
Plant Growth Quotes

There are 328 quotes

"Oricorio can help plants grow by dancing before them."
"The warmth from that is rising up through...supporting all these different trays with seeds or young plants and it's just helping them to get going."
"Plants will become acclimated to your area and your growing climate over time and will actually produce better for you."
"The green mushroom, it's already growing massively bigger than when we first got it."
"The primary impact of increased CO2 is more plant growth."
"I mean it all looks like it's dead and I'm still not entirely convinced it's actually gonna grow."
"It's the environment that lets these grow year and year out here."
"Even plants can have their immature and juvenile growth and then that can change over to something a little more mellow and subtle as it gets older."
"Do you happen to know what things plants need to grow? They need light and water and dirt or soil packed nutrients and you need the right temperature."
"Plants oftentimes grow a lot faster than you think they're going to."
"You will only be benefiting in return with lush foliage and beautiful blooms."
"It hasn't grown through all this neglect, but it hasn't died either, and I think that's pretty good."
"Hydroponic versus growing in soil, go with the ones in soil."
"I was kind of stunned by how these plants grew together."
"I knew that would not be possible as plants grow on land..."
"To achieve fuller bushier growth in philodendrons often pruning back or propagating the top section of the plant is a good way to do this."
"If you leave it on the vine, the cucumbers will start turning a golden yellow-orange color and you really want to leave them on there for a while so that they get maybe three times four times the size of the cucumber."
"Using worm castings, you're supplying the microbes needed for plants to really grow well."
"These cerissa trees they always start off quite slow growing until you get the roots established."
"Temperature: the warmer, the better for root production."
"Humidity: promoting a more humid environment at the base can help with root production."
"I just don't spend a lot of time in there. They're just in there growing all by themselves."
"The green stalk shines when you're growing food in it."
"Everything is still doing so well on the tree."
"Most plants are weeds, they grow really fast and they're easy to grow."
"Each new leaf that forms is random, I repeat, it is random."
"Your roots are only so large, so the more main stems you have, the more fruit clusters you will have."
"I get more excited about my plants shooting than I do anything else."
"A garden without carrots is like a day without sunshine."
"Thanks for joining me in the garden - where veggies and stories grow together."
"The short answer is yes, the nuance to it is that while most of us think about plant growth in terms of optimizing the yield of plants, there are certain applications of plants where you actually want larger leaves to be to flourish and grow."
"Increased CO2 is fertilizing plants, this is a very important part of our existence here on Earth." - Dr. Stanley Goldenberg
"The watering can will quickly drench all your dirt in the nearby area and help your plants to grow much faster than they would otherwise."
"Your roots are always gonna go downwards and your shoots are always gonna go upwards."
"Plants really kind of go through about three different stages in the growth process: they are creating a lot of leaves, they are developing a strong root system, and then they flower and produce their fruit."
"The diversity of environments made for the growth of a variety of different plants."
"Nutrients are very, very important. They make up without them we cannot grow, we cannot produce the quality or the results we do."
"93 out of 98 are up of the ranunculus and 9 out of 10 of the anemones are growing so that's awesome so excited."
"I'm just really enjoying these as plants this year. I've got some fruits further down that are coming."
"I'm very happy to have that plant and super excited to see what it does as it gets bigger."
"The amount of green vegetation on the planet is increasing steadily because of extra carbon dioxide in the air."
"If you didn't know, the savannah, like the African savannah, doesn't look as open as it does because it just is because that's how the plants grow."
"Increased carbon dioxide levels lead to a greening of the Earth due to carbon dioxide fertilization."
"We've got some dragon Tong bush beans coming up here, these were doing really well."
"The fruits I've grafted from the seed is now actually budding."
"The better environment that you can create for the plant the better plant growth you'll get."
"I love how new begonia leaves look too when they're coming out, it's just so stinking cute."
"This is probably my fastest growing hoya, it's amazing."
"Having tall plants diffusing light for smaller plants helps the lower leaves on those smaller plants and other taller plants to receive more sunlight."
"So the main takeaway here, if your goal is to see a faster turnaround on getting parts to eat, go for plants that push out leaves and stems."
"Onions begin their life basically as a grass."
"They like full sun, so six to eight hours minimum; all day sun even better."
"All those months he'd been coughing and wheezing, he'd been walking around with a pea plant growing in his left lung."
