
Reporting Quotes

There are 815 quotes

"UAP reports have been around for decades, and yet we haven't had an orderly way for them to be reported without stigma and to be investigated."
"Data Analysts deal with data handling, data modeling, and reporting."
"I've been paying very close attention to the comments here on social media, and one more time, we're not going to report speculation, theories out there."
"Journalism is looking down the street and reporting back to people what you saw."
"There has to be a safe and transparent reporting process for pilots both on the commercial side and the military side."
"What's going on in Xinjiang, that it's been reported, is going on."
"An important characteristic I think of any good reporter is to have humility about any story that you're covering."
"The New York Times on multiple occasions reported bagel famines across the city."
"Do you consider yourself a journalist sometimes? When I go to cover a live event at the scene, I would consider that journalism."
"It's rare for us to actually report on something going well and good news in general, but here it is."
"Despite the low likelihood of transmission and the additional precautions, however, reporting is still crucial given the lifelong consequences of an HIV or HCV diagnosis."
"On the 5th of May, 1979, calls began pouring into Birmingham, Alabama radio news and the local police department from motorists reporting a car driving around with a hand sticking out of the trunk."
"Senator Johnson: 'The bias in the media is revealed far more in what they don't report than what they actually do report.'"
"We have to be responsible when it comes to what we tell you guys and what we report on."
"The point is the statements that were extrapolated from the reporting and stated as fact. That's the point."
"This is ABC News live Prime. Thanks so much for sticking with us, my for reporting, breaking news exclusives award-winning powerful eye-opening."
"It shows how survivors often don't go on to report their experiences"
"Anything measured improves, anything measured and reported improves exponentially."
"And bright bart does an amazing job of reporting on the stories that the mainstream media doesn't want two of these illegal alien criminals who take advantage of catch and release."
"Stop trying to be the first to report [__] and be the first with the inside scoop."
"Journalists are not there to pick sides. You're there to say what's happening."
"I think you made the right decision... if you cannot 100 verify something you don't report it out correct even on even on that one percent of doubt."
"The journalist's responsibility is to report what you see."
"Deploying a single report is pretty straightforward."
"That's surprisingly true. I gotta report that bug."
"The data insight report is absolutely incorrect."
"There's always more to the story than what is reported."
"Job well done to Rebecca Valentine. This is an excellently reported piece."
"Nobody's paying attention to this, we've covered this here on this channel since day one."
"The aggressive progressives ended up being the ones that were right and doing the good reporting on it."
"Four out of five manufacturers do not provide a way for people to report security vulnerabilities in the products. Out of the ones who do provide a way, only one in five advertise it."
"He just reported it at 9:19, what time is it?"
"The media's more aggressive approach to the story is the unusual part of it."
"This is just about bringing you the news exactly the way that we think it's important to do."
"To reiterate if you have information or were involved in one of these rug pulls report it if you're a victim of this report it to the authorities it does work."
"El Presidente announces a new snitch for cash program. Report something suspicious today and you could win fabulous cash prizes."
"He was like, go out, talk to people, get all their deepest, darkest secrets and innermost fears, and then come back and tell me everything."
"Smith moves on there's a sidebar and we get a lot more sidebars here's another sidebar and here's let's we'll go on a little bit more says Smith is now eliciting that she interviewed Bertino."
"When you was doing all the reporting, the whole world really gravitated to you because they thought you was from Chicago."
"With the last few days of your parents' vacations winding down, let's go to our Cosmo copter for a special report."
"The media just say George Floyd's murder as though there is no issue under contention there factually speaking it."
"I went to Great Lengths to make that report happen."
"Extremely powerful report, extremely powerful practice to do budgeting for your business."
"This is not okay, like we gotta report this."
"I've been reporting this for a very long time. Last year in March, this is a video that I covered on the situation."
"We create compelling interactive reports and dashboards and collaborate and share them with people inside and outside of our organization."
"Signs of child or elder abuse: Bruises of different stages, broken bones, fear of the caregiver, inconsistencies in the story. Any kind of abuse must be reported."
"The media puts out headline they're not going to put out man's nice to his wife."
"For each sighting that is reported, hundreds, if not thousands more, never appear on any official report."
"The exact inverse of what is taking place on the ground is being portrayed in the media."
