
Rapid Development Quotes

There are 189 quotes

"Where other launch providers build one prototype in a year, SpaceX is making a few per month right now."
"The virus was identified and sequenced and made known to the public in the first week in January of 2020, and 11 months later, we had vaccine going in people's arms. That is totally unprecedented."
"Within just over 100 years, all of this happened. That's so like, the growth is ridiculously quick."
"Exponential growth: It took 12 years for Tesla to build their first one million Vehicles, took 18 months for the second million, 11 months for the third million, and less than seven months for the fourth million."
"I predict that these updates are going to be coming out way faster."
"Operation Warp Speed means big and it means fast."
"The speed did not compromise safety nor scientific integrity."
"I think the answer is a clear yes because it's happening quickly like you're quickly seeing so many games be supported very well faster than I expected."
"This event, this whole card has been put together at pretty breakneck speed."
"Tesla's products continue to evolve at an unnatural pace."
"The mRNA vaccine was computer designed and produced in record time."
"Soviet Union improved the lives of ordinary people more rapidly than any state has ever done in history."
"The reason we're iterating on applications and data so rapidly these days is because the human is a moving target."
"We launched the fastest economic recovery anyone has ever seen."
"It's called Operation Warp Speed. That means big and it means fast."
"It's going to be fast and it's faster than it happened before the great recession."
"You can scale it very rapidly and very quickly."
"You're moving very quickly, ahead of many people when it comes to choosing yourself."
"This all started and escalated within like 48 hours."
"The goalposts are moving faster than the speed of light."
"This connection is going to move forward much more quickly."
"The speed of development for antiviral antibody and immune therapies is at a level that nobody thought even possible."
"The great thing about doing shorts is that you can iterate so fast."
"They have an incredible ecosystem considering it was built in such a short window of time."
"From an agrarian society to a technological powerhouse in just a couple of decades."
"This is absolutely going on. It's in fast motion right now."
"The kind of development which has come from 2 years and where it's got to I've never seen this kind of progress before."
"The innovation's been absolutely phenomenal... I've never seen a food or drink company innovating this fast before."
"We live in a time where change is happening at a pace never seen before."
"The speed of improvement right now is just nuts."
"Wow, we are in eclipse season... a lot is gonna change quickly."
"All those themes that they mentioned and imagine something fast that develops, something surprising, something new."
"Things are going to change, and they're going to change fast."
"Literally in a matter of days... it's already being experimented with."
"Trump's Operation Warp Speed is what made it happen."
"The faster these feedback mechanisms and optimizations can happen, the more progress and success a person and the world can have."
"Acceleration, beloved, acceleration! Ministries and Christian-owned businesses are experiencing growth on a massive scale and quickly."
"The rate at which we're advancing Computing is insane."
"Our planet and our civilizations are changing faster than ever before."
"I just think this technology is moving quicker than our morals can decide what is ethical and what is not."
"The evolutionary pace of crypto is like four years is 20 in traditional markets. It's really, really fast."
"The speed at which Tesla has been able to bring up a new electric vehicle from zero to one-third of their production in just one year grossly underestimates how quickly Tesla is able to move."
"It's insane to think about that you know an entrepreneur could prototype something and have it basically ready to go in a year or less than a year."
"The fascinating thing is how quickly things are developing."
"It's amazing what they've done in a very, very short period of time."
"Living here you see a speed of technological advancement that's frankly mind-blowing."
"It's crazy to think that someone like you could get so powerful so quickly. But with the right amount of control over your power, you'll be one of the strongest in the entire multiverse."
"This series just went from a three to a ten really quick."
"From horseback to hwn collider is only 200 years."
"The first draft of Bendy and the Ink Machine Chapter 1 was made within 5 days before being released for free."
"Moving forward for success, it's going to go quite quickly when the news comes on in."
"Rapid iteration really helped SpaceX to perfect this vehicle."
"Many developers treated flash first and foremost as a format for demoing Concepts telling personal stories and other means of artistic expression with quick development turnarounds and a No Holds Barred approach."
"It's incredible that we live in a world that these all exist all in five years."
"The world is changing very rapidly, and there's stress involved in it."
"Hybrid Saiyans have great potential, having the ability to grow far quicker than most other Fighters, including other Saiyans."
"We are evolving, we are changing, and it's happening faster than ever before."
"Goku's evolution to MUI was too soon, mastering it way too quickly."
"A real soulmate connection... It's gonna happen really quickly."
