
Infallibility Quotes

There are 111 quotes

"This Court is not final because we're infallible; we are infallible because we're final."
"One thing that the true God cannot do: He can't lie. All of God's word is true, perfect, and infallible."
"Logic can be infallible with respect to a system that is self-evident."
"God is perfect in everything he says and everything he does. Let us remember there is absolutely, positively no flaws in him."
"God is never wrong; He's never going to be wrong."
"He has no partners, he has no errors, he doesn't make no mistakes. He's infallible, he's perfect."
"Absolute certainty is a declaration of your own mental infallibility."
"It's flawless, it has no errors, and there's a lot of benefits if I follow what the apostles preach."
"Prophets are fallible and prophetic voices are fallible, but God's word is infallible."
"The validity of the Quran was, and the fact that there were no mistakes, no contradictions, it was just like, I realized it was such a holy book."
"The Bible is absolutely perfect infallible and if something is perfect and infallible it means that it should never be changed."
"An infallible interpreter just logically doesn't make sense to me... there's no evidence for it within Scripture."
"This is God's word it will not change it is inherent and it is infallible."
"God's timing is perfect because He doesn't make any mistakes."
"The Catholic Church will remain absolutely infallible till the end of times."
"An ecumenical council regarded as infallible anathematizes to hell those who reject icon veneration."
"The Bible is the infallible word of God. I did not believe the Bible was the infallible word of God until I read it and I realized that all these supposed contradictions were nonsense."
"Our strategy is spot on and we can never fail."
"God is absolute, God is infallible."
"Everything is in the Holy scriptures, in the Holy gospels, in the deposit of the Roman Catholic and Apostolic Faith, in Dogma, which is infallible indeed."
"For the last 40 years, it appears that most people don't even know what dogma is, or that it is infallible, that is, that it cannot fail."
"God is the only person who's absolutely right all of the time. Everybody else are people."
"... here I think Protestants are selling their own views short. Meaning, I think most Protestants actually agree that Saint Peter was infallible at least in some context."
"If you can't accept that the Holy Spirit could cause this man to be infallible, then you have no right accepting the infallibility of the scriptures."
"God is perfect, infallible, with no flaws or errors."
"All prophetic speech is infallible divine revelation."
"The papacy claims to be infallible and have Supreme jurisdiction in church history, but popes have taught error and have been judged by other Bishops."
"What makes this so incredible is that just 21 years before in 1947, Pope Pius XII had declared infallibly the form and matter for the sacrament of holy orders."
"His words are perfect, they can never fail."
"Jesus was perfect, Jesus was infallible."
"For Rousseau, the general will, the will of the people, is infallible, the Zeitgeist, the spirit of the times is Holy."
"All Trinitarian Christians believe that whatever came out of the Council of Nicaea is infallible."
"Infallibility doesn't mean impeccability."
"what we today have in our hands available to us is in fact the infallible Word of God"
"You are always right, you don't think you can make a mistake."
"A narcissistic disorder: you are always right, you don't think you can make a mistake."
"An errand simply means one does not err; to be infallible means one cannot err."
"I don't think the impressions are prophecy, since I would argue that prophecy is infallible, right? So, I don't think there are prophets today. I think prophecy has always been viewed as an infallible in the biblical narrative."
"...it's not the Pope himself that's infallible, it's Jesus Christ's teaching."
"To a Muslim, the Quran is infallible, there’s nothing imperfect about it, it is complete and it is true."
"The gift of infallibility is not something that is exercised in everything that the leaders of the church say."
"I don't believe God has given us a watertight argument above all arguments. What he did give us was a watertight, infallible person. There's no way around him, there's no escape from Jesus. Jesus Christ is the person who, by his actions and character, destroys all arguments."
"God wisdom is infallible, flawless."
"The word of God is infalible, it's going to be kept, it's going to be followed, it's going to be honored, it's going to be ultimately fulfilled."
"Natural love may never fall to error."
"...if everything that is in me comes from God and he did not endow me with a faculty for making mistakes, it appears that I can never go wrong."
"The Bible is God's Word and infallible."
"His word is perfect, His words are infallible, His words have no flaws, it has no errors, and God never make mistakes."
"He cannot lie, He cannot fail, because He is God."
