
Legal Consequences Quotes

There are 591 quotes

"One of Trump's most alarming and politically damaging comments is when he promises to pardon the January 6th insurrectionists."
"You did commit fraud, and now we're going to figure out how much fraud you committed, and they're going to take all your stuff."
"The real-world effects of overruling Roe and Casey would be severe and swift, with profound effects on women's bodies, health, and the course of their lives."
"Texaco was ultimately ordered to pay some $4.8 million, about $150 million adjusted for inflation, for the damage they caused."
"What would it take to shut Donald Trump up from his non-stop lies and defamation? According to this jury, a little over $83 million."
"If you don't think it has the force of law, and if you're caught with it after the turn-in time...then you would be convicted of a felony."
"For overruling Roe, Casey concluded the court would pay a terrible price."
"The only reason Dorothea didn't call paramedics to retrieve the bodies was because she was in charge of operating the boarding house, which was in violation of her parole, and didn't want to get sent back to prison."
"Frankie fought back tears as she told a judge she's committed to unlearning her toxic behavior and will serve a prison sentence for as long as she needs."
"They released [the Pentagon Papers] to the public despite the harsh legal consequences they could incur."
"Do not make false claims; misuse of this process may result in the suspension of your account or other legal consequences."
"What have you lost as a result of Miss Heard making these allegations against you? Nothing less than everything."
"Rape is a heinous crime, but if somebody is falsely accused of rape, it's an equal pain, if not anything less."
"If Trump went beyond Clinton in his efforts to conceal and cover up his misdeeds, including defying a subpoena and falsely asserting he turned over all of the classified information in his possession, then he may face criminal consequences."
"If you find that the House has proved its case and still vote to acquit, your name will be tied to his with a cord of steel and for all of history."
"I hope you go to jail for 50 years if you're on the internet trolling for images of children in sexual exploitation."
"I don't want to go to jail again, dude. I can't, I can't do that no more."
"An overly litigious society has its pros and cons. Its cons are frivolous lawsuits, people walking on eggshells for fear of getting sued. Its pros are that at some point in time, it does tend to hold people accountable for their wrongdoing."
"I believe that everybody who carries a knife should be dealt with, irrespective of where they come from, with the appropriate sanction of the law because it's too easy to kill someone."
"Fear kept a lot of guys in line, but when the RICO Act came out, the fear of the life was transferred to the government."
"Words matter, and Miss Heard is condemned by her own words."
"The overwhelming narrative should be Charles shouldn't have done this, full stop, because doing this is a crime in some cases."
"Unjustified threats can cost you, which it can. You make an unjustified threat of trademark infringement, it gives rise to several damages, remedies including damages and an injunction and so on."
"It's incredible to see a guilty verdict where people are held accountable for the mistakes that they make."
"His actions destroyed two families." - prosecutor argued
"So, what happened tonight, Jason? I'm scared, man. I don't want to go back to jail."
"If you tamper with our democracy, we're gonna come down on you like a ton of bricks."
"Hopefully no one is hurt, but if you're a criminal who broke the law, then we are going to remove you."
"Once you break the seal here, there will be no impeachment trials ever again."
"I think Eric Trump wakes up every day sweating because his deposition was atrocious."
"She damaged his career, she should have to pay him more than 50 million."
"Our judicial system frequently confuses and confounds, but it's starting to show consequences for bad actors."
"If you tell people that you will do x y or z and then you do not deliver you are committing wire fraud, and that is a felony that can carry a maximum sentence of 20 years in jail."
"I hope face k goes to jail, I mean if face k goes to jail the manager should definitely get [__] fired."
"There are electoral consequences to not abiding by the law."
"If you're going to start calling every riot with a political intonation illegal insurrection and sedition, then there's going to be a lot of people on the left that are going to get arrested."
"I highly suggest that you just exit my courtroom and go pay the sanctions before I find you in contempt."
"Swatting is a terroristic activity. You're putting cops and potential harms way. You're putting people in potential harm's way. People can get killed. It's not a joke."
"They will torment you to make sure you don't set a precedent."
"If what you're suggesting can land someone in jail if true it's not an opinion it's serious and don't eff around when you do it."
"I would guess in most people's cases if it's the average person they'd be going to prison or jail right now."
"Officers kill black and brown men and women and we get little to no consequences."
"If you make provably false allegations of sexual abuse you should have to serve the time the person you accused would have served if convicted."
"There would be severe consequences if it did not immediately release Huawei Technologies' chief financial officer."
"You need to be scared about not telling the full truth."
"In countries where there's no freedom of speech, you can get thrown in jail for saying the wrong thing."
