
Admission Quotes

There are 875 quotes

"We completely screwed up with how we originally talked about this."
"Admit it quickly and emphatically when you are wrong."
"That's the first time you ever admitted to something instead of trying to lie to get out of it."
"I think it's a virtue that if you find a position you think is more compelling, to say, 'You know what, I was wrong, I was naive, I missed it, I'm changing.'"
"I made a mistake, I'm admitting to it. Let's push on."
"Men tend to struggle with isolation and loneliness far more than women do and are actually less likely to admit it."
"It's not nothing to admit to someone that you've been having this sort of idea and that you're in that much trouble. That takes a fair bit of reorientation and moral courage."
"Admitting you're wrong is a grown man decision. That is what grown folks do."
"Admit you're lost. That one is hard for people. Even for me, sometimes I want to think I'm smart and I got it all figured out. Sometimes I'm like wait a second I'm still lost."
"Personally, I think they made a horrible mistake. They didn't want to admit it."
"I think one of the most undervalued words is 'I don't know.'"
"We first want to apologize for accepting your application and not doing our research beforehand."
"Just admit you were wrong. Just do that. It's actually not that hard, and there's actually a lot of value in that."
"The report said I sexually harassed 11 women."
"You did the right thing by admitting your mistake."
"A real humble person admits when they were wrong."
"I want you to admit that you were wrong about this, James."
"That's what I call the coward's admission of guilt."
"The accountability of simply admitting you were wrong is very important."
"We get to admit that we were not only slightly wrong but also slightly ignorant and a little bit dumb."
"This is her tell she's telling us I'm not grieving because I killed him."
"I like people who are not afraid to say we made a mistake."
"What is clear from this paragraph is that they are literally admitting to doing exactly that which they are trying to prevent."
"The most spiritual thing we can do this year is admit we lost it."
"the other part of that wrong thing uh Dr Barry is getting someone to admit they were wrong especially if they've been telling people to do something for 20 or 30 years"
"Admitting you are wrong is difficult, but it is possible."
"I'm ready to own up to the stuff and I'm ready to hopefully show you guys that it's okay to admit when you're wrong."
"Listen, this whole accountability thing, you're right."
"I was wrong, and I don't care, not a big deal."
"I was wrong and most people wouldn't admit that."
"They'll never openly outright admit, they'll have to admit it in certain cases."
"I'll admit that I did it but you have to let me out for my honesty."
"I acknowledge that this was my fault in the first place."
"Okay, maybe I was wrong. I admit I was wrong. Grapes, I think grapes do pretty well price-wise."
"You are 100% correct. I have made a mistake here."
"Clearly there is a connection and I think at this point that seems to have been conceded by the mainstream media even that we have to admit that there is some connection otherwise it wouldn't be these guys doing it so much."
"One of the greatest gifts a parent can give their kids is to say the words 'I went about this the wrong way.'"
"It's good to know we got his best information out of him. This guy had no case by his own tacit admission."
"I can't be with a person who won't admit that they're wrong."
"He plead guilty because he was guilty and for no other reason."
"Admitting you have a problem is the first step to correcting the problem."
"For a while she dodged questions about getting work done on her face but then later admitted to altering her face and having surgery on her eyes."
"James needs to be held responsible and to admit to his wrongdoing and atone for his actions."
"Okay, yes. I admit you are right. Even though I don't want to admit you are right, I concede."
"It's not always easy to admit when you're wrong, but it's worth looking into even if you genuinely think that you didn't."
"You can't do that if you refuse to admit that you even could be wrong."
"I realized and I admitted, I mean it's a hard thing to do, to wake up after 35 years and say wow, I was really wrong."
"Each of us, where appropriate, admit a failure or two speaks to a key virtue which is humility."
"Can we acknowledge that it's a mistake? Yes, we can acknowledge that it's a mistake."
"Everybody just called me a liar. What's crazy about that situation is he admitted multiple times to assaulting me."
"I don't mind admitting it was one of our most difficult cases."
"Experts have not just failed, they have failed to admit that they failed."
"You are so right, I'm so sorry how stupid of me."
"You admitted it, that went so well, oh my god."
"I must admit I made a mistake... I said Johnson repeatedly... it happens even to the best of us even to me."
"Armin succeeds in getting Bertholdt to admit."
"It's always good to admit when you're wrong."
"He just admitted to all of it on National Television."
"I was wrong there and take ownership of that."
"Huma admits in email communications that she's engaging in something that is probably unethical."
"Truth be told, I didn't dig enough into this." - "Truth be told, I didn't dig enough into this to determine what were the results of this investigation."
"Towards my conclusion, I am the first one to admit that there are loose ends here, things do not add up."
"Oh my goodness... yes, we have made a terrible mistake."
