
Preservation Quotes

There are 7991 quotes

"A story is different. It does not expend itself. It preserves and concentrates its strength and is capable of releasing it even after a long time."
"I feel a very strong duty and obligation that we keep this movement alive with respect, the proper guardrails, that we reach across the aisle to those who may be going off the rails to bring them back into the path that will be most sustainable and respectful to these ancient medicines and their indigenous uses."
"The biggest thing is preserving freedom of speech and expression."
"You need to preserve what we have here and enjoy."
"A hobby that's become a preservation of something that could otherwise very easily get lost in time."
"The seed vault is going to be one of the most valuable treasures of humanity one day."
"In 2017, Antarctic conservators made a startling discovery: a perfectly intact 100-year-old fruit cake tucked inside a crumbling explorer hut."
"We're trying to preserve the old one; it was fun, it used to be fun."
"Hold on to your stuff, don't feel yourself too much... hoard your history, your memorabilia."
"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same."
"We must learn from it, we must teach, continue to teach all elements of it to our children, and preserve what we have."
"The Egyptians invented a very complex system of mummification so that that body could be preserved physically forever."
"It's always nice to keep things original and looking original on the outside."
"We need freedom of speech. We need to preserve freedom of speech."
"Art preserves the internal experience of being human through time."
"The future is bright, and we're going to keep doing things like this to introduce new technology into old and try to use that to better understand the past and preserve the past for the future."
"This stuff matters because these are fundamental ideas to the preservation of a civilization."
"This person not only took on the task of backing up everything in their possession single-handedly but was so overwhelmingly kind enough to let us look at and preserve each item in his collection."
"Preservation is not just what's happening in the next 2 or 3 years; it's about what's happening in the next two or three decades."
"The Day the Earth Stood Still was preserved by the National Film Registry for being culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant."
"Traveling outside of the designated trail has the potential to destroy precious artifacts that can never be replaced."
"We've likely witnessed forms of cataclysm and then the way that we preserve that knowledge is through stories and oral traditions."
"A successful practice in which seeks to protect, preserve, and enhance the patrimony over many years is one that must be concerned with these three components."
"This is an age of extraordinary divine giving, of extraordinary divine lifts and preservation."
"Tamil is the last surviving classical civilization because they've managed to keep their beliefs, culture, and language intact for over 2,000 years."
"It's not about the distant hope of creating a new world; it's about preserving the one we have."
"Kotor is one of the most well-preserved medieval old towns in all the Balkans."
"We're trying to preserve as much as we can of the original aircraft that took part in this conflict so that future generations understand what warfare was about."
"Archaeologists should reach out to and participate in cooperative efforts with others interested in the archaeological record with the aim of improving the preservation, protection, and interpretation of the record."
"So ice patches, because they're not moving, the material that falls on the surface really becomes preserved in place and things can be preserved for thousands and thousands of years."
"So important was his work that today, without his descriptions, 500 years of Eastern technological advancement would have been lost."
"You preserve my life; You stretch out Your hand against the wrath of my enemies, and Your right hand delivers me."
"Our successors are gonna need the secrets of the past and those secrets are in danger of slipping through our fingers forever."
"We journey together. We stand in the breach to preserve a way of life that, while imperfect, has brought prosperity, honor, and dignity to generations past and will for generations to come."
"George [Lucas] was once asked when would this time capsule be opened and he said, 'Never, literally never.'"
"The crypt of civilization will not be opened until the year 8113."
"Freedom is a fragile thing and it's never more than one generation away from extinction."
"We stand in a breach to preserve a way of life that, while imperfect, has brought prosperity, honor, and dignity to generations past and will for generations to come."
"The body isn't going to be buried or cremated, but instead preserved for a future potential reanimation."
"They're all placed here for a potential future where their final moments on Earth may actually have not yet happened."
"There's a certain time and atmosphere and nothing lasts forever... you're trying to preserve something that doesn't really exist so much anymore."
"Cryonics is essentially the preservation of people at the point of legal death... in the hopes that in the future... we may have the technology to fix whatever killed you."
"Preserving the past is not just about saving an object of wood, steel, brass, and bronze. It's about preserving the stories, the struggles, and the experiences of those who served. That's what really brings these ships alive."
"If we don't safeguard these pieces of evidence, then we're going to give another group of people the opportunity to just lie and tell a new narrative."
"We need to preserve history... we need to commemorate important ideas because somebody is going to come after us and try to erase it."
