
Political Dynamics Quotes

There are 180 quotes

"This guy is losing. He hasn't completely lost yet, but he is in the process of losing, and we need to capitalize on that."
"It's a very simple dynamic: when you have two sides allegedly in a political battle, one side that is relentlessly, unshakably committed to its principles, and the other side that reflexively surrenders at the outset, the outcome is foreordained."
"I think that capitalism is on its way out, not because the left... have managed to overthrow... but capitalism is overthrowing itself."
"Eventually, you get populist anger on all sides. If those people could ever unite, you'd have a real interesting scenario."
"The Democratic Party is kind of turning on itself."
"Much of politics is better understood as pro-establishment versus anti-establishment, or insider versus outsider."
"All politics has devolved into for right-wing voters at this point is owning the libs."
"That's the politics of the future: the people versus the political class."
"Monitoring how the Russian army and security services choose to deal with this interesting chain of events, and what it ultimately ends up meaning for Prigozhin, Wagner, Russia, Ukraine and the government of Vladimir Putin."
"They all act in unison, at the very least can we all acknowledge that there's a different dynamic of checks and balances when there's at least one lone conservative voice?"
"How has the young Kim managed to consolidate his leadership in a regime dominated by old glories?"
"Politics should always be rigorous and divisive, it's a fact."
"Republicans don't have the votes to impeach Biden. It's a narrative thing, but they lack the two-thirds majority."
"For every move that the left has gone more bananas with everything... the right has actually moderated."
"Democrats are behaving as though Republicans won't take power ever again."
"The political right had ceded culture to the left, and the left went full speed ahead."
"This is the way politics works: when left run things and they do a bad job, people swivel to the right if you give them someone who is capable of talking about the issues people actually want to hear about."
"I will say an incredible Dynamic whereby every time Donald Trump gets indicted his polls inside the Republican party go up and then his polls kind of generally go down it's an unbelievable dynamic."
"Her life was marked by political alliances, marriages, scandals, and the challenges of navigating the intricate web of early medieval European politics."
"This is a fight of factions... this story was coming out... caused this all to come out..."
"Why do people like him so much? It's precisely because DC hates him."
"Conservatives are basically holding the left and the left is slowly dragging them."
"The conservative side has not just become the rebellious side but it's honestly the more interesting side."
"The push and pull of autocracy and mob rule."
"Politics is downstream of culture... and if politics is downstream of culture, culture can be downstream of politics too."
"Morale found himself amidst Hitler's inner circle, navigating rivalries."
"Desantis is playing offense. We're seeing Republicans play offense, libertarians playing offense, and now you're seeing the left scramble because they're not used to having to actually explain."
"You cannot have a vibrant democracy if you don't have a meaningful opposition."
"The Republican party allows this to take place until we're going to have to deal with this for the next two years or beyond."
"I think there is a silent majority. I think that's actually one of the most exciting things about the period we currently find ourselves in, which is that people are in open revolt against the establishment."
"When Republicans or outsiders like Donald Trump come in, there is this rise up of people protecting their city, protecting the state that they have built up."
"In politics, you need two things: you need people to love you, you need people to support and love you, and at the same time, you need people to just troll you, just hate you, just despise every single thing that you say."
"Elizabeth Warren staying in the race hurt Bernie Sanders, orchestrated pre-Super Tuesday turn."
"They're the shock troops of radical politics, they're not actually the shock troops so much as the lobby fodder radical politics."
"At some point, you become the establishment, the thing that free people rebel against."
"We're not up against the Democrat party anymore. They've been taken over by the left."
"How is it possible in a country where progressives have the majority of voters the more popular positions the more popular politicians that Republicans and conservatives keep winning some of the battles?"
"Civilization 5 introduced city-states, changing the political landscape."
"When one side overreaches, the other side pushes back."
"You cannot understand what's happening right now in American politics if you don't understand that everything is about the flow of information."
"Democrats are losing control of the narrative." - Michael Knowles
"Powerful interests coalesce and then seek to empower themselves, and eventually you get centralized authority."
"The emergence of gendered politics... where men and women are seen as two separate and opposed voting blocs."
"The left pushed too far too fast on all of this stuff and they're going to continue pushing and the backlash is going to come."
"It's the people versus the political class, the ruled versus the rulers."
"The war inside the Democratic Party is over, and the mainstream Left lost."
"For the first time in American history one of those parties might actually be populist."
"Failure of the American left resulted in right-wing populism."
"Donald Trump's closest allies are turning on him and now many of them hey hold on a second are not only saying no to Trump but yes to themselves."
"The first thing that I wanted to cover was the obvious astroturfing of the Trump versus DeSantis uh thing."
"Populism is a reaction of a powerless majority against Elites."
"Many Senate Republicans who've been working hard to get an agreement are displeased with Trump's pressure campaign."
"The strength of this new fundamentalisms is not in the state apparatus. It's more in civil society."
"The minute you had social media, all of a sudden conservatives start doing really, really well."
