
Personal Interest Quotes

There are 1762 quotes

"The only thing that I've loved more than anything in my life is pro wrestling."
"Reading was my favorite subject in school, especially Elementary school."
"No one acts in your best interest better than you."
"I'm already in the fall spirit, the Halloween spirit, my favorite holiday."
"Just me enjoying some giant spruce trees way too much because I really like Spruce."
"Start with something you enjoy and that you're passionate about."
"Find words that are particularly interesting to you, and focus on pronouncing them correctly to possibly improve pronunciation in other parts of the language."
"I'm gonna start with something that, um, I think you'll like. That's a great place to start."
"The unbelievable power of unrestricted curiosity and that the only thing that mattered to her was my interests."
"Playing chess is my interest. I am keen on playing chess too, and I have many books on it."
"It doesn't have to be like 50; it could be like a million, as much as I want to know about you."
"I will read silly little books and tell you about them until the end of time, until I can't read anymore."
"People tend to become good at things they really care about."
"The benefits of me building a resume, working towards a career that I was very interested in, and being able to have the time to explore hobbies I was excited about... that always outweighed my kind of lackluster interest, semi-FOMO about that kind of stuff."
"Anything that is pitched as a 'Get Out' moment, I'm reading, no questions asked."
"Most scientists do science not because they're trying to save the world...because they enjoy it."
"Don't pick this degree just because it has a high salary or anything like that... Make sure it's something that interests you."
"It was clearly a passion project for James, giving him an out-of-character outlet to simply gush about films that he clearly cares a lot about."
"I've never stopped liking English literature."
"I've always been just wildly fascinated with rainbows."
"You should not be having a hobby or doing something just because you think it will attract the opposite sex; you should do things because you genuinely find interest and joy in them."
"My first love in life has always been photography. It's like my thing, my passion. I adore it."
"You guys know I love retro gaming, and it's become a huge hobby of mine."
"I've had a lot of hype personally for this game."
"I could talk about how much I like Sean Bean all day."
"When it comes to my own personal collecting preferences and habits, I really like to focus on games that either meant something to me as a kid or games that I really have every intention of playing sometime in the future."
"It ignited a lifelong interest into it. I knew what I had seen, and I knew that it was absolutely extraordinary."
"This lecture is on the Book of Revelation, a book I've been interested in since I was basically 17 years old."
"I fell in love with it. It's a completely different art to race on a road course."
"I love educational stuff. I love it so much."
"This is unbelievable. Like legitimately, I can't believe Butterfree has done this well."
"I am a weather nerd. We have a small weather station at the back of our house. I just love it."
"You are required to review the Dark Souls games, but I already wanted to do that."
"I had a lot of fun researching this one; I bought three or four books on city planning and walkability. This is something I'm very passionate about, because I've just been analyzing again, the places I've lived, or if I'm looking at where I would like to live, you know, the ideal place for me - walkability is absolutely a big factor."
"As a young child, ancient wonders utterly fascinated me. I developed an insatiable appetite for information surrounding their existence."
"I remember being obsessed with Pokemon. I just thought it was the coolest thing."
"I love lions too, so I have two lions. I have Elvis and I have Rex, and I love both of them."
"So much of my personality is wrapped up in football."
"I'm a big fan of animatronics. I think they're cool, nevertheless."
"I know a lot of you are probably also fans of Stardew Valley, but just in case you're not, it's a farming game, I've played it so much like for so long, it's one of my favorite games of all time."
"Swords are awesome. Why? Because swords, that's why."
"This is the most excited I have personally ever been for an event."
"That stuff is actually really fun. I'm actually really looking forward to it."
"Ronald Reagan was fascinated with the UFO subject."
"I collect baseball cards, and you play baseball. Well, who was your favorite player growing up? Roberto Clemente for everybody."
"I love finding things that match and making little collections because people come in and buy the whole thing."
"Books are always a great thing, whether you have a shop or if you guys just like to decorate."
