
Partisanship Quotes

There are 345 quotes

"Imagine what it says to other crazies who want to commit political violence that it's okay to go commit violence as long as you're on team Trump."
"We're not more prepared now for the next pandemic. I think we're less so because all of a sudden, science is now partisan."
"Part of [Republicans'] agenda is that they have an enemies list, and that's really what galvanizes their base."
"The people who vote the people who tend to vote vote for partisan loyalties and social identities."
"The rise of a cadre of self-described journalists who stopped doing journalism and went back to being partisans."
"It's a tragedy that freedom of speech has become a partisan issue. Everyone suffers from a repressed and corrupted society."
"It will show that you put the Constitution above partisanship."
"This isn't a normal trial, this is a political trial where the votes are going to happen along party lines and really the evidence presented doesn't really matter that much."
"Now is not the time for partisan ideological bickering."
"The concerns that George Washington had about partisan politics seem to be more acute now than I've ever seen it before."
"The whole threat to democracy thing...actually what it means is, um, who's a threat to Democrats."
"How are we to see that as anything other than a purely partisan decision?"
"We used to have bipartisan responsibility. Today, we have bipartisan irresponsibility."
"This is a good point. I mean, people don't realize, with all this partisanship and tribalism, how much the populist left and populist right have in common."
"But it didn't matter. These voters, these I guess they weren't Maga voters yet in 2016, they obviously evolved that are now supporting Mr. Walker may not care because as long as it's not a democrat in that seat that's good enough."
"This latest stunt reeks of partisan politics... shameful."
"Do not surrender the Senate, no matter what side you're on."
"The only thing that matters is the overarching narrative—a narrative that the Democrats keep backing."
"If you're Republican, you never get to complain about the filibuster. You have no right."
"I like the idea that the left tried to own the word hope and leave hate for everybody else."
"Ilhan Omar will remain so long as she wishes to remain because the Democrats are fine with anti-semitism in their ranks."
"If the middle is Mansion, that is very right-wing. If the middle is Huntsman, he's a lifelong Republican, that is also very right-wing."
"Wouldn't you prefer a political climate that wasn't reduced to just dismissing and smearing opponents?"
"We need Republicans that will not back down."
"I think this is one of those issues that are going to bring people together and specifically women together regardless of partisan lane for sure."
"This is politics more than anything else. Their agenda is to play to the base." - Pat
"Negative partisanship, that's what the democrats are banking on entirely right now."
"It's an eternal win for Democrats, it's a loser for the American people."
"We are on the slow march being cheered on by the entire Democrat Party." - Commentator
"It's simpler for me to believe that this is mostly mud throwing and muck raking on the Republican side."
"This ruling is an embarrassment, showing how partisan and politicized some of our courts have become."
"This chapter in our history books could be about the overpowering partisanship of our times or it could be about the Senate's capacity to overcome it."
"Negative partisanship while the Republican polls say that voters are tired of the obsession with Trump, Democrat polls say that no people want Trump to be impeached."
"The Department of Justice is going to have to do the job that the Republican party will not do in self-policing."
"This is time for a full-court press by Republicans because Democrats simply don't care."
"Bernie's a useless commie, if Hillary Clinton had said this during the primaries, I'd been there applauding because this is exactly right."
"Trump's entire campaign was focused on fighting the coronavirus, so the Democrats were more afraid than the Republicans of catching or spreading it."
"It's a systemic problem that there weren't a bunch of Republican lawyers fighting like crazy."
"There are people willing to tolerate the total perversion of our political system for their own political interests, for their own partisan interest, and that's I think the real issue we're facing right now."
"The media partisanship in the Trump era is just as bad as it was during the Obama era, it's just more overt that's all." - Ben Shapiro
"Democrats are behaving as though Republicans won't take power ever again."
"Mitch McConnell says December 29th he's going to come back in override Trump's vetoes to make sure every single Trump supporter knows the Republican Party hates you, hates your president." - Host
"I period told period you period so. I told you that as soon as Trump said he's willing to hold the families together, Democrats were immediately going to claim that something egregious had gone on."
"Republicans are the bad cop and Democrats say, 'hey hey, come with us.'"
"If every single blue state had their red portions break off to join their Red State neighbors, a Democrat would never win again."
