
Star Trek Quotes

There are 1027 quotes

"Let's take a look at all the wonderful, charming blunders of Star Trek: The Next Generation."
"The Borg collective once thought to be a juggernaut that could not be talked to, was just like anyone else when they were about to be exterminated."
"We all originate from lesser species. I myself came from Species 125, but that's irrelevant now. We are Borg."
"The Borg were all one unit, one organism. They no more would lose a drone than lose a finger."
"Star Trek had never been about one character's journey."
"As long as Star Trek shows are embracing a hopeful future for humanity via characters that we can all see a piece of ourselves in, and at the same time perhaps take us on new fantastic adventures, then we'll be happy to be a part of it."
"The Federation isn't about ships. The Federation's about its people."
"You know, ever since Star Trek originally premiered in 1966, there have been too many memorable moments to count."
"The equinox ship and crew serve as a dark reflection of Voyager."
"Jennifer Lien is given so much more material to work with as Kes has to quickly and efficiently explain her predicament to each new version of the crew she encounters and help them engineer a solution."
"Scorpion is an awesome Borg story, introducing a new foe which is as threatening to the Borg as the Borg are to everyone else."
"Janeway is a great balance between the idealism of Picard and the ruthlessness of Sisko."
"Star Trek has always been used to talk about commentary."
"I'm wearing a Star Trek, this is The Next Generation Star Trek red shirt."
"This message is for you: Star Trek Picard season 3 is like getting an eighth season of The Next Generation."
"What makes this such a bold idea is the overt departure from the idea of the Federation being the unquestioned good guys."
"Deep Space Nine was seen as the black sheep of the Star Trek franchise."
"We have aspirations to basically become Star Trek."
"James T. Kirk was the best captain any[way]."
"The optimistic future of Star Trek is meant to be a future where humanity has moved past the need to use violence to further its ends."
"By the mid-1980s, the Star Trek franchise was a pop culture phenomenon, boasting a massive international fandom."
"The mystery of the unfolding events is magnified when Q appears yet again, revealing that humanity is still on trial."
"Picard shares one last scene with Q in which the omnipotent trickster finally concedes to the great sense of potential in all humans."
"That is the incredible legacy of Star Trek: The Next Generation."
"Star Trek has many intrinsic merits, but the main reason it means so much to me is that it hit me at a formative age."
"The best part of Star Trek is not Spock screaming and punching someone... it's them sitting down and talking about subjects."
"Maybe that's where I get it... Star Trek... I think of a series in which there is open dialogue for the sake of exploration."
"Star Trek: It's been around for almost 60 years."
"I think Star Trek is special. It's always dared to be different, to be hopeful and optimistic, to create a tapestry of idealism and a belief in a future history where the galaxy strives to make life great for everybody."
"If you make good Star Trek, they will keep coming back."
"Star Trek the Next Generation proved that the themes of Star Trek could transcend the 1960s... that there were other stories about other characters to be told."
"Star Trek wasn't just about the first crew of the Enterprise; it was about the generation that started it and the generations that have yet to discover it."
"Star Trek was a joyously optimistic view of a nearly utopian future, a vision of humanity to inspire the ages."
"Star Trek wasn't dead, it was merely resting."
"Star Trek needed to feel fresh and exciting; for lack of a better word, Star Trek needed to be cool."
"The essence of Star Trek is not to fight; fighting is the last resort."
"Star Trek is much about exploration as it is about combat."
"Star Trek helped jumpstart my imagination and helped me figure out what I wanted to do with the rest of my life."
"It was here the phrase 'Wagon Train to the stars' was coined."
"Lucille Ball was a highly successful figure on TV... recognizing the value of such a progressively minded show, she pushed... NBC to go for a second stab at a pilot."
"To love Star Trek is to love science, cowboy diplomacy, complex moral dilemmas, and questions about the meaning of existence."
"Star Trek Strange New Worlds is a unicorn. It simply shouldn't exist."
"Star Trek Strange New Worlds can be that Star Trek show where everyone has a seat at the table."
"Star Trek was exactly of its time, speaking flatly against racial prejudice to prejudiced Americans."
"Star Trek...optimistically assumes that humanity's ethics and morality will evolve at the same pace as their technology."
"The franchise's first major convention gathered fans at the Statler Hilton for 'Star Trek Lives'."
"Fan films are the purest form of love for Star Trek."
