
Chess Quotes

There are 5877 quotes

"Chess is about making your opponents uncomfortable."
"This all began when I joined the Title Tuesday tournament on chess.com."
"When you have the advance of striking first in an end game, it's very like C5 cuts all the communication of the black position here."
"Endgames are so important, which is why I made the endgames master class."
"In chess, the best move is not the best chess move; it's the move your opponent least wants you to play."
"Chess is hard. It's important to know how to play when you're winning but also when you're losing."
"We have the rules of chess; we don't always know what the best move is."
"What you might notice is that you will miss chances to play winning moves. That's okay, the goal here is to focus on the fundamentals."
"Whenever he gets a good position, then he is just unstoppable. He never gets nervous when he gets a chance."
"Even if it's a draw, Magnus wants it on his own terms."
"It feels a little strange when you've got an Armageddon deciding the winner of this very, very strong FTX Crypto Cup, but I have to say, I love the thrill and the action an Armageddon game brings."
"In general, comparisons don't work because chess just continues to evolve over generations."
"The best chess players today are not computers and not humans but humans using computers."
"Playing chess is my interest. I am keen on playing chess too, and I have many books on it."
"You need to play an opening where exchanges will not happen, and there is a lot of imbalance and a lot of complications."
"Being able to visualize the board in their head allows chess grandmasters to see the board without actually seeing it."
"I always push chess at young kids. Chess helps you think, helps you plan, and helps you predict the future."
"In 1997, Gary Kasparov, the most successful champion in the history of chess, lost to IBM's Deep Blue, one of the first computer or artificial systems."
"An f3 knight is a wonderful piece into the endgame."
"I think with this pawn on e5, this is something that needs to be challenged soon."
"Piece by piece comparison, the knight's tips in white's favor."
"Notice the king's shelter with still so much material on the board. This isn't going to end well for black, is my guess."
"White is now up a pawn, and I believe completely winning."
"We have a case of all isolated pawns here. Superior structure for white, by far."
"And now you know, take a picture of this here. This is a wonderful piece configuration for black."
"AlphaZero was a program that didn't have any chess knowledge in it, didn't study all of humanity's record of genius with chess. It just played itself for four hours and then beat the best bespoke chess computer ever made."
"My style was to create chaos on the chess board, and my strengths lay in finding hidden harmonies."
"He is there because he is a fantastic player that he's more than capable of beating Magnus Carlsen."
"If he loses this game, it's going to be so tough because if Magnus wins the first two games, it's over."
"He's played fantastic chess not taking any risks but just playing good moves."
"Magnus swapping the Queens off, extra knight, extra pawn, he's going to win the tournament."
"We are generations apart, but I'm here to stay. Chess still runs through Oslo."
"This is a right of passage of every young chess player. Can you imagine beating the goat of a sport?"
"This is really what we want, you know, chess on television. Of course, the purist, the traditionalist, they're not going to be happy. This is goofy chess. This is circus chess."
"If you don't know why you are playing the moves, if you don't know what job the pieces have on the different squares, it's just a complete waste of time."
"When you have a plan, you create an internal mental representation of the chess position that is in relation to that plan."
"Chess is a very difficult game, and there are small mistakes creeping in everywhere. That happens for everybody."
"Many a player has lost a game because they were playing an endgame while their opponent was still playing a middle game."
"As always, we have three concepts or ideas that we want to focus on and for this game, they are: one, equalize; two, trade; and three, win."
"Stockfish says you can actually just capture this pawn and it should be equal; you have already equalized."
"Ladies and gentlemen, whether you like it or not, Magnus Carlsen is currently the best chess player on Earth."
"Two things in the world are still true: number one, I am still very handsome, and number two, Magnus Carlsen is the best chess player on the entire planet."
"I like making these because they're so fun, just watching him play. You sit here going, damn, I'm inspired, then you go to the chess.com pool and lose three games in a row."
"To all chess lovers out there, ever wondered where this board game was invented? Yep, it’s India!"
"Both possess inspired chess-related designs reflected in their name, with the most basic piece, the pawn, appropriate for the first stage Poniard, and King Gambit upgrading from Bisharp's bishop, being named for the chess opening, The King's Gambit."
"You can be equal with completely different things. You can have a bishop and a knight on a chessboard; they're equal in terms of points, but they do different things."
