
Judicial System Quotes

There are 148 quotes

"This Court is not final because we're infallible; we are infallible because we're final."
"Transparency in government is of the utmost importance, and I am a proponent for allowing cameras in all courtrooms across our country."
"The public's faith in the integrity of the judicial system, especially the criminal justice system, is critical to its functioning."
"The presumption of innocence is nothing short of a miracle, and we abandon it at our extreme peril."
"We will still continue the fight in such uphill battle even nowadays the judicial system is under hardline control from Beijing."
"The Supreme Court checks the other branches of government through the power of judicial review."
"Seditious conspiracy is a very serious charge."
"That would have given a lot of people pause with respect to this jury."
"Our judicial system frequently confuses and confounds, but it's starting to show consequences for bad actors."
"Even if the judge told the jury at the very end that they felt like they made the right decision based on what was shared during the trial."
"This ruling is an embarrassment, showing how partisan and politicized some of our courts have become."
"Danny Masterson's going to prison for at least 30 years."
"The left is so upset about the supreme court... they want to expand it... they're trying to blow up the supreme court with this court packing scheme."
"Make it hard for them to do it make it so that they know when they go home that night what they did and every other judge know that the whole world's gonna know over time what they did."
"This is systematic racism in our judicial system."
"I don't want to pack the court. I don't want to change the number. I don't want to have to do that."
"The court system itself is flawed... people are in jail that didn't do [ __ ]."
"It's a matter of community trust that people do not trust their judicial system if they think that system is just in it for money."
"She's demonstrated a Judicial incapability and that her rulings have painted herself into a corner that apparently she's unwilling to to get herself out of and she's blaming the prosecutors for putting her there."
"I don't trust the government to prove guilt."
"In order for society to function, police need to be able to arrest people... You win in the courts, and they did." - Tim Pool
"Unfortunately it was also expected that uh these officers would either be acquitted or hung jury um and and the like um which is why I'm paying so much attention to the Chauvin case."
"It's flawed, we always say about the judicial system."
"We don't have to wait for the laws to be dictated by the court, we have another branch of government, the Congress, they are called lawmakers."
"There are some fundamental changes which need to be done... We need judicial reforms in this country."
"It's basically trying to accomplish what a RICO case would accomplish without actually proving a RICO case. It's insane."
"Even if this stuff sounds bad I still stand with the presumption of innocence."
"Japan has a conviction rate of 99.9 percent."
"I'm very happy Cal Rittenhouse has been found not guilty. I'm sorry, it was a clear case of self-defense. That young man was persecuted, and justice prevailed."
"It's very important that we have nine justices."
"After a four months trial, a jury found Abacus Federalism bank and two of his senior officers not guilty."
"They should be voted in. People should vote on Supreme Court Justices at this stage."
"Just jumped on Chris immediately like yeah yeah and well whether it was racially motivated or not I mean it's just it's so obvious that there is definitely some bias place on Chris because of who he was."
"Thank you for your service. The American system of justice relies on your time and your sound judgment and you have been generous with both."
"The Department of Justice is not there to gather evidence but to hide it."
"Every trial ought to be televised, we ought to see the way our system works."
"Our Western democracy and our judicial system has been in the making for hundreds of years."
"When you add seats to the Supreme Court, you're actually unpacking the Supreme Court."
"To act as if the Supreme Court isn't a political institution, especially while they are making so many obviously political decisions is just pretty gosh darn silly."
"Let's just sack the Supreme Court, let's burn the whole system down."
"Sensei asked one of them with a grin if he was definitely getting sentenced to death."
"John Roberts is just a terrible justice... constantly kicking the can down the road." - Ben Shapiro
"Israel has probably the best Judiciary in the world."
"The indictment of Trump threatens to launch cycles of recrimination and politically motivated prosecutions that will plague our nation for decades to come."
"We have now proven in a court of law beyond a reasonable doubt not only that there's a mafia but there's a commission that it runs the mafia."
"The secret court of the Vatican: an elite tribunal trying perpetrators of heinous crimes deemed unforgivable."
"One of the most popular ideas... limit the term of justices."
"A well-constituted court for the trial of impeachments is an object not more to be desired than difficult to obtain in a government wholly effective."