"I hope that the Court's findings will serve as a warning to all media organizations."
"Any prosecutor can do this in such a high-profile case without consequence."
"If you commit a crime and you actively resist arrest, you forfeit your right to live."
"These companies in the last 10 years collectively have paid 35 billion dollars in penalties, damages, fines."
"If the situation were hopeless, the propaganda would be unnecessary."
"Even though some of you out there may think that this was a cool way to man him up, know that if you treat your child and someone reports you, you can serve 15 years in a fine up to $10,000."
"This needs to be a message to other conservators out there that this behavior is not okay and they will go to jail."
"But one person telling me I want to see the guy that tried to steal my vote, go to jail today."
"If you disrupt a flight with threatening intimidating or violent behavior you'll face a civil penalty from the faa of up to 35 000 and possible imprisonment as well."
"There's a history of people who work for Donald Trump who end up going to jail."
"You can see the impact these cases and subsequent antitrust legislation have had around the world."
"If we make this illegal we could see young people move on to much more harmful substances."
"It was fueled by lies, lies by the defendant."
"That's a nasty bundle of offenses and the worst part about all this he was sentenced as a habitual offender meaning that chances of getting out are now slim to none."
"Women will go to prison over this... I think that's a silly, silly argument."
"Hunter Moore ended up serving two years in jail because he was investigated by the FBI for obviously the crime Revenge porn."
"Rudy Giuliani can no longer practice law in the state of New York. An appeals court released a ruling today suspending his law license." - News segment.
"When you turn felonies into misdemeanors, people are going to keep pushing that limit on what they can get away with."
"It's the covering up of the crime that is actually the thing that gets you rather than the crime itself."
"Pedophilia is a crime and it's got to be punished."
"Those responsible should be held accountable."
"We don't destroy your life and throw away the key. We arrest you to stop you from doing the illegal thing. It's called non-violent civil disobedience."
"People like me who have got convictions and went to prison are technically devoid of any character in law."
"I have signed an affidavit that would put me in jail if I'm not telling you the truth."
"Sometimes the hammer of justice has to fall, and it fell hard today on Jesse Smollett."
"Everything you're hearing about this company, if it's 100% true, if the State of California is right, that Activision Blizzard was doing this specifically oppressively maliciously, then they deserve the book to be thrown at them."
"Matthew Sullivan was sentenced to 16 years to life in prison."
"If that leads you to impeachment, then so be it."
"Even his detractors now fear that if he is ultimately convicted for espionage Assange's activism could herald a new media environment with even less freedom and not just in the United States."
"Accountability is coming for all those who may have committed crimes."
"There is simply no indication that Duggar will ever take the steps necessary to change this pattern of behavior."
"After the editor was sent to prison where he died, no paper has dared to write anything negative about you."
"The day after the trial the ten convicted prisoners were brought to a place still known as Gallows Hill."
"If you ever plan to evade the authorities and land on North Sentinel Island, it would be advisable to get your affairs in order."
"My thoughts are also uh with Ms Potter today she has gone from being an esteemed member of the community and honored member of a noble profession to being convicted of a serious crime."
"If you dare to tell a public lie, then you deserve a goddamn public trial. Now I know, and knowing is half the battle, G.I. Joe."
"In a twist of fate, the judge presiding over this case found it within their power to ensure that the officer faced the consequences of his actions."
"The founding fathers would have jailed the people who produced Cuties, at least I think some of the founding fathers would have done more than jail them."
"His freedom is being taken and that is the end of that."
"It's time for Daryl Brooks to stop running. It's time for him to stop lying. It's time for him to be held accountable for his actions. Daryl Brooks cowardly rammed his way through this parade, violently killing and injuring so many people."
"When you don't prosecute these people for their illegal activity, it just emboldens them to do it all the more."
"There's not a case of being told your company can't support you I'm sorry we have let you go it's not a case of Vox going out of business it's literally Vox saying you guys passed the law I gotta fire you."
"Fanny Willis is going after Donald Trump for his tweets, seems like this could absolutely Boomerang and could potentially hit big."
"Free speech has glass ceilings, Tommy like me was jailed."
"The judge decided an unconventional punishment was in order."
"This must happen because the president is guilty of insurrection. He is no longer the president; he's a private citizen."
"After writing a controversial post, his bail was immediately revoked, and he was sent back to prison."
"I believe if you are proven to falsely accuse someone of rape you should automatically be charged with a mirror image punishment."
"Basically the reason that people who defraud investors tend to get more serious jail time and tend to go to jail for those crimes because the american system really relies on people investing in companies."