"Chess is exploding like never before, and just like any activity with millions of participants, you are going to have some bad actors."
"Improve at chess naturally, watch YouTube videos, don't make the same mistakes twice, understand why you made blunders in the first place, and don't repeat them."
"At the end of the day, if you become the world champion of Chess, you might win less money than if you're a professional player who competes and wins some of these other events."
"Chess players don't know their commercial worth."
"What happened in the next few hours is a mystery we may never fully unravel, but what is certain is that the Chess World will never be the same."
"Magnus Carlsen has been so dominant that he has elected to not defend his world championship title because, frankly, there is no point."
"Chess is a beautiful, magical, mysterious, and captivating game with a very rich history and some very rich personalities who have played it over the years."
"Tal received The Grandmaster title in 1957 because of one tournament he played and won - the USSR Championship."
"Tal had this way of making even the best and most reserved players in the world panic."
"Ladies and gentlemen, there are a few things in life that can occur with a 100% success rate, but every now and then on a chessboard, that is exactly what happens."
"It's a perfect storm of neurons firing in the brain, maybe it was a strong tea or coffee that they had, maybe they felt inspired listening to some music, maybe they had a good workout, but every single move they played was the best possible move in that moment."
"Chess is ageless. Kids as young as two and three are now learning how to play the game, and people in their 90s and even hundreds enjoy the game as well."
"In chess, like in life, sometimes you have to play perfectly to overcome the challenges you face."
"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to Freestyle Chess, a new type of chess tournament championed here in early 2024 by none other than the best player in the world, Magnus Carlson."
"This poor man, what is... I am rooting for Ding because he's a nice guy. He gives calm, respectful interviews. He's a gentleman; he's a scholar; he's a big reader."
"As long as you're not down a lot of material or getting checkmated, there's always a resource."
"Gary Kasparov is without question the greatest chess player who had ever lived up until that moment."
"Hans Neeman won his first ever Title Tuesday tournament, then trash-talked Magnus and challenged Hikaru to a $10,000 Blitz match."
"The most difficult position to win is the one where you're winning."
"That's the thing about these young players: they're very good positionally, but they're also very aggressive."
"It's probably a draw, but much easier to play with the two pieces also much easier to play when your name is Magnus Carlson."
"The topic of cheating in the Chess World has grown tremendously... an existential risk it poses."
"Magnus has been the best chess player in the world for about a decade and a half at this point and he will likely go down as the greatest chess player of all time."
"The Grandmaster title, on average, is now getting awarded at an age younger and younger every year."
"It's the beautiful thing about Chess right now, you used to have to wait for the young Grand Masters to play the best players at the major tournaments, now they can just play online."
"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to the freestyle chess challenge."
"This is a new type of chess event where all of the players are playing Fisher random chess, a type of chess where the back row of pieces is shuffled randomly selected about 15 minutes before game time."
"Can you imagine a top-level chess player in regular chess making a mistake on the second move? But in this type of format, it's very common."
"Isn't that fascinating? You don't take the pawn because if the king gets to the corner, it's the wrong color corner to draw."
"One pawn move, and White's position came alive."
"Everything was locked down, one pawn move, how instructive is that?"
"H4 is a crazy move... This man is doing the equivalent of a poker calling of the bluff."
"Welcome to one of the most insane chess videos you will probably ever see."
"But there is a haven where AI does not threaten our existence, and that haven is chess."
"Queen F1 Checkmate, and I won the Battle of seven-dimensional Chess versus this brand new terrifying Gotham bot. Humanity is still safe."
"In the Chess World, we have embraced our AI overlords for quite some time."
"Ladies and gentlemen, in this video, I'm going to be sharing with you probably the most insane Chess World Record that I have ever been lucky to witness."
"This is insane. This is a revelation for the chess world in particular, but it's also obviously a revelation for humanity."
"The St. Louis Chess Club is committed to providing a world-class environment for all levels of chess players to play and enjoy chess."
"Falino plays very simple, very solid. He doesn't weaken his position to thwart his opponent's plans."
"He learned chess three and a half years ago and just beat the greatest chess player of all time."
"If you cannot explain why you are trading a bishop for a knight, you should not do it."