"Instead of tearing each other down, why not help lift each other up?"
"You need to report it, you need to go to human resources."
"If you see something suspicious... report it."
"A lot of the information contained in these reports are widely skewed and inaccurate."
"There's someone in court at the moment that's reporting on this stuff not whilst they're in court on the breaks but they also have a YouTube channel as well um rumple of the bailey or something like that check out that video it's very very good."
"In the history of 60 minutes, I'm not sure we've ever reported a story that for the most part is pure fantasy, but that's how to best sum up QAnon."
"It's part of our DNA as reporters to be curious."
"Reported by not just anyone but the United States Air Force."
"This is very positive reinforcement of how powerful anonymous reports are when properly conducted by the government."
"I think it's actually quite fair reporting to start to put a bit of focus on Sir Jim that he owns Nice."
"This is a more detailed timeline than any of us could have imagined." - Jesse Weber
"I don't think I wrote many stories with named sources when I worked at the New York Times."
"As soon as the data changes, our reports will instantly update."
"Creating custom color themes will save you time when formatting your reports."
"It's never a waste of police time to report harassment."
"We've been talking to our reporters on the ground... one of the things we're seeing here... people left without their shoes."
"The stigma attached to reporting UAP is still too strong."
"The confidential human source is reporting the following: 'The Proud Boys were not involved in nor did they inspire the breaking of the barriers at the U.S. Capitol Building.'"
"Fifteen percent of Americans say they're worse off today than before the pandemic shut down the country." - Simone Boyce
"During a live 24 hour weather broadcast, the anchor heard the earthquake alarm and remained calm as he reported the size of the quake."
"Many people have seen UFOs. Rarely do they report them."
"People aren't waiting to report, and that includes mainstream."
"He treats these cases as if he would any other one, boldly reporting on them."
"There's no law that says that they're missing."
"I had a wonderful time and today I'm here to report my findings and to show you all some highlights."
"We need to normalize reporting, so every woman after you will feel it's important."
"I felt better the other day after I had reported the encounter and I felt even better after you called me with the off-air interview and I talked to you then and I feel so so much better now I just don't know how to describe it to you."
"I don't understand why other news agencies have not reported that."
"Everybody should be able to report unacceptable Behavior."
"You heard it here where other people are telling you what happened financially months ago."
"This is a story about good investigative journalism."
"Sometimes we have something we want to investigate, other times we're just at a scene."
"We're here to report everything that the mainstream media is not reporting."
"I think there is a way that we can come up with a compromise in which players in-game can report in a way that things automatically get done when five people report a bot that bot gets banned."
"There are literally dozens of people... behind me right now."
"All I can do is tell them what's going on on the ground in Russia."
"And of course, our reporting also suggests that police do not know the license plate number on that car as well."
"CDC is ordering labs to report a positive test result to public health agencies where they'll be counted as a coronavirus case come hell or high water."
"And in fact, the same voices that are telling you we want transparency, and we're going to require reports are getting very minimal reports."
"I just show what's really happening on the ground."
"I'll say this you know we have snow snow on the equator where there's never been snow before they won't report that climate change but no but they won't report that."
"Tomorrow is fundamentally different. This is not an average report."
"Why is it more newsworthy to report that this man got into an argument with a [__] short order cook and less important to speak about the fact that he graduated with honors on the A-B honor roll?"
"The numbers they've been reporting are phenomenal."
"If you look at the pattern, even the international Olympic Committee reported athlete deaths."
"Your reports matter. Players reporting is one of the most effective methods for identifying and actioning disruptive behavior."
"The full report will be made available to the public."
"So what does that mean for you as an individual? Well, first of all, if you have information about election fraud or voter fraud or something that is of concern to you that you've learned, you should contact your local and state officials about it."
"If you have information about election fraud or voter fraud, you should contact your local and state officials."
"...if you like the way that it looks and you want to put this into say a report or put it on a website or something like that, and you want a static image, you can export it as an image or a PDF."
"They obtained easy access to powerful reporting and customized dashboards."
"This is meant to serve as a centralized reporting layer."
"The AWS Cost and Usage Report is a service which will generate a detailed spreadsheet enabling you to better analyze and manage your AWS costs and usage."
