
Ancient Egypt Quotes

There are 551 quotes

"I believe that the South shaft functioned as a symbolic corridor for the soul of the king as the sun god Ra."
"The discovery of the Rosetta Stone in 1799 proved to be a pivotal moment in deciphering the hieroglyphic script of ancient Egypt."
"Now, there's even more; the Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities has announced the discovery of two mummified lions dating back roughly 2,600 years."
"It was believed in ancient Egypt that the orgasm was the key to eternal life."
"The overflowing of the Nile was a very important time for ancient Egyptians...necessary to their way of life."
"Your heart was valued and measured as an Egyptian based on your impact on others and the world."
"If together, as fans of ancient Egypt, we demand a serious investigation about the pyramids, then perhaps their mysteries can be solved."
"Ancient Egyptians linked the bird, which they called Bennu, to immortality."
"The ancient Egyptians were obsessed with life in all its forms. Death for them was a new life."
"Ancient Egypt is quite rightly the focus of most experts in history and archaeology."
"The era of Ramses II was known as the golden age in the chronicles of Egypt."
"In ancient Egypt, mummification was an essential process in preparing the deceased for the afterlife. It was a complex and time-consuming procedure carried out by skilled embalmers."
"Magic was an integral aspect of ancient Egyptian society, permeating every aspect of daily life."
"Ancestor worship and the veneration of the dead were central elements of ancient Egyptian society."
"The Nile River was undeniably the lifeblood of ancient Egyptian civilization, playing a pivotal role in shaping the culture, economy, and daily life."
"Dwarfs held a unique and highly regarded position in ancient Egyptian society."
"There seems to be a tremendous effort not to disturb the status quo when it comes to the stories such scholars tell about ancient Egypt."
"The most beautiful woman in Ancient Egypt was considered to be Queen Cleopatra."
"Cats were revered in ancient Egypt, often associated with the goddess Bastet, symbolizing home, fertility, and the protector of the Pharaoh."
"The ability to read the ancient Egyptian language...unlocked the vast treasures of a forgotten civilization."
"The Pyramid of Egypt has been and still is a temple of initiation into the Mysteries."
"Ancient Egypt was already ancient in ancient Egypt."
"During his reign, the Pharaoh Akhenaten was able to abolish the complex pantheon of the ancient Egyptian religion and replace it with a single God, Aten, who had no image or form."
"Akhenaten conceived of a single controlling intelligence behind and above all things, including the gods."
"Akhenaten gave orders to his troops instructing them to close all the temples, confiscate its estates, and sacked the priests, leaving only Aten's temples throughout the country."
"In my opinion, Amenhotep III was ancient Egypt's greatest pharaoh."
"Clearly, the priest-kings of Karnak had got what they'd always wanted: absolute power."
"Narmer was successful in his campaign and unified the people of Lower and Upper Egypt under his command. He was the first pharaoh of Egypt."
"Tutankhamun's tomb was almost intact when it was discovered in 1922 by Howard Carter, and it became the subject of the famous legend of the Tutankhamun curse."
"Ramesses II is considered the greatest pharaoh in Egyptian history, and his reign was the most prosperous and extensive."
"Ancient Egyptians believed that cats were magical creatures capable of bringing great luck."
"This discovery is significant because it's the first evidence that the ancient Egyptians created cheese."
"Hatshepsut understood this better than anyone."
"Maintaining the golden age ensured Hatshepsut the support and loyalty she needed to rule."
"Ancient Egypt was one of the greatest and most powerful civilizations in the entire history of mankind. This civilization lasted for over 3,000 years."
"The culture treasures and knowledge of ancient Egypt are almost unrivaled, and to this day, there's still a lot to discover about them."
"Sealed coffins in Luxor: Archaeologists announced that they discovered a huge collection of more than 20 sealed coffins in the city of Luxor."
"The New Kingdom heralded an era of Empire building with Egypt's influence stretching from modern-day Syria to Sudan."
"Hatshepsut proved - more so than other Ancient Egyptian female rulers - that a woman could rule during a long, prosperous and expansive period."