"The only people who can win without us are Republicans, ma'am. This is math. The only folk who can win without us are the Republicans, that's it."
"One of our political parties is out of its mind."
"Dude that's so good, this is so perfect, dude this is a perfect demonstration of Republican obstructionist policies in display."
"We need a little bit more of this and a little bit less of the partisanship." - Advocating for unity and cooperation.
"I think the real danger to our country right now is from the Republican Party."
"For years and years Congress kept saying they wanted to repeal and replace Obamacare and as soon as he got into office you've got Republicans that aren't willing to do them he's right and that's actually a winning thing to say."
"We need to not normalize the existence of the Maga Republican party we need to call it out each and every day."
"It's time for them to understand Democrats can play the same game and not blink."
"We have a totally partisan impeachment based on something that is not an impeachable offense."
"I didn't leave the Republican Party, the Republican party left me."
"Republicans need to be bulldogs, don't try to be bipartisan, be fighters."
"Imagine that. Why is it at the start of each cycle that today's Democratic party writes off half of the country as being antithetical to their values and Republicans write off the other half as being antithetical to their values?"
"The Democratic party's Progressive ideology has shifted from the needs of the average American."
"The Republican party is either standing with Trump or you're DOA right now."
"Politics is about winning points and they just love that she took down the GOP."
"Let's stop dunking on the left, okay? Let's dunk on the right."
"Trumpism is going to remain, and Democrats had better figure out that if you can't win easily in this situation, you're probably doing something a little wrong."
"We are all in this together. We must put politics aside, stop the partisanship, and unify together as one nation and one family."
"Preferably just not for anyone with an R next to their name... Republicans are trashed right now."
"We are focused on how political our Justice Department has become."
"Everybody thought it sucked but we don't need you guys to be the pawns for the Democrats."
"It's wild how we're on the 85th billionth example of lefties looking at the consequences of Republicans winning elections and going, 'Damn, looks like we didn't achieve anything.'"
"This politics of paranoia has so deeply infected the Republican Party."
"The extremes on the left and right are trying to defeat a two-party solution for partisan purposes."
"We're going to throw every last one of these crooked Democrats out of office so we can make America great again."
"Voter suppression in multiple different forms almost universally driven as it almost always is by Republican politicians of the state level."
"America needs real solutions and real leadership in this moment, not politicians and partisanship." - Donald Trump
"The top Republican House member criticized an attempt by House Democrats to pressure television carriers to deplatform Fox News and two conservative news channels."
"Hold the line, these Democrats don't deserve your vote."
"If Trump doesn't win, the devil speeds up his end time plans."
"What really matters is partisanship. They don't actually care what the bill is. They're just going to say no."
"The hypocrisy here... it's hypocrisy squared for these Republicans."
"Trying to find Common Ground, that's all about partisanship is that's all compromise is trying to find common ground."
"If we don't take back the house and the Senate with Trump Republicans and the White House this beat will go on."
"Hit them where it hurts, how to save democracy by beating Republicans at their own game."
"The more partisan you can make any issue...the better chance you have of surviving it."
"None of that seems to matter to the modern-day Republican party."
"It's like a kind of a culty... the politics of it are about like the these sort of like if there's a thing that is being hunted in that song it is like right-wing bible-thumping Trump supporters."
"If you say the same thing that Joe Biden said, which is hundreds of thousands of people will die by the end of the year, and you're a Democrat, this is you telling hard truths to the American people."
"The Democrats Holy Grail...this is the one they really wanted."
"It is a you know an institution that can serve goodness and can serve good things but unfortunately they have seemed to become Ultra political in a way that might be Beyond repair."
"I don't do much political humor, 'cause the way I look at it is if you think either one of these jinky ass parties gives half a fuck about us, you've been misinformed."
"The red states aren't doing this, only the blue states are."
"This impeachment trial is really showing what that is. This is now the party of Donald Trump."
"For one party-controlled administration to target the head of another party using such protective and abusive tactics is destabilizing."
"The modern Republican party is explicitly anti-reality."
"Assume infinite malice from the Republican party."
"There is no more Republican party, it's now the party of Trump."
"Refused to succumb to games and partisanship."
"Some people are making some really stupid decisions just based on what side of the aisle they’re on."
"There is no way out of the situation we're in right now with Republicans without a real confrontation."
