
Societal Ideals Quotes

There are 114 quotes

"By not analyzing the original series' themes and trying to be straightforward, apolitical entertainment that doesn't say anything meaningful, the live-action show ends up not challenging the ideals that our society today, in America where this show is written and mainly aimed at, shares with that of the Fire Nation."
"Wouldn't you say that when you're talking about a christianized society, you're talking about an idealized society that could be achieved through the provisions of these social institutions that help people?"
"Wouldn't it be a great world if we were able to have enough compassion and enough curiosity to be open to each other?"
"If we expect our protagonists to represent all of the ideals of our society, to be morally pure, then are we really consuming art?"
"Sports is the ultimate meritocracy. If you are the best at what you do, you get paid the most and you are allowed to excel. That's what should happen in all of American society."
"The idea of equality for all, with everyone being able to equally enjoy what the world has to offer, is consistently depicted throughout One Piece."
"This idea of a rags to riches story... We call this the American dream."
"Meritocracy is almost impossible but is often touted as a solution."
"What is a utopia? How does a society come together and become self-sufficient? Can such a thing be built or is it doomed to fail?"
"In a perfect society everyone would have equal access to food, shelter."
"Make America great again means bringing back dignity, Christianity, morality, ethics, family, dignity, patriotism, civic pride, generosity, integrity, honesty, kindness, respect, and maybe most importantly, gratitude."
"This might be the best way to level up the audio for your smartphone."
"We need to get back to a core American value of trust."
"He envisioned ruling a utopian multicultural society without crime or poverty."
"It was never supposed to be like this. I came bearing gifts of safe childbirth, hungerlessness, disease immunity."
"The vast majority of Americans disagree with the fundamental idea here."
"Character, compassion, decency, science, democracy – they're all on the ballot."
"We value kindness, respect, empathy, and dignity."
"I don't want to turn our back on these values."
"For the sake of the country, Alicia wishes for people to no longer judge others based on their past."
"I dream of a world where dads can still be heroes."
"It's not preferable though. Wouldn't it be nice to live in a world where we believe that people are fundamentally capable of achieving the same things if they're given the same tools?"
"I think we can get it back to a harmonious organic loving kind of Garden of Eden."
"If the world all moved according to the Bible, it'd be heaven on earth."
"I worry about our ability to come together and continue to see common ideals as a nation."
"Wouldn't it be wonderful if we lived in a world where rights protecting laws are superfluous?"
"Evil does not get to win, goodness triumphs and peace brotherhood and companionship become the new standard."
"Above all, where people treat others the way they feel they would deserve to be treated if they were in the same situation."
"Abolition is an invitation to think about how we want to live with each other."
"The values that matter to us: human rights, democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, privacy."
"I want freedom of speech to return. I want privacy to return. I want people's savings to have value. I want people to become richer while they sleep."
"It's an American ideal that we treat women with respect."
"These characters embody an unattainable ideal of truly not caring what people think of you."
"We just want honesty, liberty, pursuit of happiness."
"We've seen what our country can be at its best."
"Do we not want to keep our democracy the way that we have grown and seen this country?"
"You do you boo. Eventually, we'll get to a point where everyone should be existing in a more harmonious and peaceful state of 'you do you boo.'"
"This kind of courage and decency and compassion, this is who we are."
"Thor represents a virtue within mankind, that of a clear and determined strength against the enemy of a people and for one's people."
"It'd be really nice is if we reimagine utopia."
"The aim of the Communist Utopia: total material abundance and freedom from responsibility."
"The goal ought to be as voluntary a society as possible."
"I want values of hard work, personal responsibility, and individual liberty to reign in this country."
"For a society like ours that blabbers on about democracy, you'd think this was the most attractive possible way to proceed."
"Wouldn't it be great if the state acknowledged the lordship of Jesus."
"I want to live in a world where everyone is free to spend time acting on their curiosity."
"Superman was The Rebirth of our oldest idea... he was the righteous inner Authority and lover of justice that blazed behind the starched shirt front of hierarchical conformity."
"That civilization of grace is what defined our own."
"Revolutionary ideas and values are not always easy to live up to."
"Equal justice under law" is not just a fancy idea, we actually have to mean it.
"The American dream lives not only in the hearts and minds of our own countrymen."
"We all have intrinsic value as people, as citizens, as human beings. We have to disentangle this confusion that economic and human values are the same things because they are not."
"I like equality and merit and colorblindness. I like those things."