"So join me won't you, as we go into the final frontier, to explore what in particular made me fall in love with Star Trek: The Next Generation, by extension Star Trek as a franchise, and why its appeal continues to last to this day."
"Star Trek: The Next Generation was born and Star Trek's second Dark Age was over."
"Bryan Singer came forward with an idea called Star Trek Federation set in the 30th century."
"J. Michael Straczynski's series proposal really was a complete reboot of the franchise."
"The Star Trek franchise appears to be a constant source of new ideas."
"If nagilum doesn't do it for you... let's talk about another of the creepiest alien adversaries to ever appear in Star Trek: the Borg."
"No other television show has boldly gone quite so many places as Star Trek."
"Why Must I Be a Crustacean in Love? - A loose parody of classic Star Trek with hilarious gags."
"Spock is the most important character in Star Trek, but the reason why Spock is so important to us."
"Star Trek lives, thanks to a group of dedicated trekkers."
"Hey, it's Star Trek's anniversary today and I made it."
"Beyond was also well received by Star Trek fans in general, with even some of the previous film's detractors being won over by its TOS vibe."
"We'll be back every now and then to talk more about Star Trek because there's lots of little nuggets in this."
"Something as complex and historical as Star Trek, I mean it goes back 50 years. How do you do that with a new cast and a new crew?"
"I think it's a brilliant idea to put Star Trek trailer in front of Star Wars."
"It's a brilliant idea to put Star Trek trailer in front of Star Wars."
"The scene where he finally breaks is another one of those iconic quotable Star Trek moments."
"Ultimately, I think First Contact is a Star Trek movie which just gets things right."
"The Next Generation was a groundbreaking show and a watershed moment in the history of science fiction television."
"The Klingons will always be an important part of Star Trek."
"The Borg, for me personally, they're my favorite Star Trek villains. I think they have such a cool concept, such a scary concept and such an awesome creepy design."
"Sulu becoming captain of the Excelsior is straight up awesome."
"Her betrayal of Spock and his resulting actions are actually very dark."
"In my opinion, this is extremely unfair on Bennett whose tireless efforts and outsider approach to Star Trek helped rejuvenate the franchise."
"The Star Trek franchise has delivered some of TV's best science fiction."
"I like the fact that it's not just a space adventure and firefights take a ship take the enterprise park it over a planet and then have the scenario play out and then give us a life lesson at the end and sweet Star Trek."
"My loyalty and commitment to my family is unmatched."
"I'm truly happy inside, and nothing else really matters other than your family."
"Seven had great relationships: Captain Janeway, her parental figure; Harry Kim, lost in his perpetual crush; Tuvok, her ally against the emotionals; The Doctor, her mentor."
"The point of Star Trek was to give us something to aspire to."
"We're part of the United Federation of Planets, and we're actually explorers without being conquerors."
"Star Trek: Chris Pine's Kirk returns with Chris Hemsworth as his father? Sounds epic!"
"Star Trek reboot by Noah Hawley? Legion and Fargo writer? Sign me up!"
"Star Trek directed by Quentin Tarantino? A 1930s gangster planet? Count me intrigued!"
"Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan is a spectacular swashbuckling adventure."
"The spirit of Star Trek had successfully been recaptured."
"Star Trek was back, a valued franchise for its studio and an adored pop culture icon for fans."
"The dialogue between Kirk, Spock, and Bones is witty and fun."
"The writers really get Star Trek and use it as a great vehicle for an emotional story."
"The gag reel from the Next Generation has created more memes than there have been 502 errors on the Holodeck."
"Star Trek has blessed us with these very human hiccups and hijinks for decades."
"Anson Mount accidentally reveals Pike's detailed knowledge of the 24th century."
"To boldly go where many fans have gone before."
"Star Trek in the year of 2016 is celebrating its fiftieth anniversary."
"Star Trek was always a reflection of the era of politics in which it was being written."
"The overall deconstruction of Star Trek is a necessary part of keeping the franchise alive."
"In some shape or form Star Trek Legacy is going to happen an outstanding showrunner Terry matalis is going to be a part of it."
"For me, Star Trek has always mattered so much. But I never got to really see myself in the show."
"Star Trek is about Gene Roddenberry's vision of the future."
"No show does it better than the adventures of Captain Jean-Luc Picard and the crew of the Enterprise D."
"If you like Star Trek and you like graphic adventure games, either one of these is really, really good."
"This made me excited. I'm a hardcore Star Trek fan."
"I really enjoyed it, and I'm a big Star Trek fan."
