
Self-assurance Quotes

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"Confidence doesn't come from shouting affirmations in the mirror but by having a stack of undeniable proof that you are who you say you are."
"Your Surety in life is going to come solely from yourself."
"I'm not going to fight. I don't have anything to prove."
"Confidence is a feeling of self-assurance arising from one's appreciation of one's abilities or qualities."
"Self-belief is not that everyone will like me, but self-belief is I'll be okay if they don't."
"If you're happy, you're doing the right thing."
"Confidence is to feel beautiful without needing anybody to tell you so."
"The magic of just being sure of what you bring to the table."
"Confidence is a feeling of self-assurance that arises from a person's appreciation of their own abilities and qualities."
"Let nobody...intimidate you or make you afraid or make you question yourself."
"I'm a strong person, and I can survive this."
"Confidence is not 'They will like me.' Confidence is 'I'll be fine if they don't.'"
"Trust your intuition, trust your insights. You're not wrong."
"You do not need to defend your eating choices to anyone."
"Standing your ground is a tough place to be in, but just know that...it has nothing to do with you."
"Confidence has nothing to do with whether or not you're successful or whether you fail. Confidence is knowing that you're fine even if you don't."
"Nothing can take that away; we can say we've done this."
"Confidence is the deep sense that you can handle the emotional outcome of whatever you face or whatever you pursue."
"Make sure you like your reasons, and then you don't have to justify your decisions to everyone else."
"I'm always at the right place at the right time."
"Confidence is attractive, and you're just gonna feel it like it doesn't matter what you look like on the outside when you know you're solid inside."
"I don't need to engage in this conversation. I don't need this person to agree with me. I don't need to change them in order for me to feel okay."
"Creating a solid foundation for ourselves feels so good; it's so solid, we're so sure of ourselves."
"Hold your center, hold your ground, forget the past, and know that you're a rock star."
"Only when a person loses this fear of suffering, that no matter what happens, this is how I will be, if this assurance comes to you, then you walk full stride."
"The more confident you are, the less your ego is active."
"It's not you, the world is crazy, and you're still good. Trust me."
"You need to just trust that what you're doing right now is exactly what you need to be doing."
"I feel really good about this. I'm feeling really good about this."
"It's most important for us to be the anchor of our own ships."
"I am confident in what I have to offer. I'm comfortable with who I am."
"It's a good time to be an army man. I'm feeling so good."
"They're attracted to somebody who owns their womanhood or their manhood or whatever gender you associate with."
"Just breathe, buddy. You're in the zone; they're not."
"I have a good cardio. Yeah, I can compete with anybody."
"I'm proving myself right every fucking time."
"I've said this before, over and over again, I know I'm the best."
"It's like a mantra, I have to go through a checklist like, okay, you're 49, you've got money, you're not tiny, you've been in a trillion fights, what are you afraid of?"
"Confidence is when you know you can do something well."
"We are the greatest team; there is no other way around it, we are going to win."
"This person coming back into your life doesn't really faze you at all."
"With utter confidence, I made the right decision."
"If you really got it, if you really are that, you don't have to tell people you are; you just are."
"You are enough. You have everything you need."
"A deep knowing and deep trust that this is what I'm supposed to be doing."
"You've done everything you needed to do. You did a great job. You don't owe anybody anything."
"Child, I'm never afraid to put a [expletive] in her place."
"Confidence, which could be defined as a feeling of certainty about your future ability at something, is very handy."
"I am chosen, not forsaken. I am who You say I am."
"Therefore, let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall."
"Every day, I am more confident in my abilities, and my confidence grows stronger."
"Can you see why I felt like this was the right thing to do? Because it's the thing that I always feel like I need to be told: that my work is good, that I am good."
"Every phone call I make is the perfect phone call."
"A lion doesn't concern himself with the opinions of the sheep."
"I didn't need anyone to affirm me... I know what I am and I know what I want to do. And if I think you're wrong, I'll do whatever I want."
"I don't really pay attention and invest too much in what other people think."
"I want to let you know you are exactly where you need to be. You are doing exactly what you're supposed to."
"A lot of this change has helped you find your voice, helped you take the lead, helped you not second-guess yourself."
"I won't let those distorted lies deceive me anymore, and I won't be led astray by others' voices either."
"She's worked really hard to get where she's at... it's being self-assured because she's worked for everything that she has."
"I sleep pretty good at night. I know who I am, I know what I am, and my rings are still there and my trophies are on the shelf."
"Why change up my program if I'm going in the right direction?"
"You're so certain of who you are that you don't need others' approval. You care about other people's feedback, but only within your secure foundation because you've clarified your values and you've put your energy toward living them."
