
Artistic Inspiration Quotes

There are 259 quotes

"The noses are meant to look more like open shrieking mouths like the Scream by Edvard Munch."
"I actually love this outfit. It's a reference to a Renaissance painting."
"Guys, all my inspiration for art is from my real life."
"You can use whatever it is, whatever inspires you to make music. That is the goal."
"It's worth remembering on occasion you have to see things in the world to have anything to draw, especially if you want to invent and do weird things."
"It's like holy [ __ ] this whole song is about this thing that's going on in my life and I don't even realize it until I'm done freestyling it."
"If this game can inspire anybody to start taking pictures and get interested in something cool I think that's only a good thing."
"I grew up on the music. So, I wanted to bring that to my album. I wanted to bring a little bit of everything. And God gave it to me—rock, soul."
"Everything from the colors to the weapons even the way the artist decided to narrate the lore behind the design in the splash art... executed it so well."
"For me kDa Akali has been a huge inspiration for my own artwork."
"The visuals are one of the areas of this game that really showcased the Silent Hill inspiration."
"If I've done one great thing in my life, at least I pushed John Mayer to become a guitarist."
"I had a feeling that it would end up being a pop album but I didn't know if I would be inspired... in the end it ended up being completely sonically cohesive."
"I felt their emotions very much intertwined with mine. There was a sort of power in this that I'd never seen before, and I knew that I had to pursue voice from that moment."
"I think you've caught the spirit of the movement."
"Suicide is the bullet train to eternity it's a darkly beautiful thought tragic a touch insane and it explains why Vincent painted the stars so magnificently."
"I got the MP3 I heard it it was unmixed and it was spectacular and I cried on the floor for 20 minutes because it meant so much to me just having someone who's inspired me as an artist Grace a song of mine in that way."
"Thank you for the trauma, I need it for my art."
"Someone to be that innovator and bring in new sounds that will inspire the next wave of artists."
"When things first clicked for me artistically? Subway sketching. I look at people and I try to figure out what they're thinking about."
"Frida Kahlo's life was rife with tragedy, a devastating 1925 bus accident left her with spinal problems that lasted throughout her entire life. But Frida's traumatic life and physical pain were the secret to her genius."
"I love the vibrancy. It's really fun to see colors that are so vibrant, and they make me excited to paint when I see them in my palette."
"Sometimes the muse just finds you, doesn't it?"
"Black hole sounds, if you're a musician, please use that in a sample for a song."
"Action today, action tomorrow, action until we win, and we will win."
"I'm just working trying to inspire people, you know, trying to make the best music possible."
"I steal from every single movie ever made, if my work has anything it's that i'm taking this from this and that from that and mixing them together."
"It's really important to look at other artists and don't be afraid to lift a bit of what they're doing and put it into your own."
"Every door closed in my face. It hurt, to the point where a lot of my art came from that hurt or that no or that, like, I'll show you."
"Tragedy is a perfect stimulus for artistic growth."
"The world's a beautiful place and nothing has opened my eyes more to it than studying it uh through artwork"
"Experience the power of your inner creativity."
"I am going to cherish getting to draw the most devastated man in the world probably for the rest of my days."
"This is the first exhibit that makes me want to do art."
"Isn't that where the best art comes from, from the purity of a statement?"
"You don't have to date someone to write a song about them. This is a song I wrote about a guy I never dated."
"It comes through you, but not from you, and though it is with you, it belongs not to you."
"I mean, I just learned so much from watching Jonah Hill. The dude just writes like he just comes up with [expletive] on the spot, click funnier than the script, really."
"Rick fell in love with the music just like we did."
"We had a lot of musical influences from Hardcore Bebop Jazz to crazy progressive rock to hip-hop, but we also had the Three Stooges, we also had the Marx Brothers."
"Women being powerful and taking a stand is one of the best things both to see and to draw."
"Music is something that goes inside of you and comes back out." - Martha Ocampo
"Go out there and take some of these lessons that I've showed you today."
"Tyler the Creator cited Pharrell's 2006 debut solo album 'In My Mind' as the inspiration that led him to co-found the Odd Future Collective."
"The series transcended the television screen of young kids and formed a whole generation of artists and viewers alike."
"Sometimes that inspiration can be a little difficult to find, especially if you've been stuck in an art block for a little while."
"In terms of color use, this is one of those things where it's even though it's very subdued and it's very muted, it looks like an adventurer on a kind of moonlit night."
"I love how they used light on their subjects and I wanted to try and emulate that in my photography."
"It gives me an appreciation... I can see a scene and go, 'Oh my god, I remember reading about that.'"
"The visuals should be inspired by the story."
"I always knew that the reason why I got into acting was watching those performances that make you walk out of the theater and the world feels a little bit more vibrant."
"The child in you has to be in there because that's why we played music in the first place."
