
Political Analysis Quotes

There are 1157 quotes

"There is a fragility in the middle of this regime. There is an opportunity here where Putin's regime has got a central weakness on display."
"If a small percentage of these people say no and they don't vote, Trump is still winning in terms of voter turnout."
"Hamas is not the reason why we have a conflict; Hamas is an outcome of the conflict."
"The people spoke. It was not a close election. The margin of victory for Biden in 2020 was larger than Trump's margin in 2016."
"If you want to understand modern political events, it helps to have historical context."
"This runoff is shaping up to be an MRI of the soul of Mississippi."
"Our model currently shows a 35% chance of Biden winning by double digits."
"The violent military coups, the destabilization programs, the imposition of murderous dictatorships and disinformation campaigns all with an eye not only toward understanding the recent history of the United States but also for understanding the kind of political order and the kind of society we now currently have as well as to draw lessons from that recent history to understand our options for the future."
"This is not a good sign for Donald Trump and it actually does show some signs of hope."
"If Trump is such a criminal... and Biden is only up one, two, or three points, that is horrible."
"Prosecutors probed yesterday about Trump's state of mind during and after the election."
"It's Friday, January 13, 2023, and welcome back to Goodfellows, a Hoover Institution broadcast examining social, economic, political, and geopolitical concerns."
"You should consider the conditions that lead to Trump, Trump, and post-Trump. What is that whole phenomena? Obviously, people had an appetite for something new, some sort of change."
"The beauty of it is it does two things: it solves the mystery of what went wrong with the other socialism and communism."
"He's been shocked at the Ukrainian resistance; he's been shocked that NATO is now talking more like Winston Churchill than Neville Chamberlain."
"I have seen no evidence that there was a scale of ballot fraud that would have changed the outcome of the 2020 presidential election."
"Trump is Trump, is a once-in-a-generation charismatic authority that cannot be replicated."
"If Texas goes Democratic, it's really the end for Republicans as we know it as a party."
"The linear classification of political ideology as left and right is admittedly unavoidably reductive but is nonetheless helpful in explaining political ideals and political goals."
"In the modern world, whether left, right, center, or off the chart, we're going to analyze the track record for how different sides of the political spectrum have managed the economy."
"We need to think about the presidency so that we have better expectations for the job."
"The most consistent, the most explanatory, the most descriptive way of describing people's political positions is whether they hinder or help human equality, human freedom."
"Bill Barr says there's no evidence of fraud that would have changed the outcome of the election."
"Power once concentrated is very difficult to pry free of an iron fist."
"What we're witnessing is the very beginning of an effort to roll back not just abortion rights or the right to privacy that the court found in Griswold v. Connecticut, but really roll back almost a hundred years of jurisprudence."
"We see the Chinese Communist Party as an adversary because it intends to dismantle democratic values by totalitarianism."
"If somebody that's wearing horns and face paint can understand the problems of the world and explain them more simply than somebody that's running for president, we have a problem."
"Vladimir Putin started this war, so whatever the context of the decision that he made, he did it. He fired the first shots. He is to blame for what we're seeing tonight in Ukraine."
"My read on that transcript is that Zelenski, the president of Ukraine, clearly was attempting to broker some sort of deal to restore military aid."
"It is in vain to say that democracy is less proud, less selfish, less ambitious, or less avaricious than aristocracy or monarchy."
"As the allegations reverberate through the halls of power, Turley's impassioned breakdown becomes a rallying cry for justice, demanding accountability."
"Success of Ukraine is the end of Russia. Success in Battlefield is a success: political success, economical success, mental success of Ukraine is very important to finish the Putin era."
"Historians of fascism all recognize his similar rhetoric, his common themes, his tactics."
"This year, Trump won a larger share of the non-white vote than any Republican since 1960."
"What he was looking at was what are remedies that are actually going to work."