"If you find problems, we did reports and we fixed it too."
"I'm sure in different companies you faced quality issues and you reported it to the quality control department and they fixed it."
"Who, what, when, where, how, and why - it is important to give at least some context to at least each and every one of these questions."
"We're here in Milwaukee covering one of the most gruesome serial killers the world has ever known."
"Voilà, we'll now be able to sum up all of our staff costs and hours worked for any given period and break that down by staff member."
"The star schema is a way of building a data model that is designed for reporting purposes."
"You're going to report it to the charge nurse."
"PowerBI is Microsoft's business intelligence solution that allows you to create reports to present visual insights to business users within fabric."
"People reported our stuff for bullying."
"If you see something bad or dangerous, you need to tell an adult about it"
"But we need reporters to do reporting. We need journalists. We need citizen journalists to be out there doing this reporting and that's what social media has opened up."
"I encourage you to report them as well because they are trying to scam people."
"And surprisingly, the FTC's website, which was not created by the dum-dums at New York, makes it easy to report spam."
"...people have been able to fill this Niche so I think there's still huge opportunity for people to be science reporters."
"We have a transparency report that we publish every quarter."
"I called the city and alerted them to the illegal rental unit the landlords were running."
"You've got your story for your newspaper."
"But continuing on the northbound 605 CHP right there with them we'll see if they get any more aggressive with this now."
"Themes are great for creating standardization across all of your reports, making sure that everyone's following the same standards that you have come up with."
"A really neat visual, it allows you to build in animations into your report. It allows you to build more interactive report visuals by using things like this play access visual."
"Data Visualization is where you'll build reports and explore custom visuals."
"I want to make sure that I have results that I'm displaying that not only are pretty and beautiful within a report, but they're actually accurate, and that's a big part of what we're trying to do here."
"With drill through, you can create a page in your report that focuses on a specific entity."
"We are bringing you an eyewitness account of what's happening on the Wilmeth Farm, Grover'sville, New Jersey."
"The news in Australia has been reporting, okay news report in Australia on several channels and outlets and everyone reporting about a certain, um luxury retailer."
"Building a report or building a dashboard, okay."
"Her courageous reporting on sensitive issues."
"If you see any issues they want to report it right away so that way they can take care of it right away."
"Kelly's story is remarkable not just for the extraordinary amount she gave her scammers but also because she was one of the 1% who actually reported the crime."
"I wish every news report was like that."
"It makes sense to maybe look at your chart of accounts and see how you can improve your overall reporting and ease of bookkeeping."
"If you cannot find them in his room, tell him that you will report this immediately to the nursing supervisor."
"Are things just reporting differently from the brands?"
"When we populate these boxes with numbers to create a report, we call this report a balance sheet."
"I'm going to sneak my way in and I will report back to you."
"It colors his reporting on the event and it was weird."
"If you report 10 things and nine of them are untrue and one of them is true, the one that is true does a lot more for you than the nine times that you got it wrong."
"We need to create an environment where people feel comfortable coming forward when they are assaulted and not waiting 10 years later. This is an example of that."
"The more people that come to it, the more cities we'll get to go to and get to spread this and some people say well it's going to take away from the investigation no part of the scientific method is to report your results."
"Truth is universal. Truth cannot be invented, it can only be observed and reported."
"Such extraordinary work, great reporting, beautifully written."
"If you have been scammed please do not take it in private go to the authorities file a police report I don't care if nothing happens but at least get it on record so in the future you can possibly do something about it just don't don't take it in private and post it."
"Reports are useful when you're looking at detailed information but where they're really powerful is when they come together multiple reports to drive a dashboard."
"Always remember, data model is the essential and the first step of going or creating your reports."
"Transform ugly pivot tables into slick reports."
"So as we talked about facts and dimensions, so we start with the fact table, this is really why you're creating the report, it's going to be the table that houses that aggregate or that metric value that you're looking to show, sales units, cost, transactions."
"A measure doesn't calculate its results until it's been added to a visual in the report. So it doesn't really matter which view you happen to be in when you write the expression for your measure. You won't see any results until you add it to a visual."
"If someone tells me that they've been abused, I am going to ask them questions and report whatever it is that they've said to me to the appropriate or the relevant authorities."
