
Recording Quotes

There are 1551 quotes

"It will be the first ever full recording of a Spacecraft landing on another planet."
"I record only when I want to. Recording is a step that I don't force because I see forcing it as a way to start resenting the work."
"I'm on my own property, I'm recording, recording it, you're on my property now."
"I hope my voice returns so I can record some good stuff."
"Recording yourself is really important so you can listen back to how you're sounding."
"Recording yourself while welding... makes a person a lot better."
"Thankfully Jack was recording the entire time."
"Gentlemen, you have just recorded your first number one."
"Policy is not a law. State Statute, okay. Show me, show me the state statute that says you can't record in the library."
"I'm not exactly sure when the construction is going to end, so I decided to just go ahead and record this video."
"I didn't record her ever. I have never recorded anyone ever without their consent."
"I've got all of my tape recording equipment inside the tent, so hopefully we'll have some activity tonight."
"Unfortunately, these aren't lost live recordings of the Beatles."
"Now go get yourself a microphone, maybe it's a dynamic, maybe it's a condenser, and maybe it's the Blue Ember. Who knows? But get yourself a microphone."
"If you're coming across something that looks not to be right and I have a camera on my phone, do I record as a citizen? Absolutely."
"The biggest complain about it is the battery life... with one battery you'll get around 40 minutes of continuous recording when you're shooting in 4K."
"The greatest thing about doing a voiceover is that you don't even have to be in the same room with the person."
"You gotta record your grandparents while they're still alive."
"How amazing it is that we came to document an echo of one stage of our evolution and end up recording another."
"It's one of the great regrets that we didn't really ever have a record of how we did it originally."
"More than a live recording; closer to a life recording."
"That's shady, especially when you're recording somebody."
"Your vocal producing records and you guys are creating records from scratch."
"We've got two stereo pairs of mics capturing a sense of the stage and then we've got a whole bunch of closed mics which are all being sent through to three apogee symphony interfaces."
"Screenshot everything. Record as much as possible."
"The crew experiences several Eerie happenings while recording in the Castle's basement."
"We might record this one today because the show is so packed with important news."
"Are you just gonna keep on, 'cause I've got a mic on me?"
"I love the raw recording and performances on this thing."
"I say yo, can we record at 6:30? I got a really big meeting in the morning."
"I just don't know how to not record, you know what I'm saying? It's just hard for me to get away from the calmest place I can be is a studio."
"Why not, right? If we're gonna talk, we should record it."
"Tiny update: I'm gonna take an exam right after this video records."
"Since Franklin Delano Roosevelt, presidents had secretly recorded conversations in the Oval Office."
"You know you're having a fun time when you get sad when you're done recording."
"Take your dream seriously...record everything because...the dream is speaking to eat in your life."
"Paige O’Hara shed actual tears when recording the scene of Beast’s death."
"I bet I will have missed something, the curse of recording stuff is searching like this."
"Game Bar is a terrible solution to recording your stuff—I recommend using OBS Shadowplay or its equivalent for better performance."
"This guy's got my life, look at the laptop over there for recording his videos - this is just legitness."
"I'm going to be away from a couple of days this weekend, and I'm going to try to record everything for when we're gone."
"The most vulnerable piece of music ever recorded."
"This is the start of the through line that ends with us whipping our smartphones out to record cats being cute and planes crashing and police brutality."
"Absolutely fantastic. You were in the studio Sunday Paul just tell us how much did you enjoy that day."
"From sea to shining sea, people are picking up cameras and recording police to hold them accountable."
"Record your interaction. You don't have to be an [ __ ]. You could be professional."
"You made me into a masterpiece. Must record it."
"15 moments you wouldn't believe if they weren't recorded."
"RCA Victor was the first to make long-playing records."
"The true identity of the creature in the recording remains unknown."
"Get the core message recorded, then bring in other people, then decide what to do next."
"What are you doing? What are you doing? I start recording and this, this is just what happens."
