
Divine Inspiration Quotes

There are 383 quotes

"Divine inspiration raises man even higher into the realms of transcendental peace, beauty, and joy."
"God showed me a vision... that I had to change my life."
"No prophecy was ever produced by the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit."
"If you knew the divine lived within you, you wouldn't quit. You would be like, 'I'm here, and I'm going to go a little deeper, a little further.'"
"Scripture is the Bible... inspired by God and the only authority for our belief and practice."
"God put His word in His mouth...and God gave him the spirit too, to open up the letter."
"God is the great musician, and I am an instrument and a channel for the divine."
"Madness comes from God, whereas sober sense is merely human."
"Both of us believe that Old Testament and New Testament, they are inspired word of God."
"God himself is creative, and if God himself is creative, then He can make me creative too."
"God gives us all the ability to envision and achieve our destiny."
"The word of god is distinctive. It is not just trying to is god-breathed and give it that respect."
"This is no time to sleep, this is a time to be on fire, to be energized by the Holy Spirit!"
"True worship only comes from revelation, and revelation can only come by the spirit."
"Thank you for being a vessel of God. You bless my sister and me so much. We're hungry for God."
"The wind blows wherever it pleases you hear its sound but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going so it is with everyone born of the Spirit."
"Josuke's creation has been described as a kind of providence, almost like divine intervention."
"Life conquers death. Come alive, come alive, and live an exciting life by the power of God's word and the anointing of the Holy Spirit."
"God's divine creativity is expressed through your actions."
"God did not write those [Bible passages]; they weren't automata just writing down whatever the Holy Spirit forced them to write."
"Good works are a reflection of the God in you."
"The challenge of inimitability encompasses depth of meaning, coherence, and spiritual power."
"Earth Wind and Fire from heaven, he wants to give you a new song to sing."
"We have this reflection shining from heaven that is meant to teach us."
"God created us to create stuff and He made us to make stuff."
"What inspires me the most is that God chose me to have this experience to be able to vocalize something very profound in our consciousness and in our time on earth as humans."
"For the most part, a calling is a sense of God in our hearts, the moving of the Holy Spirit, a feeling of love."
"God not only inspires His word but he preserves it."
"The Bible is not an ordinary book. When you and I open the word of God, we are opening the word of the living God."
"Let the Lord help you speak and prophesy as seems good to Him."
"I'm actually not the source of everything... I'm merely an aftermath of the love, wisdom, and knowledge that God Himself gives me."
"We can be a vessel of God, meaning that we can humble ourselves and allow God to speak through us."
"When God introduces both the concept and the words, it's a positive form of inspiration."
"The Bible claims that all Scripture is god-breathed, inspired by God Himself."
"God will never give you a dream without a purpose of substantiating his word."
"I felt like God just like put it really strongly on my heart... my people deserve good stuff too you know."
"This singular person is lit like the clouds have parted and God herself is calling her home."
"The Hermagon Aurora’s beauty is enough to make people believe in God again."
"The unity of the Bible is evidence of a mind behind the works of Christ."
"God speaks through ART and music...life is Art because God is an artist."
"We serve a God who is beautiful who makes beautiful things."
"Some of you are getting filled with creativity to do the unlikely things that God's calling you to."
"The Great Pyramid was like a building let down from heaven Untouched by human hands."
"May ideas, perspectives, strategies, innovations, inventions, everything that God wants to release within your spirit man in the realm of creativity is released upon you for the Glory of His Kingdom in Jesus mighty Name!"
"The prophets did not speak on their own; it was the Spirit of Christ that was in them."
"Prophecy does not guess, it knows because prophecy has been inspired by a divine mind."
"A lot of people will use these arguments to show the Qur'an is divinely inspired."
"I'm NOT here tonight to deny the Word of God. I believe we have the inspired Word of God, the inherently inspired Word of God."
"The hand of God is upon you, prophesy with everything in you!"