"I always collect seashells; I have so many on my desk and room."
"Tractors...I've always loved tractors as long as I can remember."
"I found weight training. I found the weight room, and it was just nice to train in a way not just specifically for a sport."
"Technically, it is true that garlic bread is a passion of mine."
"I love a great mystery, and I'm fascinated by the greatest unsolved mystery in science, perhaps because it's personal. It's about who we are, and I can't help but be curious."
"Ever since the days of obsessing over The Matrix and Fallout as a wee young lad, the post-apocalyptic genre is something I've always been really fascinated by."
"The feelings are mutual here. So if you know who this person is, they're definitely thinking about you."
"Everyone who knows me knows I'm obsessed with bees."
"I just made the videos that I myself would want to watch."
"Invest in something you actually care about. This should be a no-brainer, but it's not."
"Richard Dawkins, famous for his militant atheism, confessed to a lifelong love for the King James translation, calling it a 'precious heritage'."
"I was never allowed to listen to music, although I always loved music more than pretty much anything."
"I'm actually kind of excited about it even though I don't play video games."
"At some point or another, when people are interested in your content, they kind of become interested in you as well."
"The history of medieval England is right in my wheelhouse as far as stuff that I'm interested in and passionate about."
"I like historical fiction a lot... reading books about Genghis Khan or, you know, things like that. That shit's tight."
"That's like another hobby in itself, isn't it?"
"I'm going to buy a really cool yellow trail. Gives me 15% more wins, and it's my favorite color."
"People are interested in you and your life and what you have going on."
"There's something so mesmerizing and attractive about encountering people who are just really engaged in whatever dumb thing they're doing."
"I always had a strong inclination towards anything creative."
"I really like the Disney movie Beauty and the Beast."
"Definitely check it out if that interests you."
"I'm excited to see the different developments."
"Geology gives me the same satisfaction that archaeology does in telling a story."
"I am a very big fan of geology. I am far from a professional geologist..."
"I love poker. Poker is one of the main games I played in college."
"I pretty much eat sleep and drink stimulus checks."
"AA calls the woman a breaker. Ilhan is curious about that cool name and silently asks her about it."
"I don't see myself being interested in doing much else on my channel other than singing and voice acting for quite some time."
"I'm a fan, okay? So as a fan, you study people."
"I love listening to the show the next morning when I'm casing my mail route or delivering my route I started paying more attention to politics just last year and y'all were the first I noticed and I found my people with y'all here."
"Seeing this in here is actually kind of cool."
"There was one legend that Paul felt drawn to more than others, and it was a rather obscure one to say the least."
"I grew up listening to a lot of Celtic music and I've been obsessed with Irish music."
"I wanted to make videos that I would want to watch."
"That's what I'm going to focus on. I'd imagine she's probably done some of this research herself and thought, look, I've had enough of raid, I love Eternal Evolution, and I feel like it's actually a game that's gaining a lot of traction."
"I just love to stream because it's a lot of fun for me, it's one of my favorite things to do."
"Study hard what interests you the most... in the most undisciplined, irreverent, and original manner possible."
"By teaching yourself, you get to explore what you really enjoy and what you really like in mathematics."
"I just think if you... I just think that's really interesting."
"It's super exciting, right? This is what I love about Formula 1."
"Mysticism in general is just so interesting to me."
"I just love these [__] movies man that's the only reason I'm way into it."
"Every man and woman I've talked to about this... I'm dying to ask that question. I'm on my fourth date. I really want to know that about my potential partner because I'm really interested in this person and I think we could be great together."
"I'm a big supporter of you as a person, as an artist, and so I'm looking forward to this. Let's dive in, I'm ready."
"I'm too invested, I need the end of the story."
"If she's upset about how the interview went, I think that indicates she has an actual interest in these conversations."
"I'm really excited when I see news and updates for Genshin Impact, so that's not going to stop me."
