
Commodity Quotes

There are 96 quotes

"Compute is gonna be the currency of the future... the most precious commodity in the world."
"If time is a commodity, then you got to use it to your best interest."
"Marx starts with the commodity because it's the most universal concept."
"Tesla's will become a commodity, I promise you that, I promise you."
"Attention is a precious commodity and it's like a vote that we're voting with every single day."
"Salt is an important commodity right well worth your weight in salt isn't that the Romans used to say."
"Oil as the key commodity during the 20th century performed well in all three inflationary decades."
"The spice is able to provide higher consciousness, but it becomes an industrial commodity."
"The biggest issue...is a commodity...and people mine it...the most valuable commodity is time."
"Bitcoin is a commodity because of how it was designed and everything else out there 99.9 of all coins are designed in a way that makes them Securities."
"Seeds are going to be the next highly valued commodity."
"The local bread at 150 bucks, you could like... if you have a tenth of an ounce of silver."
"The most valuable commodity you can find in a sports car."
"Bitcoin is the one universally accepted commodity."
"This is the age of attention, and it's the greatest commodity."
"Bitcoin was the best option because it's a commodity not a security."
"Bitcoin is the one commodity that you can buy and you can hold where it is absolutely capped at 21 million."
"In college, snacks are a high commodity."
"The one commodity in life you can never get back is time."
"The bottom 2 billion people gaining purchasing power rapidly is impactful for commodity prices. Their purchases are deeply commodity-intensive, driving significant demand."
"Food is not a commodity like every other commodity."
"Human attention has become a commodity."
"Gold's been hanging in there like a fraking champ."
"Taking something that's more of like a commodity... and making it more of a piece of art."
"Attention is the most precious commodity we have in the world today."
"Data is the most valuable commodity in the world, new oil."
"Peace of Mind, the rarest of Commodities."
"The most valuable commodity I know of, this information, wouldn't you agree?"
"Time is the most valuable commodity."
"These things are just cash, aren't they?"
"I don't think of gold as a commodity... to me gold is money."
"Bitcoin is considered like digital Gold by the SEC, it is a commodity."
"They treat morality like a commodity, something that they can sell to people."
"Love is an imperishable commodity."
"The most valuable commodity I know of is information."
"Silence is worth its weight in any commodity."
"Time is fleeting, it's the one commodity that you can't get more of."
"Gold is one of the most valuable commodities."
"...just how valuable a commodity time is."
"Art is a luxury good and investment, a commodity, and it gets described in those terms."
"Spice melange: the rarest commodity sought by all, not just for what it does but what it represents."
"The most valuable commodity I know of is information. Wouldn't you agree?"
"The spot market is becoming less important in commodity transactions."
"The most expensive commodity to me is actually time."
"Peace is a commodity that everybody is seeking now, they're trying to buy it, they try to find it in any kind of form."
"The only thing that really has value is gold."
"Money should be a medium of exchange, not a commodity."
"The laborer is not in control of the commodity they produce, which belongs to capital."
"The value of a commodity is not determined by the labor and the resources; it is determined by the social relations that it enters."
"Attention is the most valuable commodity there is."
"Price is Right, it's very desirable... it's a cornet."
"So, wherever That Thing Lives, if it's a stock, if it's barrels of oil or bushels of corn, whatever."
"Pure maple syrup is 28 times more expensive than crude oil."
"Toilet paper was suddenly the hottest commodity in town."
"The attention of human beings is the single most valuable commodity known to me exactly it truly is."
"Time is a commodity. The older you get, the less of it lies in your future."
"Bitcoin is considered by the US government to be a commodity."
"Coffee may become a very precious luxury good."
"Time is the most valuable commodity here."
"The general mania for money represents the divine existence of commodities while they represent its earthly form."
"Codfish was Norway's first commodity, and it's still one of the best things we have to offer."
"Respect is the most important commodity that you can have."
"Bitcoin is the new super commodity due to its unique immutable scarcity."
"Bitcoin is a commodity, it's money, it's decentralized, it's immutable."
"Time is the most valuable or one of the most valuable commodities we have."
"You should think of data as a product, just how you go into a supermarket and you buy something."
"Tin was a valuable commodity because it was needed for making bronze."
"Time is the most precious commodity you have at your disposal."
"Time is very valuable; it's a high commodity these days."
"That's a rare commodity, you'll see very many of those around."
"Time is the most precious commodity out there."
"As the price of a commodity goes up, the geographic extent of its ore gets bigger."
"Time is one of the most valuable commodities any of us have."
"Commodity money gave them two options: I can use this thing as money and if that all fails, I can still use it as a commodity."
"The most valuable commodity right now is intel."
"Fuel is always a precious commodity."
"Coffee is one of the number one commodities in prison."
"Time is the only commodity on earth given equal to every human being."
"Beauty is the most sought-after commodity."
"Time is the only commodity that I have. I can never get that back."
"Makeup like Jeffrey says is a hot commodity like a diamond."
"It's breathtakingly amazing that we're finally there and that it's finally a commodity."
"Time is the most precious commodity."
"I'm a real commodity for the women in the world today."
"Salt became one of the world's principal trading commodities."
"Information is our most precious commodity."
"Bitcoin has characteristics of a commodity currency and likened it to exponential gold."
"What is the most valuable commodity in the world? In my opinion, it is computing power."