"The thing about America is that we are at our best when the strong do not exploit the weak."
"I thought Zootopia was this perfect place where everyone got along."
"I have a dream that one day people will not be judged by the color of their skin by the content of their character."
"Moving back toward values, ideals, and knowledge as the first tenant."
"I wanted to see a world where everybody is the same, where you can't tell their gender or age."
"Identity politics means to me it really means an abandonment of the ideals of universalism and the idea that what we share in common is more important than what what differentiates us."
"We should live in a world where you get to be you, and I get to be me."
"A perfect world is other people not telling what other people to do with their bodies or just in general."
"Professional athletes are in many ways our culture's holy men. They sacrifice themselves for our we imagine Redemption." - David Foster Wallace
"Far more important are concepts like justice, truth, beauty, and courage."
"What a remarkable world we would live in. What a remarkable world for the kind of men that wrote those things in the Bible."
"Democrats can't get their ends, a decent Society of mutual respect and shared prosperity, by ignoring the means of power."
"We're supposed to have freedom and we're supposed to respect one another and look at each other as equals."
"The best people are not always the most powerful people, the most famous people, the richest people, the people who exemplify the values that we are supposed to hold dear."
"I'm a liberal who wants to live in a society so good that I get to be a conservative."
"The spiritual worldview emphasizes compassion and justice."
"We should live in a country where we don't judge each other on the color of our skin but on the content of our characters."
"The Garden of Even, where we're equal, male and female are equal, the animals and humans are equal, plants are equal."
"America is a country that, at its best, judges you on the content of your character, not the color of your skin."
"The world I want to live in is where race and other differences between groups have the moral and political status of hair color currently."
"Equality isn't about lowering one gender and raising up the other. It's about putting them on equal playing ground."
"What you want is a society that is cohesive where everyone feels part of the same thing."
"America was and is supposed to be equality of opportunity."
"What's coming is the exact opposite of that: a world where the Civilized concepts of freedom and Equity are extrapolated to their de-civilizational limit where you ain't the boss of me and we are all equal."
"The desire to become a superhuman cannot be separated from supremacist ideals."
"A just world to me is a world free of discrimination, exploitation, and domination in all forms."
"I'd rate that one higher than the Orange Punch."
"Justice being served would be George Floyd being alive today."
"The Oscars give people a chance to not just reward movies that show the world as it is but the world as we want it to be."
"Let's all agree on equality. We're all equal, we're all the same."
"The only way that multiculturalism can work, Harif, it doesn't matter what country, it has to work on the basis that the people that come in from wherever they have to integrate."
"They did everything for the best living. It's a paradise without war, without rich or poor people."
"The American Dream is the idea of prosperity."
"Freedom, peace, truth, beauty, reason, evidence, and love."
"I want everyone to be the melting pot of what America is supposed to be."
"Only a selfless society based on sharing can be stable and happy."
"Ah, truly beautiful. I suppose democracy and freedom at its best. Liberty for all."
"A world where people just want to live their lives, where people are judged by the content of their character."
"Allah wants a society where people cover for each other."
"What would make a perfect Society for you?"
"The Becky represents the patriarchal, Eurocentric ideal of attractiveness."
"Elizabeth Bennett was doing a great job of living up to all of the romantic ideals of society."
"I think your ideal Utopia is an equal society in which we can imitate each other, you know, and laugh at ourselves completely equally, right?"
"If we can start deconstructing what Society sees as ideal and be honest about our feelings and who we are as a person, I feel like it will help us as Humanity."
"She was the girl all women under 40 wanted to be: successful, beautiful, popular."
"You either have Martin Luther King's dream or you've got hell when it comes to race relations."
"Blacks and whites can live together fully reconciled in harmony."
"The ideal of a liberal society is one that we often fall short of; fairness, democracy, equality are worth striving for, but we need to recognize where we set ourselves up to fail."
"They say let justice run down like water."
"We have a chance at creating a society that hones more to our constitution, to the rule of law, and to the concept of freedom and dignity."
"What most people want ideally is someone goes to jail and then they get reformed."
"We can actually live in harmony and this is how it would work."
"It is just a sense of loyalty to an idea, an ideal like a plural society ideal."
"Equality for opportunity is what we want, we don't want equality for of outcome."
"That's the society I want: [stuff] taken care of, and we just are. I just want to be."
"You don't get to tell other countries what their ideals should be, what their society should be like, what they should focus on."