
Pseudo-science Quotes

There are 98 quotes

"Nazi ideology was based on the theory that in the past there was a powerful Earth civilization with access to secrets of the universe."
"Where does this cross back into pseudoscience, and how do you know that your experts are really experts?"
"Fingerprint analysis is flawed, polygraph tests are complete pseudoscience, arson investigations are often based on unscientific nonsense, even eyewitness accounts are totally unreliable."
"Measuring cranial volume to make racial claims about intelligence was total pseudoscience."
"Conversion therapy has no foundation as scientifically valid medical care and lacks credible evidence to support its efficacy or safety."
"The moment that the academic world stops engaging with the public, it drives people towards pseudoscience."
"A high percentage of Americans still think very bizarre things, as pseudoscience overruns this society."
"His critics will call it a pseudoscience that takes money in exchange for false hope, as to date, no method of bringing back those who have been preserved has arisen."
"Eugenics is literally a modernized pseudoscience that was based merely on racial discrimination."
"But beyond all this, perhaps the best evidence that Darwin Devolves is nonsense is that Behe had to flat out lie to defend it."
"So in summary, although Behe was a real scientist, he is not above promoting pseudoscience like intelligent design."
"Astrology has a lot of real information to it."
"Education attenuates belief in conspiracy theories and pseudoscience."
"I hate Ken Ham. I think he abuses his white coat privilege into making Christians think that he's a reputable scientist."
"We removed the targeting category. We removed pseudoscience as a category."
"Oddly enough and in spite of weak arguments to support the ancient astronaut theory, the prospect of a past contact with aliens has led generations of readers to become interested in ancient civilizations."
"Phrenology is just bunk people...we need to be evidence-based."
"It's not that pseudoscience and superstition are something new; they've been with us for as long as we've been human."
"Goop's history of promoting pseudoscience and snake oil in the name of alternative healthcare."
"Nazism fascism Marxism all these isms claim to be scientific but in reality are all religions and Cults."
"The shape of your head determined what kind of person you were... it was thought that they could tell by the shape of your skull whether you had inherent criminal traits."
"Pseudoscience can be seen as a gateway to relativism and a gateway which is... then we have a huge problem because we can't function properly as a scientific society."
"Any trans sports debate stuff is pseudoscientific garbage."
"The success of pseudoscience preys not on the fact that people are dumb but on the fact that we are completely incapable of knowing every scientific principle that intersects with our lives."
"The truth about crystals: everything is made up of energy."
"Eugenics is pseudo-scientific racist garbage."
"The ancient astronaut theory: humans are either descendants or creations of extraterrestrial intelligence."
"Misinformation has always been a challenge throughout medical history, with a lot of pseudoscience and misinformation still present today."
"The idea that Nibiru cycles around the solar system every 3,600 years is a total fabrication."
"But at the end of the day, if somebody... is actually getting a real benefit, they're not propping up the pseudoscience or woo out of it, they're not advocating for those things, then generally I don't really care."
"I wouldn't be concerned so much that someone accuses you falsely of Witchcraft. I'd be more concerned about if you're taking steps that prop up pseudoscientific thinking in woo."
"People who don't even know what they're talking about, they literally make up their own science, they just make it up."
"The idea of a hollow Earth is still considered a conspiracy theory."
"There are no medical benefits to vaginal steaming."
"When I create debunking videos, either of her response to me or content in general, like an ideology or concept in young Earth creationism or some other kind of pseudoscience, I tend to have two modes."
"Every fortune teller, every psychic, every horoscope, and every other attempt to know the future in advance is fake."
"Saying there's something out there without evidence opens the door to a lot of snake oil."
"Linguistic wave genetics: words, thought, and intent can alter matter."
"Sodium bicarbonate can destroy a tumor in one day."
"The World Ice Theory fit perfectly well with Wagnerian visions and ariosophic ideas of Atlantis and root races."
"Alkaline water increases/decreases the cluster size of the water molecule."
"Right now personally I view it as a pseudoscience."