"Or at least I think he did. I am recording this before the first votes were cast. But that is the whole point of this video. Russia does not have competitive federal elections."
"This isn't a left versus right issue; this is a power versus the individual issue, and that affects all of us."
"It's so bad that in 2013 the free press advocacy group Reporters without Borders gave a serious downgrade to America's standing in the global free press rankings, rating the Obama administration as worse than Bush's."
"The political compass is a complete load of drac that only an utter boomer would take seriously."
"I must say it is pretty accurate and thorough."
"His economic policy, by and large, were pretty good for America."
"We do not believe Putin because Putin has done everything before, violating his own words. What we believe in is our army, Ukrainian army."
"Trump himself is not really a problem; it's the idea that there were this many people in the United States willing to vote for him."
"The right has always been a counter movement, a reactionary movement against movements for freedom and equality."
"What I love about this analysis is how much it cuts through so many simple political stereotypes."
"We got an interesting development in the case of Kyle Rittenhouse... It may not seem like that big of a deal, but I think it strikes the heart of the conservative argument."
"The U.S., as it often does, skillfully puts its weight behind the fascist elements."
"We're reaching a moment where these elites may splinter, so the security elite, the military, which can see exactly what's happening in the war, and the economic, the oligarchs who are suffering... these groups of people are unhappy with the course of the war and they're unhappy with the idea of a Forever War."
"The left needs the post-Cold War holiday from reality to continue indefinitely. What will awaken us is the rise of China and the impending fiscal crisis."
"If democracy is dying, it is largely due to the effect of people who are turning out the lights." - Ben Shapiro
"Collusion and conspiracy were over, and the observations of obstructions by the Democratic majority."
"Donald Trump got more votes in 2020 nationwide than he did in 2016, and that should bury once and for all this false idea that Donald Trump's victory in 2016 was a historical accident."
"A lot of far-left politics is animated by envy."
"We don't know exactly when the next explosive news day will be for the Trump administration, but if rhythm means anything, it's not more than a day or two away."
"Trumpism is not going away... the substituting of cultural grievances for economic ones... and Trump added to that."
"Democracy is sacred, and the highest court of this state has repeatedly recognized that no right is more precious in a free country than that of having a voice in the election of those who make the laws under which as good citizens we must live."
"It seems like anytime somebody is forced to actually look at the facts before them, mainly 'Is Donald Trump an insurrectionist? Was January 6th an insurrection?', they come to the same conclusion. Yes, obviously, of course."
"What we have here is kind of a case of easy opponent in a tough district versus tough opponent in an easy district." - Narrator
"How do we want to leave this world and then honestly pursue that? Today's guest is not that politician and that's what makes him an incredible politician in my opinion."
"If the election were today, would not look good for President Biden."
"We have not been in something in an environment as serious as we are today that is an existential threat to our constitutional republic since the Civil War." - Rick Wilson
"Authoritarians are oftentimes the weakest and most terrified individuals out there in the political world."
"Democrats are losing because they are disconnected from the everyday reality of most Americans."
"The rise of Trump has kind of made it clear that oops, like the activists were actually right the whole time."
"Populism is a reaction to the failure of elites."
"Trump today is in a better position to win 2024 than he ever was in 2016 or 2020."
"Trump is surging in popularity with literally every single category of voter in a way he simply never has before."
"Every Democrat wants Donald Trump to win the Republican nomination because he's such a weak general election candidate." - Insight from a political strategist
"People focus too much on Trump rather than the causes of Trump. What facilitated Trump's rise? A total lack of trust in political figures, a political landscape that was devoid of integrity."
"The only question is, is the brokenness in our system... able to overcome democracy?"
"I ran to be mayor of London in 2021... the number of votes you got just doesn't make sense... Urban environments that have been dominated by democrats or left-wing politics for decades."
"The crisis we face is the result of a four decade long slow-motion corporate coup d'etat."
"Trump's resurgent isn't a fantasy, it's a statistical and political reality."