"I genuinely think the only reason they're arresting him is because they get to keep him being held in a cell longer."
"A supreme court that I agree with our President Joe Biden said in one line summed it up this is not a normal Court."
"Trump made his way to Trump Tower this evening... facing 34 Class E felony charges."
"Let's pray for wisdom and discernment for our Supreme Court justices and let's pray also for courage for the rest of the branches of government."
"The biggest disproportionality comes in terms of protestants so 45 of americans are protestants but only 22 percent of the court is protestant."
"It's so ironic... people who commit violence, shoot people in broad daylight in the street, they're being let out, nothing is happening to them."
"A case of great consequence and a case that's never happened before." - Cyrus Vance
"Good luck getting the other 10 people to sue the judge."
"Objectively, the jury cannot convict somebody unless they're 100 percent convinced they did the crime."
"A clear majority of Americans oppose packing the Supreme Court."
"People expected to care about due process and rule of law were just throwing it out the window."
"Believe your eyes and I'm hopeful, although I have some of the same reservations that Dr. Davis has, relative to a conviction."
"The unelected branch of government that now sets policy for the country has been installed as a result of presidents who have lost the majority vote in this country over the last 20 years."
"You impose a sentence to punish bad behavior criminal behavior and that's going to be a large component of this sentence."
"I believe that somebody would have maybe gave barely Fair child a chance his first couple of times when he got into trouble."
"I mean, just about anybody else would not have the ability to appeal things. No one would have been charged. Kingdom Come. Well, actually, they do have the ability to do that, that's part of our justice system."
"This is bombshell evidence. It proves a malicious prosecution."
"It's a lot harder to charge someone, never mind get them prosecuted for, and have them ultimately be found guilty of it."
"Lifetime appointments in the Supreme Court would completely eliminate any and all biases or partisanship."
"It was a complete mockery over the justice system."
"It's not common for appet cases to linger for years even in situations where significant interests such as an individual's Liberty in criminal cases are at stake."
"Prevents excessive bail and ensures fair punishment."
"Presumption of innocence reigns supreme, which means that should carry over when you are still innocent unless or until you're proven guilty."
"It's just bureaucratic. You sit in jail for years just waiting for your trial too bad you also can never get that time back."
"The jury's gonna fail. I've never seen a jury feel sorry for a lawyer who's drowning at the hands of a judge."
"The next president... could add 27,000 justices to the Supreme Court."
"I think people start off first of all from a point of real distrust as far as judges go."
"When you grow in grace, admitting your mistakes, reflecting, reforming, you can be as vibrant as in your youth if not more."
"Mr. Draco was the victim here. That's the sad part. The victim, the true victim, has become the defendant in a very serious criminal case. His life and liberty are at stake here."
"A trial of a decade. How could she get a fair trial?"
"You cannot rely on the Supreme Court to self-correct with the ages of the justices and the balance that the court can look forward to."
"Pleading insanity doesn't get you off scot-free."
"The Supreme Court is a white supremacy court."
"Court packing isn't some policy scheme... it's really a coup."
"Law Enforcement Officers must play within the rules of the American criminal justice system."
"At the end of the day, we're talking about making arguments, using logic, and trying to find justice. It's a human system." - Ben Micellis
"The judge can't just throw it out so, uh, Iowa judge is over today, Rob."
"Our whole rights are at risk right now. That's why I support expanding Supreme Court to make sure that we're able to protect abortion access voting all of that."
"This case is a reminder of why more resources are needed."
"It's gonna be really interesting to see how the courts rule."
"Justice is on trial, you know, the whole world is watching this New York scam."
"Most of these defenses, if not all of them, will never see the inside of a courtroom."
"Pray for our military, pray for our Supreme Court."
"You don't ever want to go to trial and put your life in 12 people's hands unless you're forced to."
"The trial helped to restore my faith in the American judicial system."
"Any time you as a prosecutor have problems with the truth, whether it's you or the witnesses you're putting upon the stand that is trouble with a capital T."
"There is a great danger to the adversarial systems which they're not adversarial anymore."
"This legislation would in effect treat the Supreme Court Justices almost the same way one might approach a potential jury."
"You just end up in a courtroom with the fancy outfits and 50,000 lawyers."