"You know you've been bad as a CEO when it's not just 'yeah, you're fired' and there's a massive fine for you and your company, but it's that you know you've been bad when you go into prison."
"Superimposing today's wars on erroneous recitals of acts of yesteryear is a recipe for disaster, both the accused and the accuser." - Albert Watkins
"A statement of fact and they know that fact is false, well they might say I don't know it's false because I got a UK decision against him."
"Sometimes the lesson needs to be learned through the butt, do it well, if you don't do it as a parent, the police will, bottom line."
"Pressure bursts pipes... once we the American people see with our own eyes the evidence... doj will have no place to go but to indict them for their crimes."
"If you truly want a system where there's not a two-tier system of justice, then it's appropriate for him to have to face consequences for this."
"We have to bring down the Sackler family. They should be in jail next to El Chapo."
"If lawyers fail to adhere to their ethical duties, she will have to either find them in contempt of her order and/or report their actions to the Idaho State Bar."
"The prospect of criminal liability might serve as a deterrent."
"The framers intended impeached officials to face criminal liability according to the law."
"People are being arrested for sharing memes and jokes."
"Julian's facing 175 years in the US for publishing."
"It's not about being sued, it's about doing the right thing."
"Sensei asked one of them with a grin if he was definitely getting sentenced to death."
"Can we just say listen here's a guy who killed people we punish him because he killed people that's about it."
"If convicted of capital murder, they face a minimum sentence of life imprisonment without parole."
"60% think he has something to do with January 6. 60% think he should be indicted for this document."
"You know, we're going... if this were anybody at this table or anybody else that were doing what Hunter Biden, they would have been in jail a long time ago."
"You stop it along the way. If people have the right to defend their property, the second you put someone in fear for their life, you forfeit your right to safety."
"There'll be riots in the streets if there's a prosecution of Donald Trump for mishandling classified information."
"A president may be impeached tried and upon conviction afterwards be liable to prosecution and Punishment in the ordinary course of the law."
"If Brian Laundrie is charged with murder, that's a whole another ball game."
"Smash the patriarchy and Josh Duggar is going to hopefully go to jail for 25 to 40 years. Goodnight everyone."
"Those damn fools shouldn't have broke into my home."
"They'll lock you up not because of what you did but because of what you say and what you believe in."
"If they are convicted of second-degree murder, you're dealing with a Class A felony that has a punishment of 15-60 years."
"R. Kelly has been sentenced to 30 years in prison."
"When we talk about de-platforming, we're not talking about going to jail because breaking laws."
"He deserves to be in bars behind bars immediately."
"Should he be put down for the crime that he committed when he was only 16 years old?"
"Congratulations, Alex Jones. You played yourself."
"He ended up getting criminal charges against him."
"The bill allows any attempts to circumvent the exclusions or bans using a VPN or proxy to be punished with a find of up to one million dollars or up to 20 years in prison."
"I do find pursuant to the statute that the harm is so great that a single term would not adequately reflect its seriousness."
"If you violate parole, you go back for the rest of your life. If you violate the PRC, they can ultimately impose an additional 18 months."
"They're falsifying government documents, which is 10 years imprisonment."
"That would be like me selling you a kilo of cocaine and then calling the police saying, 'Hey, I know someone who's buying drugs for me.'"
"We will make sure that laws are enforced and those who act illegally will be held accountable."
"If this goes unpunished, it sets a terrifying precedent."
"If you rob a bank in broad daylight, you still rob a bank."
"The prosecution of Mr. Assange if successful not only sets a legal precedent whereby journalists or Publishers can be prosecuted but a political one as well."
"We have to be careful and demand evidence in these scenarios because you are actually damaging somebody's life if you're not correct."
"Back for Blood is a four player co-op campaign shooter that is extremely similar to Left 4 Dead."
"That is a great question that gets to the core of how far you extend free speech, free thought."
"If someone posts election misinformation, do you think they should have to go to jail?"
"If you commit a crime you should not get a slap on the wrist."
"For every illegal worker, the employer could face a fine of up to ten thousand pounds."
"When all this was over to explain that our cars didn't get impounded."
"The consequences, the ramifications of this, much bigger than Dominion."
"You are going to spend the rest of your natural life in prison based on your vicious acts of violence, jealousy, and control."
"He pleaded guilty to felony murder and kidnapping and agreed to two consecutive life sentences without possibility of parole."
"Barry Riley and David Henry are currently serving 22-year prison sentences."
"If you're so right, just relax and talk to people and you'll be right."
"Putin must be brought to a court of law and end his days in prison."