"If those candidates on stage are the best that they've got, as Van Jones said, the election held today, Trump would win no question."
"This election was more or less maybe more a referendum on who can handle COVID well than anything else."
"When they don't have Trump to unify their party, they got nothing."
"It's not about a referendum on any one person, but a referendum on where we are going for our future."
"What's the first thing the Taliban did when Joe Biden handed them Afghanistan? They took away people's guns. That's how it works."
"The big story: a blue wall held. Young voters, women, and independents held strong against this non-existent red wave."
"Decision 2020: Comprehensive election coverage."
"He saw the Iraq War as America's effort to control the Middle East, to assert itself and at Russia's expense."
"What helps us, what hurts us, identifying enemies, friends, and opponents, and then after six innings, you got some stuff to spread around."
"If we watch the breakdown we are seeing now occur in another country, we'd say of course, of course, exactly this outcome unfolding."
"This really just puts in into Stark relief that is her position two years ago whatever the state Supreme Court decides will be good with me." - Political Analyst
"Bernie Sanders frankly he would have beat Donald Trump I think he would have killed Donald Trump I think that the exit polls and the data support that."
"Every election is essentially a referendum on one candidate or the other candidate."
"The founders of the Black Lives Matter movement actually admitted that my take on it is correct."
"To ignore the role religion and specifically white Christian nationalism played in the January 6th Insurrection would be to ignore a burgeoning threat to U.S democracy."
"There’s a lot that’s happening in China right now that you can’t really understand if you don’t look at the Communist Party’s treatment of Falun Gong."
"Moments like this are why the Senate exists."
"What President Trump says is so frequently false or nonsensical that his words don't have the same meaning, the same power, the same impact as past presidents."
"As you can see, people have basically been predicting the end of Vladimir Putin's regime..."
"You know the Midwest of America is kind of where he won the election really because there were the states like Wisconsin and Pennsylvania."
"Elections are a referendum on one of the two candidates. Whoever the referendum is on loses."
"I think they're trying to appease Putin. It's clearly not working."
"The antidote to Trump is actually the thing that got us Trump."
"The parallels between now and 1914 are too close to dismiss."
"The decline of private sector unionism provides a classic example of what political scientists call policy drift."
"The only thing that matters is what Vladimir Putin thinks."
"The real shock of the current conflict was not the invasion itself but the hubris that led to it and of the inability of policy makers in the west and the United States in particular to understand the very real security concerns that Russia had."
"It's a very realistic fear that the Europeans have been deliberately downplaying."
"The fact that there is even a one percent chance of Dems holding the house this far in after all the [ __ ] we've seen that's a goddamn miracle."
"Win or lose, Donald Trump didn't have the numbers. He betrayed the trust of the American people."
"This poll is a sign for national dissolution or as Ben Shapiro correctly calls it disintegration."
"Yesterday showed that Donald Trump and Steve Bannon are clinging to a way of life that was dying 50 years ago."
"It's a battle between these dwindling impulses for democracy and the growing power of this cartel."
"In order to finally learn historical lessons rather than constantly repeating this late Soviet Union Dynamic, Russia needs to fail."
"This is not left versus right or Republican versus Democrat, this is elites versus everyday people."
"Trump voters aren't going to show up when Trump isn't on the ballot."
"House control, you know the analysis I've seen as Democrats have maybe like a 25 chance of holding on to it."
"Looking beyond the trial, the footage highlighted the stark difference between Trump's immature misogynistic behavior and the fundamental civic values of decency, dignity, and mutual respect."
"What a weird weird way to break up of what has been a very fruitful 400 year Alliance."
"He and Donald Trump were tapping into some of the very same anxieties and frustrations against the elites, the establishment, the belief that the system is rigged, and that the decision-makers don't care about the concerns of ordinary Americans."
