tempest."
"I don't think I've ever seen it this dead. It's literally a ghost town."
"You feel broken again and want nothing more than to have that emptiness filled once again."
"I saw people I didn't see Gloom, but I saw earthquake really nothing, and then nobody. Nobody thought."
"Becoming no thing, no identity, by becoming empty."
"Now, this part is just one big shell, a husk."
"Space is so much emptier than we realize."
"My arms, my heart, my life all felt so painfully empty."
"The core is going to be the same: the numbness, the sense of emptiness, perhaps identity impulsivity, mood dysregulation, emotional dynamic."
"The house was a different place with the staff gone, even in full daylight it somehow felt larger and more foreboding."
"They might be really feeling or letting you know just how just lost and empty they've felt without you in their life."
"Words without definitions are like balloons without air."
"...it was a creation of artifice and mind, such perfection of form, such hollowness, that it certainly possessed, could not be the result of mere fortuitousness."
"All things have the characteristic of emptiness; no arising, no ceasing, no purity, no impurity, no deficiency, no completeness."
"The human being has emptiness, a hole inside of ourselves, a hole that we need to fill in some way."
"Be aware that you have this emptiness inside of you; everybody does."
"God can't fill something that's full."
"There's no worse feeling than dedicating a few hours out of your busy day to watch a show only to come out feeling a little empty."
"There is a god-shaped hole in people's hearts that only God can fill."
"The lights were on but no one was home."
"The culture depends on people not being well, the culture depends on people being empty and thinking they can fulfill themselves through the purchase of this product or the engagement in this activity."
"This person is realizing how empty their life is without you."
"Buddha's emptiness was a full emptiness, one rich with potential, one big enough to hold the entire world of possibility."
"There is this god-shaped vacuum in the heart of every person."
"The universe consists of atoms and emptiness."
"The truth is that back of all the privileges of a crown, all the money, the fame, and the power inherited by King Edward, there was an emptiness which could be filled only by love."
"The empty string can always be generated."
"Without a connection to something greater... there is an emptiness, a quality of some kind of alienation."
"All is impermanent, momentary, empty."
"There's an eerie feeling you get when you see a town be so empty and lifeless."
"My mind is still active, but I'm encompassed by that void, drowning in its emptiness."
"You're a man who has everything and nothing."
"Pure desolation out here, nothing."
"I love Disney Parks, but I really love them when they're empty more than any other time."
"All the pain and anger was replaced with nothing, not anger, pain, or sadness, just a cold emptiness that I couldn't put into words."
"My fear was nothing compared to the wretched emptiness I felt in the pit of my stomach."
"I've never seen it this empty. Games, bro!"
"Everything is interdependent, that is the real nature of shata, emptiness of all things because they are all mutually dependent."
"Out of emptiness arises compassion."
"The void itself is an extremely peaceful place."
"Political power will be able to fill the yawning chasm inside of young Aegon that drinking, womanizing, and Flea Bottom derican could not."
"Depression and feeling empty is one of life's few promises. It's guaranteed."
"There's a cost in the season for how we feel full and when we experience emptiness."
"It was just a feeling of an emptiness that it's kind of every cop's nightmare."
"Denying yourself means to be empty of selfishness. Selflessness is the opposite of selfishness."
"I think it's going to be empty very soon. This is something I will repurchase when I'm finished."
"...what a scope for misery and folly if they be uninhabited, what a waste of space."
"Here's what we got in our fridge currently: a lot of nothing."
"It's sad that this is the kitchen but there's nothing in it."
"I love just going back in time. This feels empty kind of."
"Life on the island hadn't been bad, but there was something missing."
"It can leave behind a void that's simply impossible to ever fill."
"Why are you searching for those likes? Because you empty."
"My body feels fine, but my heart feels empty."
"Many are carrying titles but in the spirit there is vacancy."
"Anything you buy will still leave you empty in the end."
"I felt good for a moment... and then I feel empty again. Totally."
"I still dream about their house all the time but it's always empty"
"When you give out of emptiness, you're always looking for something in return."
"You become empty, you become pure, and all this energy starts to well up inside of you."
"You might always feel like something is missing, even though this person is loyal."
"He had the guts to write about fear and hatred and the terror of emptiness as he did."
"The place you live in is that much more drab and empty that they are gone."
"Sooner or later, the great emptiness will consume everything in our world."
"You got nothing in your mind but [__], nothing in your heart but crows."
"They're willing to stay in a connection even if it's empty."
"There were no people, no cars, nothing."
"We got hungry before our trip. We came home to empty pantries, empty cups, empty refrigerators. All the empty things."
"I was able to get the door open finally, and the office was empty."
"There's an emptiness inside the borderline and the narcissist where a self should have been or an ego or a person. There's absolutely nothing."
"Emptiness is all-consuming, threatening to take over, like a dark cloud of darkness threatening to engulf the entire landscape."
"The void is also where everything stops. It feels like everything stops. And you're just left in this state of just deep rest."
"The emptiness in her case is an outcome of injection failure, the inability to bring other people into her mind, to maintain internal objects."
