
Identity Politics Quotes

There are 353 quotes

"The live-action show attempts to really say nothing and, as a result, just reinforces the core assumptions of bordered identitarian politics, strength, and individualism that the philosophies of neoliberalism and colonialism are built upon."
"Are we going to go down a way that Europe went where you go into this dangerously divisive and hateful color identity politics, or are we going to do what Martin Luther King said: 'I dream of a day where you could be judged by the content of your character and not the color of your skin'?"
"Identity politics is not about deciding who is a villain... it's much more about making sure that our society is more welcoming."
"Inequality is what is truly tearing society apart, not identity politics."
"We live at a time when words are cheap; in an age of social media and identity politics, the temptation to reach for the most outrageous term to vilify and demonize has become for many irresistible."
"The protection of the rule of law is a very strong, in my opinion, argument against identity politics."
"Can we stop making race a personality trait?"
"All the identity politics in the world ain't gonna mean nothing if it's not rooted in integrity and solidarity."
"Identity politics... it's called equality. Look into it. It's called America."
"When you start bringing identity politics into this sort of thing, it ends badly. It's not egalitarian; you don't ever find equality, all you find is a new system of privilege."
"It's absolutely right on target to say that women should not create an identity out of their victimization."
"You don't win the vote of identity all at once; it's just one vote at a time."
"Cultivating your sense of humor about identity politics would be quite important."
"You take away meritocracy, and people earn things not based on merit but based on identity."
"As long as we deny the lethal limits that are imposed upon Black American folk or Black folk more broadly as a result of the very identities we speak about, then those identities have to be taken into account."
"Is the appeal to identity politics a way to win elections? Does such a focus serve beneficially to organize and mobilize citizens whose interests and very presence in politics tends to get marginalized?"
"It's not just about the headscarf; it's not just about the right of women to veil or not veil. No, it is a vicious game being played, a game of identity politics, a game of which civilization will be more dominant, a game of who's going to be more powerful than whom."
"We're living through a postmodern era in which the grand narratives of religion and political ideology have collapsed. In their place have emerged a crusading desire to right perceived wrongs, and a weaponization of identity, both accelerated by the new forms of social and news media."
"You have to wonder whether Jordan Peterson is a problem not because of his views on identity and identity politics, but because he has a deep reverence for meaning, passion, and standing up for what you believe."
"We don't agree on sex, we don't agree on basic foundational questions of whether a girl is a boy."
"Race is no longer an immutable trait but rather an ideology that you adopt."
"Woke politics is basically three things: number one, it's the Democratic Party trying to create a new base...number two, the Democratic Party weaponizing identity politics to stop a class-based Insurgency inside the Democratic Party...and number three, identity politics is a way for rich white liberals to pretend that they're all so down with the hood and so Cutting Edge and so radical, and not having to make any sacrifices whatsoever."
"The entire thesis of the book is the only important people on planet earth are white woke liberals."
"The Nazis are uncaring but he's empathetic. They are white supremacists and he's an egalitarian."
"The downfall of Hollywood and White's Conquest to make everything woke and full of identity politics will lead to an eventual cultural reset."
"You know, I've often thought that identity politics is essentially a way for upper-middle-class or middle-class people to look down upon the masses."
"Intersectionality is a form of identity politics."
"Do you really believe that you should really evaluate others judge others by their identity category rather than by their character and their ability?"
"There's an immense push in our society right now to insist that identity be entirely subjectively defined."
"Joe Biden literally saying to black people they're not black unless they vote for him is an incredible pitch."
"Critical diversity is the belief that identity Marxists have the only relevant understanding of diverse perspectives."
"I'm interested in the individual, not in group identity."
"Things are evolving on the question of identity and identity politics and we don't know where we'll be in 2024."
"There is an ultimate irony in all of that because I am often Accused by uh vulnerable sort of far-right winger sorts of white nationalist movement types of hating white people."
"White supremacists love being around black folks because we give them their identity."
"In that vein, the gay community had two different options in how they wanted queer identity to be defined moving forward."
"I think that it's capitulating to White fragility and white identity politics."
"Denying a people's culture, denying a people's language, denying a people's identity, and calling their nation a Bolshevik construct."
"Why is a teacher identifying as someone with a gay agenda surely his agenda should be imparting knowledge."
"Morality is not dependent on your group identity."
"The brand of the red pill has been borrowed and redefined too many times."
"If you're a proponent of equality of outcome, you accept the proposition that group identity is primary."
"So, why is it that black people are voting for the Democrats? It's that because they on a damn Plantation? Because at least the Democrats, they serve our interest. They serve our best interests."
