
Restlessness Quotes

There are 423 quotes

"When God is speaking to you, it won't let you rest."
"You are not restless. Consciousness is never restless; it's ever the same."
"Our hearts are restless until they rest in Thee."
"Thou hast formed us for thyself, and our hearts are restless till they find rest in thee."
"The mind, by an inner instinct, is restless, even relentlessly so. It never rests."
"Our hearts will always be restless, until they rest in God."
"My heart is restless until it rests in Thee, O Lord."
"Our hearts are restless until they rest in Thee, Lord. You've made us for yourself."
"It's late one night, and you can't sleep. You toss and turn but can't seem to doze off."
"Our hearts are restless, O Lord, until they rest in You."
"I had to pause and step back, now I'm really excited to jump in."
"I don't hold still well, I need something to do."
"What do I want that for? But see, you know what the opposite of a quiet mind is, right? It's a mind that won't shut up."
"It's like a slow-burning agitation, a restlessness that's retained throughout the whole of the record."
"People are getting restless from staying at home for months on end."
"There is a nervous restlessness, a hunger, a thirst, a yearning for something unknown."
"I've never been someone who can just sit down and chill out."
"I feel like there was a sense of urgency that I felt that wouldn't let me rest."
"Your heart is restless until it finds its rest in him."
"I just couldn't stay asleep and then I fell asleep... and woke up at 2:30 in the morning."
"Are you tossing and turning in your bed at night?"
"These options kept him stuck, kept him restless."
"It's like these people always made your person feel restless."
"You may have been someone who from a young age always had this feeling of restlessness."
"Deep down he was restless, chasing the feeling of being in the jungle and discovering something."
"They feel Restless when they think about you, they have a lot of emotions."
"Restless is our heart until it rests in you, O God."
"The wicked are like the troubled sea when they cannot rest."
"Entrepreneurs... we're never satisfied. We're looking for the next thing, the next thing, the next thing."
"I'm not content just to sit in one spot."
"For all its material advantages, the sedentary life has left us... edgy. Unfulfilled."
"Sleep did not come easy that night, with thoughts running wild for hours."
"God created a restless heart that will never rest until it rests in God."
"It's been too long that I've been on my own. I'm going to scream if I stay here."
"Britney is restless and kind of lost without work. Work has been all I've ever known and like, I think she's solely starting to realize that some semblance of work keeps her mind at ease."
"I hardly sleep. I feel like I always got to be on the go. Like I always got to keep doing something. My mind be rambling, trying to do everything at once."
"I find I'm so excited I can barely sit still and hold a thought in my head."
"Restlessness leads to a lot of unhappiness."
"You're always doing something, never at rest."
"You have a restless energy, but it also makes you very adaptable."
"Does that feeling of always wanting the next best thing stick with you?"
"For Lewis, the modern Western obsession with Innovation is a sign of human restlessness, a sign that nothing that is created or finite is really able to satisfy us."
"Our hearts are restless until they find rest."
"I must have been excited last night. I couldn't fall asleep."
"Sleep became elusive as nightmares pled our restless nights."
"I need to move non-stop. I can't sit still like I do in boxing or kickboxing."
"Excitement to dive into something, even with Restlessness."
"Restless and this changing world is me."
"I find myself being like I'll finally sit down and I'm like oh I need to dust that like I can't sit still I feel like I have to be productive I have to be doing something."
"I don't feel like sitting down. Reacher said."
"He was a workaholic. He couldn't rest."
"Even in heaven, I felt restless like I had some unfinished business."
"This person wants to end isolation, feels restless, anxious, ready to act."
"I'm pacing the pews in a church corridor."
"Change is coming your way because you're restless."
"Feeling stuck can really cause a lot of restlessness, anxiety, sadness, and even depression in our lives."
"I literally could not sleep that night."
"I feel like I just need to get out. I'm so lazy right now."
"Ayla was so excited when she found out she was going along on the mammoth hunt she couldn't sit still."
"I know you're bored, stop it. It's not like you have anywhere to go."
"I can't drink I can't gamble I can't get into clubs but I still want to go you know how you just stay in one place for so long it just gets so annoying you're like I don't care anywhere it's better than here."
"I can't sit here and do this much. I need to get out and start doing something."
"What am I gonna do? I'm so bored."
"I have a really hard time just sitting and doing absolutely nothing yeah me too."
"Restless. Silence overtaking. I'm losing my mind."
"Follow your intuition for 2024 when you start to feel restless."
"A change of residence, partner, or career is on the horizon, you're restless in need of change."
"She never seemed content to stay on the shore always finding one reason or another to return to the Sea."
"I'm so upset we have to wait but I'm like my mind's running like a mile a minute."
"They come across as someone who has high energy, they don't like to sit still for long periods of time."
"I'm not gonna be able to rest until I figure this out, tomorrow, but looking at the edge, like, I just see, like, it's like a sharp edge right here, and then, I don't know, the way I taped that down, y'all, there's no way that it should look like that."