"You're on the right path, don't question it."
"You're dealing with an old-school one right here."
"I knew that I had the only thing on my side that mattered which was the truth."
"I back my opinion against anybody's, which is what everybody should do, actually."
"Stand in the truth of who you are and nothing can touch you."
"Alphas don't have to walk around saying 'I'm Alpha, Alpha, Alpha.'"
"Be honest on where you stand, not wavering, that's the point."
"Lions don't concern themselves with the thoughts of sheep."
"I'm the present, the future, and also the belt holder."
"Enjoy the journey i am always where i need to be"
"They say Dark Souls 3 is hard. I say I'm harder."
"You need to be confident that you can handle anything thrown at you."
"You can be confident regardless of how you dress."
"Confidence is definitely on my side and I have some great momentum."
"You're successful, you got money, and you're not 22, which means you have an opinion, which means you have proven to yourself that there's certain things you don't need from no man."
"Show up each and every day for yourself and be like, 'I got this.'"
"You are never lost. You're exactly where you're supposed to be."
"You're gonna feel exactly that you should be where you are but moreover, you know where you're going now."
"Confidence is just a spice you add on top of an already incredible meal."
"Whether you feel like that or not, you're on the right direction."
"What I require for myself is phenomenal confidence."
"It's knowing in your bones that you're not going to die."
"Believe you're worth it. Really take a look at what it looks like."
"When it comes to blowing up, no director is my equal."
"Unlocking this area of yourselves really soon, where you're gonna be so sure of yourself and the big things that you're almost doing right now."
"You should feel comfortable with that because you've earned that."
"Why would I look back and tell myself that I did something wrong? I don't do things that are wrong. I do things that are great. I'm great. I'm a star."
"Keep your head held high, your shoulders back, and just stride down the street without a care in the world."
"After tonight, no one will ever again question my powers."
"You gotta live your life. Because at the end of the day, I know who I am as a woman."
"Nothing can break my mind, Sam. I'm bulletproof."
"Our divine connection is what gives us confidence."
"When people dislike me, I feel like I'm doing something right."
"I'm not broken, I won't break it, I promise."
"You don't need somebody else to tell you because you know that you can do that you know how capable you are and you really start to believe it."
"Far right means nothing. You can just repeat the hollowness of their words back to them, embarrass them on live and public air, and eventually they'll have to find a new smear to hit you with."
"Regardless of the fact, in any situation I've ever been in, the worst at worst, I always knew: I'm gonna be alright, I'm gonna make it through this, I'm gonna be good."
"And it's having the courage, for me, to stand up for the things that you truly believe in and not worrying about the things that don't matter."
"I feel like once I get on fire and I start feeling myself, that's when I start frying."
"You're not taking anything away from me. I did what I came to do."
"Stand your ground, don't shrink down when people are trying to be patronizing to you."
"Trust me because of who I am and what I can see."
"You gotta really be okay with it. You have to really have confidence that it's going to come together."
"I think it's completely normal to be nervous."
"No one will ever need question their path again."
"You will be confident that you have no requirement to be in anybody's membership or audience."
"Unlock your confidence and always use the right tools for the job."
"I think there's a lot of success here, feels like you're very abundant and very successful."
"Money comes into your life because you are the certainty that you need."
"The more you improve your communication and the more you're assured in your voice and your communication, the more money you're gonna make."
"Still go with your first feeling whatever is the first one is probably right definitely it's been that I took that."
"I've never been more confident of anything in my life."
"You feel unstoppable about this, it's like, 'I want what I want, I want to have what I want.'"
"We're moving past the drama, our sign, it's okay."
"Your intuition is going to be trying to offer you some hope and meaning and reasons to look forward and reasons to be proud and content with how things played out."
"Move with confidence, be courageous, and get excited about new things."
"You are going to feel really strong and confident and comfortable within yourself."
"Teach your heart to believe that you're safe."
"You're the winner here, okay, just be mindful, don't lose your confidence because you are ahead of the competition."
"I'm comfortable doing it. I've been around it long enough to do that."
"You're never gonna have to worry about survival... just go out there and use your gifts."
"Own it because that's the true confidence that shines."
"One of the biggest common denominators that I see in a high-quality man is that they don't have to prove themselves."
"I can hold my own with these cats as you can see."
"You're doing your best you did good today, whatever you did."
"You're better off than you think and you're better off than you feel."
"Get out and know, like you know, that something better is on the way."
"You're gonna start to have this perfect plan in action and you're just gonna know exactly what to do at the right time."
"You're realizing that your ship is still sailing you have not tipped over you are a-okay and your emotions come back into balance."