"So if we are choosing simultaneous recording we're not going to be slowed down to the slower slot because both are equally as quick."
"This footage is quite a marvel; it's the first giant squid ever recorded in U.S. waters."
"Casual Friday folks so casual that we're actually recording this on Wednesday night."
"Apparently both of these species had been known about in the past, but it had never been officially recorded. Well, now they have been recorded."
"For my daughter, Amanda. I'm recording this for you."
"If I thought I could sing it, I recorded it."
"That's probably the amount that I was kind of record yeah a lot so Joe."
"Tonight, tonight I was like f it time to record for my Bros."
"It's the difference between sound and feel, isn't there? Because if you put a microphone on a speaker, and that's why one of the reasons I've been reluctant to make this video."
"Virgo's Groove is one of the best vocal performances ever recorded."
"I'm literally recording this right after the fact, there was a situation that was going on."
"Okay, I just got to this location to record this part for this bird and the shiny just shows up in front of me, that is crazy."
"The marathon session, the 10-hour recording blitz."
"What's the difference? Well, whereas a lavalier is omnidirectional which means it records audio from every direction, a shotgun mic tries to record audio only from the direction it is pointed."
"In 2015 February, I decided I was going to start coming into this area to try recording."
"It's spooky. This is definitely a recording that I have a hard time explaining."
"I'm so glad I've started recording this game."
"Even if you don't have a youtube channel like record the reactions because it's something that you'll treasure for the rest of your life."
"This is freedom of speech to not be recorded and ask why you're doing this."
"I can't help but think what their faces looked like when they got told the call was being recorded."
"Recording someone is a fundamental human right."
"Never be afraid to whip out your phone and record someone who's treating you like that. No better way than exposing trash people through viral videos."
"I think the most serious part of me is when I record in the studio."
"I learned how to record, edit, everything myself."
"...so it's you know what it's doing right now it's recording what it would see on the webcam from the car actually moving and storing all that stuff that were then used to train a tensorflow model for that specific area."
"Now you're going to be hearing fireworks in a second, I'm on vacation, I'm in the car by myself without my family recording and that's the commitment that I have to you guys."
"Let's go ahead and record the track."
"We've got 8K recording as the headline feature."
"It's 11:11 right now, I hit record at 11:11."
"Memphis is home to Sun Studio, the recording studio where most say rock and roll began."
"Recording a police officer is perfectly fine; we have no issues with that."
"Oh my gosh, we can get them on camera admitting what they did. That's evidence for the FBI."
"They're saying it, they're admitting it right now. Are you recording?"
"I recorded the whole thing and the sound was coming from there. Yes, they're leaving. They're leaving, they're walking away, but that's okay. We got everything on this camera. It's great. This is all we need."
"It's uh, it's gonna be one of those added to the list as soon as I stop recording here."
"We hit record and this is what you guys are getting."
"Humans tell stories a lot. This story... well, they recorded it."
"If something happens to me, it'll be recorded."
"He felt he'd recorded something and made a contribution to the history of his country."
"if y'all knew how long it took me to get all this recorded"
"I have to be able to record my interaction with law enforcement."
"Give your track the best chance it can have by recording it to the best quality that you can do."
"The glass bottle percussion was all recorded with these microphones."
"Analog recording has a beauty and a quality to it that I don't hear in digital recording."
"I can actually have any number of these 8 track recording tapes and use them in a modular way."
"Hey this is going in there how do they know did you get that on camera Sam yes."
"Why don't you write a diary," he suggested. "Why don't you write down what happens every day, then you can read about everything when you get back to England?"
"With dual cameras you can record stunning visuals without the need to line up a shot or reposition yourself."
"I have an actual recording proving that they are lying."
"Last print, and God knows if this is still recording, go to print."
"Rose unifiab may just be groundbreaking for your audio recording and streaming workflow."
"But now this is people laughing yeah trying to hope that if you funny like my [ __ ] always had people break yeah maybe people in the background just laughing my [ __ ] come on man I gotta get this take yeah I gotta redo it because you laughing."