"I spend my time attacking most of the things I'm trying to save. I want to save the New York Times from itself; I want to save the University."
"The ancient Jews made a genius move to preserve their artifact."
"Why would you leave them where they are? That's history rotting away."
"The glove's Disappearance from visibility did not lessen their importance; in fact, it emphasizes how crucial it is to preserve and maintain such unique artifacts for future Generations."
"And when culture's at risk, individuals or even species are at risk."
"We're in this spaceship Earth together, this beautiful blue glowing globe, and we need to preserve it."
"Old buildings are sometimes treasures to be preserved."
"NASA chose to keep some samples unopened and untouched... NASA knew that science and technology would evolve."
"I am not trying to beat this painting into submission... I'm trying to save this painting, to restore it to its former glory, to what the artist wanted so that we can enjoy it in the future."
"God in His own ways knows how to rescue the righteous; He knows how to preserve the remnants."
"Phantom Dust has been saved, preserved perfectly."
"This is a major shame for games preservation."
"Regardless of tone, regardless of style of era or director or jacket color, Lupin III is a universe built upon and continuously driven by the idea that preserving and celebrating the works from our past is worth it."
"You are of value, and I would rather save you than have to destroy you."
"This place is absolutely amazing, one of my favorite locations... It's a complete time capsule, frozen in time for what feels like hundreds of years."
"From fairest creatures we desire increase, that thereby beauty's rose might never die."
"They always tell us hang on to your root, hang on to what you have."
"Electronic recordings could actually be burned up; they could be destroyed. It's difficult to destroy a book."
"Caring for myself is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation, and that is an act of political warfare."
"Preservation of soft-bodied organisms is exceedingly rare in the fossil record."
"For two thousand years the Coliseum has defied the ravages of time to remain standing, but it won't last forever without regular maintenance and key structural repairs."
"The Constitution needs to be protected, not changed or disregarded, but resurrected."
"Odessa's Historical Center will be preserved at any costs."
"Properly frozen meat does not go bad due to bacterial or fungal or parasitic activity while it is frozen."
"Classic video games deserve the equivalent of The Criterion Collection, a curated selection of important pieces of history restored to their original condition."
"I think video games are an undeniable part of our history and cultural makeup, and they should be preserved exactly as they were, warts and muscies and all."
"I don't want to live in a world where the next generation isn't able to play games like Earthbound, Metal Gear Solid 3, Metal Gear Solid 4, Bloodborne, the original GTA 4, the original Vice City with Billie Jean not this weird Definitive Edition clay model mix with all the soundtrack neutered."
"I would preserve it if I could. I would try to find some way to restrain it that kept it alive so we could study it."
"Whoever seeks to keep his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life will preserve it."
"The casting out of things too readily leaves you with a problem. It leaves you with the problem that you might need those things again."
"Arkansas PBS has received a 1.16 million dollar grant to digitize our entire archive of more than 26,000 videotapes."
"Will you help me? I want you to save what is good so the rest can be destroyed and never recovered."
"They were 2500 years old and amazingly almost perfectly preserved."
"There are better ways to collect something special, to hold history in your hands."
"The culture of black men is the only thing that has genuinely conquered the world and that has become his greatest weapon for preserving his idea of human."
"Cameras capture moments in time, preserving memories, emotions, and scenes that might otherwise fade from memory."
"Dear old BP is still standing and that is the main thing."
"Don't burn this book, no don't burn this country."
"Stanley, the game was perfect. It didn't need anything else. It just needed to be left alone."
"I love preserving games even if I don't care about it. I want people to experience something."
"We're all going to lose... all those wonderful things about our culture that we cherish."
"Mount Everest wouldn't be bad cuz you're just still up there it preserves you."
"I love opening jars and using jars because it means our effort of putting things in the jar was worth it."
"Accept Montana for what it is and don't change it."
"Root cellar is finished which means we'll be able to store a lot of our extra food including some smoked meat."
"The Lost City of Petra has lasted 2,000 years thanks to some very skilled workers."
"Let's make sure we're not the next Lost Civilization."
"Pyramids were built to preserve legacy and as an honor."
"Porchester Castle: one of the best preserved Roman buildings."
"There are a lot better people here than what makes the headlines."
"Legacy box is offering my listeners an incredible 50 off so visit legacybox.com canis take advantage of this exclusive offer that's legacybox.com Candace to preserve your aging media today."
"I really hope one day someone can restore it."
"I just don't want what we've spent years building up to be lost."
