
Carbon Footprint Quotes

There are 142 quotes

"We're gonna have to be off carbon in four decades everywhere."
"The planet's in terrible shape, and the first thing we need to do is to reduce our carbon footprint... Are you so sure that's the most important thing we could possibly embark upon?"
"The single biggest thing you can do to cut down your carbon emissions is... simply choose not to eat animal products."
"Switching to vegetarianism will reduce your carbon footprint by at least one and a half tons of carbon a year."
"There is no diet that any one individual human being can consume that will reduce our carbon footprint more... than a plant-based."
"Go vegan. This is probably one of the most impactful things that you can do in your day to day life to reduce your carbon footprint."
"The concept of your personal carbon footprint was popularized by the oil producer BP in a 2005 ad campaign."
"The challenge I want to set is that you should be asking the carbon question of every single policy."
"Fisker announced... its lifecycle analysis of the Ocean Sport EU revealed that it has the lowest carbon footprint of any vehicle in the segment."
"Ethanol from Brazil can reduce the total carbon footprint right up to 70% compared with gasoline."
"You don't have to choose fossil fuels and fossil carbon, and when you don't, you can cut your carbon footprint incredibly."
"Luckily with Ren, you can easily find out your carbon footprint and learn how to reduce it."
"The biggest things you can do to reduce your carbon footprint is move more towards a plant-based diet."
"A vegan diet is four times more effective at sequestering carbon."
"Flying less is the most impactful action you can take to bring down your CO2 quota."
"We have to move to sustainable energy. The question is between now and then, how much carbon do we put in the environment?"
"Fast fashion accounts for 10% of the planet’s greenhouse output."
"Wood burning stoves are largely carbon neutral if you're burning wood that was going to get cut down anyway."
"Don't buy roses. They actually have a monstrous carbon footprint."
"We are carbon negative versus leaving the piles in their current state as they are."
"This is a problem for all 7 billion people on the planet and we all need to be driving... for a change in the way we run our society to become very low carbon and very quickly indeed."
"Artificial photosynthesis could have a significantly negative carbon footprint."
"Net zero is a policy goal that we absolutely have to do because ultimately carbon dioxide stays around in the atmosphere for quite a long time."
"My vow is to have a very small carbon footprint and live a very simple life."
"The need for us all to go green and leave less of a carbon footprint in our day-to-day lives is becoming more and more apparent every year."
"Flying is one of the most carbon intense activities you can engage in. Sometimes slow is the way to go."
"The amount of CO2 that is produced from the textile practices alone surpasses that of 180 coal-fired power plant with a total of approximately 6.3 million tons of carbon dioxide."
"Planting 20 million trees per year will replace the equivalent of about 95 thousand cars."
"Imagine swiping your card and being told, 'Sorry, you're over your carbon footprint.'"
"The more EVs we build, the worse carbon dioxide gets."
"We're aiming to be as little carbon intensive as possible."
"The more places she tours, the less of a carbon footprint the rest of her fans are doing."
"Just by wearing your clothes for nine months longer, it can reduce your carbon footprint for that garment by 30%."
"Beef grown for meat has the largest carbon footprint... followed by lamb... then beef grown in a Dairy herd... cheese... pork and poultry have much lower impacts."
"If the average adult American with type 2 diabetes could eliminate their medication use, they would reduce their carbon footprint 29 percent more than if they shifted from a high meat to a vegan diet."
"For most people, the biggest step they can take to reducing their carbon dioxide emissions is to switch from using a gas boiler to using a heat pump. It's the biggest, best thing you can do."
"Reduce your carbon footprint, conserve energy."
"No one can reduce their footprint to zero, but you can offset what you have left after reducing."
"So instead of like rewarding someone like me, you know who didn't have children, you know, with say some pollution credits, you know, like Fran you had no children. So while you're on the 22 hour flight, light up. Because you don't have a carbon footprint Fran."
"Switzerland's journey towards eliminating its carbon footprint is already off to a promising start."