"If you're a Star Trek fan, you should be excited."
"So, in my opinion Star Trek was pretty forward-thinking for its time."
"Anchored by the performance of Anson Mount as Captain Christopher Pike."
"Positively glowing, lauding the series as the best Star Trek show in decades."
"Best Rotten Tomatoes score of any of the dozen Star Trek shows."
"What ruins Star Trek it wasn't the TNG films it was the Dominion war a large unfolding plotline about a full-scale war was neat but like my great granddaughter crystal it showed us all the goods too soon and left nothing to the imagination."
"When you go too far Star Trek will just need another reboot in five years like everything else."
"Let's make sure history never forgets the name Enterprise."
"The seamless saucer to secondary hull, Voyager style layout, the twin Bussard collectors and the narrowing long nacelles - it looks so elegant, elegant really is the word for this ship."
"I think it's definitely my favorite era of Star Trek design in general."
"Tarantino is serious about his desire to make a Star Trek movie."
"Star Trek is a post-scarcity liberal order that might actually be achievable."
"Portraying the Federation as if it should be kind of undermines the whole purpose behind it."
"When approaching any of the design of the ships that we've been doing in this Trek shows, it's been very important that each feel like its own thing."
"The future that Star Trek represents is so inspiring. It is one of peace, equality and Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations."
"Thank you once again for visiting me here in The Ready Room. Live long and prosper."
"I will always fight for a future like Star Trek where we take Delight in the differences of others."
"Thank you for being you thank you for being beautiful and uh to end as I always do I hope you all and I truly mean this live long and prosper."
"Star Trek Deep Space 9: the Trek franchise's most compelling series."
"Rocks and Shoals: a tragic and memorable sequence."
"Because of you on Star Trek, I stopped being what I was."
"Thanks to Star Trek, we have been blessed with so many strong performances across all of the various shows and films."
"That's how I came to Star Trek, and I wanted to be Uhura for somebody else who maybe didn't think Star Trek meant that they would be in the future, but it does."
"It destroys the core ideas of the Federation."
"Star Trek has been my favorite franchise since I was five years old."
"I loved it. I loved it. I've watched all 10 hours three times. I loved it for no other reason than I thought it was very good Star Trek."
"If Picard's season three is what you feel it is and receives an outpouring of love and support, what is the likelihood that Terry Metallis would become the Star Trek czar?"
"Star Trek has been boldly going for over 50 years."
"The look of Star Trek is so identifiable, fast forward to the future."
"Given just how vast the franchise of Star Trek has become over the decades since Captain Kirk first sat in the captain's chair, there's a lot that was left on the cutting room floor."
"I'm so delighted that there's a Utopia as part of the mix because we need the point the Counterpoint I love the whole Star Trek universe that we have solved the world's social problems so now let's go explore some bigger issues."
"He was then contracted to play Kirk for the Star Trek series and held the role from 1966 to 1969."
"It wouldn't be the Enterprise without a Sulu at the helm."
"Star Trek 6 has been hailed as a triumphant ending to that era of Star Trek."
"Before and after it was a movie, the Star Trek revival was planned as a TV series."
"Star Trek 2, The Wrath of KH, is still the most popular Star Trek movie."
"Being part of Star Trek gave me a family, the cast of Star Trek loved me and loves me unconditionally."
"Janeway's adventures in the Delta Quadrant were absolutely legendary."
"Archer pioneered many of Starfleet's core values including the prime directive."
"Star Trek's about collaboration not individual superheroes doing stupid [__]."
"Seeing John as a Vulcan and Jank as a Klingon clarifies so much."
"We get the amazing emotional connection between Picard and Roe."
"Every character on Star Trek is just confident and smart and intelligent and professional. No, sir."
"William Shatner's return is solid canon in my Star Trek head."
"Did you guys ever see the clip from Star Trek where they stabilized all the camera shakes?"
"Star Trek is not just a bunch of made-up technology mumbo-jumbo."
"Star Trek lived in a world where people strive to better themselves."
"The Enterprise-D was the first Enterprise to carry a civilian population, including the families of Starfleet personnel."
"If the Captain Picard ultimate adversary was not the Borg it was that the Romulans it wasn't even - it was the men at the studio held the purse strings."
"Star Trek has always been a beacon for a brighter hopeful future... well, most of the time anyway."
"Star Trek was much more than just a sci-fi show."