"Europe’s spongy, peat-covered wetlands provide the perfect environment and conditions to create these 'bog bodies,' bodies where their decomposition is slowed by highly acidic, low-oxygen environments."
"That's more of a defining moments there, and I just didn't want those getting scuffed up with the rest of them."
"As we go on we're going to see that the Quran doesn't simply affirm the initial inspiration of the Torah and the gospel but also the preservation of the Torah and the gospel."
"What happens to all the work? What happens to all the music? What happens to the songs that we still love?"
"They are racing against the clock to identify more glyphs so that the ancient etchings can be preserved and protected."
"Pompeii might be among the most well-known lost cities, but the amazing thing about this city is the degree of preservation of the items found there."
"I want to preserve American constitutionalism."
"More than 2,200 year old fruit baskets with fruits still inside were recently found in the ruins of Thanos Heraklion..."
"I wish every car looked like this... this is actually beautiful."
"This car is a perfect example of preservation and it's one of the gems of the Peterson collection."
"His tomb remained undisturbed for more than 3,200 years."
"Restoring stuff is a great thing if you do it the right way and only if you're not destroying real history."
"Preservation is probably one of the subjects that I have really become obsessed with in culinary school."
"So this incredibly rare and important piece of Sonic the Hedgehog in video game history doesn't become lost in time forever."
"Preserving video game history is very important."
"It's to all intents and purposes as immaculate now as it was when it went out on track an hour and a half ago."
"Preservation is really something I take key and important because one day I would like to show if I have kids one day, hey this is what PlayStation Home looked like."
"We need to support the memories of shows like Biker Mice from Mars to keep them alive."
"One of the best preserved woolly mammoth skeletons."
"Our nation is preserved by those who abide by their oath to the Constitution."
"Change that to where the conservative movement is actually preserving something rather than just being against whatever."
"She'd lain undisturbed for generations, almost perfectly preserved by the river mud."
"The game was perfect. It didn't need anything else. It didn't need new content. It just needed to be left alone."
"Wealth is never destroyed. It is merely transferred."
"There's something great about preserving these. It's like being able to save a piece of time."
"At the end of the day you can't save everything but it's clear that these prototypes deserve to be treated as the one-of-a-kind historical pieces they are."
"In early 2021, archaeologists excavated the perfectly preserved tomb of a Mayan man who was laid to rest 1300 years ago."
"Preservation is really important, and these blocks do a great job at illustrating that."
"I almost felt defensive of the arch behind me less in fear of my safety and More in fear of this thing knowing that the thing behind me is the third clue."
"Preserving sanity, that's what we're about here."
"Monaco Grand Prix: a relic of a bygone era for F1 but should be protected and celebrated."
"This disc on the other hand is rated to last a thousand years actually it's just the coating on the outside that's ready to last a thousand years the actual data itself should be able to last ten thousand years."
"If it weren't for the records themselves, a lot of this music would have been forgotten."
"Libellus Linteus, written in Etruscan, was preserved in the wrappings of an Egyptian mummy."
"It's criminal there's no HD transfer of this thing out there."
"This is really a true nod to the original game... we want to preserve that game and the structure of that game as much as we can."
"The existence of the device is a sacrosanct truth that many things from the past have been captured with it."
"People who are trying to help other people experience love and joy preserve the things that make them happy."
"An alternative is to repair internally, keep the structures intact rather than demolishing the house."
"I hate that though because some stuff should still be left for fun."
"Gameplay preservation is the most authentic quality way to play your games."
"Liberty is never more than one generation away from being lost."
"The coffin had somehow been encased nearly 1,000 years ago, and the body of the woman inside was almost perfectly preserved."
"Evo was meant to preserve the spirit of the arcade, even if the arcades themselves were going away."
"So alhamdulillah, we have no issue when it comes to preservation."
"This place is ancient but at the same time so well preserved that we can make real connections to the biblical story."
"This edition of last week tonight is for some reason actually on its way to the Library of Congress, don't let bicurious manatees fool you."
"Save those RAW files for the future so that you have them in case you ever want to go back and start to edit them."
"Would I be able to extract my complete save file - my personal digital history with the game - and put it on my cartridge - in a way, bringing it into the real world? Using the Retrode, yep."
"But now you have a good starting point to rescue your personal history contained within those cartridges from certain, eventual, doom."
"These are also works of art, these are priceless works of art that someone spent years making and that have stood there proudly for decades or centuries in some cases, and we're tearing all this stuff down like it's nothing."