"It's not so much that she's a female or that she's black it's that she's an idiot nailed it good."
"Gay people actually need biological sex to be real or they don't exist and we are watching them be erased."
"The biggest race Hustler is white. Yes you heard it here."
"She's gonna play that card, that's the modern identity politics that we get right now with people like Kamala Harris and the Democrats."
"Black people want their issues addressed, not to be lumped in with everybody else."
"People build identities around certain beliefs, leading to closed-mindedness."
"Despite the claims of the radicals that identity is socially constructed and variable, their fundamental notion is that if you have a variable temperament, your biological reality is out of sync."
"If you get your eye off that ball, and it's very easy to do, people fall back on identity politics."
"Our job is to reject identity politics and try and replace it with better ideas and idea in aspirational politics."
"Gender is a performance. You actually perform it every day."
"The primary political and philosophical issue of the next century will be the definition of who we are."
"I think it's a bad commentary on where we are... we've put ourselves there by being so tribal and given to Identity politics."
"The truth is if you're a white male you're guilty, if you're a woman of color you're a victim."
"Good things don't happen after that. People stop thinking and they start retreating to their tribal group based on ethnicity and based on racial identity."
"They're evolving, they're catching on, they understand that identity politics... does work."
"The most fertile soil to implement communism is to create shame for identity and impose an emergency."
"Sameness is violence... evidence of violence against the other."
"We see what it is it's all a game it's basically uh these you know these kinds of people the wokes."
"Wokeness flattens everything and divides us into oppressed or oppressor, constraining us to the lane of our birth."
"We don't fit into the boxes that this ideology is forcing upon all of us because we predate those categories themselves."
"Destroying those identities based on lies and disinformation and myths is absolutely fair game."
"I don't give a [ __ ] what identity you have if you throw stones at me or you say some dumb [ __ ] I'm gonna call you out."
"Either the left can renounce identity politics and start debating ideas, or they can double down on identity politics."
"We will not get to a place of true economic progress in this country until we start to see social class as the identity that it is."
"American black women hold this L while they stamp my passport."
"You can't vote for these people. They're insane. They can't even tell you what a woman is."
"The concept of identity politics is based in delusion, the concept that one should not be judged on the color of one's skin but rather by the content of their character, that concept is based in reality."
"If you are black, Hispanic, Latino, whatever it may be, you can go full-on racial identitarian and not only is that just overlooked, it's actually seen as a positive thing."
"The demarcation between left and right isn't about rainbow flags, it's a neoliberal fabrication."
"Tucker Carlson dissects the significance of identity politics in contrast to what truly matters in Washington: foreign policy."
"Even though they won't say so publicly because the incentives are so geared towards shutting any gay non-leftist up trust me, I've lived this for 30 years."
"Why is it so important for our brothers and sisters from Africa to make foundational black Americans African when it's convenient?"
"I think it's a problem if someone says, 'you know I'm black first.' I mean if you are a Justice of the Supreme Court if you're a judge, uh, if you're an elected representative, obviously we live in a multi-racial country multi-racial society."
"Donald Trump represented the first step towards white identity politics in the United States."
"Wokeness eating itself: identity politics before merit."
"This is the world we live in now. If it was a straight white male, you guys would be like get him the fuck off the stage."
"The days of conflating Jewish people with the state of Israel will end."
"Let's not go down the identity politics route, let's go around the route of national loyalty and patriotism."
"Identity has become the check mark you have to fit a certain box in order to be."
"Why don't you just say that you're on the left is it so hard for you?"
"If they're black, they're victims whether they experience it or not."
"The incessant cultivation of a victim identity."
"Is racial discrimination wrong? Absolutely, hell yes."
"Cultural libertarianism is the way forward in pushing back against identity politics."
"Everything that is wrong with America is rooted in two major issues: the intersection of cancel culture and identity politics."
"The left right dynamic doesn't really make sense anymore... it's us versus the woke."
"One of the struggles that you are gonna be seeing in the Democratic Party is whether we go beyond identity politics."
"Fetishizing identity politics could cost Democrats in 2020."
"Identity politics is backfiring hard on the Democrats."
"Identity politics can emerge out of the civil rights movement, out of the feminist movement, out of the gay rights movement."
"Arguing with people about their identity is never effective, and always a waste of time."
"So mermaids has this self-mythology that they are very under pressure from transphobes, of course they would think. I'm a transphobe. The first time I ever looked for mermaids on Twitter, I was already blocked, and that was before I wrote my book."
"I think the foundation of identity politics collapsing is maybe the most important thing that could happen in our country."