"Freedom has always been God's idea. It's never not been. So, the whole idea that man embraces freedom is an act in which God inspires."
"Constantine won by the inspiration of divinity."
"If there's a compliment in your heart it's put there by God to bless someone else that day."
"No one says Jesus is Lord but by the Holy Spirit."
"I am praying for God to give you divine ideas to succeed and prosper in all you do."
"God is inside of you. God is giving you everything you need to change everything in your life."
"Preachers have got to start getting the fire of God back in the pulpit, commanding the Word of God. For in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."
"This is how God ensured that only the writings of the true prophets were included in the Bible."
"Your heart, your intuition is being inspired by the messages, the words of the Divine."
"If God is telling you to write a book, it's not about you."
"I saw how great is happiness in God, which spreads to all creatures."
"We're a man on a mission, obsessed by the footballing gods."
"The scriptures are divinely inspired, revealing coded information about pre-adamic events."
"God inspired them, they left a mess, gave us good information."
"Boundaries are not just a good idea, they're actually God's idea."
"The scriptures are God-breathed, the very breath that gave us life."
"One idea from God is better than ten thousand philosophies of man."
"It seems so ridiculously human, it seems so specific that I wouldn't think that God would write that or even Inspire somebody to write something so ridiculously specific."
"This work has come from above, there is a God in heaven."
"The Bible is the unique inspired accurate Word of God that tells people who God is, what he's into, and what he's up to."
"Your dreams, the visions of your life, is God's way of giving you a preview as to what's possible."
"Your whole creative function lies in your complete dependence on God."
"One word from God can get you up. One word from God can make you whole. One word from God can turn it around."
"The fact that many of us are very creative, you know like it's just a display of like how creative God really is."
"Bro, you could literally see God working, man. Bro, when I tell you guys I felt like this was a message to me, this was a message probably to so many creators that seen this, that's crazy. Not just Speed, I watch your videos, man."
"The Bible is the Word of God, inspired by God himself."
"You better go make an album. You better start over. You better remember what God put back in you because I believe that you are talented."
"In the Catholic Church, do we find the biblical faith, the faith of history, and the one force that comes from God's love and his fatherhood."
"It's just what Jews did... Moses himself says that these things were given to him by God."
"Nothing would be said that is of our own, that anything that is said is of your Spirit."
"Art isn't really not art is divine inspiration."
"You're blowing your wind on the coals of that dream, God, and just ask that you had set it ablaze."
"I feel like God put music in my heart, you know? He put a song in my heart and a passion in my heart and a mission, and he told me to sing."
"The Bible is the very breath of God Himself."
"If every believer got up every single morning full of the Holy Spirit and went to work doing their best, our economy would explode."
"Allah azza knew, and He inspires His Messenger with the basira to give these ayat at that moment, to call people back to Allah."
"God's word is the trigger of the Holy Spirit."
"Renew your mind by the reading of the word. God wants you to make a decision based on the inspiration of the Holy Spirit."
"I see the fire of God on you, it's burning. The Holy Ghost is stirring up a fire on the inside of you, a fire to serve, a fire for evangelism, a fire for the work of God."
"God prompts you with the most weird stuff to say to people."
"Akian Kramarik... visions from God... speaking them through paintings."
"Every great invention that has ever happened on the planet came because there was something already in existence in the mind of God that then emerged when the condition was right."
"Truth is found in God's word; everyone can have access to that truth because everyone has the Spirit that interprets the truth that was written by the Spirit through the inspired agency of human authors."
"Time to take surprisingly bold risks, inspired by the Divine."
"We need the Spirit of God to understand His Word, amen. The prophets were moved by the Holy Ghost."
"The Rosary is a priceless treasure which is inspired by God Almighty."
"Either it's inspired by God or it's an eyewitness Testament they can't be both."
"I just know that I did something that God pushed me to do."