"Some of the greatest architectural wonders of the ancient world, including her mortuary temple, were built during her reign."
"Ancient Egypt undoubtedly flourished under her rule."
"Assassin's Creed Origins is set during the reign of Cleopatra, an extremely tumultuous and pivotal era for Egypt."
"At the end it doesn't matter the color of your skin. Shai was Egyptian, were the Egyptian pharaoh their families the ruling aristocracy and the religious class black for."
"Despite efforts to distort ancient Egyptian history, there are undoubtedly notable pharaohs acknowledged as black and firmly documented in historical records."
"This was the official Book of the Dead and many like it were used all throughout ancient Egypt to help The Souls of the Dead find their way to the afterlife."
"It is disheartening to realize that women in ancient Egypt had to endure such vulgar treatment even during religious festivities."
"The Grand Avenue of sphinxes was the most important route that ran through the ancient Egyptian city of Luxor."
"All the evidence indicates it took 20,000 people to build the Great Pyramid in about 20 years."
"The construction sites of the pyramids might have resembled something more like a bustling city."
"The hint of much greater antiquity surrounding the entire Giza complex won't go away."
"The lost golden city of Luxor: the largest ancient Egyptian city ever uncovered."
"The Ark of the Covenant was very much an ancient Egyptian artistic piece."
"This journey of discovery has led a dedicated team of archaeologists to uncover the secret origins of Egypt, the greatest ancient civilization ever known."
"Some new and very mysterious ancient tombs have been discovered in Egypt along the Nile Delta."
"A mummy discovered in 2021, a pregnant mother mummified with a fetus inside."
"The tomb of a half-sister turned wife of King Tut, a mystery still unsolved."
"The reason why the temple wall is in front of the Sphinx is to act as the fourth barrier to the water."
"The Sphinx: originally a statue of Anubis, later recarved to resemble a Pharaoh."
"The lost golden city is located near Luxor and it was around during the reigns of some of the most famous Egyptian kings ever."
"The monument is still also known as 'Belzoni’s Tomb' and was described as 'The Sistine Chapel of Ancient Egypt'."
"Kane showed me our life as a pharaoh of Egypt and taught me its lesson."
"Mummification, the preservation of dead bodies became more than a science in ancient Egypt. It developed into a sacred ritual."
"No other people in history devoted so much time and expense to ensuring a safe passage into the eternal afterlife with their body intact."
"But even in real life, like this conversation,"
"The volume of this trade increased significantly with the establishment of Roman Egypt."
"You are an ancient Egyptian with arcane knowledge."
"The discovery is helping scientists better understand ancient Egyptian burial practices."
"The death of 8 million puppies may be heartless, but perhaps for the ancient Egyptians, it's seen as an honor."
"No other compares to the splendor, the grace, the elegance, and the beauty of Nefertari."
"Archaeologists discovered the 4,200-year-old tomb of a previously unknown Egyptian queen found near the pyramid of King Teti. Only 30 percent of Sakhara's contents have been excavated, while most of the sprawling site remains buried."
"The lost golden city is deemed the most important archaeological discovery since the finding of Tutankhamun's tomb."
"The discovery of this ship is quite unique; it was an ancient Egyptian Pharaoh's barge buried inside his funeral pyramid."
"You can learn much more about the lands of the Nile with the four-part documentary series The Story of Egypt."
"The Great Pyramid is effectively a scale model of one hemisphere of the earth... at a ratio of 1 to 43,200."
"Golden tongues in mummies: Enabling communication with Osiris, the god of the underworld."
"Generations of ancient Egyptians came to respect and fear this otherworldly creature, really believing that it had supernatural powers."
"By 3100 BC, Egypt had a complete civilization."
"The pyramids themselves are said to be the representation of a vessel, a ship that will carry and protect the Pharaoh through space-time."
"The Sphinx emphasized the greatness of the rulers of Egypt."
"Makeup was worn proudly by both men and women in ancient Egyptian times."
"These are not the tombs of the Pharaohs...way beyond the technology of any stage during dynastic Egypt."