"Modern world politics no longer allows dictators like Russian President Vladimir Putin."
"The left is unraveling, the left is now eating itself."
"This world is not just static, there are things happening here, like people are manipulating politics."
"I think it's important since you need to remember why this is happening though and the why is that the Supreme Court has gotten more political by virtue of how it's been ruling."
"Even if you look at numbers within the Republican Party, there has not been a move towards the President and towards Tucker Carlson’s questioning, it has been static if it hasn’t gone in the opposite direction."
"No sooner do you finally get it... than the forces who didn't want it are trying to figure out how to evade it."
"Governments are no longer the overwhelmingly dominant actors on the world stage." - Klaus Schwab
"The federal government appears to be backing off a little bit."
"The question is does Josh Gottheimer want to be the villain of the day," - Kyle Kulinski.
"Biden's just losing the Coalition right the woke victimhood Coalition is just crumbling under the Democrats and it's actually pretty glorious to behold."
"At least I mean again we've talked about it there's a reason he brought up Mo Brooks... there's a runoff right now two out of three voters in the Republican primary in Pennsylvania voted against Donald Trump's choice."
"The more accomplished a conservative black man or woman is, the more the left hates them. He addressed this a bit yesterday in his remarks." - Megan Kelly
"Crassus would never forgive Pompey for claiming part of his glory, but eventually, alongside Julius Caesar, they would form the First Triumvirate and thus further accelerate the downfall of the Roman Republic and the Rise of the Roman Empire."
"The population tends to oppose policies on which there is an elite consensus."
"The Republican race: a tale of Trump's grip and DeSantis's slip."
"Biden arguably cancels out to some degree Trump's incumbent advantages."
"For all the immense battles throughout imperial history, the Imperium itself actually spends the vast majority of its time fighting against itself."
"The crazies of the left are fueling The Crazies of the right."
"Linker's argument pivots on the idea that Haley's potential collaboration with Biden isn't about ideological allegiance but rather a strategic move to safeguard against the reemergence of Trumpian politics."
"The political aspects of this cannot be ignored right there there is you're going after the former president of the United States you know."
"If you have a real solid Trump-supporting Republican turn on him with critical evidence, why their Senate Republicans might fold."
"The only thing that changes is in order to get in office you got to have a base, and the base of the white nationalists move from the democrats to republicans which means that's your base and you have to make them stand up."
"Sometimes your biggest foes will be in your own party."
"Donald Trump is just going to go quietly away."
"Republicans are actually seen as the party of change, which is very unusual."
"Acknowledging men's issues could have prevented their emboldenment in conservative politics."
"There is a silent majority that is growing in this country unlike anything they've ever seen."
"The left managed to steal the show because the conservatives aren't doing anything interesting."
"When you have a lack of coherence in strategy, what fills the void are the most powerful, immovable forces, which remains interventionism."
"It's not about a label as much as it is about understanding the dynamic."
"And one of those coalitions which is fraught with tension, I get that, but is a coalition between those who run for office and work within that environment with all of its constraints and those of us that are not in the political arena..."
"Our political power is pretty terrible, and we have a looming peasant strike, but this will all be resolved very quickly once we get the king."
"The left is being surprised by the right's tenacity."
"1880s France was a tinderbox of monarchists, republicans, bonapartists, and communards."
"He is popular enough within the party that it probably doesn't matter that he kind of has this reputation."
"Political parties are not inert bystanders that have no power."
"We're seeing a pattern here, states stepping in, pushing back against the federal government."
"The shifting dynamics and power balances in the Dune universe are always fascinating."
"Because anyone who has studied even a little bit of History knows that what the left is best at is eating their own."
"The question is not Putin anymore, the question is whether he will have enough people to carry his criminal crazy orders."
"Every day that Trump does something crazy, the door to voting for Biden opens a little bit more."
"It crosses the line from a non-state actor targeted by the U.S. to a state actor."
"Schumer's strength is only when you are bowing down to him. If you do not bow down to him, he runs. So really, he's a piece of pushover. He's all bark and no bite."
"It's us against them, not Republicans against Democrats. That's yesterday, baby."
"Political tensions with China... that could go away with the stroke of the pen."
"All the Democrats have at this point is the negative partisanship."
"It will come to this in the very near future, but the longer-term war will be longer, but a diplomatic war, a political war, through the brakes and through economic measures as well."
"The fact that even the prospect of such an uprising has sent shock waves through the Kremlin has exposed the fragility of loyalty in Putin's Inner Circle and the potential cracks in his authoritarian facade."
"Little did the Xi Jinping Administration expect that Biden's rise to power would continue the Trump Administration sanctions against Huawei with even greater intensity."
"Law is downstream from politics and politics is downstream from culture."
"Conservatives are defending the gains of past liberals."
"The establishment class is losing control... hence why they're just going to keep pushing back."
"To my Republican colleagues, can we move forward without President Trump? The answer is no."
"His indecency is a plus... his supporters are galvanized by the criminal charges against him."
