
Antarctica Quotes

There are 501 quotes

"Antarctica recently, huge underground lakes were found a kilometer deep under the ice."
"But the greatest change lay in the advent of air exploration, with much of Antarctica charted from the sky in the years to come."
"Built during a time when the world was consumed in a military and nuclear arms race, these vehicles best represented the unusual spirit of peace and cooperation in Antarctica."
"Antarctica is a strange, otherworldly environment."
"Antarctica: a land of snow and ice and a hotbed of intrigue."
"Antarctica boasts an array of fascinating and unique geographic features, the likes of which can't be found anywhere else on Earth."
"Beneath this icy surface lies a diverse landscape of mountains, valleys, and even sub-glacial lakes, their secrets perfectly preserved by the unforgiving cold."
"Antarctica is home to a rich array of wildlife, from the regal emperor penguins to the tiny, hardy tardigrade."
"Imagine standing there, beneath the ethereal glow of the Aurora Australis, the frozen plains stretching out before you as far as the eye can see, untouched and silent."
"It's a testament to nature's raw power and resilience, a place of mystery and beauty, of ice and isolation."
"At first glance, Antarctica appears to be a frozen wasteland, but hidden below the icy exterior are mysteries that have left even modern scientists bewildered."
"Antarctica's icy expanse harbors a treasure trove of pristine meteorite specimens, with thousands scattered across the remote, windswept landscape."
"In a remarkable story spanning over half a century, a wallet lost in Antarctica in the 1960s was miraculously returned to its owner in 2021."
"This bizarre waterfall oozes from the face of the Taylor Glacier, with its deep blood-red liquid starkly contrasting the stark white icy landscape."
"A network of truly enormous tunnels has been discovered deep beneath Antarctica's ice sheet, comparable in height to Paris's Eiffel Tower."
"Antarctica continues to baffle, intrigue, and fascinate us."
"Antarctica, in essence, represents a remarkable experiment in international cooperation and peace."
"Beneath its icy surface, Antarctica hides gambuts of mountains, a mountain range as grand as the Alps, entirely buried under miles of ice."
"Antarctica is the greatest single repository of true human history that we have on this planet."
"What lies beyond those dimly lit stairs is still a puzzle, making Antarctica's secrets even more intriguing."
"Antarctica is the world's southernmost continent; it is also the world's highest, driest, windiest, coldest, and iciest continent."
"Some of the Maori people have been critiquing this date for years, knowing they were privy to prior records of exploration of the Antarctic."
"Antarctica is not anyone's country; it's everyone's country."
"Antarctica has 91 active volcanoes, more than any other continent in the world."
"Antarctica is this autonomous continent that is not owned by anyone."
"Antarctica is holding a lot of secrets, Connie. I feel in my heart that there is evidence in Antarctica that will change our outlook on who we are on this planet."
"Antarctica is one of the best places to discover meteorites."
"The singing was created by the wind blowing across the top of the ice shelf."
"There is a new discovery on the edge of Antarctica that scares scientists."
"A massive creature between 20 to 30 meters in length appeared before them, unlike any other they'd ever seen."
"One often overlooked part of the planet which happens to have hundreds of lakes is Antarctica."
"Antarctica offers its own special entertainment in the form of singing ice."
"A thriving temperate rainforest existed in West Antarctica about 90 million years ago."
"Upside down Rivers may sound like an absurd impossibility, except you're in Antarctica."
"Once upon a time, this vast, silent landmass was covered in forests, and dinosaurs roamed freely."
"It's one of the things I find most striking is the presence of Antarctica on ancient maps because we didn't discover it until 1820 and yet it's on maps drawn in the 1500s with great detail."
"Antarctica is one of the weirdest places on Earth and from the very beginning, Antarctica has pretty much been a mystery to us."
"Saying that space is the final frontier is true, but not quite yet, because let's not forget that we still don't know what's underneath Antarctica's nearly five and a half million square miles of ice."
"The real interesting Antarctica, I believe, is what's underneath the ice."
