
Future Concerns Quotes

There are 209 quotes

"If the constitutional republic and this beautiful experiment of America falls, there's nowhere else to go."
"The legal quandary we're going to be wandering into, especially when it comes to art."
"With AI, it's especially scary. Sure, they're not being introduced to softcore fetish videos, but I seriously have to wonder how this is going to affect some of these kids in the future."
"Where it worries me is kids for sure, and I'm maybe even less worried about today than I am in 15 years when you have VR that is bordering on photorealistic."
"This internal power struggle as depicted in the report shows that we're going down a bad road with AI, and there will be pushback."
"Capitalism today is failing us, killing us, and robbing from our children's future."
"The single most important thing going on here is, if you care about the future, when there's no more money, when every dime of resources goes just to pay interest, what then?"
"We have to care specifically about global warming, because if the future collapses in on us, it becomes impossible to have the kind of reasonable conversation that we need for democracy."
"I'm worried that six months from now, our economy is still hit hard, and we have pockets of social unrest."
"We have reached a point where not only the rate of change but the rate of change of the rate of change is so high that we are inevitably going to jeopardize our capacity to continue to function on planet Earth."
"They're feeling a lot of anxiety about the future, about going forwards."
"If we build an incredibly powerful intelligence system before we figured out how to make it safe, I think we should have relatively low confidence it's going to go well for Humanity."
"I am genuinely worried that the American Dream will not exist for my two sons and their generation unless we do something about it."
"What happens to us in the future? Something's got to be done about your kids!"
"The reason [Elon Musk] cares so much about AI safety is because he, more than almost anyone else, appreciates these amazing opportunities we will squander if we wipe out here on Earth."
"What does the future look like if our kids can't read, write, or perform basic social skills?"
"The kids are not all right. You know what Gen Z is worried about? Not being able to enjoy the fruits of a successful society on the same time frame that maybe the rest of us have."
"I'm sure if we carry on what we're doing today in terms of pollution we will cause a catastrophe, but how quickly is the big question."
"If the government stifles this, criminalizes it, and sways public opinion, we're concerned for the future of Canada."
"If the United States caves to corruption, no election will be secure from here on out."
"This country is on the verge of being ripped apart."
"Even though it may sound silly to some, this is turning into a serious problem for the future of China's economy and the communist government."
"The apocalypse may be coming sooner than we think."
"I am consumed with the fate of our Collective future."
"I worry about sitting behind a zoom, doing my work, for the next 10 years."
"Once they start outputting more text than has ever been written by humans in history, will we get to a point where we don't actually know if anything we read, see or hear is real?"
"What happens when our computers get smarter than we are?"
"This is an election about whether there will ever be an election again."
"I'm concerned that this is just going to be the way that we live from now on."
"The singularity is a point in the future when you cannot control AI anymore."
"There's a lot of things that contribute to the destruction of the future of the United States."
"The internet might become sort of an informational wasteland and people will just have to stop using it."
"The real danger... is 2022 or 2024 when we may see people begin to change the results of the elections."
"Peterson's concern about the implications of AI is palpable, reflecting the monumental challenges posed by this technology for the future of humanity."
"But future generations will be living in the worst versions of science-fiction if we don’t stop corporations from repeatedly reinventing the idea of company towns."
"I'm worried about... we might be on the edge of something much scarier than Cold War II, namely World War III."
"We're dipping into savings... what happens after that?"
"I'm worried about the future of the fabric of American democracy."
"The more intelligent AI become, the more we worry about keeping control, and the more like slavery the whole arrangement becomes."
"Unfortunately, I think it will get better diplomatically with Joe Biden, but there are 72 million people who voted for Donald Trump, so I fear that it's getting worse in a way. That's sad man, it's very sad, very very sad."
"The future of humanity and our planet is under threat, and the need for critical thinking and societal change is more pressing than ever."
"The government's basically are trying to kill our future."
"Nuclear war would be near the top of the list for future threats."