"Maybe the most important aspect of Missoustein, the real differentiator is this: he may be one of the first Russian leaders to come along whose formative years were not shaped by the country's Soviet past." - Rick Sanchez
"The movement comes as several voter groups are giving Republicans a boost." - Ben Shapiro
"We jump on over to the polling for Black Lives Matter, and let me just say this, my friends, yeah, we're winning."
"Donald Trump represents the kind of irrational id of America."
"Putin's popularity will remain intact yet we should all remember that we've seen this movie before."
"As we think about what's going to be really interesting because turnout was so high on both sides, is was this the last election of the Trump era or was it the first election of the post-Trump era?"
"The U.S is closer to Civil War than any of us would like to believe."
"I want to shine a light on the alt-right playbook by Innuendo Studios. It's a very good explainer and an astute assessment of right-wing thought."
"Occupied Wall Street showed us that the constituency for a left wing in America is huge and deep."
"Progress does not simply go in one political direction."
"Does anyone believe there will be less violence in America if Donald Trump is reelected?"
"If the Democrats had actually spent four years trying to work out why Donald Trump had won in 2016, they could have done an awful lot of good for their own party"
"Regardless of where you fall on the political spectrum, look into the left-right paradigm. They're using this as a tool of division."
"He has the war that he has imagined but he's also mortally wounded by it, he is no longer a strong man."
"There is this unmistakable stench of weakness about him."
"Let's talk about the realities of what's happening in the political space."
"In my assessment, Vladimir Putin is winning. Russia is winning."
"I think the winner tonight though was probably Joe Biden."
"Putin has underestimated what self-determination looks like, a severe miscalculation on his part."
"It's about big leads on election night... rapidly evaporated."
"I think that their shocking lack of ability to capitalize on a rich political situation for them is pretty astounding."
"I think it is important for our nation to heal and to move forward... the failure to pre-select candidates in an orderly timetable hurt our election prospects."
"If President Trump can confine that if you can find that happy censor then he will win reelection if he cannot then there's a good shot that he won't."
"Most African Americans are where Glenn Lowery's paper sort of has outlined the problem I think we have is that black political elites for some reason are not responsive to the will of black folk."
"What we're seeing is the extraordinary confusion of the Republican party at a moment when it's really crumbling."
"Putin should be seen as a Mafia Boss... making an honest deal is dishonorable... there's only the guy who cheats and the guy who's a loser."
"No rhetoric is needed, just judge this president on the facts."
"What a small 'c' conservative institution... what a large 'R' Republican institution the Senate is."
"There's a lot of blame to go around, and the Democrats share in that blame. That said, I think repealing Roe is going to be unambiguously bad for women, in particular poor women in red states. And it'll be bad for the red states too."
"Despite passing legislation, including popular bills like the COVID relief package, Biden's popularity has fallen."
"The rise of Trump would have been facilitated in other countries other than the U.S."
"Trump is a symptom of a deeper moral malady."
"You know you can be the smartest analyst of Middle East affairs and you will still be wrong if you go against what the Bible says because eventually the Bible is found more accurate than all of those predictions."
"The data are extraordinarily clear on this... job growth is stronger under democratic presidents."
"I think one of the things this interview does signal about AOC is that she really is one of the most able politicians that the Anglophone left has."
"The interesting growing trend of world leaders inventing fake cures for corona will surely be the subject of future analysis..."
"Democratic dominance was inevitable. That analysis should have caused us to feel a certain looming dread."
"Our Czech friends know better than we British ever will the realities of dictatorship and the bleak, pitiless mentality of conquest and domination that lay behind the tragedy of 1968 and drives Vladimir Putin today."
"Democrats are taking the wrong lessons from this election cycle."
"The race appears to be tightening and coming down to some really important states."
"We are seeing President Putin improvising, adapting, and we're having to respond and adapt."
"Do you really think that the Democrats are gonna be able to nominate their own Jeremy Corbyn?"
"It really just shows you that this party right now is completely flailing."