"To keep this momentum going, to continue this incredible progress, to keep on winning, you have to vote Republican in November."
"Why does everything immediately need to devolve into a partisan issue?"
"They accuse the Republicans and the right of doing exactly what they do."
"There is no such thing as a good Republican."
"Bipartisanship is basically out the window. Democrats are moving forward full steam without Republican support."
"Rhonda Santis isn't doing that so I gotta say the Democrats aren't doing themselves any favors by playing all of these games."
"Here's the real dirty little secret she knows that but she's so beholden to the left that she's willing to provide them free cover."
"Democrats stab me in the face, Republicans stab me in the back."
"That's the modern-day Maga Republican party."
"They're strategic about what they're doing and their base is eating that [ __ ] up."
"Their view is... this is just Republicans trying to suppress the vote."
"Democrats want to stay in the clouds after Biden's victory, me included, but I also feel that this is one of the main flaws of our party."
"Now we can become the king maker now you can't the Democrats can't get elected without us the Republicans can't get elected without us so now we have a little bit of power."
"Our system keeps handing us only bad choices because anything else would threaten the influence-peddling racket of the major parties."
"There is no fairness or decency in what these Republicans are doing."
"What I'm against is bipartisan and compromise in a direction that benefits only the Democrats."
"I'm talking about people that represent and run in the reddest parts of the country."
"Representative Demings clearly expressed the passion that a lot of Hardcore Democrats wanted to hear."
"This is not a both sides issue. This is all Republicans, Republican judges, Republican groups."
"The left keeps winning because they're unified in their hatred of Trump."
"Overall most poll workers which by the way are Republican in red States, like in red districts like they're still [__] Republican you know what I mean."
"The more that Sarah Palin was attacked by the left, the more that she was embraced by the right."
"The cult narrative of the corporate press and their alignment with Democrats is over."
"The Democrats are lousy politicians but they have one thing two things they're vicious they're the most vicious people the Republicans aren't as vicious they may learn to be vicious after going through this stuff."
"Mitch McConnell was asked if he would fill a vacancy in the last year of Trump's first term, and McConnell's like, 'Yeah, for sure, we'll fill it.'"
"Nancy Pelosi held the American people hostage... the Democrats in Congress sat on COVID relief."
"We ended up with 56 Republicans saying no... only two Democrats actually voted against this."
"They're working right now as I speak to give power to decide elections in America to partisans and cronies."
"Washington Democrats have never been more extreme than they are right now."
"Republicans don't engage in that process in good faith."
"Unifying the country means you have to take on the people who are trying to divide it for partisan gain and profit." - Dan Pfeiffer
"For me, Republicans and Democrats in the May are the two sides of one of these choreographed wrestling matches."
"If it is good for the left, they are for it. If it is bad for the left, they are against it."
"Things finally turning around for the better after this rank heavy partisanship."
"Remember the closer we get to the midterms the crazier the commie lefts will get."
"The economy is booming, the Democrats can do nothing but try and lie, and they look silly doing it."
"The impeachment process must never be permitted to be weaponized for partisan political purposes."
"Impeachment was never designed to be a partisan response towards one party losing a presidential election."
"The President delivered on his promises and got his priorities funded and that's what the Democrats don't want you to know." - Nick Mulvaney
"That's the best story here for the Republicans."
"Folks, if there's anybody who is on the fence between right and wrong, you gotta step away from Trumpism."
"Never in the history of congress has people been deciding where other parties are putting people on committee."
"For the party of Trump, the big lie is the new litmus test."
"The Democrats are running to get more power. But they're not interested in using power for the benefit of all Americans."
"Impeachment is bad for the country when it's only partisan politics; there is simply no way you can argue that this is not partisan politics."
"Republicans are always going to cheat to win elections. Forget all that BS. Donald Trump said they're all about cheating." - Roland Martin
"Essentially, Republicans are far outside the rest of the country on this issue."
"The federal government has aligned itself with the far left... we are now seeing the federal government seeking to destroy the lives of Trump supporters."
"The real problem is the entire Republican Party has lost a spine."
"Some really good conversations took place last night, and now it's time for all of our great Republican house members to vote for Kevin, close the deal, take the Victory and watch crazy Nancy Pelosi fly back home to a very broken California."
"Democrats have branded Republicans... party of death... blood money... potentially killing Americans."