"Not just for video, but for stills. If you're wanting to record long format, you have the ability to really record long format when recording to an external SSD drive. Very, very interesting."
"I just played some stuff. If I hit this button, all of a sudden, it is recorded the performance into a clip."
"I'm recording right? I am. Oh my gosh, the platinum trophy and a new milestone reached. Spectacular game!"
"If your recording sounds good to you, that's all that should matter, right?"
"I hope you guys enjoyed. I had an absolute blast recording this."
"Voice control can be a great way to start recording, especially in action-packed situations."
"Record daily interactions to understand and respond better next time."
"Recording every conversation you have on the phone, there are apps for that."
"Give it a shot, record yourself doing it, save it, and then execute over and over and over again."
"The great thing about OBS is you have full control over your recording."
"Most of the time, however, if you're Australian like I am, or European, you might want your FPS set to 25 or 50."
"He began performing and recording in the 40s and 50s, including with Miles Davis."
"The earliest ever recording of a spin top was 6,000 years ago."
"I can record as high as 4K 30 with this one."
"I can't do a screen recording, but we're going to go ahead and take off, and I'm going to ascend to 200 feet because that's going to be the altitude of my mission."
"Lovely, mine's actually recorded with past as well, quite an important little find."
"This could be a studio, whether you're looking to film or maybe you like recording music."
"This was fun. I love being in the same room with you. This is our first time to record in person together. That's true. That's wild. That's crazy."
"Okay, that was good. That was good. In this situation, you're not just gonna record until it gets close and then turn around like, 'Oh, dead end, okay, you're dead, you're idiot.'"
"Riverside is a website that gives you an online studio."
"It records on each person's machine locally and then uploads it."
"Working with Eminem was the most fun I ever had recording a song."
"Of course, we're going to record pouring wine, content creator."
"Recording so that's me actually motion recording a delay real time with the DX engine."
"I'm recording you right now, Josh. You giving us the okay to do it a certain way? So, I have video confirmation."
"They're going to allow for manual recording without a subscription in the future."
"It's more variation. Because of the low frequencies, it was all these waves in the room. Here, it's more about seeing, hearing into the recording, what happens in front of you."
"Very helpful to instead of going to the notes app, there's the availability to do it right in GarageBand here."
"Absolutely hilarious scenes here at the Among Us recording."
"Judy shows her that she recorded everything the woman said about shooting the serum at the predators of Zootopia."
"I'm not even gonna record so that we can be like super quiet."
"We completed our initial read without taping it."
"I just realized I was not recording this entire time."
"Single take gives you so much more flexibility."
"Dual recording means you can choose two rear cameras to record in 4K at the same time."
"Do you mind telling your friend it's a little bit rude for them to start recording without any warning."
"He said he wanted certain things to happen on the record, and Reggie was like, 'No, we're not doing that.'"
"The recording part of it is very much you're trying to document something when you have that magic happening in a room with musicians standing across from each other and there's molecules going between everyone."
"I'm going to set this up and get some video."
"Honestly, beer number ten, we just couldn't record the ninth beer."
"Recording these has been the most rewarding project that I've ever done on this channel."
"Believe It or Not guys we don't just sit in silence as soon as we hit stop record"
"Recording that song was hell... If there was one Beatles song I never want to hear again it's that one." - Ringo Starr
"This event will be recorded; we'll share it via email within a couple of days after the finish of the event."
"I was terrified. This sucks. And then I was like, 'Oh, you know what? I'm glad somebody recorded this.'"
"The recording also revealed that they were in love."
"Analog gain staging... was important for engineers back then to be able to record as hot as possible without clipping."
"Most of the time, like 99% of the time, you’re going to walk away with a recording, and that recording is kind of valuable."
"The experience of acoustic music is the thing that we all share and the more realistic and more naturalistic your recording of it is the more closely you recreate the communion of a physical in-person real event"
"The good thing about the democratization of the recording game is that now everybody gets to record everybody gets to make a record everybody gets to put their on youtube that's great."