"We can't see them. They're barely visible to the human eye, and yet they have powerful effects on plant growth that we're just discovering."
"Sunlight is loaded with far-red photons, but it wasn't until we got LEDs and especially a far-red LED that's very efficient that can be added to electric lights."
"We can manipulate both photosynthesis and plant shape with these far-red photons."
"It would appear that he was asking for that so the smaller plants could mature into the larger ones."
"They're literally taking light and water and the nutrients from the soil and creating all of that plant mass."
"I'm pretty happy with this again I will admit it seems a little plain for now but we have to consider that all these different plant cuttings we put in here are going to grow and spread over time."
"Pole beans are upright indeterminate growth habit really kind of give them an advantage in accessing those sunnier spots."
"Water soluble fertilizer feeds the plants right away."
"Water soluble fertilizers really boost plant growth."
"The lens created by a pond increases plant growth and through that increases carbon capture."
"Soil structure results in much better plant growth."
"I really love the creeping Jenny. I love the way it takes over and the way it just starts to really like you said soften up everything and the way it encroaches over and fills like all the cracks in between all the rocks and it just kind of Finds Its home."
"They grow wide as well, so you do need to think about that when you're choosing containers."
"The purpose is always to build up those populations of microorganisms so that you're reaching the levels that the plants you want to grow require."
"What determines plant growth is not the light intensity at any given moment, it's the integral—this whole thing in here, all this area under here."
"The key to this is to remember the simple rule: feed the soil and the soil will feed the plants."
"This is my raised bed. I built this maybe 25 years ago because I wanted to be able to grow some of the plants that I just couldn't grow anywhere else in the garden."
"Root training is when the roots reach the bottom of this big hole here, and what happens is they kind of air prune. And what that means is they die off when they touch, come into contact with oxygen, and the plant then sends new roots down."
"Our job as human beings when we want to grow specific plants in specific places and specific climates is to recognize what that plant requires in the soil."
"I would not be growing plants the way I am without any of these lights."
"A properly developed root structure will inevitably yield a healthy and hearty plant which will give us happy dragon fruits."
"CO2 is the holy grail of plant growth, it makes them go crazy, they look great, thickened up, and it's just amazing."
"If you speak to a plant and encourage it, it actually grows better."
"Topping is the act of actually cutting that main growth stem so that it forces more side growth."
"A plant can do one of two things a plant can either continue to grow up through its main growth stem or it can form side shoots."
"I'm going to top this one because I think a lot of you that are growing in other areas of the country or even the world can benefit from topping your plants."
"This is going to scab over right here and then all of this new growth is going to be what's going to be prioritized."
"The key to a great lawn is to allow each plant to grow to its maximum, not its minimum."
"The roots of the plant don't feed the plant, the soil microbiology does."
"This is a new leaf, it's actually still, it's almost hardened off I think so I'm being gentle with it but I'm still just like floored at how big this leaf is. I need to measure it because it is just like incredibly massive."
"Once I get them under the lights they'll stand up they'll grow nice thick stems and they're going to be fantastic."
"If you want a planted tank and don't want to do CO2 apparently you can get a million of these."
"Growing soil and creating soil improving systems is going to help you grow stronger plants, more resilient plants, they're going to grow quicker, they're going to grow easier and they're going to be a lot more resistant to any pests and diseases."
"One of the benefits of pruning is to remove some of those older canes which not only takes them out and takes the drain off the plant but also stimulates the growth of new canes which are going to be much more productive."
"...opening up the plant for sunlight penetration and so we always want to have good sunlight for the development of flower buds and vegetative buds."
"Vermicompost tends to be higher in nitrates, which is good for plants."
"If we take all the microbes away from a seed for example, what we see is that the seedlings don't develop properly."
"Roots don't form root hairs without these bacteria in them."
"The microbes themselves are actually participating in the process of root development."
"...you are seeing this growth spurt typically happening which the plants seem to be doing more photosynthesis and producing more fruit."
"The fastest way to rebuild soil health is to grow really healthy plants."
"You're constantly getting fresh CO2. Your plants aren't starving for it."
"Longer photo periods result in more biomass, faster growth."
"Tulip trees, if you grow them around other trees where they're seeking the sun, they will grow straight and tall."
"Pinching involves the removal of terminal buds or shoots to encourage the growth of secondary buds along the branch."