"Antarctica has to be one of the most mysterious places on Earth."
"The Antarctica might be an unforgivingly cold place, but that has not prevented it from being at the center of conspiracy theories."
"Our investigations have led us to believe that a highly advanced and technologically proficient society thrived in the now frozen continent long before our modern understanding of human history."
"The existence of hidden UFO bases and evidence of extraterrestrial encounters in Antarctica suggests that our planet has been and continues to be of great interest to otherworldly civilizations."
"Somehow, people continue to find new discoveries that change our understanding of life in this freezing, inhospitable location, and some are, well, they're a little weird."
"Scientists suggested that the mild conditions in Antarctica some 50 million years ago may have resulted from higher carbon dioxide concentrations at the time."
"Online sleuths have posted images of pyramids in the icy landscape of Antarctica, and it has everybody wondering who could have built them."
"Scientists have discovered a city-sized lake hidden deep beneath the world's largest ice sheet, which may hold the key to unlocking the sheet's 34 million year history."
"Antarctica is one huge meteor magnet, making it a goldfield for meteorites."
"It's a mystery continent at the bottom of the world and the largest single mass of ice on Earth."
"Anything can go wrong at any minute. The stakes are high because the secret to Earth's future lies buried in Antarctica's past."
"It's the coldest, windiest, driest, and most desolate landscape on the planet."
"The results of the drilling are simply spectacular. They give us a picture of a dynamic ice sheet coming and going regularly more than 60 times."
"The Ross Ice Shelf is the largest of its kind in Antarctica, and when winds blow across its dunes, this collision creates vibrations that produce continuous seismic tones."
"Scientists have found new noises in Antarctica as weird as anything you could dream up, but no, it's nothing to do with extraterrestrial life."
"Antarctica has preserved vibrant and almost alien life forms under its thick sheet of ice for millions of years."
"The massive Antarctic ice shelf named Ross Ice Shelf is alive with the sound of music."
"Antarctica over the years has been a gold mine for finding meteorites."
"Antarctica had once been a tropical climate, replete with dinosaur species, ferns, and megafauna as well as megaflora."
"Antarctica is this massive icy world, almost entirely wrapped up in thick, heavy ice, making it a place that's been full of mysteries and unanswered questions for years and years."
"It feels like Antarctica is this big box of mysteries packed with secrets and riddles that nobody has managed to figure out completely yet."
"The truth is already out there: exploring Antarctica reveals ancient, prehistoric maps suggesting lost ancient knowledge."
"The fact that the Peri Reis map could depict Antarctica with such precision long before the age of satellites, GPS, and advanced mapping technology we use today is truly remarkable."
"The Antarctic ice sheet holds about 90% of the world's ice, representing a significant portion of the planet's fresh water reserves."
"This mix of triumph and tragedy, of known and unknown, makes Antarctica a place of endless fascination."
"Meteorite hunters are fond of Antarctica... recently one of the meteorites turned up something remarkable as one of its grains proved to be a speck of stardust."
"Antarctica is one of the last true remote and uncharted places in our world, but we are slowly uncovering the mass of secrets this frozen continent has held."
"From ancient structures that defy all historical knowledge to unexpected life in the darkest and coldest parts of Antarctica, follow along as we count down 15 unsettling discoveries in Antarctica nobody can explain."
"What happens when all the ice melts? What kind of secrets do the sub-zero regions of Antarctica hold?"
"Before Antarctica became a frozen desert, it was actually a warm tropical region with rainforests upon rainforests."
"The Forbidden Sector: Not most people know this, but Antarctica has a forbidden sector where no one is allowed to step in except for authorized individuals."
"Atlantis is a mystery humans have been trying to uncover for a long time, and it looks like our answers might lie in the icy cold depths of Antarctica."
"What a world hidden 1600 feet below the surface, deep below the icy sheet of Antarctica, is an extraordinary ecosystem."
"This bleeding waterfall pouring from the Taylor Glacier of Antarctica's McMurdo Dry Valley might just be the most intriguing discovery made in this part of the world."