"I think this song came from God, just to pass out to people."
"Eventually one sublime desire takes precedence over all others - to follow the divine flow at all cost."
"Stop waiting for the right time to get started and start planning and working towards the goals and dreams God has put on your heart."
"It's actually God's idea. That's where we can start." - Nikki
"Only God. He is the only one creative enough."
"Heaven is speaking life, heaven is speaking hope, and most importantly, heaven governs us."
"For no prophecy was ever made by an act of human will but men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God."
"Stand in your faith with it, stand in what you believe because I feel like you're being divinely guided and inspired."
"What is that thing God laid on your heart to do five months ago, one year ago, and you kept delaying? After now, that thing is triggered. There is a triggering in your spirit."
"There is a kind of inspired nonsense which is Divine, magical nonsense."
"The Bible is God's inspired, divine, accurate Word in order to show us His love for us, and that Christ died for us, and that you can be forgiven of your sin, and it can be true of you, 'Absent from the body, present with the Lord.'"
"The word of God came to force you to be an action-centered person."
"Would that all the people of the Lord were prophets. Would that the Lord might bestow his spirit on them all." - Moses
"The only question to be answered is whether or not Muhammad was inspired by God."
"You know, God speaks through every medium and he will speak through you if you love him."
"Keep dreaming and allow God to speak to you."
"All scripture is inspired by God; it's all God breathed."
"When God speaks something to your heart, as crazy as it may sound, you believe it."
"Prophecy is when a man's mind is not thinking, but when God's mind is using his mouth for an immediate, direct, inspired utterance from God for his people."
"None of this is from me I feel like all of it is from God you know so yeah you're like suspended in balance between like a surrender."
"The word of God is a collection of things that God did through men that was recorded, but those are not all."
"But the Lord wanted me to release this word today, so I came on to church to preach it."
"The high calling of the scientist was to 'think God's thoughts after him.'"
"God would you make Chris a psalm writer for his generation."
"The book of scriptures is divinely inspired. Preaching is a divine act of God."
"The anointing never comes until I yield. Just yield, become pliable, let him use you."
"Prophecy came not in old time by the will of man, but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost."
"All Scripture is God-breathed through the Spirit, not from any human mind."
"Burning with the fire of the gods."
"The only way you can talk and they will hear and say you did well is when you talk from a superior realm because the realm you now download from is the realm where the Ancient of Days himself dwells."
"...the Book of Mormon was the most correct of any book on earth, and a man would get nearer to God by abiding by its precepts than by any other book."
"The spirit of God was moving on me again and then I just started speaking in tongues."
"She's claiming essentially divine inspiration for this book."
"All scripture is given by inspiration of God. All scriptures are divinely inspired."
"Holy Spirit began downloading this understanding to me 15 years ago when He began to download Angel armies to me."
"God's inspiration of His word is precise and exacting."
"You see that was a word from the Lord."
"She said, 'Tony, you have the spirit of God on you,' and she sent me a screenshot of the message."
"From Genesis to Revelation, the Bible says that all scripture is inspired by God. That includes what it says about antichrist."
"Everything I do, even now talking to you, is Him working through me."
"Revelation is written by the Holy Ghost about things past, present, and future. I find that amazing."
"The Lord gave me a song... Just in time, just in time."
"I've been studying the Bible intently for 40 years, and it still surprises me all the time. Isn't that amazing? I gotta say I regard that as a mark of divine inspiration."
"I receive solutions from the throne room of heaven that will bring transformational knowledge to those who hear me."
"Prophetic of the old did not come by interpretation but men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God."
"You must have a plan. You need to have a plan inspired by God, not by yourself."
"Jesus says that this affirmation by David was by the Holy Spirit."
"As I cleared the water out of my snorkel, the Lord said, 'Build a university.'"
"The voice of the people in the things of their knowledge is as the voice of God."
"All poetry is divine, but some highlight and make explicit human beings' quest, pursuit, longing for the divine."