"The Great Sphinx of Giza: one of the largest statues in the world."
"This might be the oldest building in Egypt altogether."
"Strabo describes it as having a canal that connected it to the Nile."
"To be reborn was something that the ancient Egyptians were really obsessed with, and that means that sexuality has a very large part to play in this."
"Three thousand years after her death, Azru's mummy has opened a new window on a distant past."
"Together they've helped uncover the reality of life at the spiritual heart of Egypt at a time when the country's power was at its peak."
"The Great Pyramid is absolutely elegant and marvelous even by standards today."
"The new evidence shows how Khufu's Great Pyramid project became the economic engine."
"Few structures are as iconic as the ancient Egyptian Pyramids."
"The temples of Abu Simbel sit on the shores of the River Nile in southern Egypt, built by the mighty Pharaoh Ramesses II."
"The Temples of Karnak, Valley of the Kings, Colossi of Memnon, and Mortuary Temples in Medinet Habu."
"The most sacred necropolis of the New Kingdom, the Valley of Kings, is located in a hidden dry river valley."
"The Priests of Amun accumulated immense wealth and power so after the pharaoh left the city unattended they could basically rule Thebes almost until the 7th century BCE."
"Raised by Pharaoh's daughter in Pharaoh's court."
"Lost Golden City: the biggest sensations since the discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb."
"The fact that an Egyptian pharaoh who lived more than 2,000 years ago even had a personal eye doctor is a reminder of how advanced the Egyptians were when it came to medicine."
"Ancient Egyptians manufactured stone vases for over five thousand years."
"The city will provide us a unique look into the lives of the ancient Egyptians at the empire's heyday."
"The great pyramid was essentially a mound of creation."
"The purpose of the ancient Egyptian temples was to assist in the transformation of humans into shining beings of light."
"Ancient Egypt's waterworks: a pre-dynastic marvel."
"Fascinated by Egypt, its mysteries, history, culture, weapons, soldiers."
"The incredible 66-year reign of Ramesses II."
"King Tut was one of a kind because his mother was not just his father's wife, she was also his father's sister."
"The Great Pyramid of Giza was once encased in White Limestone, making it appear polished and shining brightly."
"Archaeologists in Egypt uncovered an ancient site in a Nile Delta province containing 110 burial tombs, some of which contained human remains."
"The Great Pyramid is just off the charts in terms of perfection and close tolerances."
"The first Dream Dictionary originated in ancient Egypt."
"We had the first Egyptian pyramid and probably the first large-scale monument in history made entirely of stone."
"It completely dwarfed anything that came before it."
"It's a well known fact that many of the tombs in ancient Egypt had been looted for their treasures, so when archeologists were able to uncover tombs that haven't been touched for four thousand four hundred years, they were understandably excited."
"The royal tomb of Pharaoh Susannas the First was discovered rather accidentally in northern Egypt in 1939."
"Khufu’s Great Pyramid is the oldest and only one to survive."
"Ancient Egypt was a place of wonder and each and every day we stumbled upon all new facts that made clear just how incredibly ahead of their own time the ancient Egyptians truly were."
"Number 5: Mummified Babies Found in Tutankhamun's Tomb - The discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb remains one of the grandest archaeological finds in human history."
"Number 4: Screaming Mummy - While most mummies went through a tired and tested process to fully equip them for their journey into the afterlife."
"Several ancient Egyptian coffins and mummy cases have been found covered in a mysterious black goo."
"All throughout Egyptian mythologies are references to their supposed gods assisting the early Egyptian civilization by providing vast amounts of untapped knowledge about the universe."
"Seismic surveys had revealed a series of unexplained tunnels and chambers underneath the sphinx."
"For nearly 3,000 years ancient Egypt was the greatest civilization on Earth."
"The recent discovery of three giant Rams heads near the Temple of Karnak and Luxor showed researchers just how adept the Ancients really were."
"Nefertiti's tomb: If this turns out to be true, the rediscovery of her tomb may shed light on many ancient Egyptian mysteries."