"The scariest thing about a second Trump term is that there will be no guard rails."
"I am standing up for myself. I am standing up for the future. One day there's going to be something mandated that you don't want and then what?"
"Satan will sell you the benefits via designer babies."
"We live in a time that is paving the way for the coming of this person called the Dajjal."
"And I fear that if the franchise continues down this same path and we don't see a correction to this it's going to be terrible for the future of this franchise."
"I just hope there's something left for us humans to do."
"The real issue will come when they start to think like us."
"Adulthood, fulfilling dreams, planning for retirement and midlife crises await."
"America is basically breaking into two or three kind of balkanized countries within it."
"I don't think you can really change the past but what I worry about is the future."
"We are going to pay a huge price for this, and I'm becoming emotional because I'm thinking of my children, of the younger generation."
"You're already pulling your hair out over this person and y'all ain't even together yet. What do you think is going to happen if the two of you get together?"
"This is the generation... that my daughter is going to be entering into very soon."
"They'll come a time when somebody will get in office unfortunately who will undo what president Trump has done."
"Truth is becoming the rarest event on this planet. I can't imagine going for another two years with as much total attack on truth as we have been experiencing."
"We're ignoring the most important things in the world: the future of this country and our economy."
"I'm just thinking about the fact that if I had kids, I genuinely have to worry about what kind of world they'd be living in."
"The Arctic will be the late 21st century's greatest geopolitical showdown."
"What a sad person and it honestly does make me sad that she is going to have a daughter or a child."
"AI is involved regardless and man those deep fakes and everything else that AI is capable of doing they're gonna be impossible to tell the difference from eventually and that's scary because then you literally can't believe anything."
"You can't make this up...if what this represents for the future was not so Grim."
"It's bad now, but it's nothing compared to what's going to happen."
"There are many unsettling possibilities that are connected with the civilization this advanced and this close to our planet."
"The top concern for the next 2 years is not conflict or climate, it is disinformation and misinformation."
"He's willing to give up his final years to fight so that these 18 to 35 year olds will have a future."
"The potential scope of the soft social credit system under construction is enormous."
"I'm concerned that the future of zombies is Treyarch being forced to kind of make it just a side mode."
"It's hard to build a future when our young people are addicted to drugs."
"We have to try to stop that or we're going to go down a path of never having a Republican president ever again in history."
"Humans doing the hard jobs on minimum wage while the robots write poetry and paint is not the future I wanted."
"The future that the Marshall Islands fought so hard to prevent is already coming to pass."
"Politicians are weaponizing the judicial system to hurt their opponents... it's a bad thing in democracy."
"Dear God, I have a seven month old. Doesn't he deserve a future?"
"If we don't win in 2024, we have not got a country anymore."
"If we simply wave Morrison through for another three years, god knows where the country will be."
"Everything's going great, and then you start worrying about the future."
"Anxiety is simply you living in a future state worrying about something that has not actually happened."
"If something is smarter than you, it's always going to be one step ahead of you."
"If we create a machine that is vastly more intelligent than us, it may very well think of goals that are far beyond our level of imagination."
"Once like the truck's paid off, trailers are paid off, like it'll be go time. College fund, retirement, we have nothing in retirement. That terrifies me."
"I don't know where we are in history now and I'm afraid that we're starting fights that we won't be able to finish."
"You don't want to see what the future holds if Trump's still in power."
"Overpopulation, robotics, and artificial intelligence take over. Less and less work for more and more people."
"What I'm worried about more than any things that human beings are going to become obsolete..."
"Americans still do not understand the nightmare that is ahead."
"If the youth ain't [ __ ] then we doomed right when when we go who's supposed to come behind us if the youth ain't [ __ ] and we say they don't listen we're you don't listen yeah we're doomed yeah we're done off you don't listen."
"This is an existential battle for the future of democracy in the United States."
"The inflation has not been solved, it's going to get worse and it's going to be catastrophic."
