
Social Networks Quotes

There are 103 quotes

"Freedom is not exclusivity. It's inclusivity. It's access to others in networks."
"The amount of people you can know in a functioning society is about 150."
"So why do people come together at Catalhoyuk? In my view, they mainly come together, not only at this site, at other sites, because they can link into these very, very dense, complex networks that supports them when there are times of hardship, or they need support."
"That’s the beauty of Facebook, right? Friends usually run in similar packs."
"You're saying that perhaps the distributed social network could be the solution to some of this."
"No one had any idea that social networks would become so important and help shape the political discourse of elections, how people are treated, it would give a voice to people who are underrepresented but also people we don't necessarily want to hear from."
"Our experience of the world depends in part on the actual structure of the social network ties around us."
"The characteristic feature of social networks is profoundly unequal because in almost all social networks, there is this extraordinary phenomenon of preferential attachment."
"These guys were not my friends, they were comfortable using me and my platform."
"Start with a network, refine it down to a community, refine that community down to a tribe."
"You got to have community, you got to have people around you that have your back no matter what."
"If you're already saying men I don't need you why are they there what sane guy would walk into that equation and want to get with you in any capacity if you're reminding them on day one that that you don't need them ridiculous ridiculous strategy."
"Mentors, friendships, and community wisdom is the safety net."
"If you can't find your circle of friends, you're the person to start that group."
"Many of these celebrities are in the same circles, they know the same people, they know the same surgeons."
"Expand your social networks and watch opportunities come your way."
"We all have influence within our personal spheres of influence."
"Lean into your community, friendships, networks, and family."
"To not be able to have a social network is... damaging."
"And as the social network grows older, wiser, and stronger, more of those life lessons and warning signs will only continue to manifest themselves, but at least now we know, that it all starts somewhere."
"That's what friends are for, having friends in high places."
"This here is the friendship paradox, now it is called a paradox but really it's just mathematical truth that isn't obvious at first."
"The complexity of our friendship networks make it so, yes, most people's friends are on average more popular than them."
"Word of mouth is like a searchlight that works through your social network to find the person that might be most interested in a particular product or idea."
"The manosphere has its message boards and followings because that's where these disaffected people collect together and connect with each other."
"This community has opened up an entire world that I didn't know was possible."
"Your network is who you can call for a favor at 3am in the morning."
"Social networks and digital platforms are critical to reaching donors and communicating with constituents."
"If they reach out to your friends or family asking about you then you know the odds are getting good and the pressure on them is mounting."
"I think it's easier and that you're connected to more people today than anybody could have ever been connected to in the past."
"The networks that they created and the national unity and infrastructure."
"We need to find our families and our friends and our community of like-minded people to support each other."
"Ethan Klein... He had my back when everyone else was against me."
"This is what's important: that the network has been exposed for what it is."
"Every rich person we know and have heard of has mentors."
"Stop [ __ ] trying to reconnect with people that you haven't talked to in five years to recruit them for your [ __ ] pyramid scheme."
"I ultimately view it as just a network of community and people and evidence and compassion and love and just trying to spread positivity."
"Resiliency has a lot to do with intelligence, emotional IQ, and social connections."
"If you are around people that make more money, you have the ability to see what options really are."
"Depends on how their support system is set up."
"Having a support system makes such a difference."
"So one by one as individuals build these webs of connection and trust the guys on top have way less power than they used to and that's going to force them to start."
"You're the sum of the closest five people you associate with."
"The next thing you need immediately after an accomplishment is the right people."
"This community has been a godsend to me at times."
"Surround yourself with people who share your interests and your values both men and women."
"If you are seeking romance, you're definitely going to find it in your network circles with your close network friendship circle."
"Build a strong community around you, a support system around you, people who can help you, people who can support you."
"My support network around me has been fantastic."
"You got to know your circle because if you don't know your circle, you won't get the best out of your circle."
"Finding people who you can lean on and talk to when you're feeling low has made a huge difference."
"So I'm a firm believer that a social network can achieve sufficient decentralization if two users can find each other and communicate, even if the rest of the network prevents it."
"It still got worse, nearly 300-thousand IoT digital video recorders started attacking various social networks."
"The combined revenue of the social networks last year was $150 billion. Had RSS one, had an open protocol one, there would be no network operator that money would go to the edges of the network."
"There's a network of gift exchanges all the way from the eastern Mediterranean world all the way to England at the highest social level."
"I feel like we have a lot of friends in mutual, primarily you know, yeah, yeah, yeah."
"Decentralized social is likely to change the world again."
"Social networks are useful for adults. I don't believe social networks are useful at all for children."
"We are essentially offloading the job of constructing social networks to a set of machines that have access to algorithms and data."
"You have a close friends list, unless you add, let's say if you're, I'm speaking about guys, if you wanted to add all the guys you like just...no that's what I do, yeah, that's what I'm saying."
"Evidence of kindness spreading through social networks."
"Most of my friends were not people that I met in my classes, but rather during orientation, for my sorority, different clubs and organizations, or people on my floor in my dorm building."
"Use your Twitters, use your Instagram, use all the [__] social networks and just promote your, promote your [__], bro, and stay original, be original, be individual."
"Joy, happiness and meaning aren't just found through having a husband and children."
"Women's tendency to use more standard forms is related to their wider social network."
"These connections actually indicate some sort of patterns of social structure."
"The strength of weak ties by Mark Granovetter is the siren call that launched a thousand ships."
"The social network represents connection, interaction, and relationship between people."
"Good stuff spreads much more virally through social networks than bad stuff, producing greater prosociality."
"Ramsey's Law: Any two people on earth, it only takes six people to pass, you can make a connection."
"The best predictor of recovery was actually social networks and social ties."
"Immerse yourself in the community, we're just like a huge network, we're a big family."
"The most effective way to change yourself is to change your networks."
"Your group, your relationship map, is everything in terms of your survival as a person, as an artist."
"According to the Friendship Paradox, a person's friends will on average have more friends than that person does."
"Networks are valued by the number of people using it and the overall activity."
"These are enormous networks. It's like a huge chunk of humanity."
"What was so wonderful about my grandparents' social networks is that they were intact enough for me to still have relied upon them."
"The gospel spreads through relationships, through social networks."
"The friends of my friends are usually my friends."
"Opportunity travels along the synapses of these social networks."
"The measurement used to find out the people you may be interested to get connecting with is called the clustering coefficient."
"We have the power to create new real-world networks, we have the power to create new communities, we have the power to go back to the village."
"Abstractions are essential and good, but just like social networks, phylogenies, you have to remember that they're not real."
"Bilingual children have stronger and wider social networks than monolingual children."
"One of the possible applications of strongly connected components could be in Facebook, for example, to find all the strongly connected people with each other."
"Networks are simply things connected, for example, your friendship circle; you are all connected because of similar interests, hobbies, skills, and different sorts of things."
"It's also worth looking at the kind of more informal social networks that we have now."
"The friendship paradox says that most people are less popular than their friends."
"The average shortest path length of this giant network of 180 million people living all over the world is only 6.6."
"Everybody in the world is connected to everybody else through a social network by most six links."
"If a person has two friends, there is a very high probability those two friends know each other."
"Weak ties connect people to different social circles and expose people to new information and novel phenomena."
"In very large social networks... any person may be only five or six links away from anyone else within the system."
"Weak ties are strong; even if you're only tenuously connected, the magnitude of those connections make those networks strong."
"Graph analytics allows us a chance to look at insights in terms such as given this social graph."
"The communication that really matters is the one between me and my peers in my social networks."
"Person-to-person communication along existing social networks is at the heart of so much of the adoption and change."