
Life Origins Quotes

There are 83 quotes

"For the water type, we have Reggie Hydro, this Reggie is said to be responsible for all life on the planet."
"Saturn is no illusion; it is an exotic natural laboratory that can help shed light on how planets form and perhaps on how life evolved."
"Life started on Earth, we think, very early on in the first half billion years...we can kind of go back in time and study those environments on Mars."
"If there were multiple or infinite universes, there would be enough chances that one or more are bound to have the necessary things to create life."
"So why is the universe the way it is, how did life begin, and how might it end? Many of us have asked these questions at some point."
"Recent findings in biochemistry suggest that the generation of RNA requires the presence of water, the right chemicals, all percolating through volcanic glasses."
"These creatures are the best candidates to explore whether life came from somewhere else in the universe or it emerged on Earth."
"Life itself evolved from a field and the field knows what it wants."
"Life evolving spontaneously in the presence of stress is a very compelling idea."
"I don't believe that we're part of a primordial of chemicals and heat and moisture coming together no like this is love goes beyond that."
"If you bring together those keystones, you can formulate the hypothesis that life as we know it could arise."
"Um, the nitty-gritty of it is the idea of setting up um gradients of protons uh um the molecules that are going to power um the Machinery of life um could potentially have been set up within these these physical structures."
"The notion we discussed earlier, that life might be an inevitable consequence of heat dissipation and entropy, is certainly an attractive one."
"The origin of life and the origin of major groups of animals remains unknown."
"The origin of life is a result of cumulative chemical processes."
"Every time there's a supernova explosion, it's producing the raw materials for life."
"The universe could be full of the seeds of life."
"Panspermia is the notion that life here began out there... that a planet with an active ecosystem can have an impact... and that impact can knock material with biology aboard into space."
"If life did spring from an extraterrestrial rock, where did that rock come from?"
"We need to come to terms with the fact that the virum is the source of life on the planet."
"This is the entity that created all life in all realities."
"Naturalistic explanations for the rise of life on this planet are far more compelling and awesome than any kind of supernatural explanation."
"Entropy didn't need to be nearly that low in order for life to come into existence."
"Now what do you think about? I don't know, it's like Jesse Ventura all of a sudden. I don't have the answers, I'm just asking questions. When do you think life begins? Genuine question."
"Even more spectacular than the rise of the earth over a 300 million year period is what happened in the 4.3 billion years since our temperate watery earth formed life."
"Water is the spice of life, that's how we get life started on the planet."
"Living things are too improbable and too beautifully designed to have come into existence by chance."
"Life began to flourish when fire and ice together gifted the physical universe with cosmic essence which gave life."
"Without surface water, there would have been no life."
"Panspermia raises fascinating possibilities about the prevalence and diversity of life in the universe."
"What if our 98.5% of junk DNA actually has the information? What if that was a Rosetta stone of life on Earth?"
"The plasma life hypothesis is an incredibly powerful hypothesis. It explains a heck of a lot of stuff."
"The mountain we stand on is a cradle of life's profoundest mysteries."
"Phosphorus is the one element, a chink in the armor of life, that if not enough of it is present in a star system there doesn’t seem to be any way our brand of life to get started and sustain."
"Life arose on this world under conditions much worse than those that killed the dinosaurs."
"The constants of nature are statistically improbable, on a razor's edge such that even a slight deviation would likely result in no life as we know it in the universe."
"Life is not only spiritual but everything has its origin in the spiritual world."
"If a bunch of intelligent scientists get together and create life in the laboratory, that would prove it takes intelligence to make life."
"The conditions needed to make life-building molecules existed on Mars."
"The fundamental power of all life: women are the creatrix, they are the creative force. We all come from womban, we all come from woman."
"This literally showed us that the stardust... produces all of the molecules needed for basically life somewhere else. Totally mind-blowing."
"We have sufficient grounds for inferring that life was designed by an intelligent agent."
"Life on Earth could not exist without water. So that's just the spirit of life being injected and then put on Earth. That's just... it what it could be."
"Life had begun, and it all started with a catastrophe."
"Life on Earth is built around ordinary stuff that's lying around; many of the most common elements in the universe are part of life as we know it."
"Life's everywhere, it means we're seeding life, it means panspermia is true."
"If it were plausible that life could originate on a planet, then the universe would be crawling with life."
"Every life is on fire, how thermodynamics explains the origins of living things."
"Life came about because these 'building block' compounds just so happened to form at the right place, at the right time."
"We don't know where life came from, we are working on the issue, we are investigating."
"There's tons of science to be done on Mars, not just the history of the red planet but the origins of life."
"If we just evolved from nothing, who set that minimum set to be there for the first cell to even survive?"
"The possibility of abiogenesis has in fact been demonstrated, and the building blocks of life have been found throughout the universe, so there's nothing particularly implausible about life arising from nonliving matter."
"Life could have started in the universe much earlier than the present time."
"We could all be ancestral from Martians."
"It's the step by step building of chemical complexity for eventually living organisms."
"Life on Earth is our guide for what it takes for a world to be habitable."
"The very first forms of complex life were about to make the leap from the ocean onto dry land."
"You cannot dismiss the possibility that maybe life came from outer space."
"If these hydrothermal vents do provide a good location for life to begin, well then all of a sudden we have multiple possible targets in our solar system where life could also currently exist."
"I don't agree with the questions; the emergence of life goes way beyond these narrow questions."
"We're made out of star stuff that had to get from the inside of stars, out of stars, to form new stars, planets, and us."
"The skeptic's strongest argument is that processes unrelated to organic life can easily produce all the evidence found."
"Giant stars detonated and spread heavy elements over many existing and future star systems, creating the soil in which the seed of life could originate."
"The existence of life as we know it here on Earth owes itself in part to the fact that neutron star collisions happen and produce uranium."
"We owe the existence of life, at least as we know it, to colliding neutron stars which produced uranium."
"...it's really hard to be a human being and extract yourself from that narrative which we think gave life to life on Earth, and it's hard to think like an alien."
"We don't know whether or not life arises wherever the conditions are right, or if life on Earth is some sort of biological singularity."
"Even very improbable events do happen occasionally, and the development of life from non-life was maybe a very improbable event, but it happens."
"How does life exist without an intelligent designer not limited by the constraints of the universe?"
"The earth is 4.5 billion years old, and life on Earth came up pretty early, so 4 billion years ago, life happened quite quickly on earth."
"If life started on a whole bunch of planets that was seeded in this Nursery, then over the last four billion years they would have all been trying to advance and evolve."
"In the beginning was matter; and matter begot the amoeba; and the amoeba begot the worm; the worm begot the fish; the fish begot the amphibian; the amphibian begot the lizard; the lizard begot the lower mammal; the lower mammal begot the lemur; the lemur begot the man."