"My fear for the last several years is that what started out as a trade war will turn into a tech War, and then eventually morph into a cold war."
"You have to go on what's fair for women's sports for women's sports to survive."
"Yes, when you think it can't get any worse, 2023 may once again prove that notion wrong."
"Eventually, the city that seemed impossible to build may prove impossible to save."
"A future that is 2 degrees warmer is no kind of future for you for our children or for their children."
"At the rate they were going, Social Security funds would probably run out by 2035."
"If we don't start having more babies, we are doomed."
"You both don't want to have the appearance of a conflict of interest and you also don't want to set up a scenario where if there's a republican president next, then they're going to investigate Biden."
"Humanity, right? Is power going to be used correctly to heal and help everyone on Earth or is power going to be abused and we walk away from this year going, 'Oh gosh, things are kind of worse than ever.'"
"What's gonna happen to our mental health and what can we do."
"Energy and food - this is what's going to impact humanity the most."
"If we don't change, what's going to happen to us?"
"Stephen Hawking reveals his concern about the creation of a superhuman race changing the world as we know it."
"George Orwell thought the problem in the future was going to be that a few people would possess all the information."
"If we don't care about the future, if we don't care about our legacy, if we don't care about our families down the line, there's just no hope at all."
"What happens if they lose hard points moving forward?"
"The existing system is going to fail miserably for our kids."
"I don't worry about the...super intive machines killing us all...but what I do worry about is being over-dependent on these systems..."
"Government act like children - and nobody's thinking about the future that's coming nobody's thinking ahead and there's a disaster on the way."
"The biggest fear I ever had is in 10 years' time, my Chinese friends say to me, 'John, you were right.'"
"The climate justice movement is a movement that says we're worried about our future. What future?"
"America is falling and the mark of the beast will be here by 2030 at the max."
"I'm more so genuinely curious what happens to people who have these massive peaks of internet fame at a really young age and then what do they do for the rest of their lives."
"Our communities are on fire, they're drowning, they're being poisoned and our children need a future that looks brighter than famine and war." - Varshini Prakash
"It's our children, my children, your children, your families that are going to be affected by this if we're just silent."
"Prices are rising, wages are falling, profits are soaring. Will this be our future or will we choose a different one?"
"Are they going to help humanity or destroy humanity?"
"Looking ahead, all of these factors could well get worse before they get better."
"This can't just continue. It's not sustainable."
"Stand your ground, do not comply, stand up for your kids at the very least because they won't have a future unless we build Island project."
"The singularity is close, but is civilization ready?"
"You always worry that you're gonna look back with regret."
"The looming big issue in this country's future no one's really addressed."
"Children are our future, we sing. So what about all those children with no futures at all?"
"If we truly run out of food in the next 10-20 years..."
"Sometimes I'm just kind of get bored with them you know so I hope we don't go around that route"
"I think if a child doesn't listen to you now, what makes you think he's going to listen to you when he gets old?"
"The fact that we have essentially baked bribery into the system them and allowed for this corruption to be as bad as it already is is just ludicrous but it's about to get worse if the GOP gets its way with this lawsuit."
"We should be very careful about artificial intelligence."
"Do you think things are going to continue to get worse?"
"Will humans take tribal warfare with them out into the cosmos?" - Linda Moulton Howe
"I feel like this country is going to get ripped apart to be honest."
"The shortage of everything... our children, our future."
"It's easier to think of the end of the world than it is to think of the end of capitalism."
"I really hope it doesn't go further down the path it's currently walking on because if it does, we're going to get more Poppy Playtimes and more Gardener Bam Bams, and I don't think anybody wants to see that happen."
"Prince Charles: genuine concern for the future quality of life in Britain is now beyond dispute."
"I don't want to see a future where quoting a movie or referencing the lyrics to a song will instantly get you copyright claimed or censored."
"Super intelligence has real potential to be a massive threat to humans in the future."