"But again, Star Trek was more than just sci-fi, it was about humanity's future. And you guys are incredible."
"Spock and Kirk are probably one of the most iconic duos in popular culture history."
"Why do they take Dr. McCoy to the Genesis planet?"
"The Kobayashi Maru is designed to test the captain's reaction to a no-win scenario, to both tease out their normative leanings and assess their resolve when the chips are down."
"Resurgence is now out in the world for fans to play, offering the most Star Trek gaming experience in years."
"Wow what a powerful moment that would be be like Star Trek when the enterprise went down for the 50th time."
"Founded in the 9th century by the legendary hero Kahless 'the Unforgettable', the Klingon Empire was a feudal monarchy led by an Emperor and High Council."
"A proud and courageous people, they were among the first to stand up against the Dominion Invasion of the Alpha Quadrant in the late 24th century."
"With the outbreak of the Dominion War in the 24th century, the assassination of a Romulan Senator led them to join the Federation Alliance."
"One of the greatest things about Star Trek is the passion of the community to not just watch it uncritically but to examine it deeper and try and fully understand the universe in which it takes place."
"Some of these theories were found on Reddit, others from Trek video games, and a few are just things that everyday Trekkies end up thinking about sooner or later."
"In short, this battle, having prevented a war and spurring the Romulan-Klingon Alliance briefly, would have an impact on the quadrant that would last for decades."
"Stardate 9521.6, Captain's log, USS Excelsior. Sulu gets to be the [ __ ] captain of his own starship and takes."
"Star Trek's vision of the future was timeless."
"I know that it looks bad, but 35 years of Star Trek have given me the indication that it's probably going to work out okay for our heroes."
"The primary setting for the movie is during the time when James T. Kirk ascends to be captain of the starship Enterprise."
"Winona made a brief appearance in the Star Trek film as Spock's human mother Amanda Grayson."
"Whether you are a main star or a simple guest of the week, live long and prosper."
"Anson's Pike is the best thing that happened to Star Trek in 20 years."
"Lower Decks is Trek and Humanity at its best."
"The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few." - Spock
"It was capped off with getting to see the Enterprise F which is the Starship design for the Enterprise F from Star Trek Online uh so getting to see that in live action was gorgeous."
"Fan films are I think the purest form of love for Star Trek."
"Star Trek is the show as Gene Roddenberry envisioned it."
"The best ship of the fleet would be, of course, the Akira class."
"Captain Jean-Luc Picard takes command of the fleet."
"Okay, well you can't dispute the science of Star Trek."
"The crew was visited by Q, an omnipotent being and recurring character in Star Trek."
"A triple non-humanoid species from another dimension that has reached the so-called apex of biological evolution is certainly one of the most compelling aliens in Star Trek."
"They will continue the voyages we have begun and journey to all the undiscovered countries, boldly going where no one has gone before."
"Precious life memories may be fake but Picard keeps things judgment free and supportive."
"Picard knows they can't stay for long the fear of bringing trouble back into their friends lives."
"She overcomes her imposed fears for the reality of a girl that's standing before her, someone that she doesn't want to destroy."
"Picard suggests they just hop on board Rios's ship and simply escape the Romulans as well as offering to Champion for their rights."
"Jean-Luc Picard's new crew along with Soji are free to explore the Stars."
"Starfleet is so advanced that they can add additional decks; they don't have to compact existing decks, and the ship's dimensions don't change at all."
"While there is no alpha canon confirmation of this, I do believe it's likely that the Federation Gallifreyan Alliance now included the trading of technologies."
"The sovereign class was a Titan, extremely formidable."
"The tactical systems of the sovereign were, to say the least, impressive both before and after refit."
"The sovereign is an absolutely beautiful ship."
"I love Star Trek; I love nerdy references."
"Q is interwoven into the very fabric of the Star Trek story."
"Q's relationship with Picard can best be summed up with his own words: 'Because in all the universe, you're the closest thing I have to a friend, Jean-Luc.'"
"Despite all of Q's hijinks and frustrating games, he ended up helping Picard and the Enterprise more frequently than he harmed it."
"When it comes to Star Trek and Picard, Q has been there from the beginning."
"What a refreshment to suddenly go up for this thing called Star Trek and be cast as Sulu."
"As a citizen of the world that happened to be... with Star Trek, here's all this drama going on in the 60s, great turbulence."
"That's a big ship... but not so big as her Captain."
"I was so excited when Sulu got to be the captain of the Excelsior."