
Future Events Quotes

There are 545 quotes

"Celebrate yourself; you deserve it...there's going to be a big celebration in the near future."
"Money will play an essential role in all of the events of the future, including the end times."
"I'll be watching with great interest what happens over the next year."
"Their purpose of putting this together was to teach of a prophetic event, a yet future event."
"There's no hiding from this reality and with it due sometime in the next 28 years, it's time to get ready because the one thing all survivors of the last event have in common: they seem to be preparing to hide from the sky."
"This is a turning point. There's more to come."
"It's a prelude to what's coming up in the future."
"We're just gonna have to wait and see how things go."
"We might not know exactly when it's going to happen, but we know that it will."
"Whatever decision you're taking in mind takes into account the high likelihood of the probability of this thing actually happening in the future."
"Lots in store for you guys, so can't wait to see you in the future."
"I'm waiting for that day; it's going to be epic."
"This is arguably one of the most important events leading up to 2100."
"I can't wait to find out what's going to happen."
"It's definitely a possibility that it will eventually be introduced."
"By the end of this year, this person will emerge."
"You can read all, I mean you could know everything you could possibly humanly know about 2021, but you wouldn't know what's gonna happen in 2022."
"My honest answer is one more, because last year I was like, 'This might be my last one.'"
"I kind of see you possibly shedding tears over this in the next few months."
"The things that are about to happen I think are going to hit us chapter after chapter after chapter."
"Very soon there's going to be some cool stuff happening."
"Exciting things are happening, exciting things will continue to happen."
"Congratulations, I'm excited to see what you do tomorrow."
"God spoke to me last fall 2023 and said 2024 I'm going to begin the process of birthing something in the earth realm."
"Everything that you're hearing us talk about you're going to see in 2024."
"I think there is still some things that are potentially going to happen here in the next couple weeks."
"I can't wait for like more legends and just all the fun stuff that's coming out there."
"Some lives are going to be changed tomorrow, and some lives are going to change in a couple of years."
"There's a wave of trouble coming but God says I'm going to release a wave of unity."
"Something is coming, and it's going to be worthwhile."
"This is only the beginning folks, there's a lot more to come."
"We're really bad at predicting whether these things are going to happen or not."
"Tomorrow is going to be absolutely incredible. Bring tissues."
"Some really exciting things to look forward to."
"Some of the things that are happening or will happen in the future have to happen to fulfill prophecies that have been given to us."
"Here's to the next one... I cannot wait to catch you in the next one."
"It's not a matter of if it's gonna happen, it's when it's going to happen."
"The Millennium is a period of 1,000 years that is going to take place in the future."
"Something is coming, it's a major opportunity for you in June."
"You don't get to be first in line, so we will see a lot more of that."
"I just don't. That's my prediction. We're going to be talking Girardi at the end of next year too. Just write it down."
"Anything can happen, we're getting into that territory."
"It's compelling it's gonna be absolutely amazing."
"The storm is coming, it's just a matter of when."
"Just start preparing now because something big is about to happen."
"It's gonna be a fun 12 months man, it's a a lot of people look listen man all right y'all gonna try and talk about that listen."
"Let's see what happens, and I'm looking forward to it."
"We should be optimistic because as these things are happening, we have the return of Christ on the horizon."
"Maybe aliens will land next week, we don't know."
"That's crazy, we gonna see what we gonna see."
"The next big one is a matter of when, not if."
"What will be happening is for everybody's highest good."
"It's gonna be very interesting the next 15 months or so leading up to 2024."
"It's just gonna be crazy to see what happens."
"Just because something isn't done now doesn't mean it's not going to happen."
"September and October 2021 are gonna be huge, massive, and so important to you."
"I think that's going to be the biggest thing that happens in 2024 in terms of new gaming stuff."
"2023 is going to be the great year of the revealing."
"In the next month and a half this is going to happen."
"Our future is that Moshiach is going to come."
"It'll happen quicker than most of us can imagine."
"Pretty soon you might be able to hug your loved ones."
"We could very well see all of those attempts intensify over the next few weeks and months."
"What might happen if and when we discover evidence of an alien civilization."
"Big changes are happening, big things are coming very soon."
"Is there a scriptwriter out there? Well, you bet there was."