"The difference between there's an open seat and John Roberts is not as reliable as we thought he was." - Highlighting the shifting dynamics and concerns within conservative circles regarding the Supreme Court.
"In the face of all of that propaganda, a group of jurors in Kenosha, Wisconsin, were brave enough to reach the right and obvious conclusion."
"I looked at it as just another step that you wanted was using to harass me through the court system."
"I think realistically what would happen is that there would be legal challenges filed both in state court and in federal court and it would get hashed out between those judges."
"The appointment of a special Master... is fully consonant with... the need to ensure... fairness and integrity."
"A good lawyer knows the law; the better lawyer knows the judge."
"I hope that they get to subpoena a bunch of stuff... This is the kind of stuff that, yo, like this happened, right?"
"I like this trial man I it's a good trial it's hard it's difficult to cover the subject matter is very difficult and complex it's difficult to break down some of the arguments but I like this trial and I like this judge and I like this jury."
"It seems like an enormous abuse of the judicial process." - Ted Cruz
"Not guilty verdicts are few and far between."
"I disagree with courts all the time. I've well I just read the supreme court all the time."
"We should have our own Sanhedrin, we should have our own court system."
"Until you know the rules, it doesn't matter about the pawns. You have to address the king and the queens... or in this case, the judges and the magistrates."
"The American system is probably one of the best. Juries are a vital component of the American system."
"These Revelations have steadily eroded the Supreme Court standing with the public in ways that are it's kind of stunning to witness."
"In New York, a man pleaded guilty to raping four women and he was given no jail time."
"Grandma's been around the block a time or two, what do you think them juries have said before?"
"Our justice system may have individual mistakes, but it's better than it's ever been."
"President Zelensky has hailed the dissolution of a controversial Kiev Court run by a very controversial judge."
"This man is trying to run for president, and you got these corrupt people just holding him in the courtrooms over nonsense because they don't like him."
"Stephen Clensar was very calculating, very convincing, very credible. An extremely unusual case and one that I will not forget for a long time."
"I think it's a mistake to take away the ability for the public to seek compensation in the court of law."
"A lot to be learned in this case for all of us out there that are interested in the legal system."
"We now have a 5-4 conservative Supreme Court under President Donald Trump, cementing a tremendous legacy for the President and a better future for America."
"Why didn't anyone have any problem with that? Biden commits to nominating the nation's first black female."
"Is it realistic for us to expect that a judge or a court can really do this?"
"The big picture takeaway is that the judicial system of the United States is complicated. It is probably unnecessarily complicated, but here we are."
"Judges can certainly do certain things procedurally to change a verdict but never in a criminal case. It's a one-way street."
"State and superior court... there is a discovery process."
"Judges, you know, if there is this idea that judges are going to reveal your decisions and impose liability on you, people are not going to have a full threaded debate you want inside the government."
"Under the law, our judicial system is founded on the presumption of innocence."
"Does the nominee have the requisite integrity, professional competence, and judicial temperament?"
"Eyewitness testimony, which makes perfect sense, by the way, why wouldn't you want that?"
"The grand jury served as a protection between the king and ordinary people."
"The voice of the people in this county is such that the court shall not enter this courthouse until such time as the people shall have redress of the grievances they labor under at the present."
"I'm a Believer in our country and I'm a Believer in the Supreme Court."
"The courts have to make sure they provide a place where people can have their claims decided fairly and efficiently according to the rule of law."
"The jury is in the best possible position to determine credibility."
"I've got a lot of respect for judges that are actually trying to balance the interests of everyone involved while still keeping the foundational pieces in place of our judicial system."
"For the same crime, do they get the same amount of time? Technically yes, but there's a variant, and it's up to the judge, and the judge is always going to judge the guy harsher."
"The courts are there to protect you and ensure your rights aren't being violated."
"Data science can help to shed light on the underlying factors and, when used appropriately, can aid the judicial system in decision-making."
"Those people restored my faith in juries."
"The system is actually set up to truly discourage arrests now and encourage more summonses and things of that nature."
"This was an egregious attempt by PRC intelligence officers to shield a PRC-based company from accountability and to undermine the integrity of our judicial system."
"Our principal responsibility here is to protect the lives of the justices."
"Judges aren't infallible; that's why we have appeals courts."