"I am so excited that is going to be beautiful if I can grow this one that is going to be a gorgeous."
"Heat and light are probably two of the main tricks to faster growth in Hoyas."
"Spacing is a dry word but it makes a huge difference to how your plants grow."
"The coolest thing about these plants on planks is how they attach themselves to the plank."
"Fenestrations are something that are going to happen on a Monstera deliciosa plant once it reaches a certain point of maturity."
"A plant does not necessarily need soil to grow, a plant needs nutrition, water, and light. Soil is just really for anchoring."
"Plants produce nodes as they grow, and the leaves grow from those nodes."
"I just kind of want these two videos to be a comprehensive not how-to but just like a somewhere that I can direct people to when they ask about growing and no drainage."
"I love it so much I can't wait to see this leaf on for real too how exciting."
"If you can keep the temperatures kind of around mid 20s, that would, in my opinion, be the best possible thing for these plants."
"The new growth lately up here is really, really small and compact, which I find so cute."
"Temperature makes a huge, huge difference to the speed of growth of your plants."
"Definitely doing fabulous and then of course we have the peperomia tetragana over here which is still just pumping out a ton of New Growth points here."
"When you propagate these plants, you can make more plants... I would say it doubles, triples, quadruples your plant when you propagate."
"I fertilize my plants on a consistent regimen... It's the key to growing very fast, very full plants."
"Oh, it's growing! That's amazing, that's literally just like magic."
"But it seems like a lot of the plants rebounded for the most part."
"When your plants overgrow, it's a good problem to have."
"Plants are getting their energy through oxygen and CO2 and nitrogen in the air or water."
"Another tip I have for you guys is when you are watering and you are planting things in pots or on your balcony, you're gonna want to make sure the soil is extremely rich in nutrients to help your plants grow over time."
"Soil helps plants grow on Earth and in outer space."
"Oh, just look at that new little leaf. Isn't that stunning? I love the markings on this plant."
"I am excited to see this plant grow. I think it's going to do so, so, so, so well."
"I'm so excited about this plant, I'm so excited to watch it grow."
"Mycorrhizae helps a better absorption of the nutrients to the plants and the plants can utilize these."
"It's not rocket science, these are so prolific, they'll come right back on you."
"The growth of these cabbages is so phenomenal, and it's just from composting."
"During the growing season, it is such a good idea to also use a fertilizer with your watering routine."
"I wonder how big the leaves get on these Monstera standalianas."
"I love how it gets sun-stressed purple like this."
"You can grow rare stem plants, you can get brighter colors if you're willing to use CO2 and lights."
"One of the major pros to this is you're going to get beautiful plants, beautiful color, lots of things will spread and grow naturally."
"Snake plants don't require that much light but they prefer a lot of light to grow their fullest potential."
"She's also flowering, as you can see, which usually just happens in quite mature plants."
"It's extremely capable of also growing plants in your aquarium, which is a highly requested project from you guys."
"I'm really proud of myself that I've been able to get the plant to this size."
"Here's to it turning over a new leaf."
"LED lights can be used to grow plants, maximizing light intensity while maintaining temperature."
"I'm really, really proud of it, really impressed with how it's doing."
"Increases root mass growth, improves soil environment for plant growth."
"It grows almost everywhere, so it's really easy to grow."
"It's very natural, based on my experiences, to understand the plants will have a higher appetite for food if you give them more spark and you give them more air."
"How fast can you make it grow? That's pretty interesting if the conditions are optimal."
"Raising CO2 from 400 to 1200 is typically associated with about a 30 percent increase in yield."
"Always consider the habit of the Japanese maple... not all Japanese maples are going to grow upright."
"New leaves frequently on a lot of plants come in a paler duller color and then as they harden off they turn into that final very beautiful brilliant color."
"All of the pigments, all of the flavors, all of the colors, aromas, and therapeutic effects that any plant on Earth can possibly provide or create is going to be a function of how much carbon that plant gets."
"One of the distinct advantages too is that we're capable of tying the carbon load directly in with the macronutrient load."
"Root dominance, root primacy; we have to focus on root health, we have to allow plants to express that."
"We're creating a similar ecosystem in your soil that your plants are growing in."
"Earthworms, beneficial insects, and fungi help your trees and plants grow in a more natural, more established, more disease-resistant, and insect-resistant manner."
"Sammy, you're a natural gardener; you've grown new plants."