"The melting ice sheet is unraveling the bewildering secrets this isolated continent harbors on a daily basis."
"The driest place in the world is the McMurdo Dry Valleys in Antarctica."
"Nationalist Socialist Germany claimed the territory of New Swabia in Antarctica, sent an expedition there in 1938, and began building secret deep underground bases below the ice."
"Blood Falls, located in Antarctica, is a natural phenomenon that definitely lives up to its name."
"Antarctica is cloaked in mystery as the last untouched Wilderness on Earth."
"When a Canadian woman named Charlene France was out on a trip to Snow Hill Island on the Antarctic Peninsula, she had a beautiful encounter with a baby animal that will no doubt stay in her memory for a long time."
"He believes that with global warming melting more and more of Antarctica that the craft which was once lodged in the ice is slowly starting to reveal itself."
"The final far country on earth is Antarctica, a place where history and mythology can be freely projected. Popular conspiracy and really culture in general believe there has to be something in all that ice."
"What I worry about is the melting of the Antarctic ice sheets."
"A horrifying new species of fish may have just been found in Antarctica."
"With 98% of its surface being covered in a mile-deep sheet of ice, Antarctica is an unforgiving environment. Life is a rare occurrence in this severe climate, which is considered the driest, coldest, and windiest desert on planet Earth."
"Antarctica is a long way away from where you live. Not many people have been to this frozen continent."
"Someone has discovered the remains of what may be a dinosaur in Antarctica."
"One of the greatest mysteries of Antarctica solved deep below the ice."
"There's something huge going on with Antarctica."
"It's pretty intense but it's done in order to protect Antarctica."
"Nazi Antarctic base... New Swabia, allegedly built for military purposes."
"The mystery of this map is it shows Antarctica as it looks under the ice long before Antarctica is even supposed to have been discovered."
"Antarctica has been the subject of many unsettling mysteries... brave adventurers... awestruck by its enigmatic beauty."
"The frozen secrets of Antarctica have certainly captured our imaginations."
"Antarctica harbors secrets that challenge the very essence of human history."
"Ancient maps depict Antarctica free from its icy shroud."
"Antarctica is the only place where there are no weapons, no military activity, there are no scientific studies focused on the emergence of a new means of destruction. It is a perfect image of humanity." - Patriarch Kirill
"Antarctica is one of the strangest places on the face of the Earth."
"Graham Hancock showed significant proof that Antarctica could be linked to an ancient civilization."
"Discovered in 1958, the Gamburtsev Mountains of Antarctica remain a mysterious geological feature, hidden beneath the ice."
"Scientists stumbled upon the largest colony of fish nests ever seen in Antarctica, sprawling across 240 square kilometers."
"More meteorites have been found in Antarctica than on all other continents combined, making it a hotspot for extraterrestrial rock hunters."
"It takes a lot of logistics to send food and fuel and resources down to Antarctica, nothing is plentiful down there."
"I try to put in a concept like this, it takes a lot of logistics to send food and fuel and resources down to Antarctica."
"What kind of Secrets do the Sub-Zero regions of Antarctica hold?"
"Everything that we've discovered so far has been a combination of fascinating and absolutely terrifying."
"Join us today as we take you through 15 terrifying things discovered in Antarctica that changed everything."
"What do you think of these terrifying things being discovered in Antarctica? Which one scared you the most? Be sure to tell us all about it in the comments down below."
"Antarctica's ice preserves the oldest DNA ever recovered."
"A colossal river network flows beneath Antarctica's ice sheet."
"A lost ancient civilization discovered buried under Antarctic ice."
"You can see mind-blowing frozen waves in Antarctica."
"When I started studying Antarctica 30 years ago, we never thought extreme weather events could happen there."
"A mysterious structure has been found on Google Earth in Antarctica that could hint at an ancient Lost Civilization."
"Antarctica may not be as devoid of activity as one might assume."
"Could it be that it's the progenitors, the Anunnaki from however long ago hundreds of thousands of years, that are the ones who built the huge gigantic structures in what we know as Antarctica?"