"I just hit record on my phone and politely told her she has no need to yell, and I am breaking no laws."
"Nerves. Is it ok if I record the talk like I record your lectures?"
"You can decide exactly what you want to go into your recording as well."
"He's always recording, so great. I never did a direct to disc until the last day."
"You can change this up after you're done recording because you're not actually recording the sound of this amp then, you're just recording your dry guitar."
"You've got three different recording modes... it's going to record that entire mix into your DAW post-fade USB."
"Mono's vocal, his falsetto became so beautiful... we wanted to make sure we got that on the record."
"How do you know what I said? I'm the Valdez teres, I heard a recording."
"This is just a very basic way of recording, a bit dirty, but yeah."
"You can record an album a lot easier than it used to be."
"I think in this day and age, you can record an album a lot easier than it used to be."
"That was cute, I got some really good footage."
"Hey, man, I already knew it was that diss track I recorded."
"I'm just documenting right now that's all I'm doing."
"You have to learn how to push the record button."
"Recording the results is good science."
"I think a lot of the times they either weren't miking the piano or they turned him way down."
"More a lesson from the story: when things seem impossible and chaotic, recording your actions can save the day and reveal the truth."
"I was joking with people, like when we were about three months in, that I was writing myself out of the record."
"This battery is called the Enduro and this is an extended recording time battery for the Hero 10 and the Hero 9. It also works better in cold weather."
"I've recorded the session and we can put it online."
"The P8 is rated as two hours with Phantom power off and recording with headphones, three and a half hours with NiMH batteries, Phantom power off recording with headphones, and six and a half hours with no Phantom power AA lithium batteries."
"I remember us recording a few months after that in the winter. I guess we signed the contracts in July, I believe, in '89 and we're recording soon after. So, I remember it being just a whirlwind because everything was happening so fast."
"You can set a time for the camera to automatically wake up and start recording."
"Retune after every take. If your bass isn't in tune, there's no point in recording."
"You can record directly into that software and it will record all of your switches and all of your camera moves."
"That seems to have done the trick, so if I scroll down a bit, you can see the captured event at the bottom. I'm going to click on that, and now we have the recording automatically being played back."
"...personally I kind of like just recording and dlog and color grading it later I think it looks just as good if not better most of the time."
"So all in all it's not the end of the world because whatever you're hearing in your headphones the final recording or the final output is actually going to be higher quality."
"That's all for this entry into the tape library," he said.
"Every day, of course. I work when you guys are on, but I record it."
"I'm recording this for shits and giggles and I CAU this on webcam all right 1 2 straight up all right ready 1 2 3 what the [ __ ] is that what that's a saddle down there ain't it oh I might come here no oh no snow glob"
"I'm absolutely buzzing I got that to get me through Camp uh and he' said it a couple of times so then I screen recorded it uh so I've got that if I ever get lonely up here in London I can always just watch that back um so yeah I'm absolutely absolutely buzzing."
"Let's head back to the studio open them all up and get started."
"We have two guests that we're recording back-to-back today. I'm actually, this is gonna be a fun day. I'm so excited."
"Y'all used to be on my head about not paying her for recording."
"This is the instrument that he is most often used for recordings and to be photographed in live appearances."
"Recording the song Back Then is Hollywood. It's Hollywood off like you're at a different level when you can record."
"I'm just recording the bank, the what the bank."
"Dash cams are really helpful nowadays, insurance purposes."
"The more, the merrier. So, yeah, a recording is not just a melody and the rhythm. And of course, it's the whole package."
"What about an airport? People can walk around and record there all day long."
"I've been recording non-stop for the last like seven or so hours and I just wolf down a load of chili, so I'm literally full of beans."
"I'm recording everything in 4k at 60 frames per second."
"I mean, this is a public building. I mean, you can't stop me from recording in this building."
"It's public property. You're right."