"If you care about the future of black people, then you naturally have to care about the destiny of black men." - Dr. Umar Johnson
"Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow. Tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble."
"The crime of the century by the Federal Reserve and central banks around the world... destroying the prospects for any prosperity for future generations."
"What genetic modification is going to happen to us now?"
"There's a lot of projection going on in these letters too... a lot of concerns about his future."
"There might be no free press in Hong Kong at all in the coming years."
"It's challenging but it brings a lot of joy and a lot of more urgency to the fight because like I gotta leave him a good world and make him a good person to keep this fight up when I'm not here."
"Barcelona are gambling with the club's long-term future."
"Things are going to get worse unless we do something."
"The disease itself is going to be as scary in September as of today, not less scary."
"I'm not particularly optimistic about the future of young people because unless they have taught facts unless they learn the reality and real things they're going to be in a bit of a pickle in their lives."
"Just because you're not having problems right now doesn't mean that in the future you're not going to have those problems."
"I don't think people realize just how sinister, dangerous, and violent their future plans are."
"If kids can't even add subtract multiply and reason... you're just creating a whole another generation of... zombies."
"The truth really is I'm not concerned for Trump. I just think it's a window into what could be our future."
"I believe the consequences of mental health issues will be the next pandemic."
"If we go too far into this technological thing, we're gonna be really screwed."
"Your peak criminal years don't start immediately after age 18, they're actually at ages between 14 and 24."
"Most people are trying to avoid a bad future that hasn't happened yet."
"Just promise me something: you'll check up on Earth every now and again."
"Those are past and present problems they're serious but in the future we're headed towards something even worse so we need to upgrade our knowledge about AI."
"That's going to be the least of people's concerns moving forward."
"Our clueless young boy on the other hand imagines how he'll feel like a father sending his daughter away if Reno ever ends up getting a boyfriend."
"You don't want a bouncy step later on."
"Well, it's kind of good for the girl to see this now, because he's eventually going to stop with the facade that he does all that stuff around the house, and it's like, it's like at least she doesn't have to like deal with it in the future."
"I'm going to say this: if you two don't stop thinking about this child, in about 15 years, the same child is going to be in the same state, talking about how screwed up they are coming from this dysfunctional family."
"One of the things you may have worried about 10 or 12 years ago was the thought that by the end of this century, the global temperatures would have risen about five or six degrees."
"Privacy is going to be one of the prominent issues of the 21st century."
"If all of us believe in science in an extreme way, it will cause a big problem in the future."
"I am safe, I am fine, I might not graduate and that might harm future job prospects."
"My concern was really around if we ever have kids, how does our world view impact raising a child."
"Type two worries are worries about future or potential problems."
"For a long time, we've got to worry far more about human stupidity than artificial intelligence."
"It will become more prevalent the more we go into the future because of habitat loss."
"The way global warming is going, it could devastate crops, communities, and even the Arctic Circle."
"The climate is already impacting us and it's likely to be impacting us even more."
"It's a little alarming that it feels like the AI race is actually on now."
"If everyone started worrying about where to be in years to come, nobody'd ever do anything."
"And the thing that worries me more than anything else is where are we going to be in 20 or 30 years?"
"We're fighting for our future, we're fighting for our children."
"If we continue to give temporary solutions to the poorest of the poor, one day the poor will become poorest."
"Protecting our children cannot garner the support of republicans and democrats alike, I truly fear for our future."
"If you're talking about a social crisis that will come our way, if today's inequality is a topic of interest to you, you should be worrying about 10 years from now, in a far more, sort of, let's say multiplied fashion than today."
"What they are afraid of is what comes next, and what comes next is complicated and dangerous."
"One thing that's underpinning this, our worry about the next ten years."
"We don't want a future where all cultures are destroyed, all religions are destroyed."
"Our children will be inheriting larger debts."
"Their next biggest concern is income inequality."
"I've been working a lot on staying present instead of thinking too much about the future, worrying about it too much."