"...an empty man, it feels like a piece of your soul gets snatched out, like torn off, man."
"You put down the inside of the empty can."
"I remember watching Patty on our first interview with her. Her face was normally moved expressively as she spoke and answered her questions but her eyes didn't. They were empty black holes."
"The inability to form a continuous sense of self creates The Emptiness."
"You may have noticed a lot of empty chairs here in the square. Those chairs kind of represent the emptiness of this city after the war."
"He is hollow and pointless as a member of the family, only in meetings out of obligation, given mundane tasks that he overcompensates for in order to impress while sitting on his cash from the comforts of his ranch."
"His eyes were a soulless black, as if they had no whites, only void."
"Empty the concepts of the mind and you are free."
"In emptiness, there are no grades, no gradations."
"Endless Possibilities - this emptiness isn't just a void, it's actually filled with Endless Possibilities."
"Emptiness is not outside, emptiness is inside."
"Emptiness of mind is not even a state of mind but the original essence of mind."
"I found a great lack of substance inside me and I felt that I really needed something."
"That emptiness, that quietness, that place in you that doesn't have any models, that doesn't function in the world, it just is."
"Atoms of which our bodies are made consist of more than 99% empty space."
"Popularity is vain, that's vanity."
"The point of anything... I feel like I took as truth what success is, what will bring you happiness, but those things have proved themselves to be sort of empty."
"You feel a sense of emptiness without them."
"It's so haunting and specific and perfectly captures I think what my experience has been that empty cavernous black hole that you're constantly feeding and it can never be satiated."
"We live in a society that feeds off the hungry ghost."
"Then you get it all when there's no you to have it."
"I had made it at a certain point and I remember sitting in my apartment and I'm like I feel nothing like what is going on."
"Nothing out there but dirt, shrubs, and more dirt, they say."
"There's something innately unsettling about a place only recently emptied of life."
"That sense of unease... every sense I had told me that this is unnatural stillness, this unthinkable emptiness."
"Despair is complete and total emptiness. It's not a meaninglessness but instead a removal of something so treasured that its departure has left you. Not physically, not even mentally, no, instead it's an absence of hope you once held on to."
"There is nothing down here," said the pale thing indistinctly. "Nothing but dust and damp and forgetting."
"To be empty of self again is different. It's empty itself, but it's incredibly full of life, it's full of energy, it's full of reality."
"A vacuum that's god shaped that nothing else will fill."
"There's this hole in them—they have to acquire and they have to own, and they don't know how to fill it."
"...there was nothing within him, neither conscience nor reason, that wasn't even remotely human."
"Once the human element is gone, all you have left is spectacle."
"That's going to feel empty for his whole life, even without the memory."
"We forget that when we're looking at a chart, what we're looking at really is 99.999 percent emptiness."
"The rising sun illuminating broken doors that swung in houses suddenly and unaccountably empty."
"A world of absence where emotional grandiosity and exciting encounters have been replaced with an unheroic rugged nothingness."
"There's a lot to be said about consumerism there because it's addictive and yet empty somehow."
"The tomb was found empty would be a bit like saying and you know Cameron walked down the street and he used his feet."
"And I've been on the end with, you know, more than once, of being the great friend, you know, that gal friend who is just so cool about everything. And it's just, it's just more of the same emptiness."
"I just kind of feel sad, a bit hollow right now."
"You need to fulfill the emptiness within your own heart on your own."
"It's weirdly like, I remember we ended up posting pictures later of like drone, not drone shots, but helicopter shots, whatever they might be, of like Boston, and I was like, 'I was walking, I was on the street that night.' Because it is, it's just empty and it's…"
"There is a hollow space too vast for words through which we pass with each loss."
"It's sad that this is the kitchen but there's nothing in it. And these living conditions are really rough, man."
"I honestly can't wait to see him when I get home. It was really weird just like coming home to an empty house."
"The emptiness is like this space for my creativity so more it's clearer more gives me the idea of that I can create something new."
"I felt empty, I felt a void, and that's a really scary thing to admit online."
"It's just pointing to the empty fullness of everything. It's not a thing. It's not a something. It's not a course. You can't teach everything and nothing."
"There is no life as empty as the self-centered life."
"They feel empty, lonely, lost, bored, and unfulfilled."
"Hell is empty because all the devils are here."
"The enemy, when lost, is bankrupt; he has nothing to offer but makes you imagine that he does."
"We call it Supply right they need that like to suck the life out of other people because they need all that energy they need all that aberration that affirmation because they can't give it to themselves exactly they're empty."
"You were totally empty at this point because I wanted to make music, you know, I love music so much and I wasn't even listening to music at that time."
"...realize in that moment that like the trophy they hold, the victory is truly hollow."
"Everything is hollow and far away, like anything I want to do is meaningless."
"A feeling of existential deadness."
"Be it as it may, eventually only dead expanses of space will be left in the universe."
"The pain of loss consists in an immense void which will never be filled."
"I felt like a hole was inside me."
"Showing this kind of emptiness that he feels always seeming indifferent to everything."
"Narcissism is a fantasy defense gone awry. The Narcissist lives from a very empty existence internally."