"I'm excited, I'm really looking forward to this."
"I'm having a ton of fun. I'll be happy to do more of these if you guys enjoy them."
"There has to be something in there that you are looking forward to."
"I will see you next time on the battlefield."
"We need a much better understanding of the things that are soon to come on the earth."
"You make this fun and I look forward to seeing you in the future debates."
"The events of Matthew chapter 24 have not happened yet."
"By the end of April, something you've been praying for is coming to you."
"It can be absolutely massive, we'll see you then."
"We don't have an election until November of 2024. I mean it's such a long time away even though it seems like it's tomorrow it's not and a lot can happen a lot will happen uh the Republicans seem like they are in total disarray."
"I hope that it snowballs and next year's will be even bigger."
"Birthday is coming guys, you know, let's see what happens."
"A lucrative opportunity is going to come up here for you in the fall."
"Get your houses in order because things are about to start happening."
"I can't wait till the next one, and as always, there's plenty more to come."
"2024 promises to be even more eventful, potentially kicking off with the third Starship flight!"
"Look forward to something very cool very soon."
"I can't say that I'm sure very much about what's going to happen because this was just simply not scheduled to happen this way."
"I'm just super excited to see all that play out."
"Jesus Christ will one day be here with all of us."
"There's so much that could happen... it's gonna be amazing."
"Out of town and we're going to have an actual democracy in this country. November 2020 could also be potentially the greatest day of our lives. Let us whisper of a dream."
"We are fast approaching a time known as the Tribulation, the worst time in human history."
"The next 10 months are going to be the wildest you're going to see."
"Do you think we'll get one before the end of the year?"
"What you're manifesting is about to come true."
"Let's be ready because the next one's coming."
"Trust me when I tell you, something is coming."
"Let me know in the comments down below when you think the event is going to take place."
"This is an important primer for we're going into next."
"Welcome to the Future...5 days of the future hangover is still definitely a thing."
"Something big is brewing, something beyond our imagination."
"So I just put out there you know when we say well what's the next shoe it could easily be Roswell."
"When the shift actually begins, there will be no doubt."
"Whatever it is you're trying to accomplish, you will hear good news about that in the next three weeks."
"I thank you all for it, looking forward to seeing you all in 2017."
"It's just the perfect appetizer for what is to come in the coming months."
"It's inevitable that event. Hopefully it won't be soon. But eventually, there's going to be. There are going to be more pandemics in the future."
"I'm really, really buzzed for what is ahead."
"What happens after October is going to be amazing."
"I'm a firm believer that there's going to be an apocalypse."
"Just because something hasn't happened yet never means it's impossible."
"We're definitely gonna be in for an interesting couple of years."
"But maybe, maybe one day, there will be a rematch, who knows? Stay tuned."
"Next week, we're going to get a lot of answers hopefully."
"This isn't the end there's wilder still even now."
"The events that have already begun are only going to intensify greatly times 10 maybe times 20."
"There are unexpected changes ahead, unexpected communication coming through."
"What if I were to tell you that I could predict down to the second a future apocalyptic event?"
"Bring on 2021. I can't wait. It's gonna be so fascinating!"
"The industry at large needs to change for the better and Activision Blizzard cannot be let off the hook."
"The shoes that are yet to drop are going to be the most profound."
"I'd love to know what you think's going to happen next week let me know down in the comments."
"There are no other books of religious writings that describe what's going to happen in the future than the Bible."
"I think this could happen. And you know what? I think it will happen."
"Spirit wants to bring to your attention an important decision that is likely to occur."
"Thank you guys so much for hanging out, potentially we'll be doing some more Apex Legends mobile closed beta gameplay in the future."
"The future cannot be predicted with certainty, yet current understandings of various fields of science can aid in the prediction of some of these far future events."
"It gives everybody a little glimmer of hope. They got something to look forward to."
"I'd say let's see what the FED has to say tomorrow."
"2023 is about to be one hell of a year that you do not want to miss out on."
"It's not a question of if but a question of when."
"Time is going to tell, and I will be here to watch."
"It's gonna be great, it's gonna be really good."
"August 2021 is going to be an interesting month."
"I hope to get more clan battles in the future because this was so entertaining."
"But honestly I've got literally no idea where we're gonna go next."
"It's really, of course, just a question of when, not if."