"It is an increasingly prominent issue. So, it is important for pilots to report this information so that action can be taken."
"If there was a executive male or female who has had sexual relations with one or more members of the roster who were all younger and unequal position like he's laid out there before, I think it would be reported to HR."
"AI is a powerful tool that can be used for a variety of purposes including automating reporting and analytics tasks, extracting insights from data, generating reports, and dashboards."
"You can't be a journalist, you can't be a foreign correspondent, you can't do reportage and also write something which is politically instructive to people who are politically active."
"SQL allows you to pull data out of databases, prepare that data, and then use it to report useful information or create visualizations."
"There's no story that's worth losing your life over. I value life over you know reporting. I mean of course the story is important but not more important than their Lives."
"What happens to reported email messages? To report an email message, you would do so through Exchange Admin after which it's sent to Security and Compliance for a review."
"Everything you put in your audit report has to be based on fact, has to be based on truth."
"In my experience, the best thing you can do as a report creator is create a report that's actually going to be used, a report that the end user actually understands and can take action with."
"What's more I'm going to tell up to internal affairs."
"Over the next seven years she reported nearly a hundred incidents of harassment, including physical attacks and threatening letters."
"There should be not a single thing stopping you from reporting it to that tip line."
"You create reports but for every one report creator we can have dozens of consumers. They also want to get some insight."
"The way Burp reports issues is that it gives you all of the information that you need."
"It's better to be on the safe side, obviously it could be in your imagination, but how many times you hear a story where someone's like 'Oh, I thought it was no big deal so I didn't report it' and then now it's too late?"
"This is report incidents to Motorcross."
"Hedera Hashgraph didn't do anything wrong. What they did was report on a massive milestone being achieved in regards to the tokenization of everything."
"there was a real opportunity for people to go into the world explore discover experiment and then return and report on your findings"
"...Ryan B on the outside of Row three."
"Every victim of a cyber incident should report it to SISA or FBI every time, knowing that a threat to one is a threat to all, and cyber security is National Security."
"Our board reporting and management reporting mechanisms tend to give us an edge against the competition."
"Always report these freaks. Always. If not for you, do it for the next victim, because there always will be one."
"We stand. We don't have to. Look, Sam, I said we ride this thing out and keep on reporting until someone sees it and makes it right."
"That databases received over 75,000 reports."
"Capturing what's going on, what cars are there, they interview, that sort of thing."
"You cannot be mad at anybody about stating the facts, but it's the way that you twist and report the facts."
"Good journalism, good reporting must work within the constraints of great editing."
"The first edition of the morning dailies lacks interest," he said. "A crime of some moment can be committed between midnight and Dawn and not a line appear in type concerning it until the later issues."
"The rapper and his second person inside, up top SkyFox, a better look at this series so you can imagine the chaos here."
"I saw something, I said something."
"Reporting someone who has sexually assaulted a minor makes you a bad friend."
"Worldwide statistics on those who go missing can be fairly difficult to establish as there are many countries who simply either don't report the cases or don't make the information public."
"...310 out of a, wom go to the police when they do go to the police will experience sexual assault rape or attempted rape in their lifetime."
"Journalism is the first rough draft of history."
"Stop reporting in real time on hijackings and almost overnight the hijackings just stopped."
"If we were able to just turn off the reporting about the mass shootings they would just go away."
"Perhaps by covering this case, we'll be able to create more awareness that may one day lead to more definitive answers."
"Report him. Definitely report them 100%."
"Matthew Caleb Pearson was interviewed."
"Personnel from the Phantom quickly contacted Overwatch Command reporting the situation, informing them that they have reports of multiple unidentified flying objects moving southeast at high velocity towards the ships."
"Best of all, the reporting system I built crashed due to lack of maintenance within a month."
"I don't need to do that on $100 winning at blackjack unless the casino is going to report it."
"Communication and reporting is so much important."
"Use of codes for reporting purposes only."
"She's an honest reporter and she'll tell the world what's going on."
"Anyone who has been victimized has the full support of the congregation to report the matter to the authorities," he added.
"The final report to just let everyone know how it went and the outcomes."
"We are pleased to announce that beginning November the 1st, 2023, congregation Publishers will no longer be asked to report the amount of time they spend in the ministry."