"These practices are derived from the Quran, which is deemed the infallible revealed word of God."
"God makes no mistakes; He is perfect, the epitome of perfection."
"The full persuasion and assurance of the infallible truth and divine authority thereof is from the inward work of the Holy Spirit bearing witness by and with the word in our hearts."
"The Scriptures themselves, the words themselves, the verbs, the nouns, the pronouns, the conjunctions, the interjections, the adjectives, the adverbs, they are God’s Word to us, infallible and inerrant."
"Unlike man, God does not even remotely consider that He could fail."
"The Bible is the inspired, infallible Word of God; everything that it says is true."
"God cannot make a mistake when he sends a dream."
"Love heals, love knows things, love never fails, love always does the best."
"When the teaching authority of the church, the magisterium, defines a doctrine regarding faith or morals to be held by the Universal Church, there is no possibility of error."
"The Bible itself as the word of God has never proven to be wrong."
"You cannot fail because God cannot fail."
"The word of God is so infallible that not one jot or tittle can ever fail."
"The God of Heaven and Earth is perfect, infallible, he has no errors, he has no flaws."
"God's word can have no mistakes; people who write the book, they can make mistakes."
"The infallible, eternal, inerrant Word of the Living God without mixture of error, that is the final authority in all matters of faith and practice."
"Science gained this reputation for infallibility and as not a source of knowledge, which it certainly is, but the source of knowledge, which it certainly is not."
"Their witness of the Resurrection is infallible."
"God can use fallible means to deliver infallible authority."
"The Bible is the infallible, unchanging, eternal word of the Lord."
"All six denominations refer to the Bible as being infallible and without error."
"The word is infallible, it's the truth, it's eternal."
"The Bible is the sole infallible rule of faith and practice."
"The Scriptures alone are the only infallible rule for faith and practice."
"God's purposes will not be thwarted. His plan cannot be derailed."
"Our practice has been and always will be to use the absolute infallible word of God preserved in the authorized version of the King James Bible 1611 in the international language of English."
"The Bible is the only infallible rule of faith because it is God-breathed."
"Never depend on fallible human beings, you depend on the infallible sovereign almighty triune God."
"As we come to make the most important decision in the history of life, I would trust more in those who admit ignorance than those who claim infallibility."
"The eternal truths of what's written in all the scriptures are infallible."
"The entire body of the faithful... cannot err in matters of belief."
"The Holy Scriptures is the only sufficient, certain, and infallible rule of all saving knowledge, faith, and obedience."
"Knowledge is power that can't fail."
"My Prophet is from minute one till the end, he never makes any errors, does not make any mistakes, he is guided by the Lord like the other prophets of Allah."
"Whenever the pope makes an official statement about church doctrine, he's speaking with the authority of Jesus Christ and therefore cannot be in error."
"The things that he saw were infallible because they weren't his Revelations, they were the words of the Lord Jesus Christ."
"It is without error in its statement and it's complete in its revelation."
"Scripture is the only infallible authority, the only authority that's perfect, that never errs."
"A clear sign that someone is a narcissist is that they're always right and everybody else is always wrong."
"The only infallible person that ever walked the face of the earth was Jesus himself."
"Guru Nanak Dev Ji himself writes these words in Bani: 'The Guru can't make mistakes.'"
"God speaking in the Bible, and not the church speaking through the priesthood, is the one infallible guide."
"Because God is omniscient, he never makes a mistake. He never changes his mind due to a lack of foresight."
"Since its inception in 1994, no one escaped ADX Florence."
"The only one person that is infallible is Jesus."
"We know Him to be perfect and infallible in all things."
"The Holy See cannot defect or fail."
"Don't get your information from one person; don't watch me every day and think that I'm infallible because I'm not."
"The sound of God is perfect, infallible, wrapped around with scripture."
"Infinite intelligence does not err."
"It transcends the left-right political spectrum because it's anchored in a king who is infallible, indestructible, perfect, who has the ability and the power to accomplish his will."
"If the Sixth Ecumenical Council had it in their mind as a gathered ecumenical council that they could declare a pope a heretic, then they did not have the attitude of Vatican One that the pope was infallible."
"Prophets and Messengers have a dual role: one as a normal human being and another as a messenger, in which the message they deliver is infallible."