"I think there is a fundamental misunderstanding about how much about the carbon impact of having kids."
"If you're worried about your carbon footprint, these are going to make you feel a lot better about yourself."
"...and that right there is how I'm going to neutralize my carbon footprint on this planet."
"Eating less meat leads the way in terms of reducing our carbon footprint around food."
"Even with the challenges of EV battery production, the carbon footprint of fossil fuels is even more destructive."
"Crafted with the planet in mind as well as Ana Luisa offset a hundred percent of their carbon footprint."
"Wild food is also better than organic...food travels from dirt to plate...that's a lot of waste, that's a lot of fossil fuels, that's a big carbon footprint."
"The idea is that you would annually absorb or sequester more carbon than you emit."
"Think about the energy footprint of these instruments. If they get thrown away or discarded, you actually obtain the carbon footprint of this entire equipment."
"The most important part is probably to internalise the cost of carbon dioxide and the price of travel."
"It's not just convenient, HelloFresh's carbon footprint is actually 25% lower than making a meal from the groceries you bought from a store. How insane is that?"
"If you are going to consume meat more poultry has a way lower carbon footprint then beef does."
"hello fresh on average has a 31 lower carbon footprint"
"Of course, the energy to drive this car has to cause pollution somewhere. This Cupra has a well-to-wheels carbon contribution of 32.1 grams per kilometer."
"Nuclear energy is one of the ways for us as a species to wean off fossil fuels, and nowadays, reducing our carbon footprint is more important than ever."
"We're locking ourselves into very long periods of time using high carbon infrastructure."
"I love their sustainability and their carbon neutrality."
"My goal was to reduce my carbon footprint."
"The total carbon footprint resulting from building a petrol or diesel car running it for 160,000 miles refining the fuel used over that distance and then scrapping the car is forty six point two tons of CO2."
"We're introducing financial-grade accounting to carbon accounting."
"We basically have ecological overshoot as a species who's accessed this bolus of fossil carbon."
"It's very important for not only animal activists but also environmentalists to make sure that you are limiting your carbon footprint as much as possible."
"Every choice you make to consume a plant-based product has significantly less carbon footprint than any single animal food."
"In terms of CO2 savings, we are saving about 71% compared to an equivalent building."
"Unless we dramatically change our carbon footprint now, up to 50% of humanity may be living with severe fresh water shortages within the next quarter century."
"Flying an airplane is likely the most greenhouse gas intensive activity you do."
"London and New York... conserve their carbon footprint is one sixth if you take Hong Kong, similar population comparison, the factor is almost 1 to 20."
"An EV is three times more sustainable in terms of climate-friendly and less carbon produced than an ICE vehicle."
"As the individual person, you can just do your own things to help reduce your carbon footprint."
"They've actually calculated out the carbon emissions for making, distributing, and the packaging for this, which is an important step for improving their carbon footprint."
"By opting for core mats, consumers can contribute to sustainable practices and reduce their carbon footprint."
"Reducing your carbon footprint to zero is basically impossible, so you can offset what you have left after reducing."
"The amount of carbon we would save, the amount of CO2 we would save being emitted, it's just massive. It's going to have a huge impact."
"If we're going to solve the energy problem, we've got to knock 1/3 off the carbon footprint."
"Every single company is going to need to understand their carbon data and their carbon impact."
"Transportation comes in at number one: 27% of carbon emitted in the US is due to transportation."
"The carbon dioxide footprint of a cell which is produced in Norway is one of the lowest in the world, if not the lowest."
"It monitors and cuts off your spending when you reach a carbon maximum."
"Our Santa Cruz Wastewater Treatment Facility not only provides an essential quality of life service to the community, we help to reduce our city's carbon footprint and protect the environment we live in."
"I feel real good with my carbon footprint right now."
"Sequestering carbon in the soil cuts our carbon footprint dramatically."
"Reducing your carbon footprint even a little bit, we can all do a little part to help the environment."