"I love game myself, and today I'm actually going to make a royal recipe."
"I wasn't disappointed with my A levels as well. I did I wrote a lot of essays, but we also used some maths and we also used statistics and accounting, so I did find it really interesting."
"What is boring to you is interesting to someone else."
"There's much worse things than having comedians think that you're interesting enough to parody you."
"I consider myself a little bit of a film buff. I do research on the writers and the directors of a film before I go see it."
"Say what you honestly think do the topics you are honestly interested in."
"One of my most eagerly awaited films of the year."
"So cater your research towards things that you're interested in."
"That's one more thing you've added that I'm like, I want that, that looks awesome."
"I've always been fascinated with colts for a few different reasons... I want to know how do these cult leaders have this power and strategic ability..."
"Sci-fi, humanity's out in the stars, cool already, I love that, I'm a big sucker for sci-fi even like the most general concepts."
"I thought it was kind of neat and I wanted to give it a try. It has some unique features."
"A lot of people have got a desire to be a bit tactically minded on some level."
"I want to see you have a favorite Pokemon card."
"The Sims has been my special interest since I could."
"As soon as I see a ship flying towards like a planet I'm sold, I'm such a sucker for sci-fi."
"Whether or not you guys like it is completely irrelevant to me, because this interests me to no extent."
"I can watch documentaries and anything that's rooted in the real world."
"Minecraft gave her the freedom to engage with what she liked most."
"I absolutely love viruses. I have a passion for them that few people have."
"I love metal puzzles. I just like problem-solving things like that."
"Sometimes it's just about what fandom you love." - Ken NAB Zog
"I have been dying to watch this film for years."
"I love video games, I played them my entire life."
"I only do stuff that I think is cool, so this is cool."
"I love the idea of NFTs, I really did, and I really wanted to find a way to participate."
"I wanna know it all, that was really cool"
"I've been a Star Wars fan since I was six years old."
"Most people love the idea of trading, but actually trading, most people don't... wouldn't find it that interesting because really good trading is a grind."
"It just sounds like something I'm really interested in so I'm so happy that I got these amazing thrillers this month for me to pick from because I am just getting back into settling in to some good mystery thrillers for the colder months."
"This is someone willing to fight for you, they're watching you right now with the page of swords to see if you're gonna embrace some sort of commitment with them."
"I would definitely just love to acquire some really beautiful vintage stuff."
"He's the only reason I gave a [ __ ] about the Lakers."
"I'm personally very excited about cryptocurrencies."
"Whoever's written this, man I want to meet him. I want to meet his parents."
"I want Magic the Gathering to succeed. I love Magic the Gathering. I love it."
"When did I ever mention that your interest is there anything that I did a thing I want you to show me where I did it your interest is there because that's where you came."
"I love Lovecraft, but I also love Star Trek."
"Mario Odyssey, it's a game, it's a popular game, it's a game that I'm enjoying the heck out of playing."
"Discover University definitely has a lot of things that would draw me to it."
"They have no regard for the lives of others and definitely act selfishly and in their own interest."
"It's a watch I'm strongly considering for my next purchase."
"One of the biggest sneakers of the year is right around the corner, at least for me personally. It's the white shoe, White Cement Air Jordan 3."
"I loved where they placed it in the conference and honestly I'm interested in it."
"Well, I have to warn you, I really like horses."
"I'm definitely gonna start playing a lot more random games."
"This is one of my favorite rockets... I just love the Delta IV Heavy, I think it's super cool."
"It's a great way to incorporate something they love with a functional piece that they can use."
"I'm here for the fashions, I'm here for all of it."
"Nobody in the courtroom, maybe even including me, wants the case resolved more than Judge Hall."
"I really would like to delve into the actual history of this event a little more because it's very, very fascinating."
"Senpai replied he would have liked to know her first name."
"Ramazan Kadirov, the president of the Republic of Chechnya, supported Vladimir Putin."