"A massive shout out to Ollie Gunnar Solskjaer. One of the most great things about life is when you get it wrong and you can say you got it wrong."
"Are you pleading guilty because you are guilty? Yes."
"Essentially, they're saying that the statements are true, yeah. What are you gonna do with that?"
"Having to acknowledge the fact that you were wrong about something... just do it."
"I certainly have no problem at all admitting I was wrong."
"Saying 'I don't know' shows a lot of integrity."
"The longer quote... is 'Yeah, I screwed up.'"
"If you're genuinely interested in the discourse, you have to admit when you got something wrong."
"The most intellectually honest thing a person can do is to say I don't know."
"We were ready to go to trial, and he pled guilty approximately one month before trial it started."
"You can still hate Israel or whatever but say, 'Hey, I got this one wrong.' That would be a far more respectable thing to do."
"I'm going to admit when I'm wrong, I was so wrong."
"Once a man admits that he is wrong, that he is immediately forgiven for all wrongdoings."
"We made a huge mistake, and we're going to tell you about that later in the video."
"There's nothing more liberating than admitting you were wrong."
"Risk is just the price of admission that you pay if you want to get into this wonderful world of investing."
"When a resident is being admitted to a facility, any marks observed from the resident's body should be recorded."
"I will take accountability and admit that I did discuss inappropriate topics with a fan."
"It's certainly not a full-blown confession, but certainly a series of admissions."
"He admitted he had been stealing money."
"I probably exaggerated a little bit."
"He kept his promise and admitted defeat like a champ."
"I think I got that one wrong... I'll hold my hands up to that."
"The very act of hiding is an admission that I know better."
"So, how often do you think I have to admit that I'm wrong?"
"I was wrong, and I'm willing to sit here and say, I was wrong, and I had no idea what I was talking about."
"I can't go there, like I can't reach that far, but no, I was wrong."
"Wow, I can't believe I'm saying this but... Maybe you're right."
"It's hard to admit that you're just a complete screw-up for absolutely no reason."
"Yun Su admitted that she had genuine feelings for C."
"I'm not gonna lie, I'm a little nervous."
"The fact that he admitted he was there just cinched it for me. If he could deny killing her all he wants, but the fact that he admitted it, as far as I'm concerned, is a confession."
"As much as I hate to admit it, I kind of like the magnetic feature on this one."
"There is something so beautiful about a woman that's able to be vulnerable and admit that she was wrong."
"I think Matt Groening later admitted or one of the writers said, 'Yeah, that's one of the worst mistakes we ever made, we can't believe we tried to do that so early. I'm an impostor, that man is the real Seymour Skinner!'"
"It still means something to admit your wrongdoings and come forward to an audience of literal hundreds of thousands of people."
"I'm sorry, but I can't feel the same," Pharaoh admitted desperately.
"I didn't shoot him," Pharaoh said quietly.
"Looks like gate admission is 10 bucks. Not too bad."
"The truth is, well, you see, I don't know how to rollerblade."
"Hathaway admits he had been wrong and wants Spencer to come with him."
"No one likes to admit they're wrong, but I'm saying this to the benefit of everyone watching."
"Here's the thing, of course I didn't go to the good place."
"He admitted what he did he didn't lead the police and a well goose chase he didn't say you need to prove it whatever he admitted it."
"...why can't they just admit that they [ __ ] up at first..."
"Admitting you're wrong is a sign of strength."
"Just shake hands and admit you were wrong."
"I apologize. You were 100% right."
"I'm excessive, you know? I'm an obsessive person."
Sharee even said, quote, "I knew the murder was going to happen and I allowed it. I allowed a man to kill another man based on my lies and manipulation." End quote.
"Truly bad people never admit their faults."
"Cal siner admitted his mistake realizing he had underestimated someone."
"Believe it or not, I'm a bit of a nerd."
"FEMA admits failures occurred in its disaster response to Hurricane Maria."
"That's the truth, I feel groggy, I'm not gonna lie..."
"everyone saw what happened and he admitted it"
"I'm almost feeling guilty for persuading you to take this cruise," Rachel admitted.
"It was well worth it," Valik admitted.
"I've killed dozens of people, but I specifically murdered four."
"Sometimes if you do screw up, you gotta admit it. You gotta admit it. This is a different example, but hopefully, it makes sense to people."
"First step to solving any problem is admitting that you have won."
"my name is Daisy and I'm an alcoholic"
"Entitled parents complain about our electric fence then wind up admitting their kids are the neighborhood thieves."
"Honestly, I wish that she had just leaned in fully and been like yeah I scammed I wanted to be first and I did it."
"Rozier also confessed to the murder of Raymond Kelly."
"I forgot to put my legs down, yes I admit it, I forgot to put my legs down."
"Forgiveness is when you admit you were wrong projecting her, 'I was wrong for being angry at you and joining forces with all these other people against you.'"