"Chess is hard, watching chess is hard, playing chess is hard, and learning chess is hard."
"A good rule of thumb, my friends, is if you don't have a good reason to trade a bishop for a knight, don't do it."
"The game of chess is no different, with the three names associated with GOAT status being Bobby Fischer, Garry Kasparov, and Magnus Carlsen."
"It's obvious to anybody with a brain that Elon Musk is not a checker player; he is a chess player."
"When you see a good move, stop and look for a better move."
"A really good chess player knows the right time to ignore chess principles."
"Control the center of the board. Usually, the player who controls the center of the board has a better chance to win the game."
"Your beautiful voice... is going to get you really far in life."
"You can have my pawn; I'm playing knight d2. If you take on b3, I take with knight, the whole board opens up, and white is ahead in development."
"The longest ever world chess championship game in history."
"I'm not afraid because I know who I am and I know the chess player that I am and I know what I give to chess."
"Chess is the most popular in terms of raw player metrics, competitive activity in the world...over 600 million players worldwide regularly play chess."
"Anomalies in Newman's data's growth, ACPL level, and STD CPL by rating range are inconsistent with expectations and unprecedented in chess history."
"Using a simple equation, Shannon established a lower limit to the number of possible chess games, determining that after only five moves, there are approximately 70 trillion possible games of chess that can be played."
"I had the basic blueprint to build the mother of all chess machines, a machine that could defeat the world champion."
"AlphaZero plays chess in a much more human way than previous chess programs, playing quite aggressively and freely with a style that humans tend to favor."
"What's white's best move and why? Pause and figure out."
"E4, why I say is a religion? Well, because I was told Bobby Fischer said E4, best by test."
"One of the things that we need to do when we think strategically... is to talk to our pieces. 'How you doing? Okay, not so okay?'"
"Turing wrote the first artificial intelligence, which was a chess playing program called Turochamp."
"Chess is a purely intellectual game...it involves no element of luck at all. It's a purely intellectual game, so on the premise that men and women are of equal intellectual capability, there's really no reason to separate men and women in chess."
"Even at our level and beyond, even top super GMs like Magnus Carlsen are using London to completely destroy the competition."
"This is a one could say a positional queen sacrifice."
"Queen takes e4... sacrificing the queen for a rook and a piece."
"There's a link between who you are as a person and your chess, and you can grow as a person and that will grow your chess."
"My favorite opening is the Queen's Gambit, and I am working on a tutorial right now."
"If you calculate lines where you're not losing or you think it's equal, then you can always play the line and then look for more when you reach that situation."
"Two basic rules when you have less space: Look for pawn breaks or try to exchange minor pieces."
"Chess excellence cannot be purchased. It can only be earned."
"Lasker was equally good in everything, but above all, he was a fighter."
"Bobby Fischer: Burning brighter than anybody else."
"It was time to unite the chess world and produce an undisputed world champion."
"He has this ability, I think, to teach and explain chess that's unique."
"Anand learned to play chess from his mother when he was six."
"When you're up a piece, that's exactly what you want."
"What I'm interested in is to prevent the move E four, E five."
"Regular chess is boring. You just move some pieces around until someone runs out of time or gets checkmated."
"Good things happen when you centralize your pieces and make it a priority to play through the center."
"Best player in the world is obviously Magnus."
"The amount of people interested in chess exploded."
"Nobody in the world knows chess better than Gary Kasparov."
"This game broke Kasparov and showed one of the weaknesses we humans have."
"That's a mate, and that's a win in this double berserk game."
"Keeping your king as active as possible in the end game is crucial."
"I managed to save an end game a full piece down by activating my king at all costs."
"What the king does most of the game but the moment you sense that an end game is near it's time to start thinking about the king and what it can do."
"If you can beat Vidit with e4 c5 a3, then you can become a GM."
"I need to support Indian youngsters, Indian chess, and there's nothing more important than that."
"I love reading books, overall beat chess books or otherwise."
"They should apologize to the entire chess community."
"There's no time for that, he's gonna have to go for a perpetual. He wants more, he's getting greedy. Oh, greediness got him!"
"A big time edge, no stalemates here, just playing on out of momentum."
"Netflix did for chess. 70 million households and counting have seen that show. Are you kidding me?"
"Magnus is the best player in the world there is no disputing that."