"This is not just about Ukraine. This is about the control of the world."
"This whole thing was never about the left and right it was always about the top and the bottom."
"Xi Jinping's governance logic is peculiar, filled with inconsistencies and deep contradictions."
"During the 1980s 1990s there was a pretty strong movement among thinkers on the right and on the left to go deep into analyzing the power structure of the United States or of the world."
"There's nothing more dangerous than someone who is losing power."
"Regardless of one's views on Donald Trump, we should be proud as Americans but also alarmed at what he's been able to show us has occurred."
"If the media ever decided to turn out like people are treating her as a durable top-tier candidate I'm not so sure that's true."
"Trumpism is going to remain, and Democrats had better figure out that if you can't win easily in this situation, you're probably doing something a little wrong."
"We've all now... been able to imagine what the end of Putin's rule could look like."
"Trump's ice is cracking, do you see a window here as the schism widens?"
"So, Trump is connecting with that anger, so I completely agree with that."
"I think we're watching with a Trump presidency especially as it comes under attack from the establishment both the old landed Republican and Democratic Estella you'll you'll see his fortress become that the ideology of the Christian."
"We're not going to find out that if President Trump had not been president then all this would have magically been solved."
"Tim Poole's suggestions reveal that he is completely clueless when it comes to politics. His ideas betray an appalling ignorance on political maneuvering and public sentiment."
"It's not the left versus the right; it's the top versus the bottom."
"I think some senators there will be I don't believe all the republican senators having political IQ under 50."
"I care whether or not he's an authoritarian and a fascist or a good person with a good soul and a good heart who cares."
"It does make you wonder the situation that party is in heading into the midterms."
"The reason why they bend towards that fascist thought isn't because they are genuinely fascist, it's because of all these stupid party politics, cognitive distortion, partisan biases they have."
"So long as mainstream liberals go along with the woke left... then the alliance of the woke left and the liberals actually is a majority in the country."
"You have to make one thing that I found is really effective is to make sure that people understand that the other side isn't really offering any good solutions."
"So it does seem that they are still at the will of the market um in terms of what voters want."
"The United States is not in danger of becoming Venezuela next week but we are moving closer to it."
"Bernie Sanders is the most electable candidate in the race by far."
"There's a reason why black folks do tend to vote for left-leaning candidates more so than right-leaning candidates."
"Joe Biden's victory stopped the spread of the fire but it is still burning and we have to do more."
"So which tells me what that implies to me at least is that it has ended and they don't want it to, or it's on the verge of ending and they refuse to let this end."
"There's no way to slice that where that is not bad stuff and it appears to be bad stuff."
"President Zelensky's rise in world politics is not temporary; he'll survive the crisis."
"The worst case scenario for the left is that Trump fumbles around for another four years, but it cripples the establishment."
"There is a tendency to think that Russians who support Putin must all be like him... but there are incredibly inspiring people within Russia who are willing to stand up against him."
"The real dichotomy in American politics is not between the right and the left, it's between the powerful and the powerless."
"Anti-Semitism and authoritarianism are always sistered together, always always always."
"Carlson's Keen observation unveils a chilling picture of intrigue where individuals strategically ingratiated themselves to achieve ulterior motives."
"Black voters will be a key, but is the Democratic party and its white strategists listening to black people?" - Critical question
"Politics are not personal, it's about looking at their platform."
"Under a Biden tax plan, who wins? Who loses? I actually think everybody loses."
"James Stavridis, the former NATO Supreme Allied Commander in Europe, opined that Yevgeni Pregojin could be an absolute dictator."
"President Trump has the capacity of being a level-headed, reserved, and respectful head of state."
"It's not 90% of Biden without any sweat, blood, or tears."
"The big lesson of this election: 2016 was not a fluke. It was a signal."
"I'm starting to see some polling that's starting to point in the direction of November not looking so bad for Democrats."
"When governments are desperate they do desperate things."