"Things moved very quickly before... they've never felt intensity like that before."
"It's pretty crazy how far things have come in just the last decade with regards to the legal status of this plant. It all happened so fast and it, I think it's a great great thing."
"I hate that Rome wasn't built in a day but Dubai was. Twenty years, that's a generation. I believe that we can do the same thing."
"It's just astonishing, the fact that we are progressing this rapidly."
"It's kind of hard to believe that the original Oppo Reno smartphone only launched as recently as 2019 and yet already we're up to number bloody 10 in the series."
"We are living through an era in which the rate of change is absolutely unprecedented in the history of our civilization."
"But you can see how fast you can add stuff like this."
"Science and technology are evolving at breakneck speed causing a complete change in the way we live and work."
"I find it very exciting to watch how technologies are getting better at a fast rate."
"This situation is definitely progressing very quickly... you're getting some type of divine um karmic justice here."
"I agree with Mr. Trump. Personally, yes, it is a miracle that we were able to develop this so fast. I think it's a gift, I think it's one of humanity's greatest achievements."
"The amount of momentum and the pace that Tesla is pushing it is just so crazy."
"Real love, real connection happens extremely fast, if not instant."
"You are finding yourself; you are finding your voice and there is something that is breaking through the surface that is going to grow at a very, very rapid pace."
"In May 2023, just a little over 6 months after the Early Access launch, it was announced that the game is going to be shutting down."
"Tesla has achieved this at Gigashanghai in less than three years from first production. It truly is insane."
"It's too fast like sometimes the technology just changes too quickly right for the culture to begin to adapt to it."
"SpaceX is really good at rapidly failing... and they're good at just pushing things to the edge making them fail fixing them and flying again."
"So you guys are doing this much faster and much more aggressively... than I think 95 percent of people thought."
"Help is on the way, vaccines being developed at a historic pace."
"What drives them and what do they never want to be?"
"This is pretty darn amazing folks that we are seeing the development of these vaccinations in such a short time frame."
"Aircraft evolution in the years of the Cold War was rapid."
"Your hopes and your dreams are developing more quickly than you realize."
"China has built 35,000 km of high-speed Railway in 10 years."
"SpaceX are making massive rapid progress here."
"The deeper the drills are the more ore they dig up by default it all comes together to make things progress extraordinarily quickly."
"This is a company that in a very short time I would say in about 10 years has come the farthest I've ever seen any company in this industry come."
"I think you know when we're talking very early in the show you said, 'Gradually then suddenly these changes happen very very rapidly.'"
"They've got to this point where they've just overhauled everything in a very short space of time."
"Everything here is happening many times faster."
"We developed a vaccine in less than a year and that's changed drug Discovery for many other diseases."
"SpaceX moves at a phenomenal pace, so we'll see the next booster stacked up before you know it."
"It's like I say, all very quickly in the space of about 24 hours or so has just suddenly accelerated to the point where it is almost done."
"The plan began when the pandemic started in late March 2020 and spread rapidly, it quickly became the ultimate get rich quick scheme as the defendants capitalized on the pandemic and grew this operation within months."
"AI is advancing faster than almost anyone realizes."
"With construction fast-tracked by papal clout, the town was transformed in just four years from a medieval jumble to a jewel of Renaissance architecture."
"It's been fast, it's been fun, nobody gave us [ __ ]."
"Big jumps and innovation happening almost at a breakneck speed."
"What Tesla has been able to accomplish so quickly, especially at these new factories that are ramping so fast, is quite incredible."
"I started scripting and like a month later things started changing very rapidly in my life."
"This is evolving far more rapidly than I think most people realize."
"This is a new beginning, but things are moving very quickly."
"You can build all these things for you and quite rapidly as well."
"It's about making things happen, news coming very quickly, especially in regards to a creative project or something in regards to movement."
"Things are changing so fast, things are becoming different and if you just close your eyes, there's already a change which has happened."
"This is the biggest change that we've ever seen, faster than anything maybe humanity has ever seen at this pace that it's going to happen."
"Hackathons I think are so fun because it gives you the opportunity not just to create something fast but also you can build products that real people use."
"It's good for rapid application development, good for fast applications where you don't want to have to write code from scratch."
"Two to three years in data science is such a long time, the field just developed so rapidly."
"Usually, technological developments take a long time to come to market, but in the case of time crystals, it's been remarkably fast."
"One of my legacy is my charity which I'm building it very rapidly."