"The full moon cast uneasy shadows through Bravo's window as he tossed restlessly in bed."
"It all lies in the plant. Our peculiar restlessness, which in modern circumstances has evolved into a rapacious appetite for indicitive substances of all sorts."
"I couldn't sleep last night, I'm so excited."
"He just couldn't be still, he would just tremble all over and it would not stop until he killed somebody."
"The whites always want something. They're always uneasy and restless."
"I think it's more like if you're not paying attention, you know, maybe you have like restless leg syndrome, you know?"
"Maybe it's late at night, but you can't sleep. You're bored. Or you can't stop a bazillion thoughts from racing through your skull."
"I can't just sit around and do nothing."
"Yeah it's about time we got here I've been laying in my bed tossing and turning"
"It may have been midnight before she fell asleep, moving uneasily in the heat, but it was almost dawn when she awoke."
"It feels like you should be doing something; it feels like you're missing an opportunity."
"'Cause I'm bored, bro. I'm bored."
"Having that restlessness, where you're still kind of looking for something, is important."
"Show me a restless person and I’ll show you a person that needs deliverance."
"I always have to be moving. I always am looking for the next thing."
"I'm not very good at sitting still and just sitting in a tub of dirty water stresses me out too."
"There is a restlessness of the soul that cannot be satisfied by anything or anyone but God."
"Thou hast made us for thyself, and our hearts are restless until they find their rest in thee."
"I'm the kind of girl who's likely to drive you insane, restless forever untamed."
"Your heart will always be restless just going from one thing to the next until you settle down with God."
"I didn't go back to sleep for the rest of the night."
"I'm the person on the flight that like paces back and forth and like goes to the back to just like stretch and chat with the flight attendants, mad antsy pants."
"Restless, a love and a passion we all share."
"I was awakened about dawn I had been restless dreaming most disagreeably."
"I couldn't sleep so I moved all my things into a pile in the middle of the room, sat on the bed, and waited for Sunrise."
"Meditation helps tame the monkey and cure restlessness."
"Oh, I wonder that you can sleep quietly in your bed!"
"Lord, you have made us for yourself; therefore, our heart is restless until it rests in thee." - Bishop Barron
"Everybody has this Restless Heart... that's what goes wrong with all of us sinners." - Bishop Barron
"I didn't sleep a minute that entire night."
"We love being distracted. Why is it so hard to sit still quietly?"
"I couldn't sleep. I was very disappointed."
"Without a personal relationship with Jesus, people are restless in this world."
"I generally wouldn't be able to sleep my mind turn into a dragon"
"Most people come from a scratchiness, this internal unsettled restlessness."
"Are you Restless? Are you always moving around?"
"I find the hardest part of staying at home is the restlessness."
"Sometimes I wonder what the heck is wrong with me, why I can't sit still, why I can't take a day off, why I have to stay busy."
"He's a Creator that's a Restless Creator who is trying some things and he isn't just taking advantage of you"
"His hands covered in thick red hair like fur moved restlessly over a shelf of small bottles as if looking for a label that said vanish."
"You are going to live this way until you get restless on the inside."
"If I'm not in this gym, I'm out there causing some mayhem, bro."
"Every human heart is a restless heart."
"I was in my underwear on my couch having a restless night's sleep."
"There is a restlessness in my soul that I've never conquered, not with motion, marriages, or meaning."
"Let us be resolved in all of our hearts not to see you vaguely but to see you live and in color, and to clearly understand how it is that our souls are restless and they will be restless until we find our rest in you."
"Mind is equivalent to restlessness. It is popping up thoughts after thoughts after thoughts and keeping you busy in your life from one thing to other to next and to next."
"I just want to find somewhere because I don't want to be in the house all day even if it's rainy."
"The restless human heart can find ultimate rest in peace in God."
"This person is having a lot of anxiety, like they cannot get any rest. They're thinking about just picking up that phone and like texting you."
"A healthy measure of angst, of feeling motivated and restless because you want to go higher, is a very healthy element. Too much calm, where everything is fine, is not consistent with the human spirit."
"Honestly, you gotta know what you're going to do because you don't sit around well."
"God hems the sinner in so he can find no rest in his self-righteousness and religious duty."
"A relationship is anything but none, it's all about restlessness."
"My superpower is that I cannot sit still, I cannot just sit and do nothing."
"How did you sleep? Yeah, not bad for me, you know, it's always fitful."
"I think I'm the kind of person who just wants to move after a while."
"I love it that's why I can't stop, I don't think I can ever stop moving around."
"It's really fun to just travel all the time, yeah, just like I just can't sit still."
"I'm probably not going to fall asleep."
"These itchy feet have got to be scratched."
"If you feel restlessness or discontent it could be a sign that God is trying to get your attention because you're craving a connection and a soul fulfillment that can only come from him."