"I can't wait for that either, that's gonna be awesome."
"The 29th of January is actually going to reveal an absolutely remarkable, remarkable, remarkable situation."
"It's probably first quarter of next year, just my intuition."
"What is going to come now is in my mind explosive."
"I would like to talk about the future of Remy's wedding because Ollie, I feel like..."
"I'm just really unsure of what could happen next."
"Whether it will ever happen continues to remain a hotly debated topic."
"Your justice is coming by the end of August."
"You are gonna have such an interesting moment when it comes to May. It's all gonna start with a very good news, a very important news."
"Whenever stuff happens like that and people start really cheering for the end of something, then what is to begin after that is not that far away."
"Thankfully we actually have some kind of actual evidence for once that there is a direct possibly coming soon maybe possibly even two before the end of March."
"There's an awakening coming where it's going to be like a 1,000-foot tidal wave sweep across the Earth."
"She's not booked just yet but I'd bet that we'll see her again before the summer."
"I believed that this was a foreshadow what's coming."
"It's going to be a big year, and I know you're going to be a huge part of it."
"It's not helping us. What's coming up next is gonna surprise everyone."
"But either way, there's still a lot to look forward to into this coming season."
"I'm gonna be thinking about this for the rest of the year."
"Global peace and prosperity precede the tribulation."
"There is coming in a day not too much in the distant future when a superman is going to rise."
"Get ready for something exciting on the horizon."
"I think the only thing that might spare us Donald Trump in 2024 might be his demise."
"Thank you for joining me for this program today. I look forward to you joining me in future programs on this channel and on our main channel The Duran."
"October is going to be a really fun, interesting time."
"If you knew there was going to be a long winter, you might buy an extra snow shovel - be wise."
"So, for all those wondering, there's a very early prediction that this was going to happen."
"That's something interesting to look forward to."
"Let's just see what happens here over the next coming weeks into the close of the year."
"I hope you enjoyed this, I hope you're hyped for the fun future things that could happen once we're finally no longer in the Shadowlands anymore."
"I'm looking forward to it, man. I'm really looking forward to it."
"The next several months are going to be absolutely explosive."
"I'm starting to think we'll never know."
"It's going to be an exciting few months ahead."
"Temper your expectations, let's see what happens after the next map."
"We've got a lot of things to look forward to."
"The New Testament tells us that his defeat is sometime in the future."
"There's a promise but I don't know if it's actually going to happen."
"Official first contact is basically the ideology of when, as human beings, we're going to meet aliens."
"But yeah, get pumped for the next chapter in two weeks. But yeah, get pumped for that."
"You've got a lot of celebration coming for you."
"I want to know what happens next, I want to see."
"2020 is the last year, the aliens are going to shut this whole project down very soon."
"The Olympics proved nothing. The Olympics, what it did prove is that I hope Kevin Durant comes back for Paris in 2024, but we're not getting no gold medal."
"I thought it was a great fight. I'd rather see it down the line than immediately."
"I think it's going to be one of the main ones for 2024, don't you guys?"
"We still want to see your rigs, exactly right. And we're going to have... I can't wait to see some of the stuff that comes out next year."
"Certainly, people feel like something big is on the horizon."
"There's no reason to assume it can't happen again."
"There's something really big still waiting in the wings."
"If it does happen quicker than I can imagine, I wouldn't think it'd be quick."
"The next three months are going to be historic."
"I really hope that this doesn't keep happening that's what I'm very concerned about."
"These days that are coming are the most glorious days the body of Christ has ever seen."
"Once this massive event happens, you can never go back."
"Eighty-seven feels so freakin' far away, I am so excited."
"I'm so excited regardless of what happens for what's to come."
"There is a celebration on the horizon for you."
"The Earth will see super eruptions in the future."
"This is the tip of the iceberg compared to what's coming."
"I believe that disclosure will happen, I don't know how it'll happen but I do believe there will be a form of disclosure that happens."
"Not sure when, but as I said, the soonest would be 2024. Truth."
"Write this down, someone. We need this to happen next year."
"I do believe it's a rehearsal for what's about to come."
"Part of me really feels like we're gonna have a Black Swan event during that time frame after the 21st."
"Whatever happens next, it's not going to go down the way you think it is."