"...Technologies are going to develop, we're going to know more five years from now multiples more than we've learned the past 20, 30, 40, 50 years. It's happening extremely rapidly."
"There's nothing that changes the game any more rapidly than this."
"It's taken an amazing short time of just eight months to carve out a Formula One spec world-spec motor racing track."
"Look at the changes that have happened in my lifetime. And look how rapid things are changing now."
"As soon as I kind of agreed to think about it, I had almost all seven designs completely created within two hours."
"Relationships are the most rapid spiritual path that there is."
"Get ready for something that takes off rather quickly and you're like, whoa."
"The whole thing went up in a day; it was almost magical."
"Speaking of innovation at scale, a great example is how Pfizer brought the COVID vaccine and oral treatment to the world in record time."
"The speed of change is remarkable because the algorithm is available; you might have an idea to improve upon it, you just take the code that already exists, and then bolt on your idea, and you're in business."
"The shelf life of innovation has gone from three years to about three minutes."
"This industry has literally grown in like seconds and so many people are having success."
"It's amazing how it works, and you would have asked people in computer vision how long it's gonna take us before we can do this, they would have told you, you know, I don't know, 20 years. It happened really quickly."
"From nobody deal whatsoever to creating your own business in seven days."
"In less than a week, we've placed a base on the furthest planet in the solar system."
"There's a need for those particular very quick, rapid identification systems that are just maybe small interdepartmental type of applications."
"The alien DNA essentially induced rapid growth, causing Sil to form into a visible fetus in a single day."
"What a lot of plants will do is all of a sudden have a growth spurt where they stretch really fast and grow really quickly."
"Technological advancements and developments that used to take 10 years could only take a matter of months to change the world."
"Life as we understand it actually began pretty quickly after the Earth was formed."
"It's truly remarkable, and I think for the reasons you said, that's why it's grown so quickly and so big so fast."
"If you're looking to get something working very fast, then Python is the solution."
"The poverty-stricken and independent population achieves a social consciousness at a rapidly accelerating pace."
"Institutions need to produce new products at a rapid pace continually; that requires knowledge creation on a continual basis."
"The last six to twelve months, I've never seen an ecosystem grow so much, so fast."
"Argus was examined, approved as a project, assigned, prepared for, and executed in only five months."
"We are very excited, this all happened really fast."
"When you connect with this person, things will move quickly."
"I cannot think of an area of technology recently that I have seen progress as fast as this area."
"The story was leveling up so rapidly... creating the Boys Cinematic Universe."
"It's one of the quickest ways to get really fun applications and ideas out there into production."
"Agile is very rapid iterations, usually developing new features of a product in two to four weeks."
"This was a video to show you how quickly you can develop an AR application."
"Being able to iterate quickly and test your ideas with the market is important."
"In terms of rapid prototyping, this is a really great tool to have under your belt."
"The speed of technology has rapidly increased as human history keeps making itself."
"Python's elegant syntax and dynamic typing make it the ideal language for scripting and rapid application development."
"The world's moving on really quickly, India is moving on really, really fast."
"In the C3 Sicilian, you see very rapid development for white."
"So let's start off by answering what is the Django framework? The key point here, as I already said, was rapid development."
"The Nano RP2040 is great for projects that need to be developed rapidly and need wireless connectivity."
"It enables the teams to ship with amazingly fast iteration time."
"This demonstrates the three ways that we can use the sequential class to build neural networks rapidly in a sequential way."
"Starting from an article in Substance magazine with my code, everything went very fast after that."
"It's quite amazing that it got to that point so quickly."
"It allows you to rapidly build feature-rich enterprise-ready desktop and mobile web applications."
"That's a seedling from a cone in Italy, that's amazing growth in less than three years."
"Build winning campaigns in minutes."
"It's perfect for making games quickly and that's fundamental for prototyping."
"It's off we go, we start acting on things, things start happening very quickly here."
"This is how you can add the hero section very quickly with this Hyper UI component."
"I mean, almost in 48 hours, I had roots popping out all over."
"They thrive at home, they really do, and they just excel a lot faster than they would in the hospital."
"The field is developing so fast that a lot of things you will not find in one single book."
"I think this may well be about to go quite fast, and we should certainly plan for that."
"This is again where things get really powerful, really quickly."
"Things change at rapid speed in the world we live in now because of technology."
"It's never been less expensive to build, it's never been faster to build, it's never been easier to invent."
"Things are changing at a rapid rate."