"False lies that defame a person are not protected legally and can be subject to legal action."
"Worst thing that could happen to him is him living out the rest of his life in prison."
"I am relieved that this dangerous will be off the streets and unable to violently assault women with the help of Scientology."
"Because they're allowing that that's why they get 230. Once you're not allowing free discourse you no longer should be entitled to it."
"It's the only constitutional right that you lose with a conviction."
"If you break the laws of another country, you are subject to the judicial system of that country."
"This is what is happening to believers all over the world... you can't defend Christianity without ending up being put in prison." - Steven Ben-Nun
"I'm ready to go to jail if I need to because I knew I wasn't doing anything wrong."
"Once Donald Trump is charged based on the evidence, it will have the fringe benefit and the collateral consequences of beginning to shut down the big lie and helping the country move on."
"Good news entitled mom... you are not only at fault but going to be charged with theft and destruction of property right."
"In the aftermath of the YBI and Pony Down indictments."
"You're gonna lose your qualified immunity because you're violating my rights."
"At the end of the day, all I was doing is going there to buy a stamp and I was leaving. So all this for a stamp."
"Just because you escaped the federal ruling does not mean that you will escape the state ruling so I want us to buckle our seatbelts because this shit is going to be bombshells of epic proportions."
"He is going to whack Donald Trump and the organization for hundreds of millions of dollars and do major maybe existential damage to their businesses."
"It means that if someone belongs to those protected characteristics, if you commit a crime against them, you're basically going to be sentenced for longer."
"Bad actors face legal punishment for their misdeeds."
"Galdieri, a longtime political operative, had been killed."
"So I guess what we can extrapolate from this is that they don't think that Trump should be punished all that much from this. It's just twenty thousand dollars, it's like nothing."
"For that reason, Mr. Otto, you can stand up on the count of murders into the custody of the commissioner of corrections for a period of 60 years."
"Erica's gonna get sued in this six ways to Saturday."
"They can't threaten nobody, homie. They can get killed like that with a self-defense case. Nobody would prosecute somebody for killing them."
"If we lose, then essentially the way I would view that would almost be it's illegal to be a Christian."
"Dozens of people are going to prison and most of the names are well-known."
"No one should actually die from that but it should be the death penalty."
"Finally arrested along with his two wives Amber Birch and Crystal Matlock."
"Those people that people were putting out earlier today, they're arrested, they're arrested. It's them, it's this."
"It will absolutely break the back of these woke companies if they get sued."
"Ten million is f*ck all, it's not even a slap on the wrist."
"False confessions: innocent people sealing their fates with their own words."
"Democracy is a precious thing and crimes like yours strike at its heart."
"If they have any evidence that suggests that they aided and abetted their son, then there's a possibility for that."
"The fact that you can be sued for saying stupid shit on Twitter might make some of these Twitter idiots pause a little bit before attacking people without proof."
"But the bottom line is that Paul Manafort is going to spend a long time in either federal or state prison."
"The reality is that all this, what is going on in the courts, will have the effect of putting the chain of debt around the neck of millions of Americans affecting how these young people can start their life."
"He's going to jail for a highly illegal game on a police officer."
"A guilty plea may affect your right to vote, hold public office, serve on a jury, or obtain employment."
"That will truly be the end of our democracy. Donald Trump liable sexual abuse. Donald Trump liable defamation of character five million dollars folks."
"When the media picked up the story, the president fired Michael Flynn thinking that this would end the Russia investigation. However, they continued investigating."
"And even my brother, my brother was like, man, I got so anxious of getting out, now they about to send me back to the county."
"Carolyn Korea was arrested and charged with kidnapping, arson, assault, and other offenses."
"After the ordeal was over and Delmar was returned to her family, several lawsuits ensued."
"This is fantastic news ladies and gentlemen, finally the people who engaged in overt illegal and corrupt activities will be taking a task and they'll face the legal consequences."
"Jack was arrested by heavily armed FBI agents in his home in Massachusetts last Thursday and was formally charged with various crimes including violating the Espionage Act."
"Moral of the story is you can commit any crime just don't evade your taxes while you're doing it because then you'll get caught."
"The alleged whistleblower faces up to 50 years in prison. No one has ever been held accountable for killing civilians in drone strikes." - Betsy Reid
"Putin is also known to have committed several crimes including war crimes and he will very certainly be tried."
"Hard to serve a prison sentence if you're dead."
"She killed her because she wanted to feign an assault to avoid going to jail."
"Former presidents are not immune from being accountable by either one [criminal justice system or civil litigation]." - Mitch McConnell