
Stigma Reduction Quotes

There are 131 quotes

"UAP reports have been around for decades, and yet we haven't had an orderly way for them to be reported without stigma and to be investigated."
"Safe injection sites... all showing the same pattern of infections, like HIV and hepatitis C, as well as overdose deaths, all decreasing as well as a general lifting of the stigma that came with addiction."
"This month is actually meant to raise awareness for mental health and fight all the stigmas that are around therapy and mental health."
"Stigma around Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia should be all but eradicated."
"Reducing stigma is fundamentally changing our approach to detection and diagnosis of cognitive impairments."
"Be a part of reducing stigma and emboldening others to do better and be better."
"Reducing stigma allows this whole conversation to open up."
"Continued conversation, reduction of stigma, is going to allow that to flourish and allow answers to help generate themselves."
"We want people to know from the beginning that the silence and stigma that attends to many people and prevents them from seeking out the kind of treatment and help that is available to them is a very big priority for us."
"We got to stop thinking that it's weak to take care of your mental health."
"The subject now warrants serious inquiry and discussion without ridicule or stigma."
"The more people that start to talk about their struggles, the less stigmatized they're going to be."
"We need a mechanism to indicate we are not putting on masks out of belief, so we don't stigmatize those who choose not to wear them."
"It's not any different. And honestly, I'm somebody who, I don't think we should stigmatize mental illness."
"Yeah, it's gonna be cool to see how this will change people's perspective of it, you know, if the stigma will kind of go away once it's legalized."
"It's important that people speak about these things. That is why everybody, as time goes on, is fighting for mental health disorders to not be so stigmatized."
"If you're looking for gift ideas this year, the Haines McLaren MP44 workshop manual is available in all good bookstores."
"The stigma has lasted too long. It's corrosive."
"Educate yourself and open up conversations to reduce stigma."
"We need to talk about mental illness to boost awareness and reduce stigma."
"We're moving forward, and the stigma is reduced."
"It is extremely important to dispel the stigma against those with bipolar disorder that they should be feared."
"I want to make this video to help educate people, break the stigma, and also help someone else who feels like it."
"The more that we talk about it, the less stigma there is and the more people are able to seek appropriate help."
"Learn how to take a 20-minute power nap without embarrassment."
"Nothing to be ashamed of, and if it ever happens to you, you should feel comfortable reaching out and getting help."
"The more we can share about our experiences with schizophrenia without shame, the better we're going to be able to shirk this negative stigma."
"Ultimately, the way to reduce stigma is through education and awareness."
"Mental health issues are nothing to be ashamed of."
"I'm a huge advocate for getting help when you need it and not being embarrassed or ashamed."
"I've made it my life's mission... to kind of remove the stigma of mental health."
"My goal is to break the stigma and make sure that people like ticks and roses aren't providing false education and false awareness. I want to get the truth out there."
"The example of his life and death did much to lift the stigma on werewolves."
"Accurate information about disorders is important as it helps reduce irrational stigma."
"If I can make that transition a little bit easier by shattering the stigma surrounding atheists... then that's what I'm gonna do."
"Blocks have been lifted, now is the time to pursue your passions."
"The more we can normalize having Narcan everywhere, everyone carrying it, then the less of that stigma that can still exist."
"These conversations about drugs and the things that lead people who use drugs, the way people are treated and kind of try to break down the stigma, it does make a really big difference."
"The more we can have these conversations about drugs and the things that lead people who use drugs, the way people are treated and kind of try to break down the stigma, it does make a really big difference."
"Acknowledging addiction as something that exists in this world isn't an offensive label to wear."
"Together we can break down the stigma of addiction."
"If you do it legally and you do it right, it doesn't have the same kind of stigma that it has today."
"May is a month to raise awareness about mental health, fight stigma, and provide support to anyone struggling with their mental health."
"So it's getting there, but it's important to do more activities like we do to make it simple and make it acceptable and do away with the stigma."
"Some men and male presenting people who have survived violent relationships and experts who work with survivors say the trial feels like a turning point in the stigma against male survivors." - NBC News
"If you guys ever need help don't be ashamed to actually seek professional help seriously."
"Mental illnesses are health conditions, not a result of personal weakness."
"Mental health is just something that really now more than ever needs to be destigmatized and addressed."
"We need to get rid of the stigma of it and we need to cheer on people that we know who are taking care of themselves getting help mentally."
"As we win the argument on the stigma, that makes more people feel they can open up."
"I have no shame in seeking out that level of help because it's necessary."
"Substance abuse is a disease and their recovery journey should never be used to shame someone."