"It's actually about entrenching tribal divisions, entrenching identity politics."
"Anyone can identify with whatever they want. Well, different countries have different rules about dual nationality."
"The Christian na nationalist is the one who's willing to answer that question."
"Identity politics is people going 'Oh yeah, I recognize this category is me so why doesn't it tell me everything I need to know about myself?'"
"Wokeness is re-segregating. Identity politics is re-segregation."
"If a racist like Nick Fuentes is saying 'hey welcome to the club,' sounds like all your criticism of Charlie Kirk been on point."
"Nation of Victims: Identity politics, the death of merit and the path back to excellence."
"This is not a video discussing identity politics."
"We're not playing the 'who's black' game on your terms either."
"A nation should be defined by shared values and norms, not just ethnicity."
"To internalize victim identity is very bad for one's own functioning in the world."
"They are trying to divide us, black from white, and weaponize identity politics."
"The Wayne's are Republicans, and the mob is Antifa. So, Republicans good, radical left bad, right?"
"Being a black man who happens to be conservative doesn't count as black anymore."
"The only white skin privilege I benefit from is that I was never told I had an oppressor." - Panelist
"I felt like it's a way for people to get ready for the whitest person here to explain how the term Afro-Latina is identity politics and identity politics is bad."
"Megan represents every single point of discourse about identity politics and sort of like this modernity versus the decrepitness of the royal family."
"Identity trumps ideology... People identify with parts of John Fetterman, who he is, where he's from, who he's going to fight for."
"Being angry as a black woman is in and of itself a political statement."
"We're not just renaming ourselves, we're saying that there's a cost America owes a debt to this specific group."
"So in other words, if there are a lot of books by white people, those are white ideas, they're taking up too much space in the library, that's white supremacy too."
"White supremacy is not violence and simply existing is not white supremacy."
"All objective markers of identity are erased and human existence is reduced to a murky puddle of ambiguity."
"The more that we define people by race and gender, the more that people are going to be defined by race and gender."
"It's all identity politics so they're using you to feel like not to care more about the social issues"
"There's an opportunity cost to this identity politics."
"When you claim that an individual with a penis can be a woman then you have forfeited all right to ever talk about science."
"Race programming for social engineering relies on false identities."
"When he started bleeding identity politics on the right saying that wanting equal rights for gays is identity politics no it's not."
"Wokeness is a powerful way to separate friend from enemy."
"Identity politics has found a strong home in influencer land."
"The whole postmodern identitarian movement has just taken the left away from the working class."
"Identity categories matter, but we cannot lose individuality or common humanity."
"I think the fact that she's white doesn't really undermine the message necessarily; the validity of the statements about general issues are not dependent on who is saying it."
"It's 100% culture wars, identity wars, anti-elite grievance politics."
"When identity politics becomes the celebration of and the encouragement of group identities to the exclusion of everything else, it can start to go really really wrong."
"We've broken down into identity politics, which traps people in group identities."
"It's okay to drop bombs as long as it's the right color race or gender who's doing so."
"If you exclusively focus on just a few identities, it seems very unappealing to the masses."
"We've been gaslit into believing that if we are to say anything... we are then transphobic, we are bigots, we are TERFs."
"Maybe Hollywood shouldn't have prioritized identity politics over profit."
"Don't rely on identity politics to motivate people to go see your stuff just make good stuff."
"To be honest, you could self-proclaim truth today and decide that you want to be anything. People are automatically kind of pushed into a place to feeling like they're a bigot if they don't support you because of public bullying."
"Being a straight white male is like being a Jewish person in 1933 Germany."
"Whoever controls identity decides who's real and who's not."
"Identity politics is a cancer. It should never be a defining characteristic of any single person ever under any circumstance."
"Dave Rubin's not really gay if he doesn't support every tenet of being gay."
"Everything that is woke or has identity politics and focuses on diversity quotas will end up being hurt."
"I'm not big on using identity to silence. I am big on understanding how identity might give an interesting perspective."
"Here's the deal that I would take tomorrow if you are willing to put your stamp on it and no longer say pregnant persons if not it just shows how silly all of this is that's the deal that I would take tomorrow."
"Mr. Vice President, look at me, I am black. We are not all the same, sir. I am not in chains, my mind is my own."
"Blackness comes before your political party, comes before your cross-sectional issue or your gender or your sexuality." - Dr. Boyce Watkins
"Voting, like the number one thing that you could do as a citizen is vote. Yeah, I think that's why is it such a sticking point where it's racist to have an ID?"