"This is what your tomato starts should look like after three weeks of dropping a seed down, growing them indoors."
"This has been super fun, the more sun it gets, the bloomier it gets."
"A 4 out of 4 germination rate is pretty good, very happy about that."
"These biodegradable pots provide advantages such as better air circulation and water drainage for healthy plant growth."
"It's been such a joy to grow plants inside of it and to be able to grow plants larger than I ever have been."
"Plants need light if you want to grow them to maturity; it's the number one factor that actually enables them to grow large leaves."
"Do anticipate the height of the plants that you'll be growing in these bales because they're suitable for anything."
"If you want to grow your Oxalis to be nice and lush, first of all, you need time."
"I want things that are going to grow wonderfully for years to come in a pest free home."
"It's important to know that potatoes grow under the ground and kiwis grow on vines in clusters and pineapples grow in bushes out of the ground."
"The more green you have, the bigger the engine to grow."
"Hydroponics provide the optimum condition for plants to go through more life cycles more quickly."
"Seaweed extracts stimulate cell division; they have natural hormones called cytokinins and they have auxin, they have rooting hormone in them."
"Propagation is just a lot of fun. Venus fly traps take a long time to grow; they can take like two to four years to become fully grown, so it's kind of a process you need to follow, but you have to be really, really patient."
"Every second of every day, sixteen thousand tons of new plant life are created on Earth."
"This one is growing a new leaf which makes me so happy because that means it's happy and healthy."
"The bigger the leaves get and the more they have, the more energy the plant can actually produce."
"The size of the pot determines the size of the plant."
"I've been using a balanced feed that's slightly higher on the nitrogen side."
"It's loving life, the leaves are getting much bigger and they're splaying open, and it looks really nice."
"This will become a massive foliage plant and a great backdrop as it grows taller."
"If you wait, you will get these additional little pups growing from the base, which means you have new plants."
"Let the plants grow, let them thrive, nurture them."
"Numerous studies have shown that when plants are exposed to sound waves, they grow stronger stems."
"We are very fortunate in California, especially for you in the valley, we have really the best soil in the world as far as growing plants are concerned."
"Once they're in leaf, we'll pop a bit of bonsai food on them, probably use bonsai food and it will just help to keep them healthy and get them to put some more growth on."
"Just so gorgeous, such a beautiful plant, I love her and I cannot wait for more growth."
"The longer you have your plant, the more you get to know when it's thirsty."
"Philodendron goes faster, Monstera grows faster and particular Hoyas you can see a significant speed of growth."
"What a lot of plants will do is all of a sudden have a growth spurt where they stretch really fast and grow really quickly."
"Gorgeous plants, I was just waiting every day to see them open up and give me those beautiful colors."
"If you're someone that just gets off on watching new leaves unfurl, this 100% is something you're gonna want to look for."
"Look at the size of that new leaf, it's just fabulous."
"Hoyas in most cases are going to be epiphytes, meaning that they're not growing in the ground."
"Anywhere between 50 and 250 foot candles is low light, 250 to 500 is medium light, 500 to 1000 is highlight, and anything over a thousand is considered direct sunlight."
"I just feel consistently proud of this plant."
"Eventually, the orchid will create brand new roots; it is scheduled to want to survive, so that's what it will try to do."
"All the plants are pearling, which is great; it means that they're photosynthesizing."
"I mean y'all know that that plant looks gorgeous, she's taken off, she's growing really fast."
"I'm so happy, this is wonderful and these leaves are so cute."
"The root system is also what's responsible for bringing the flavors to the cherries and seeds."
"The lighting and watering are your two ingredients to grow a nice, full, and luscious string of hearts."
"Most vegetables and flowers prefer full sun, which is about eight to ten hours of sun a day."
"There's just something more rewarding about planting your little transplants outdoors and watching them bloom into beautiful flowers."
"CO2 injection by default will improve the plant growth, which in turn then promotes the health of the overall planted aquarium system."
"One of the best ways to promote new growth is by rotating your plants every three weeks."
"The number one principle in terms of soil health is to keep plants growing in the soil for as long as possible."
"I want to cut that off and do a little bit of maintenance on that snake plant and show you some of the really, really amazing footage of the flowering process."
"This root here is very very happy keeping this plant running at top efficiency."
"I work it in the moonshine to catch the full moon and every plant I have there just grows fast."