"Strawberry cake is 100 percent a thing and it's awesome."
"Mental health is just as helpful as hiring a personal trainer to work on your physical health, and the positive impact can be just as life-changing."
"Speaking to a therapist should be as easy as going to a dentist, it should be something that's in all of our lives and it shouldn't be something that's seen as odd."
"Mental health is like dental health man it should be treated the same."
"Please do not hesitate in trying to get some medical help. There is nothing wrong with it. There is no stigma about it."
"But if the parallels to CFS/ME and fibro hold, it could be that long COVID might finally help bring an end to the stigma around these diagnoses."
"Therapy does not mean that you're crazy sometimes you need an outside perspective."
"If you're new, I'm Amanda. Welcome to the channel where we are all about shattering the mental health stigma."
"The number one thing I encourage here on the channel is sharing your mental health stories in the comments, good, bad, and crazy. That is how we shatter the mental health stigma."
"I like to take the stigma off mental health... It's no different than any other ailment."
"I want the stigma lifted I don't want people that have a biological injury told that they're mentally ill."
"The more we can talk about this stuff... the more we can break down the stigma."
"We must have no stigma, none, about wearing masks when we leave our homes." - Mitch McConnell
"Don't be ashamed if you need to go out and get help."
"There is already so much shame out there when it comes to periods so I really want to create a safe space here where I can find something that will work for you and we can talk about periods unfiltered."
"Understanding the biological impulses reduces some of the stigma that surrounds those behaviors."
"The more we can be less afraid, that's how we break down stigma."
"It's always okay to ask for help. There's nothing to be ashamed about. There's nothing to be ashamed about!"
"Maybe we as individuals cannot directly contribute to a cure but we can use our understanding to reduce the stigma that still surrounds mental disorders."
"You should not be ashamed if you're having mental health issues to reach out and get help."
"This is why I've fought so hard to increase interagency cooperation and to reduce stigma around reporting UAPs."
"Let's put an end to this stigma that getting help makes you look weak."
"It's helpful, man. Ain't nothing wrong with talking to somebody."
"We want to be the generation that speaks about mental illness so the next generation doesn't suffer the stigma."
"HIV and AIDS awareness: fighting stigma and promoting prevention."
"We need to destigmatize this, we need better treatment and access to treatment."
"Getting rid of the stigma associated with mental illness is a noble goal."
"We need to use language that is least stigmatizing."
"One of the things we tangentially hope to do as part of this study simply by talking about it in the open is to help to remove some of the stigma associated with it."
"I have nothing to gain out of being honest and open. I'm here to shed some information, reduce some stigma, and if I can help one person out there who may be struggling with the same things I have, that's why I'm here."
"Julia's inclusion in the show is also designed to reduce stigma and increase awareness and understanding of autism."
"We need to radically change the way we look at mental illness."
"Try to release that stigma to show people that there's this medical benefit that's not just like you know the having fun portions of it."
"Charlie Sheen's decision to speak openly about his diagnosis helps to combat stigma and misinformation surrounding HIV."
"No shame in therapy or help or anything like that."
"It's only through discussion that we can break the stigma around mental illness."
"We need to reduce that stigma and we need to come out and say, 'Yeah, I suffer... It's a normal thing; it's human to have this kind of suffering.'"
"Rapid-acting treatments are possible; we want to shed light on the severity of mental illness and decrease stigma."
"May is mental health awareness month, so Raquel has requested all of the posts focus on raising awareness for mental health organizations, advocates, and removing the stigma surrounding treatment."
"I really want to reduce shame and stigma."
"The beautiful thing about talking about it is it reduces shame and stigma."
"The more people talk about their mental health issues, the less stigma there's gonna be about not talking about it."
"Taking these drugs or going to a therapist is not for a crazy person; these things exist for a reason."
"There's a stigma about mental illness, and I think it is an illness just like any other illness."
"...it's all about bringing more understanding to mental illness so that we can end the stigma."
"His public disclosure of his disease helped reduce the stigma surrounding HIV/AIDS and drew much-needed attention to the importance of prevention and treatment efforts."
"I think that we've done an amazing job of removing stigma around HIV and AIDS."
"Role modeling can reduce stigma and make individuals feel more comfortable and relaxed."
"Take away the criminal aspect, and you open the door to more education, less stigma, more money for treatment, etc."
"We live in an era where stigmas should slowly disappear, not be reinforced."
"Every time somebody talks about their mental health, it breaks down a stigma that other people feel about their mental health."
"We need to end the mental health stigma."
"You should try to reduce the stigma of HIV/AIDS so more people talk about it and are happy to be tested."