"We have to try to stop that or we're going to go down a path of never having a Republican president ever again in history."
"Virtually every single person from this point forward that continues to run against President Trump on the Republican side should never ever be taken seriously again."
"This is a very sad day for America... This is the persecution of a political opponent... We can't let this happen in America." - President Trump
"President Trump needs to go directly to the American people and force Democrats to defend their position."
"This isn't a both sides issue folks. I'm not afraid to say that."
"We're not just owning the libs, we're actually threatening their power."
"Republicans are laser-focused on delivering results."
"There's the divide from the left and the right."
"It is utterly despicable that you have a political party in America, the Maga Republican party, that is treating terrorists insurrectionists like Heroes."
"It's not just a conservative push, independents have rejected the Biden agenda."
"Good evening and welcome to the breakdown brought to you by the Lincoln Project."
"The partisan divide in American politics has deep historical roots."
"Why wouldn't McCarthy put any Republicans on the j6 committee then and investigate this?"
"This is the problem with the two-party system: people are so brainwashed to back their party that even when their party is wrong, they will defend it."
"Lifetime appointments in the Supreme Court would completely eliminate any and all biases or partisanship."
"Science lasts forever and partisanship comes and goes."
"Love is not how much you exhaust yourself, love is how much you give and get back."
"And you’re anti-Democrat and you’ve convinced yourself that nothing, nothing could be worse than having a Democrat in the White House."
"Have you ever seen a situation where one major political party is actually rooting against Americans?"
"This disunity would give the Republicans yet another advantage."
"We have to dismantle and remove from the political landscape the Democrat Party as it is currently constituted."
"The hyper partisanship of the media creates these partisan divides where there aren't any."
"Senate Republicans now stand alone in their refusal to acknowledge what Russia did in the election."
"I think one effect of January 6th is that it's going to make Democrats and a lot of independents very scared of Republican rule for a long period of time."
"These complaints seem to be politically motivated partisan hackery."
"A vote for Republicans is to vote for fascism, what more does one need to say? A vote for Democrats is a vote for democracy."
"If Trump would have turned in those documents, not a single one of the Trump fans would be saying like wow what an example of blatant partisanship."
"This is going to be used on ads against them that they were supporters of the Insurrection." - Jessica Denson
"The new house will be a party of Republicans who want to wreak havoc."
"I cannot stand the Democrat party and what they've become."
"Which party do you think is going to fight for you?"
"Every time this kind of culture war tactic from far-right Republicans is used, it works."
"The Democrats are just as bad as the Republicans. That's it. They... make us nuts, whatever, but they are not as bad."
"The entire Democratic Party has decided that the only reason they exist is to pander to the political geniuses on Twitter."
"Every part of our culture is now being militarized on behalf of the woke left."
"That's what they call fraud. So when you hear fraud by a Republican friend or somebody that supports Donald Trump think they don't like mail-in and absentee balloting because that's what was used as the ground game for the Democrats to win."
"I wish we had a six to three Democratic majority in the Supreme Court but the fact is that we don't."
"Republicans are inveterate hypocrites that do not argue in good faith ever."
"This election is not about the tired and false dichotomy of blue versus red."
"I just can't state enough how important it is to have strong Republicans that aren't just letting Democrats run over them."
"Republicans should get on board with this, this is actually just classic politics."
"Republicans like somebody that will poke their eye in the libs."
"Is there anything more partisan and hackish than this?"
"The left is rapidly becoming a caricature of itself."
"I firmly believe from my standpoint that he's guilty. The Democrats are scared to death and they'll do anything they can keep a republican, much less Donald Trump."
"All political groups are prone to revel in the suffering of their opponents."
"When characterizing the conflicts in Congress as one that falls on the shoals of partisan dysfunction... obscures the litany of areas where corporate Democrats vote with Republicans to undermine the rights of the American people."
"The Democrats are the only party supporting our democracy."
"Hyper-partisan Democrats are about to drag our great country down into the gutter of rancor and vitriol the likes of which has never been seen in our nation's history."
"The right pulls people in by accusing the left of demonizing them and by sliding political propaganda into content about things people care about."
"There is no reason especially with the extremism of today's Republican party that the Democrats shouldn't be competitive right across the country."
"Washington cautioned the nation against the formation of political parties."