"I can't wait to hear them talk about it. I'm all in."
"The truth is that I love WoW. I've loved WoW for 15 years."
"I actually love cooking and I find it loads of fun."
"This story has fascinated me from the very beginning."
"I just make this because I like documenting what I understand and I like sharing things that I think I know something about."
"Would you be interested? Would you be intrigued? Well, I know I was and am, and still are."
"I don't read but I'd probably buy your book..."
"I mean, I love geography. It's one of those things that I've always just sort of been obsessed with."
"Despite the werewolf’s widespread appearance in folklore, I’ll admit I haven’t really given the werewolf the attention it deserves—until now."
"Trump is obsessed with ratings. Even bragging about the number of viewers his daily coronavirus briefings drew."
"Your goal is to figure out what questions you can ask to get them to talk about the things that they like."
"I grew up watching Formula One so I'm at the core a fan of the sport."
"It's just that I really enjoy this era of technology. I'd also love a 60s Mustang. They're just cool."
"Photography has and always will be my passion."
"These kinds of games are [ __ ] awesome dude I actually like this I didn't even know this game existed."
"Destiny, destiny, destiny. That's definitely... I love Destiny, and I'm tired of pretending I don't."
"Hearing someone talk about the things they're passionate about is intriguing and quite honestly rather attractive."
"I'm rooting for it honestly because I grew up a fan of Halo." - Xbox Ready
"I'm actually getting excited about volleyball."
"It's a character I didn't care about until I got it in plastic form which happens a lot to me I know but now that I have it in hand I really like demo Goblin."
"We made a movie that we would go see ourselves."
"I'm maybe the most excited for this adaptation of any we are getting."
"Half the joy of astrology is it feels like an instrument you're playing and I just love it."
"I'll do my best to make sure that you'll be interested in me."
"This is one of those games that I've been waiting on for a long time, like Stone Shard."
"For me I like collecting things and I like art."
"I think it's fair to say that almost all of us are intrigued by the gangster rap lifestyle."
"Through all of the disappointments and controversies of the last few years many have questioned if I actually like Pokemon at all. And you know what? I’ve asked myself the same thing."
"He challenges the guy to heads up and actually goes and plays... he loves poker."
"I love Indiana Jones. People who know me, like, I'm obsessed with Indiana Jones."
"Yes, still gonna be a DIY paint dealer, I love Debbie's paint, I love Debbie."
"English language, I love even more than Spanish or any romance language."
"To me, I find this absolutely interesting. This whole theme, I love. I love this very gothic theme."
"I personally am looking forward to this because I'm liking what I'm seeing."
"Not to mention, we have something in front of us here that I've been waiting for for a long time."
"Now, if you excuse me, I'm gonna wait for No More Heroes 3 because that's something worth my time."
"I know several women who were not interested in their husbands at first, but they never gave up. Them pursuing me was very intriguing and it kept my interest."
"Basketball was more than a sport to him, it was a passion."
"I'll be honest with you, the one thing that I really want to do is see Rose Tico again."
"The story of the voyage of the Damned is one of my favorite naval stories ever."
"Words are the most important and most powerful thing that we have, and of course I have an interest in saying that if I sold Chryslers I'd be like cars are the most important thing."
"I guess the reason I do this stuff anyway is because I always found that stuff fascinating."
"I really like the weapons. I think they're pretty cool. I love the customization you can do."
"Thank you for helping me finding my favorite anime of all time."
"Brevity offered me functionality, style, and a nice fit with adjustable straps so my goodies and my expensive camera equipment doesn't just jumble around in all these weird locations I'm going to."
"He believes that his interests are the country's interests."
"don't focus on that focus on learning the things that you're interested about within those classes"
"The variant we're hunting is you. I think you're fun."
"I personally have an interest in having interesting conversations."
"These movies single-handedly kept my interest in summer blockbusters alive."
"I mean economics is boring as all hell unless you really love it."