"Kim jong-un's leadership style, personal preferences, and the Dynamics of the governing Elite are all important factors."
"How repressive this is made the UK and the U.S media now desperate to punish Rumble for its defiance."
"Key to this kind of city life is the rise of political bosses and machine politics."
"Normal Republicans are being pushed out of the GOP in droves. They are being labeled rhinos and traitors by a fascist Maga movement."
"A monarchy could take the oligarchy punch them in the face occasionally literally."
"Allowing one party to exert complete control in the Senate with only a simple majority will only pour fuel on a fire of political whiplash and dysfunction."
"You can see how totalitarian regimes get momentum because it's all about not questioning authority. Once you get to that position, you're in trouble."
"Watching Donald Trump interact with the people in his party is like watching one of those time traveler movies."
"I'm optimistic... when they do this, the desperation means they're losing."
"Putin found himself facing Medvedev, whom he forced to resign."
"The more interesting candidate wins. The more interesting you are, the more compelling."
"Politics. Us versus them. Somebody's always made to be the villain."
"Fascists literally, as we've known, is a strong coordination between state and corporate power."
"The difference between there's an open seat and John Roberts is not as reliable as we thought he was." - Highlighting the shifting dynamics and concerns within conservative circles regarding the Supreme Court.
"Tamil Nadu politics is taking a very interesting turn MK Stalin is a little rattled with the BJP's growth is a very practical issue."
"What's interesting to me is the way in which the rest of the establishment kind of goes along with him, covers for him."
"The establishment is strong, and hard to overturn."
"Andrew Cuomo is relying a bit on that precedent. It's interesting Kamala Harris, Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, they're amongst the few senior Democrats who haven't called for him to step down."
"Turns out there are Democrats left-wing people out there that are interested in firearms for self-defense."
"It's about vacuum what we're not really dealing with are the the power vacuums that have been created."
"When you have oligarchs and tyrants present themselves as outsiders, that's exactly what Donald Trump did. It's very dangerous because people want outsiders."
"It's very interesting how that whole thing plays out again, not taking any sides, just saying it's very interesting."
"The big political problem is who holds the power and that's what it's all about."
"Trump's allies have actually expanded in this instance."
"No party in this country emboldens the Republican party more than the Democratic party."
"She exposed cracks in the support that he needs."
"We just had a death of a faction leader. That means a new faction leader."
"Until enough voters really get that on a visceral level, populists are our swing voters."
"Politics is not that hard to figure out: the establishment never wants a progressive. They'll do anything to avoid it."
"You have totalitarian principles with free-market principles actually pushing totalitarianism everywhere."
"This is going to manifest in the DeSantis versus Trump split."
"People who have brought me here and people who will remove me."
"The ruling class in both parties would love nothing more than the rebels of the Trump movement to go away."
"The longer the short of it was that the Democrats apparently after some internal discussion decided that they could not support McCarthy so they also voted against him."
"We need people who understand how technology is reshaping politics in society."
"Big strikes actually are what workers winning is what and a sense of their own power is what can then drive politics."
"The collision of left and right drives further the movement towards digital Revolution."
"You can keep playing this populist vein, this cultural populism, you can do this forever until the other side comes back at you with the real deal with economic populism."
"History is rarely so straightforward and without the ebb and flow of political struggles, war, and heartache until an age of peace and prosperity finally settle in."
"It is a huge deal that someone with Bloomberg’s background and war chest is now looking at getting in and what does that do to scramble potentially the Democratic race?"
"The dynamic was largely reminiscent of what we've seen in the country in the 1980s."
"A former president has more political considerations."
"The right is desperately in need of an identity in lieu of any sort of platform or anything that is a perfect storm for conspiracies everywhere."
"People start to have power over and over and over again. It changes the dynamics. It brings hope back into communities."
"Journalists always move faster than politicians."
"Recent events like the arrest of a key opposition leader and the freezing of the opposition's bank accounts has galvanized the opposition block."
"My dad was never like a Trumper, but he did become sort of defensive around Trump...I think he felt guilty frankly about voting for Trump."
"Power now shifts to King James I, a shy neurotic man of keen intellect and openly homoerotic predilections."
"Nationalism continues to rise as groups fight for independence or more rights."
"I was very curious about the dynamic between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama after President Obama won. It was very interesting as the White West Wing stories began to wind down."
"The triple movement is designed to map the collision of those three political projects each of which remains salient today."
"It's about seeing the development of humanity in a more open way and in a way that is less affected by current political antagonisms and power dynamics."
"The politics within the silvers, the politics between the Reds and the silvers, and of course the red Rebellion which kind of arises against the silvers, all of these sides feel justified."
"The truth inevitably takes a back seat to class interest."
"There's very much a two-way relationship between what the successors wanted and the pre-existing conditions."
"Coalition politics in Scotland, perhaps in Wales, but will that affect the way things are conducted at Westminster? Yes, it certainly will."
"The physics of politics matter, momentum matters."