"I got cabin fever, baby. I haven't been out of this valley since November. I'm ready to hit the road."
"A resting anxious mind is not resting at all."
"There is some residue of restlessness that persists even for extremely advanced meditators."
"He's got this really restless mind, and to a degree I think that portrait captures that restlessness even though he's still and held tight, his eyes are very far away."
"I don't think any of us are sleeping tonight."
"No experience has the capacity to dissolve this restlessness."
"At a certain level, I get kind of bored easily."
"I just wish I had somewhere to go right now."
"I love pillowcases like that because I always like I guess I toss and turn a lot but I literally will always knock my pillow out of the case like almost every night."
"I could not just lay down and chill."
"Your life is about to change so you already pick up this unfamiliar energy which makes you feel restless because it's unfamiliar, it's unknown territory."
"I genuinely feel worse if I'm sat still on a sofa not doing anything."
"Andre was all over the place, he just didn't want to stay still at all, he was constantly on the go."
"I'll sleep when I'm dead. I'll sleep when I'm dead. If anything, sleep during the day."
"We feel restless and unhappy until that desire is fulfilled."
"They’re like people without homes, restless, unable to settle down without any kind of peace until they find a body to enter into."
"I was haunted by a demon," he said, "who would never let me rest."
"I awoke in my cherry red bed, struggling to fall asleep."
"I hardly slept a wink that night."
"You will always have to chase... you will die chasy, you will be buried in the ground and you will never live a life where you're truly at peace."
"We need to embody that Restless feeling we all have when we know maybe I'm not exactly where I need to be."
"The creator made a god-shaped space in each one of us that can only be filled with him and our hearts are restless until they find their home in him."
"The human mind is incapable of rest. What it needs is change."
"There's a restlessness about Van Morrison as an artist."
"Our hearts were made for God, our hearts are restless until they find their rest in God."
"'He slept poorly, not because he'd been making love with Violet all night, but because he'd been wary of falling deeply asleep and having those nightmares again.'"
"Wherever he goes, he will find adventure everywhere. Can't he just live in peace for one day?"
"The poem reads thus: 'The restless swallow fits my restless mind, in still reviving still renewing wrongs.'"
"Our hearts are restless until they find their rest in God."
"Our hearts are restless till they find rest in you."
"I'm hearing 'I can't sleep at night'."
"I've been blessed with an incredibly mixed and varied musical life, and part of it is because I've got a restless nature."
"There's a monkey in my mind swinging on a trapeze, reaching back to the past or leaning into the future, never standing still."
"Your life is a story, and when people say 'I'm restless' or 'I'm bored,' it's because they haven't created something meaningful."
"I was really looking forward to spending some time at home, but now I've had enough."
"I've got no sleep 'cause you drive me wild."
"I'm Restless, I'm irritable, I'm discontent."
"I feel so inspired, and I can tell when I'm very inspired when I lay in bed and it's hard for me to fall asleep because there's just so many ideas."
"Restless I am so restless, and this changing world leaves me speechless."
"Women are clearly affected more than men by RLS."
"Independence, like that freedom feeling, is driving me crazy."
"You've made us for thyself, and our heart is restless until it rests in you."
"Our hearts are restless until they find God."
"The creative spirit is restless, and there's so much I still want to do."
"Our heart is unquiet until it rests in You."
"You have made us for Yourself, and our heart is restless until it rests in You."
"There was just a restlessness in me that I had to come here and I had to see it, I had to try."
"From the beginning of time, there has been this stirring in the heart of man that has made it to where he hasn't been able to just stay where he is."
"It was just a matter of getting off to sleep," he certainly wasn't tired enough for that yet, or so he thought.
"Daddy, why am I so crazy?" "You just have more energy... you have so much energy, you know, and you just want to go, go, go."
"I had to think, I couldn't allow my brain the luxury of sleeping."
"You've made us for yourself, and our hearts are restless until they find their rest in thee."
"God formed us for Himself; our hearts are restless till they find rest in Thee."
"I've always been creatively restless."
"There's something in us that always reaches out for more, there's what Saint Augustine called the restlessness of the human heart."
"They called it a night kind of early, and he said he was having a hard time sleeping because he was excited."
"Our hearts are restless until they find rest in You."
"Drew is a guy that really can't sit still for more than a second without picking something up and absorbing some knowledge."
"After fitting all this in my head, I couldn't sleep. That's how it felt."
"Oh God, Thou has made us for Thyself, and our hearts are restless until they find rest in Thee."
"What's something that keeps you up at night?"
"We are Restless, Lord, until we find our rest in Thee."
"I'm not gonna be able to sleep tonight."
"My mind just doesn't stay on one thing; it bounces."
"I don't like to be stuck in one place for too long."
"I'm a nomad. I consider myself to be a nomad, and I get antsy after being in a spot for too long."
"We both got a little cabin fever."