
Short-term Quotes

There are 86 quotes

"Basically, any time I find myself trading my time for money, I always think, okay, this is fine for the short term, but it's definitely not where I want to be in the long term."
"The best short-term strategy may be a good long-term strategy."
"My style of trading options is short term, mostly day trading quick flips."
"We've seen meaningful improvements in 10 weeks."
"It starts next Monday, March 1st. It will run for 28 days."
"I'm confident this is gonna work well for the next few weeks."
"Investing in the stock market is risky and you could lose all of your money at the drop of a hat, but that is only really true if you're investing in the short term."
"I think there's a high probability we're at 60 [thousand for Bitcoin] by the end of the year."
"I think gold stocks will probably be 100 higher by the end of the year."
"I have selected you to get my Limitless advantages in the next 7 days."
"The markets are a weighing machine, but in the short run, they don't know what they're doing."
"Focus on self-improvement from now until the next 48 hours."
"Long term, good obviously, but short term, actually short term bullish here as well."
"I only tried the carbohydrates for about three weeks."
"Sometimes it's a short-term gain but maybe a long-term loss."
"So our long terms have ratcheted up and our short terms are coming back down to their happy point."
"Long-term investors get screwed by short-termism."
"'I didn't see any short term plan in that.'"
"There's just short-term gain, long-term gain."
"...for me in the short term right now I'm really looking at just where the money's flowing."
"I don't think it's gonna go on long term."
"Politics has to do both immediate answers and address long-term challenges."
"Whatever the cause, what we're looking for in the short term is stabilization."
"You know what's funny? I actually have very, very bad short-term memory loss, but my longterm memory is pretty good."
"I see that you use the eighth period moving average. How do you use it? I use it for intraday trading... It's a very short-term moving average."
"Our problem is that we treat potential solutions in healthcare on, like, a short-term basis."
"Trading ranges is more profitable than trading trends. Especially as short-term traders."
"...retain profits for smaller businesses... more likely to be short-term."
"Our brains are designed to Value the short-term immediate returns but it's very hard to take those actions that are gonna get us to the place that we need to in just a few years."
"I'm definitely not looking for something long term, but I love getting to know other people."
"Short-term happiness is like having the money, flexing."
"Short term versus long term: very important."
"You want to be happy for a week, go on a cruise."
"Short-term options have a brief expiry period, ranging from one week to a couple of months, making them ideal for quick results."
"I consider myself to be a short-term trader but I'm certainly not a high-frequency trader."
"Focus on the short term; you don't have to try it for two years to see what happens."
"Your time horizon just gets shrunk down and shrunk down and shrunk down until, you know, you're really trying to figure out how to get through the next week or the next day or the next, you know, class or whatever it is and thinking about the future, no."
"We're great at looking at short-term problems but we're very very bad at looking at long-term problems."
"Our journey together will be short but long-lasting in spiritual things."
"Benzodiazepines are prescribed for the short term."
"It's amazing to me what a short-term shot in the arm he was."
"Going for the long game is always smart, but sometimes I just need the cottage right in front of me."
"Sometimes you've got to be the guy that's willing to take the short-term L for the long-term W."
"Short-term missions can be worthwhile, but they can also be more about tourism than helping."
"It's that first uh uh you know couple months of a stock so I'm not thinking long term and well I traded a firm you know many times over the last year and the uh approach here was more swing trade-minded."
"You're not thinking long term at the moment."
"Creating short-term goals that can lead up to those long-term goals."
"There's a certain kind of attitude where, especially if you're caught up in the short term, it's just bad psychologically."
"It's always a short-term problem. You'll get through it. You'll be able to muscle through it."
"No one can tell when or if the market tanks short-term because that is dependent upon the supply and demand factors."
"Tactics are steps designed to accomplish short-term goals."
"Up until 2007, I have not had a romantic relationship in my life that lasted more than 6 months."
"It's our home for the next two days."
"Life started having more purpose in the short term."
"Set a short-term goal like 30 days; you can do anything for 30 days."
"ABLs are not used to finance long-term operations; they're used to support the day-to-day operations and are closed out usually within a 12-month period."
"Always focus on the short-term goal."
"That's fundamentally it, is chasing short-term views over long-term views."
"So much of the market is focused on what the company's going to earn in the next quarter, the next two quarters, but so little of the value lies in that time period."
"That's good news, that's not long at all, that's like in a few days."
"This is a 30-liter backpack, basically it's designed for short-term travel."
"An operational budget is a short-term financial plan used to coordinate the activities for the short-term goals of the company."
"In the short term, the stock market is extremely unpredictable."
"This kind of stuff is like short-term views, long-term you're losing respect."
"Friday to Sunday, it's amazing the impact a few days here can have."
"The military solution is a short-term solution that doesn't get rid of the root causes of the conflict."
"This is a one to three year play if you just stay consistent."
"The short run aggregate supply curve is the supply of all goods and services within an economy in the short run."
"Renting on the other hand is better for someone who wants a lot more flexibility."
"Weather is the short-term conditions of the atmosphere in a given area at a given time."
"It's best for somebody who wants to have cash now, they want to make big amounts of money quickly rather than thinking about the long term."
"It might work in the short term, but I guarantee it will not work in the long term."
"Oftentimes, what happens in the short term is the reverse of what everyone's expecting."
"Being a bully and mocking and ridiculing people in high school is such a short-term kind of popularity."
"The juice might taste really good in the short term, it's never really worth the squeeze in the long term."
"As long as you're happy from day to day, who cares about the future?"
"Outcomes usually occur at some point in the short-term to medium-term future."
"Short-term forecasting tends to be more accurate than longer-term forecast."
"Short-term memory is a place where information is stored temporarily."
"You are trading short-term clicks for long term distrust."
"The market gets a voting machine in the short run and a weighing machine in the long run."