"The gun represents such an important aspect of our system that has to be preserved absolutely."
"What happens to them now? Good question. I guess you just keep them, put them on your shelf. No, oh no, no."
"Save the dinosaurs, save the guests, and save Jurassic Park. So don't let my dream, my dream, be lost to history."
"But how did these animal skin and parchment documents survive for 2,000 years in the Judean desert?"
"Seal your masterpiece: protect your hard work with a quality topcoat."
"The most notable aspect of Cahokia today are the 80 mounds of earth, some as high as 100 feet."
"Hard tack has never been known for its flavor or texture but its ability to keep for long periods of time means that it has remained a staple of military rations."
"Demolishing a monument by Frank Lloyd is no easy task."
"Silica gel packets gather moisture to reduce damage to electronic objects when placed in a container with them."
"Amsterdam is perhaps Europe's best-preserved 17th-century city."
"Such a neat, cool car, I'm glad that we were able to save another one."
"He was a passionate advocate for the rights of the underprivileged, was against large corporations and monopolies, and championed the preservation of national resources."
"Don't throw away your hard copy books because they are the Repository the enduring repository that cannot be disappeared."
"I think this game is good enough that it's absolutely worth preserving, and it should. It's something you'll still potentially want to play in 20 odd years."
"The concept of having a library of games that stays with you from generation to generation has now been established."
"So I just added some lemon juice to each one of my jars, both pint and quart jars, for 20 minutes."
"There's a reason why this is being archived in the [ __ ] heart."
"World's oldest intact shipwreck discovered in the Black Sea."
"Watches that are not just Heritage inspired but really do an amazing job of feeling and preserving the past design and what it's bringing forth in like the present era that we have in watchmaking."
"The USS Constitution, it's over 200 years old and it's still afloat. You can go and see it, it has a fully manned crew of like 60 officers, and you know that they're on active duty. It's a ship in the U.S. Navy."
"Creating a better future one where Glacier National Park isn't doomed to lose all its glaciers."
"It's in our nature to want to preserve and protect things that we care about, most people are subjectively sentimental over things that they like from their time almost territorial at times."
"The Big Lebowski is one of those projects that just shouldn't be touched because it is perfect." - "The Big Lebowski is one of those projects that just shouldn't be touched because it is perfect."
"The beautiful and culturally significant Nazca Lines survived two millennia of weather."
"The freedom of the individual must be preserved."
"It's up to us to preserve that liberty for the next generation to enjoy."
"It makes me happy to know that places like this still exist in the world."
"Freedom is never one generation from being extinct."
"The most important thing is that the dry goods that you store in here, you really want to be dry."
"Let's bear Christmas presents away and keep them a while. They're too nice to use."
"Every single lid on this broth, it's sealed. So these jars, these lids are wonderful."
"Do we not want to keep our democracy the way that we have grown and seen this country?"
"One of the best preserved structures is the mighty Pantheon, the former temple to all the Gods of ancient Rome."
"Constantly analyzing what is worth keeping... balance between innovation and preservation."
"Not just one Advanced now Lost Civilization once called this place home but that the site was once home to more than one extremely ancient yet extremely well-preserved legacies."
"Please keep this safe. You will hold in your hands a piece of history."
"Very ancient monuments rest upon the tops of each mountain."
"This is a piece of history that human beings should be able to enjoy millennia from now, not just in the next few decades or centuries."
"We must preserve the fundamental American rights that generations of Americans have sacrificed everything to secure."
"These older GTA titles are difficult to find in reasonable form."
"These are some of the most critically acclaimed highest selling games of all time and deserve better than the set of flaw remix."
"It's our opportunity to preserve what America is to the rest of the world."
"The Catacombs of Paris are an ossuary that hold the remains of some 6 million individuals."
"Stuff like this once again raises the importance of keeping up the conversation of game preservation."
"Pirating games is the only way to preserve many of them."
"Freedom is a very fragile thing and it is never more than one generation away from extinction."
"We think it's in fact the earliest fleshed bog body from anywhere in Europe."
"We need to come to a consensus right now... as beautiful of a base as it is, we need to spare it."
"Now that no longer can you say that the Quran has been preserved."
"The only cave in the area that has a delicately cut entrance but also an interior which has seemingly been protected from the elements perfectly preserved in its original state."
"Consciousness is a very rare and precious thing, and we should take whatever steps we can to preserve the light of consciousness."