"The tolerant lefties...call me a self-hating gay and him a homophobe for us having the conversation."
"Identity politics: everyone can engage or nobody can."
"Critical race theory says no, you're not actually an individual, you're nothing more than a part of your group."
"Putin's obsession goes way beyond NATO expansion or a pro-western government in Kyiv. It is an outright rejection of Ukrainian identity and statehood."
"It's a massive double standard to oppose natural conformity of sexual orientation or identity while supporting unnatural changes."
"As soon as you start trying to teach students that white means oppressor and that black and brown means inherently oppressed."
"The countries in which identity politics have taken hold with the most Vigor are those which are the most secular."
"We were the party of optimism. We didn't think of ourselves as victims. Now we are the party of eternal victimhood."
"Now it's all about seeing the world through the lens of oppressed and oppressor groups."
"They don't understand how a gay guy could have these opinions or whatever, I don't really fit into any box, so I represent sort of a threat to them because I'm persuasive and charismatic."
"We got to scrap this identity politics and we got to get to policies."
"Stacy Dash, you are a black woman. I will not take that from you. You are not in a position to represent black people."
"Literally just leave people alone... the identity politics stuff, it's gross."
"We've gone down this hole of our identities being totally defined by our sexuality."
"If we don't identify with the term feminist but agree with all the important components that go along with it, why do they give a [ __ ] whether or not we accept the title?"
"We're all just going to be living in this world where we have to label ourselves with these superficial identities that mean nothing."
"I don't know why homophobes are so adverse to the idea of being called 'homophobe', because it's like, if you've got to be a homophobe, just be a homophobe!"
"It's just like time and time again people are weaponizing you know people's sexual you know identities or not even identities like sexual orientations your race you know your gender people keep you know using these type of things as like a hit."
"If Africa is the export of the Abrahamic Traditions—Christianity, Islam, and Judaism—and it is, then what distinguishes white Christian nationalism from the ways of knowing that left Africa and that the Romans adopted?"
"Visibility is a paradox. The more we come out, the more people are able to pinpoint us as the villains they think we are."
"This is about you owning nothing and being happy and they want to redefine everything from pronouns to gender, this is just an attack and a war on everything that we value and that we love."
"Woke feminist media in full meltdown overlaps now why do I call it woke well because they're woke."
"Wokeness and progressivism is just racism in disguise."
"Stop reducing my personhood to a racial category."
"There's a big lesson here about identity politics."
"Identity politics means to me it really means an abandonment of the ideals of universalism and the idea that what we share in common is more important than what what differentiates us."
"I think identity politics is actually one of the greatest dangers to freedom of speech."
"No matter what you say, we're in the day and age where everybody wants to identify as anything under the sun... But facts don't care about your feelings."
"When you recognize the humanity in the other person... you end up with the highest number of people lacking of photo ID being black."
"It's important to respect diverse perspectives and discussions surrounding the issues, including the ones that don't buy into the politics of identity."
"Teaching yourselves how to be better slaves instead of teaching yourselves to be better black folks."
"Identity politics is what takes away your capacity as an individual to think."
"It's all about identity politics, showing 'we're the first time that someone like this has been.' Missed me with that nonsense."
"Your race, your gender, it is your identity. It defines who you are."
"There's something extraordinarily dangerous about having people revert to identification with their racial identity." - Jordan Peterson
"Deep down inside, I think you're an oppressor and a colonizer."
"Stop policing other people! Just let people identify with whatever they're comfortable with."
"Identity politics trumped Public Health and not for the first time."
"So if you're a white conservative male straight, you know you are presumed guilty until proven innocent."
"Whiteness itself... the state and quality of being a white person."
"Whiteness is a forced group membership... that originated by oppressing people of color."
"People may then ask why is it okay to be proud of being black but not white?"
"We have to be able to have conversations about anything without allowing our identities to prevent us from being able to think."
"Queer identities don't exist. Queer is a political stance. It is not a fact of who someone is. In fact, that means it's not an identity at all. It's a political position."
"I am an American, not a damn African American."
"Gender and sexuality and race are meaningless constructs."
"Your identity is based on your race and your gender and your sexual orientation."
"You never go full feminist, but what is full feminist? I hear you ask. It's being so desperate to call yourself a feminist that you will desperately cling to some definition no matter what."
"He is directionally accurate... what he's questioning here is not the actual birth certificate, he's questioning people's loyalty and whether they're American enough."
"Identity politics... is just anti-intellectual nonsense."
"This is madness, this is naked madness. Don't call young children boys or girls, call them purple penguins. Seriously, this is fucking insane."