"The mix of bad science and bad theology, there's nothing about it."
"The claim that physical man was originally a colossal pre-tertiary giant, and that he existed 18,000,000 years ago, must of course appear preposterous to admirers of, and believers in, modern learning."
"Astrology separates itself from mere pseudoscience."
"Science and pseudoscience are behaviors, not products."
"...there's this massive body of knowledge and literature that's entirely bogus and no one realizes."
"A company that can continuously get away with pushing pseudoscience to you and just overall being this absolute insane scamming health and wellness company in my opinion."
"Our health and wellness is of huge significance, but when we have people pushing insane pseudoscience to you, it's really problematic."
"Diving into the curious world of phrenology, this once popular field claimed that one's personality traits and intellectual capabilities could be deciphered from the bumps and contours of the skull."
"He's one of our greatest champions against irrationality and pseudoscience."
"People who believe in gem powers and pyramids were built from the top buil Crystal Dolphins."
"These ideas and application of the concept lie outside of the realm of science but have been embraced by many of those who believe they have experienced such a shift."
"The most ridiculous frauds will use scientific jargon in contexts where they have absolutely no meaning."
"Crackpots are fond of just like taking an equation like the Schrodinger equation and just like sticking in a little constant being like this is the new and new is for consciousness in the wave and I've added it and it's like okay but what are the units."
"Gwyneth Paltrow's company Goop got hit for a huge settlement in a lawsuit this week. Don't fuck with science, Gwyneth Paltrow."
"Heinrich Himmler thought the Aryans might be from the lost city of Atlantis."
"Himmler was searching for evidence of these Atlantis Aryans and it was all part of a larger Nazi project to legitimize their racist views through quote-unquote science."
"It is astonishing that people will continue to buy this sort of thing and that the law doesn't come anywhere near. But that is how absolutely saturated society is with this whole idea of pseudoscience."
"Maria Louisa claimed her bodily fluids could cure illnesses."
"The mainstream scientific community considers radiesthesia and radionics to be pseudoscience."
"Orgone is a hypothetical universal life force or energy originally proposed by Vilhelm Reich in the 1930s."
"Essential oils have frequencies and disease can't live in your body if you use these oils."
"It's a fine line between genius and bro scientist."
"Phrenology wasn't a real science. Turns out you can't tell a person's character from the shape of their skull."
"Believing a lot of this pseudoscience is just not healthy for someone."
"This dehumanization of Africans was often justified through distorted religious and pseudo-scientific arguments."
"This is a classic case of anime Bo science."
"Astrology, on the other hand, is a pseudoscience that claims that the location of stars and planets can affect the personalities and futures of human beings."
"When I'm debunking pseudoscience, I try to keep topics to pressing matters, actual arguments, and things that I feel are generally worth both my time and yours."
"The ancient astronaut theory has been around for over 45 years in popular culture."
"The problem with reality shifting, and actually conspiracy theories as a whole, is that they pretend to be based on factual evidence when they're entirely a pseudoscience."
"We need to talk about pseudoscience and stigma and its weaponization and its use."
"If we understand the distinction, we'll be able to see that not everything that is passed off for science is actually hardcore science."
"Pseudoscience promotes claims that are not supported by empirical evidence or that evidence is lacking or non-existent."
"Astrology is the study of how the positions of stars and movements of the planets have a supposed influence on events and on the lives and behavior of people."
"The fundamental difference between pseudoscience and real science for Lakatos can be distinguished between these progressive versus degenerating research programs."
"A research program might start out as very scientific but after a while, if it continues to degenerate, it devolves into pseudoscience."
"What is the difference between science and pseudoscience?"
"Body language analysis is a pseudoscience that takes speculative reasoning and passes it off as an evidence-based scientific endeavor."
"Astrology uses the terms of science because it makes it sound scientific, but it's not a science."
"Reading body language has been debunked time and time again by scientists as an inaccurate pseudoscience."
"Dianetics and Scientology are pseudoscience."
"Pseudo science is non-science that presents itself as, or pretends to be, or masquerades as science."