"Antarctica, the land of mysteries and secrets."
"There was a major concern by world powers to go in and capture the technology and the two spacecraft which they knew were in Antarctica."
"Antarctica is Atlantis. Just so you know, this is why we have footage, we have photos, we have a lot of material evidence that's coming together."
"It is now believed that this sound was caused by an iceberg running aground off Antarctica."
"There is a definite connection between Antarctica and the Nazis."
"Antarctica is one of the least explored regions on Earth, and much of the continent remains uncharted."
"Antarctica holds Clues to Humanity's past present and future that have yet to be fully explored and understood."
"The Antarctic treaty restricts access to Antarctica, heralded as one of the most successful examples of International cooperation."
"Don Juan Pond: the saltiest water on the planet, remaining liquid even at temperatures of -58°F."
"A huge chunk of ice in Antarctica has broken off, creating an iceberg more than 20 times the size of Manhattan."
"The Antarctic Treaty was signed to ensure peaceful purposes."
"Antarctica shall not become the scene or object of international discord."
"Their curiosity ablaze with the possibilities that lay hidden within Antarctica's icy realm, this enigmatic continent once considered a barren wasteland now promised to unveil a forgotten chapter of Earth's history."
"Antarctica is considered one of the last unexplored places on Earth."
"Forget everything you thought you knew about this barren remote continent. It's time to unravel a chilling saga that has remained hidden from the masses."
"Antarctica is proving to be a dynamic and complicated world, way more interesting than we once believed."
"Antarctica keeps its Secrets close guarding the crystal City's truth with an icy grip."
"The lowest temperature ever recorded on Earth occurred in Antarctica, plunging to a nightmarish minus eighty-nine point two degrees Celsius."
"A new discovery in Antarctica: researchers find New Life under an ice shelf, and the discovery was an accident."
"Antarctica was once a lush green forest teeming with life; dinosaurs roamed its landscape."
"Antarctica is believed to contain a lot of evidence of extraterrestrial objects."
"I'll always want to go back to Antarctica. The inner peace I found there changed my life."
"A penguin found refuge while trying to escape a predator and got stuck. Fortunately, the penguin was lucky enough to meet a human in the middle of desolate Antarctica."
"Antarctica has been a mysterious place for a long time."
"Join us as we dig deep into the compelling mysteries of the inner earth in Antarctica."
"Recent studies reveal Antarctica's rich history, pointing to evidence that humans once inhabited this region in a hospitable climate."
"Hitler's connection to Antarctica runs deep, with rumors of Nazi bases and advanced technology aided by extraterrestrials."
"Sir Douglas Mawson's solo trek across Antarctica: a tale of endurance and survival."
"But anyway, that's my quick history lesson of the Antarctic snow cruiser."
"The thermometers located at the Esperanza base on the northern edge of the Antarctic Peninsula reached an incredible 18.3°C, almost the same temperature as Los Angeles that day."
"Fossil evidence has revealed that about 55 million years ago, Antarctica was covered in dense forest and even supported the growth of palm trees along its coast."
"Antarctica is the site of a huge secret underground base where humans and what we call aliens work together."
"Antarctica might just look like a giant field of ice but there's actually a huge continent underneath."
"UFOs have been reported in the Antarctic since her serious involvement with the continent."
"A wealthy and somewhat nosy industrialist discovers an ancient pyramid buried beneath the ice."
"Antarctica has not always been a forbidden land of ice. Millions of years ago, when the continent was still part of the huge southern hemisphere landmass called Gondwana, forests grew near the South Pole."
"Newly released data from European satellite has revealed the tectonic underworld below the Frozen southernmost continent."
"The Antarctic is not immune to the effects of anthropogenic climate change."
"Definitely viewed as one of the most peculiar natural phenomenons from around the world is that of the waterfalls of red located in the Antarctic Tundra."
"Antarctica, the majestic seventh continent, an unspoiled land of incredible ice formations that you simply have to see."
"Antarctica was lush and green... there's undoubtedly a time when Antarctica was lush and green."