"One of the biggest mysteries of ancient Egypt is no doubt that of the pyramids... a group of scientists decided that they would apply methods of theoretical physics in order to test the electromagnetic response of the Great Pyramid to radio waves."
"Nabta Playa could be the oldest example left behind by the civilization that eventually became ancient Egypt."
"The ancient Egyptians weren't obsessed with death... they wanted to live the best life they could."
"According to the Egyptian inscriptions, in 1177 BCE, the Sea Peoples attempted to invade Egypt."
"We've all heard of King Tutankhamun's tomb and the curse set upon anyone who dares enter it."
"Genetic studies confirm the black African lineage of ancient Egyptian royalty, debunking misconceptions."
"Cancel culture does not work because the minute someone is cancelled, they flip the script and all of a sudden they become the victim."
"The evidence thus proves that ancient Egypt was simply an extension and the epitome of the preexisting Nubian or Black African culture."
"The festivals of ancient Egypt all had one thing in common: drinking and feasting."
"New chamber discovered in iconic Egyptian pyramid, a lost chamber dating back 4,500 years."
"Archaeologists were stunned recently when they discovered the 4,200-year-old funerary temple of a previously unknown Egyptian Queen at the vast Saqqara necropolis."
"Archaeologists in Egypt have discovered 27 unopened coffins at the ancient necropolis of Saqqara."
"This extraordinary find marks the first authenticated Egyptian mummy of its kind, believed to be between 16 to 18 weeks old, and it offers us a rare glimpse into how the ancient Egyptians perceived unborn children."
"Deep inside the mountains, amid a maze of tunnels that bore deep through the rock, Carter reached the tomb of Tutankhamun hidden right in the center of the Valley."
"For the egyptian the depth experience which governed his world form was so emphatically directional that he comprehended space more or less as a continuous process of actualization."
"The Enigma of the Great Sphinx of Giza has made it a key part of a number of theories about the ancient Egyptians' Supernatural comprehension of extraterrestrial matters."
"Arnold didn't give the world monotheism; what he did was to correct the corrupt Egyptian priesthood of that day."
"Jason Martell: 'So it's a very interesting correlation, George, that we see the pyramids in Egypt and their astronomical connection...'"
"Ramesses was one of history’s first great propagandists."
"Khufu was the likely builder but many people still don't believe it clinging onto an idea that maybe he just renovated it or enlarged it."
"The ability to build the pyramid really requires strong central leadership and this could only have happened when egypt was a united country with a powerful king who was looked on as a god leading the nation."
"In charting the history of ancient Egypt, scholars rely on archaeological evidence..."
"The Pharaoh's duty was to uphold order against chaos and provide for his people."
"The size of the recorded numbers of goods combined with every other function filled by temples only serves to confirm their might as economic, religious, and political centers of power within Egypt."
"A recently translated papyrus from ancient Egypt has provided researchers with previously unknown knowledge of the embalming process."
"Tutankhamun was one of Egypt's greatest ever pharaohs he became a leader when his father died when he was just eight or nine years old"
"One of those king tut's death was one of those really strange inflection points that makes you wonder."
"Ancient Egyptians brought civilization to the world."
"By promoting unbiased research and embracing innovative technologies, we can advance our understanding of ancient Egypt."
"It is incredibly rare to come across intact lion remains in ancient Egypt."
"The Great Pyramid of Giza... served as the final resting place of the Pharaoh Khufu."
"The people who built the pyramids have now been found and reveal an astonishing insight into an ancient past."
"The three pyramids at Giza represent the peak of the pyramid-building art in ancient Egypt."
"One of the best things about studying ancient Egypt is that there always seems to be new things to discover."
"May your soul breathe any place you want; you are on the throne of Osiris."
"...the prayers in the document are asking that the book serve its magical function of helping the deceased priest to breathe and allow him to accompany the god of the dead, Osiris, in the West."
"Rejoice, O Egypt, to the height of heaven, for I am ruler of the South and North upon the throne of Atum."
"The construction of the pyramids was carried out according to a methodology remarkable in respect both to design and to precision of execution."