"Sometimes the devil puts up roadblocks so we don't carry out the noble proposals that God inspires us to carry out."
"If you hear that excellent glory calling to you right now."
"So with Mozart there is this sense of music that is divinely shaped, divinely proportioned, a sort of endless variety, not one note too many, not one note too few."
"God's giving them ideas and witty inventions."
"I speak by the anointing of the spirit."
"Man's greatest capacity is to be a channel from which the Holy Spirit flows into us but then out from us."
"God can enable you to speak words beyond your educational levels."
"God said, 'I'm gonna put my words in your mouth.'"
"God came to me in that very ugly raw moment and he said I want you to sing and I said sing"
"God has instilled this into each one of us."
"I have to keep affirming myself when I speak, God is speaking through me."
"I testify that these words are not of man nor of men, but of God."
"All our worship, and all our preaching and teaching is informed from heaven, because this is the book that You have written."
"The Bible is inspired. It's not man's opinion or stories. It's the infallible word of the living God."
"He knew he was not alone. He knew he was a Divine original. He knew he had that creative process working through him."
"All of Scripture is God-breathed."
"I would hope that God still speaks through pastors from time to time."
"The Canon is created by God's Act of inspiration."
"God creates Canon by inspiring some... not everything that's written is inspired but something's inspired therefore a Canon exists."
"But what were they writing down? They were writing down the words of God, for God was in those men speaking."
"God wrote a book, but he used man to write it, and they wrote his words."
"God meticulously controlled the content of Scripture so that it is without error and may rightly be called the Word of God."
"It is the complete package. It is the all-sufficient, divinely inspired Word of the living God."
"Every single word of the Bible is the inspired word of God."
"...if the church's teachings on same-sex relations are really divinely inspired, why do they change so often? Does the Lord change his direction this often?"
"You gotta feed the creativity. If you are interested in learning this, do it. That's your nudge from God."
"It's impossible to hear God and remain sitting down."
"You can only properly understand scripture if the spirit has come upon you."
"God knew exactly what to write because God perfectly inspired him."
"Linger a little longer and get so filled with him that you would step up to the plate and be a history maker in this hour too. Be blessed in the name of Jesus."
"As long as you know that you want you want this this is truly the spirit working in you."
"I began to look at scripture and said Jesus how did you do it? How was it that you could walk down a street and people would run after you?"
"Any truly spiritual action, any desire for Jesus, for Jesus, not just his gifts, is an amazing work of the Spirit."
"The lifegiving power of Christ does not abide in Greek or Hebrew syntax, but in the quickening of the Holy Ghost."
"It's only possible when God writes his Torah on our hearts through the work of the Holy Spirit."
"Prophesying comes forth by divine inspiration to teach, refute, reprove, and comfort."
"God uses women who preach to teach."
"Every word of God is spirit-breathed to give instruction to the man of God."
"When God gives you a dream, it will always be bigger than you."
"The Spirit of the Lord spoke by me, and His word was on my tongue."
"Pursue other desires that God has placed on your heart."
"The truth about God's Word is that it is actually God's Word."
"The spirit of the Lord is upon you to solve problems no one else can solve."
"Your recitation will come directly from Allah."
"God wants to give you the desires of your heart because He is the one that placed them there."
"The spirit of the Lord shall come upon thee, and the power of the most high shall overshadow thee."
"Wisdom anytime you see a human being acting with justice and generosity and wisdom, you're seeing the image of God at work."
"The music that God gives me is so much more beautiful."
"Cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of your Holy Spirit, that we may perfectly love you and worthily magnify your Holy Name through Christ Our Lord."
"The scriptures are God-breathed, not the individuals who are writing the scriptures."
"We love each other because He loved us first."
"The Word of God is the inspired Word that Jesus Christ has given to us."
"When he, the spirit of truth comes, he will guide us into all truth."