"You're not that guy pal trust me you're not bad not that guy."
"I'm extremely confident... full confidence in my striking abilities."
"Cut the pretense. There's no way that someone like this could take you down." - Confidence in one's abilities.
"Nobody embarrassed me... y'all need to get off my dck with that... I'm a real btch at the end of the day."
"You don't gotta be threatened by it. Just do you, you know?"
"Be confident in the choices and actions you take."
"I'm on time like a Deja Vu. This is exactly what I'm supposed to be doing."
"I just think that it's okay. It doesn't make you abnormal."
"There's no one better to direct this film than me and I know that, and to this day, I know that."
"When you are right, and people don't see you are right yet, they criticize the crap outta you."
"He got a lot of criticism... but I think he was prepared as he wanted to be."
"I don't think they want to know the answer. It would undermine the indiscriminate vaccination policy for every single human being."
"The opportunity is there, I am in control, and I like that."
"What's changing though in your life is you are going to be more stable, more financially stable, and more stable within yourself."
"Jeff was in absolute awe of how comfortable Andrew seems to be in himself."
"I'm learning the system. I know what I'm doing here."
"Being feminine is about having a quiet confidence in yourself and in your femininity."
"Do what works for your relationship and have the confidence in yourself and in your womanhood."
"I'm not concerned about the opinions of these guys."
"I literally told them there was, I was pretty much right about everything that I [ __ ] said."
"It feels correct. This is what I need to be, this is the only path forward."
"I think that feminine women we naturally just don't really get caught up in drama."
"Always stand your ground, let nobody shake you or try to deter you."
"You guys did the work. Mama did a reading for me and one of the biggest takeaways was you've already done the work and you're already prepared. Don't push your manifestations and your future away by doubting that."
"You don't have to keep telling somebody that you're a queen, you just walk as a queen."
"When you're a queen, you don't have to keep telling somebody that you're a queen."
"It doesn't look that bad, does it? I kind of feel like laser beam out here."
"Your work is not crap, understand that it is a moment in time and you're going to have many of these moments moving forward as well."
"That ultimately to me just screams confidence."
"It's more about being confident in who you are."
"You have what it takes... blessings and satisfaction here in your life."
"I was actually confident in the decisions I was making for once. I didn't self-doubt, I didn't wonder what other people thought or what other people would have done differently."
"It is this confidence of I can do it I can handle it I can handle anything but it's tender it's compassionate it's soft it's yummy anyway I can breathe."
"Trusting yourself is the essence of competence."
"Part of feeling confident is when you feel prepared."
"I think it's about having the evidence for your others and most importantly for yourself right."
"You will not have to prove anything, you will just be yourself."
"Whatever I was doing... that I was on the right path, which is always like a good assurance."
"My confidence is always sky-high, it's always through the roof."
"Power is being able to do the things you want to do, and not giving a damn what people expect."
"This is a pathetic sad little weak attempt at intimidating me, which has decisively failed."
"Yes, definitely. I feel like you will trust your intuition."
"Believe in it first. From the knowing comes confidence."
"There's no way you'd fall into any of the obvious traps, right? You're not some dicker Jane off the street after all."
"I already know what I think about what we did. I should not even hear your opinion."
"Stop worrying about their opinions, stop worrying about what they think and what they're doing."
"I don't need lessons from anyone about service and being decent."
"Stand by what you know. You have the gift of clarity and mental flexibility."
"There's nothing wrong with your intuition, it always worked."
"It makes us confident in our ability to survive."
"You've just retained your poise, being really in your own energy."
"All things are awesome... you're gonna love me."
"I know I'm good, I know that if you allow me to drive your car, you're not gonna regret this."
"We've been very confident in everything we've been doing."
"The most important thing is someone who is self-assured and self-aware."
"To be empowered is to move through the world without any kind of fear or any kind of apology."
"Trust me, I know what's best for me and I'm gonna make the best move."
"You can be successful, you will be successful."
"Be confident in your decisions, even if they shock others."
"I'm not going anywhere. I know exactly what this is and it's more than I could have ever dreamed."
"You gotta learn how to stand your ground and be a woman of your word."
"I am the truth. I'm absolute. Don't talk about what I might be, I talk about what I'm about to do."
"That's a guy that looks entirely comfortable in his own skin."
"I don't care what people say, I really don't. If you want to join the journey, you're more than welcome to."
"You are staying on the path that you are, absolutely one million percent. Yes, you are staying on the path that you are."
"Now you know what, I don't think we've ever really gone wrong."
"I said to myself, 'You know what, I did everything.'"
"You first and foremost as a man have to stand solid on your square and sell it on your foundation."