"No use in being pigheaded over things. If you've made a mistake, admit it."
"Indeed, somehow that doesn't sound right," he admitted.
"I've never had that problem only because I can admit when I'm wrong... so if my wife strongly feels like she's right, I'm going to take a step back and be like, 'Damn, you know what, she might be right.'"
"Petty straight up admitted he was kind of ignorant about what the flag really meant."
"The scariest thing in the world is admitting you were wrong or that you did something wrong."
"Even though it's not the best, it's my favorite because it's such a hard thing for people to kind of admit."
"Scientists should be the first people to say 'I was wrong'."
"I stole it, Heather, I stole it. It was a great deal."
"...you're kind of the one who outed yourself by confirming that it was you."
"I'm pretty confident I would not have gotten into Harvard today if I had to reapply."
"There's something so freeing about just being able to say I was wrong."
"We were wrong but at least we can be men and say hey dude we were wrong."
"There's something pretty rare about being man enough to admit when you're wrong."
"Freedom begins with an admission of things are not okay in my life, my life has become unmanageable, I can't do this on my own, I really really need some help."
"I felt empty, I felt a void, and that's a really scary thing to admit online."
"I'm rarely wrong, but when I am wrong, I will say I'm wrong."
"Three quarters of all college-bound students get admitted to their first choice."
"I've been an idiot, a lunkhead, a dope."
"I apologize. I was really rotten because someone who could admit they're rotten really isn't."
"Amber finally admits the truth about the breakup."
"Giannis had actually admitted to police that he would hit women he liked with his car."
"Men would rather suck on a lemon forever than admit they're wrong."
"I know you don't lie, but it's an admission of truth is what it is."
"It’s okay to admit that you’re not okay. It’s okay to ask for help, or just to ask for some time and some space."
"I'm not gonna lie, I didn't see it."
"University damn yeah if you're drunk you don't admit you got a problem if you're an alcoholic you admit you got a problem no I don't have a problem that alcohol okay."
"Sitch is the only one I know who can admit he was wrong and sound right doing it."
"But if I'm caught, I'm just gonna say yeah, I did it."
"You're not going to get in unless you're proper. As simple as that."
"I got pranked today I'll be man enough to admit it."
"I am willing to admit when I am wrong."
"She had no idea she had just admitted to a state capital offense of Witchcraft."
"I was very scared, I was just a scaredy-cat, you know?"
"I've been driving illegally since I was 14."
"And at the end, I'll admit, I got a bit scared."
"$26.99 for adults and $10.99 for Kids 4 to 9."
"You really need to have courage because UP as a university has this connotation that only great students can enter."
"I take full responsibility for my actions."
"Admitting that you've messed up is the first step to recovery. If we can't admit it, we'll never change for the better."
"He acknowledges his charges shortly in the dock and he says something along the lines of, he was wrong, he made a mistake."
"James was violent and abusive," James's wife admitted.
"I think I've always known, but I never admitted it to myself."
"You are not strong, you're not independent, you need to start admitting: I need a man, I want a man."
"He admitted that he had followed me that day."
"I can't tell you the exact time I don't deny that I did it."
"But I can't sit and tell you the specific details that you're wanting me to give you."
"Dennis calmly admits that he is responsible and willing to divulge all information."
"I hate to say it, but I was wrong."
"The murders y'all heard about but haven't seen, I'm admitting to it."
"What makes you right is if you admit you could be wrong. And what makes you wrong is when you say, 'I'm right.'"
"I completely acknowledge that I was wrong."
"Full disclosure, the week got away from me."
"The real ESL was me. I'm so sorry."
"No objection. No, exhibit 132 has been admitted."
"I've just always struggled with it if I'm being honest."
"I'm high yep I'm the problem it's me"
"What I've done was silly it was a mistake."
"Regardless of the things I've done, I know I was wrong for it. I was a man that admitted it to her."
"It's incredibly stupid. I admit that."
"I've been willing to admit when I'm wrong way more than I'm willing to admit when I'm right."
"It's so wonderful when people can admit they were wrong it's an amazing quality."
"Speaking of whoopsie, I'll admit you got me."
"Well, I've made a bit of a mistake..."
"As of March 31st, 2019, I have admitted sexual harassment of Poppy and acknowledged my wrongdoing. I have since gone off to reaffirm my wrongdoing dozens of times on stream and off to as many people in audiences."
"She could have come off looking so good to most people if she just admitted that."
"Admission to the complex ranges from seven dollars per person on a motorcycle, bicycle, or walking during the off-season to 35 for three or more in a vehicle during the peak season."
"I have to admit it does feel really good"
"Now here's the pricing for the Omega Mart General Admissions $49 ages 13 and uh and older."
"Miriam finally admits the story is true."