
Universes Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"The fact that you can generate worlds... makes you think like how easy it's to create universes."
"Without these guys, all the universes would have been doomed, probably not just in one timeline but both of them."
"There could be many other universes out there."
"Universes and realities are similar concepts in the Marvel Cinematic Universe."
"Black holes are gateways to all other realities and universes within our super universe."
"Not everything has to be shared cinematic universe."
"Seventeen's wish means all universes said oh he raised four back."
"That little point there where they cross, that is an Einstein Rosen Bridge."
"...if gravity is a quantum theory then then virtual universes are popping in and out of existence all the time."
"...the TVA might actually end up pruning certain universes as a way to stop an incursion from destroying an entire universe similar to how an incursion could be stopped in the comics if the Earth of one Universe was destroyed."
"It doesn't matter if there's not going to be a furthering of The Flash universe or the DC Universe in this iteration because a great movie is a great movie."
"Each and every panel holds an entire Multiverse of potential."
"The fundamental difference between the two universes is that on our planet, good naturally triumphs over evil."
"The events of Deadpool 3 could be setting up a big multiversal war between the 838 and 616 universes."
"Every Wanda is broken, every Wanda is mentally ill in every universe."
"The strongest Warriors across all parallel universes were born."
"No universe, however large, however small, is denied to me."
"Not every Marvel fan is an X-Men fan and not every X-Men fan is a Marvel fan, right? You can have people who are like, 'Oh, I'm a huge DC fan and I read X-Men,' yeah, like you can keep X-Men as like a separate Universe perfectly of readers, yep."
"Now if that's the case they would probably ask the team leader Gohan now Gohan would still wish for all the universes to be brought back and that's pretty much the wish that was gonna be made anyway."
"The incredible pressure could be felt by all the 12 universes."
"Save her, please," I looked at Tom, tears now streaming down my face. He looked down at the ground before responding, "Kid, I hopped universes to get away. There ain't no cure."
"I want all these action universes to cross."
"Dimensions, timelines, different planets in this universe, and different universes, like different worlds that are the same world, so like, it is very confusing."
"...fan fiction provides a transformative look at previously established universes that isn't found anywhere else."
"For the universes that don't win, shall be eliminated."
"Vegeta's extremely powerful right now, but we know there are other universes out there. I think that's something to keep in mind."
"The idea that a black hole could serve as a gateway to other universes is a captivating concept that blends the boundaries between science, philosophy, and science fiction."
"The Multiverse Theory suggests that our universe might just be one of an enormous number of universes that together comprise the Multiverse."
"If the fine-tuning of our universe is not remarkable, there are countless other universes."
"The various universes are filled with wonder and delight."
"From here you can literally enter in and out of any Universe in existence across the whole Multiverse."
"However, for the seven teams who are eliminated, their fighters along with their entire universes would be erased."
"History's mightiest tournament of power is being held in Dragon Ball Super to decide the fate of all the universes."
"It's an amalgamation of beautiful worlds, beautiful universes; both are canon."
"What if there are multiple or even an infinite number of universes?"
"An infinite number of universes have come and gone before."
"Just because one universe wins the matchup does not mean that it is in any way better than the other universe."
"I like imagining that stuff in my mind, in my parallel universes."
"Everything was peace and harmony because all the universes were balanced in power, and there was no threat in any universe."
"We may not be able to go back in time, but we might be able to go to different universes."
"Restore every universe that was erased."
"Researchers sparked the birth of multiple universes within a lab-created Multiverse."
"These other universes, expanding realms, but the details of what's inside those realms can be very different from the details of what's inside our realm."
"Sony can work together with Disney to make Spider-Man part of the same Marvel Cinematic Universe, but Chucky needs two universes."
"You can live only in those universes where you can live."
"Every universe is different, each one just a fraction."
"It seems the two universes are one now."
"Parallel universes can be drastically different or have an extremely minor detail that is out of place."
"I'm talking about rebuilding all the universes at once."
"Right, let's defeat all the evil angels and then save all the universes."
"That was dope, you're connecting two universes."
"People's beliefs keeping worlds or universes alive."
"Everything comes together for these two universes."