"Underneath the Antarctic ice is an untouched treasure trove of dinosaur remains."
"Antarctica is populated almost by researchers, so technically Antarctica is the continent with the highest average IQ and education."
"At the edge of Antarctica is a great wall of ice that marks the very end of the world."
"Thanks to Google Maps, a mysterious and unexplained cave was discovered on a remote island in Antarctica."
"The snow piled up and glaciers grew, and slowly Antarctica started to freeze over."
"Antarctica's volcanic Ice Caves are like secret oases amid the icy desert."
"Antarctica might look like a barren desolate land, but it actually holds a lot of secrets."
"Did you know that a real-life Loch Ness Monster did once roam Antarctica? Scientists have discovered fossilized remains of a massive creature, over 70 million years old."
"Our work aims to inform policy and contribute to a better understanding of what's happening with the Antarctic ice sheet."
"The most ambitious field program in Antarctica to date, funded by the US and UK."
"We're collecting a vast amount of data from the air, sea, and deep field to enhance our understanding."
"Located far from wherever you reside, Antarctica remains elusive, invoking images of a science fiction-like Frozen World."
"Mount Erebus: the most active volcano in Antarctica, reigning as the southernmost sentinel of volcanic fury on the planet."
"I'm gonna say C, Antarctica, final answer."
"Exploration of Antarctica was very similar to the competition to reach the moon in the 1960s."
"Antarctica: vast, silent, frozen, empty, and irresistible."
"Antarctica offers itself not merely as a witness to individual achievement, but also as a lesson to those who would take Nature's Bounty for granted."
"The potential sea level rise from Antarctica is very large."
"We touch Antarctica what I mean by that is there's the seventh continent is the highest driest windiest continent on the planet."
"It's my first time landing on ice and then ice felt so thick the captain told me it's 1.4 kilometer thick to sustain the A340 and it felt like landing on asphalt."
"What are your thoughts on the possibility of ancient civilizations lying beneath the ice of Antarctica?"
"Antarctica has a way of humbling you, of making human words seem inadequate against its majestic and cruel indifference."
"Frankly, if you've seen The Thing, you know that jolly old Santa ain't even the scariest thing in all of Antarctica, he's third behind The Thing itself and an ax-wielding Wilford Brimley."
"The macaroni penguin is the most numerous species and is the fifth and final species to breed in Antarctica."
"Over 99% of Earth's unclaimed land is located right here in Antarctica."
"The weather was clear and relatively warm for Antarctica, at minus 35 C with almost no wind."
"This is super cool, really cozy in here, little glass floor here, you can see the ice below you when you sleep."
"It's so incredible how luxurious this is out in the middle of Antarctica."
"Lake Vostok, discovered in the 1990s by Russian scientists, is the largest subglacial lake in Antarctica."
"Lake Snow Eagle, named in 2022, has a surface area of 143 square miles and lies in a mile-deep canyon beneath two miles of ice."
"Life was discovered under half a mile of Antarctic ice, including bacteria and sponge-like creatures."
"Blood Falls in Antarctica, a crimson waterfall pouring from Taylor Glacier, was explained by scientists."
"The best time to actually Cruise Antarctica is generally considered the middle of December to about February."
"The fossil of the second largest egg ever discovered on Earth was found in Antarctica."
"Many people argue that there is more going on under the Antarctic Ice than anybody can even imagine."
"Antarctica is currently the only COVID-free continent, and it’s crucial it stays that way."
"this could be the start of a whole new world in Antarctica"
"it's definitely a UFO that probably crashed in Antarctica"
"Antarctica: the Ragged peaks of The Eternity mountains lift their backs into emptiness cut only by wind."
"No one is from Antarctica. Nobody lives there."
"For many years there have been rumors of the existence of a German base in Antarctica that was established during the second world war and that it's still fully operational today."
"February is the best month for whale watching in Antarctica, and it’s still possible to see penguin chicks."
"Antarctica is the highest, driest, coldest continent on Earth."
"Antarctica has this mythic weight. It resides in the collective unconscious of so many people."