"Noble intellects gave the pyramids their all; pure minds exhausted their every effort for their sake."
"This was a union that would see the newly united Egypt grow to become one of the most influential societies in early human history."
"The Pharaoh in ancient Egypt was considered the living embodiment of the Falcon god Horus and the son of the sun god Rah."
"Mummification was expensive and only those with wealth could afford it: rich Merchants, Royal officials, and of course, the Pharaoh himself."
"Here what I have done in exceeding the ancestors: I am the king, the representative of God."
"Building their temples fallen into decay, giving birth to their structures as in the primeval times."
"Hatshepsut lived over 3500 years ago and to put into perspective how long the period of ancient Egyptian history is hachapsud lived over one thousand years after the building of the Pyramids of Giza and 100 years before Tutankhamun."
"Ramesses II was arguably the greatest of all ancient Egypt's pharaohs."
"The life and death of King Tutankhamun is still one of ancient Egypt's biggest mysteries."
"The mysterious Land of Punt is a lost kingdom, and the existence of the region is only known because of its mention in ancient Egyptian records."
"The Great Sphinx is one of the most mysterious of ancient Egypt and despite modern research, no one really knows why it was built and what its purpose was."
"Without the Nile, there would not have been an Egypt."
"The first pyramid arose in the time of Zoser... during this time the Nile had failed to flood for seven years resulting in a lengthy and severe famine."
"The pyramids were intended as resting places for the pharaoh, somewhere they were protected and preserved for the afterlife."
"It was really a state-of-the-art piece of military equipment."
"The fact is that I do think this text gives us the best possible lens for looking back into the mind-world of the ancient Egyptians."
"The man known to history as the Pharaoh Akhenaten was born at some unknown date and year."
"His father was the Pharaoh or king of Egypt, Amenhotep III."
"Akhenaten, as we will see, was a name he took himself later in his life."
"Egypt had emerged as far back as the fourth millennium BC as one of the first major centres of Neolithic and Chalcolithic settled civilizations."
"For reasons which remain elusive, he decided to proclaim the worship of Aten as a form of state religion."
"We all want to know ancient Egypt and maybe, just maybe, get a Howard Carter moment of our own."
"The fact that they were capable of core drilling perfectly round holes in solid blocks of granite is one of the most overlooked achievements of the ancient Egyptians."
"The Egyptians saw life as a gift from the gods."
"Alchemy originated from ancient Egypt, known as Kemit, meaning the black land."
"Movie supports the fact that the ancient Egyptians were skilled in the art of building great cities out of terrible CGI."
"King Tut, or Tutan Kamoon, was pretty young, like a teenager when he became the king of Egypt over 3,300 years ago."
"Under the stars, people wander, learning and dreaming, wonderstruck at the achievements of ancient Egypt."
"The pyramids were not created as simple resting places for the Pharaohs, they were built as giant machines for turning men into Gods."
"For the Egyptians, magic was a part of the universe. There is no superstitious mumbo jumbo in ancient Egypt; everything has a meaning, everything has a purpose."
"The pyramids stand as a testament to the extraordinary skills of the people who built them. They tower over history itself, truly among the greatest achievements of mankind past and present."
"Women had enormous authority in ancient Egypt."
"Ancient Egyptian society was obsessed with beer. The beverage was produced in massive quantities and served as everything from payment for the workers who built the pyramids to a ritual libation poured into the mouths of the dead."
"The Rind Papyrus is both a remarkable and important document because of what it tells us about ancient Egyptian knowledge of mathematics."
"The cult of death played a crucial role in ancient Egypt with its necropolises, pyramids, mummies, and sarcophagi."
"Visions of the ruler on the Nile opened up a new chapter in human history."
"The pharaohs believed that their power was coming directly from the gods."
"It's crazy that you have videos like I've never seen an hour plus video that just does a deep dive on some of the most minut details of some of the artifacts in ancient Egypt."
"Dr. Theophile Obenga, a prominent historian, egyptologist, linguist, and philosopher is known for his extensive research and scholarship on Ancient African civilizations particularly Egypt known as Kemet back in ancient times."