"Magnus is the best player in the world. The more games he gets, eventually he's just gonna outclass you."
"You do not give the greatest player of all time chances to come back in a match that is just plain simple how it goes."
"It's very clear that Ding feels that Yawn is extremely well prepared... into Sidelines."
"When nepo gets nervous or he's not sure what's going on he starts moving very very quickly..."
"Active Learning is extremely important in chess."
"If I had maybe two consecutive moves here, two, I would have had a good...because I think there was this idea that was a little bit unconventional here that basically led to a nearly winning position."
"Even a 23-2400 player, give him four or five moments in a game and boom."
"I try to win here with this extra Pawn, but as we know in chess, one extra pawn in a rook and pawn endgame is nothing."
"Now what's really amazing about this position is that the computer apparently thinks this is zeros."
"One of the things that's amazing about Magnus's games..."
"Magnus comes through when it matters, really, really clutch."
"It's great to see the enthusiasm they have for chess."
"It plays chess, it beats me at chess, it is an entire chess engine implemented in that much JavaScript."
"King h7 and just f6, and I don't think White has a way to save his queen."
"This is just winning, rookie one is probably winning too."
"Yeah, you just play rook g8, cleanest win is probably just queen g5."
"Chess blew up in 2020 and it was great to see. For those of you that don't know, chess was invented a long, long time ago..."
"The game in the Seventh Seal makes no literal sense...Bergman was not concerned with the flow of the game so much as what each move truly meant on a deeper level."
"Chess is a strategy game and one of the oldest games in existence."
"Women can compete at the highest levels of chess."
"Magnus is fighting on for every half a point, for every 0.1 to 0.5 of an advantage."
"Magnus suffocates the opponent, making every move a problem."
"Isn't this just a mate in one? Okay, this is really funny."
"Recognizing patterns in the end game is much more important than people realize."
"Magnus Carlson dominated... it was an incredible event."
"Online chess wasn't considered serious... but with all these big events now, it's essentially in the same realm as over the board."
"I am not willing to play chess with Neiman." - Magnus Carlson
"Remember, in order to win, you have to get your King ahead of the pawn. If you push the pawn first and your king is behind, you're not going to be able to win."
"Opponent probably should have taken a bit more time and after takes, it's interesting 'cause locks down a pawn."
"The real reason black lost this game is time management."
"Complete disregard for opponent's counterplay."
"Every time my opponent is making a move, I'm just harassing his weaknesses."
"I could play h4 just like last time, but I'm not even castled this way, which is kind of funny."
"Even if you don't get a super aggressive gambit, you still get a very safe and playable position."
"Simple moves, not overthinking anything, playing faster, just playing solid."
"At the end of the day, we're more active and we're much closer to winning our opponent's weakness."
"I played all the best moves for a while there, but here it's black playing for a win."
"Chess is a mix of tactics, strategy, and harmony."
"Chess is a language. It's completely timeless, ageless."
"Chess is a mix of quick plans and long-term strategies."
"An attacking strategy is about finding ways to get your pieces to your opponent's king."
"Can we stop to appreciate how quick he's playing?"
"Wow, at the least expected moment Harry the H Pawn makes an appearance."
"We've got Magnus vs Hikaru, and that's what we want."
"Rivalries are not built overnight, and these two have a long storyline."
"You can thank chess for Game of Thrones. Thanks, chess."
"The hallmark of a brilliant chess player is the ability to bait their opponent into making a move that's a trap."
"Chess taught me to really slow down and understand that it's not like it's almost like um you've seen pawn sacrifice right?"
"It's not about the individual moves, it's about understanding the concepts."
"Every situation is different, but the vast majority of the time in the opening, you want to bring the bishops and knights out and castle as fast as you can."
"The goal of today's video is to show you the differences in the openings, the differences in the middle games and the end games, and where the worst mistakes occur."
"You have to win the end game, there's no other way."
"Ultimately, this game is simply going to come down to the fact that my pieces were of just a higher quality."
"The only reason I was able to win this game is because I found the one winning idea."
"I had to squeeze maximum opportunity out of this position to win it."
"Bishop d6 is, if I remember correctly, the best move in this position."
"Amazing defense by our opponent up until the very last moment."
"You can figure out the best plan in a position just based on how the pawns are set up."