"On average, a train will emit 47 grams of carbon dioxide per passenger per kilometer traveled."
"We're explaining why we think we need to take responsibility for our carbon footprint and what we're doing about it."
"One of the biggest sources of CO2 from an electric vehicle is from the mining and manufacturing side of battery packs."
"Some people are doing their best to reduce, reuse, recycle, and reduce their carbon footprints."
"Ren helps you calculate your carbon footprint and provides you with ideas on how to reduce it."
"An electric vehicle is significantly more efficient from a carbon point of view and an energy point of view than a combustion vehicle."
"Discover what your carbon footprint is and how you can offset it."
"Each and every one of us has a carbon footprint and Wren is here to help with offsetting it!"
"I've been thinking about our carbon footprint, Steven, and I think that I would like to decrease my carbon footprint."
"The carbon footprint of their production from extraction to end use will account for only six percent of the greenhouse gas emissions generated by fossil fuel."
"Giving back, reducing your carbon footprint, oh nice."
"The weight of the carbon in the atmosphere is more than the total weight of everything we've ever built on planet Earth."
"We will discuss our future using technology and using nature and using human activity to fix some of the issues we've got with all the carbon that has been released."
"The world's rich need to cut their massive carbon footprints."
"Let's save the planet and not have that extra flight."
"By doing your calculation of embodied carbon you will hopefully see the benefits of shifting to low in body carbon materials."
"Eating a plant-based diet helps to reduce the human carbon footprint."
"The carbon footprint is really easy to understand; essentially, it is a model of how much carbon dioxide a human produces in a year depending on the things that it consumes."
"Vancouver does have currently the lowest greenhouse gas emissions per person for any city in North America."
"Global carbon production will go down if these companies prosper."
"We should be thinking more about our carbon footprint when you import stuff."
"It's impossible for us to have no carbon footprint in the world as it is right now."
"If you could put little rooftop gardens on top of every building... it absorbs carbon emissions."
"HelloFresh's carbon footprint is 25 percent lower than store-bought grocery-made meals."
"We need to reduce the amount of carbon that we're producing and increase the amount we're storing until they balance."
"Riding a bike to school contributes the least to your carbon footprint."
"Pretty much everything we do ends up releasing carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere."
"The carbon dioxide we're pumping into the atmosphere is causing unprecedented climate change."
"We are at the peak of the carbon pulse; there is a descent coming. How do we wisely contribute towards something other than the default stair step or the precipice?"
"I could start measuring my carbon footprint reduction and how many tons of CO2 I've reduced from putting into the atmosphere."
"Our products have also had a great impact on the environment by saving more than 60,000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions."
"I do think the ultra wealthy lifestyles and the amount of carbon they burn is over the top and irresponsible."
"If sustainability is important to you, you'll be glad to know that HelloFresh's streamlined supply chain reduces greenhouse gas emissions."
"So any business which is trading on high carbon outputs is not going to be around for very long."
"One metric ton of carbon dioxide equivalent is equal to you driving a passenger vehicle 2,500 miles."
"...reducing carbon footprint has been very, very important."
"We're encouraging some people to become carbon neutral, which means there's no net gain of carbon into the atmosphere."
"We're trying to reduce our carbon footprint."
"I've gotten so much better about my carbon footprint."
"We need to manage our carbon footprint for carbon footprint management all the data that you need to bring in or suck in is through IoTs and those are then managed through AI tools to give you an efficient way of tracking your carbon footprint."
"Remember we can all do our part to reduce the impacts of climate change by reducing our own carbon footprint."
"Eating less meat will help to reduce carbon emissions because food production is a huge source of carbon emissions."
"There's still a significant carbon footprint for the amount of products that are delivered to me, and I want to minimize that."
"Anna Louisa's goal is to have a net zero carbon footprint by the end of 2020."
"I try not to work with brands where there's shipping from abroad just to kind of reduce carbon footprint."
"By 2020, they want to have a net zero carbon footprint in the manufacture of their jewelry, which is amazing."