"The sunsets were stunning, like the sunsets were just a work of art."
"Michael Jackson's off-the-wall was taken from him going to studio 54 and hanging out in New York City and learning what was popular in clubs."
"Prince influenced so many people and musicians."
"Getting to see a mangaka's original work up close and personal like that is just really inspiring for me as an artist."
"I just wanted to see what it would sound like if Pat Benatar and Stevie Nicks sort of love song."
"Key West: where nature and human creativity intertwine."
"You motivate me to drop a banger, man. So thank you, bro."
"Ellen found inspiration from her idols Woody Allen and Steve Martin."
"Thrilling potential: from literature to cinema, the Orient Express captivates."
"Take the records that you love and use them as templates for what you want to create."
"He has this amazing ability to just get you straight to the goods and expose you to artistic principles you never even took into consideration."
"Creativity allows us to express ourselves. It allows to bring out the fire in our soul, that artistic nature, that ability to create that we all have inherently within us."
"This performance just makes you dream, just makes your imagination go wild."
"What books have influenced your creativity and driven you to do better as an artist and try new things and step up your game or just find more joy in your creativity?"
"Feel life feel feel what's valuable to know where to invest your time where there could be transformation to"
"As much as your time studying the fundamentals... go outside too but you know like experience life as well because like you know Drive imagination also required you to have experiences."
"This Eclipse is great for artists, performers, and anyone seeking their life purpose."
"Some of my earliest drawings that I still have are Zelda. So I think ocarina of time coming out was like very encouraging."
"Art Nouveau to the point, go look at some Art Nouveau. I've never seen so much white they use, know why you learn the."
"I'm glad that my art can help inspire you to keep up your creativity, relax, create something you can call your own, and build your skills at the same time."
"Antonucci was a huge fan of the Golden Age era cartoons particularly that the classic Looney tune shorts which ran from the 1930s to 1950s and thus wanted his cartoon to be produced in a similar way."
"No traveller has ever escaped a sense of strangeness in those deep ravines, and artists shiver as they paint thick woods whose mystery is as much of the spirit as of the eye."
"Mauna Kea, Hawaii: Tallest mountain on the entire planet, offering incredible views above the clouds."
"Instagram is a great place to get art inspiration... it's a lot more than just a social platform."
"LA has given me all the peace and zen that I need in my life as an artist."
"Keep creating. The fact that you guys are going out there and utilizing the stuff that I am teaching makes me so happy."
"This is the time for artists, for songwriters, for poets, and for filmmakers to show the world what it should be, what it could be."
"A problem well stated is problem half solved."
"If you're going to steal from the best, then you should take the best that they have to offer."
"A beautiful ballad about the life and death of Vincent van Gogh."
"Fractals inspired by the patterns in the natural world."
"Morrissey's attitude is if you can hear the sound in your head then it can be played."
"First of all, I want to thank you guys for encouraging me to make art. You guys are awesome."
"The biggest disruption I can think of in this decade or the next decade will be self-driving cars."
"Vice City has grown beyond its inspirations, coming full circle to inspire an entire generation of music, art, and style."
"Kanye's thing is... the greatest summoner of creative energy."
"It's like damn, Cudi even inspired what I like so much about a Trippy Red."
"And that is what I think all art derived from passion for an original work should strive to do."
"If you're feeling stuck with your own artwork I challenge you to try and fill up a whole sketchbook in a month."
"Remember, you're a creator connecting to the creator."
"You're an artist, it's time for my boy to be an artist."
"I just love art books. Not just for me, you know, the studies I've been doing recently, but sometimes you just need some inspiration."
"Tons of inspiration here... It's nice to have some reference books on hand."
"Drawing from nature, observing nature, is absolutely crucial."
"I mean, this, these artists have been a great source of inspiration to me, and I suppose it's the same for you."
"The idea is to try to collect these privileged moments as much as we can on the road, and be re-inspired and take that to the next studio session."
"My mind's like George Lucas, I think like Stanley Kubrick."
"We simply glimpse them between the cracks of the edifice, the way the Fink brothers overheard brilliance through the low-test tears."
"I am always so humbled and so flattered when someone tells me that I have inspired or motivated them to make art."
"It's pretty obvious that Miyazaki was inspired by this movie."
"All artists take influence from others for inspiration is often the catalyst for progress."
"Discontented, I desperately sought out other works of art that would provide me with the same Enlightenment That Metal Gear Solid 2."
"Wind Waker has an Irish influence, Majora's Mask is more like Chinese Opera."
"Creativity is delicate and exhausting. It's not just about making art for money or response, it's about staying inspired and passionate."
"I figured if I like the song and the artist was inspired enough by the place to use its name, it must be a place worth visiting."
"Drawing my characters for fun almost every night made me remember why I got so obsessed with drawing in the first place."
"Every time I've ever made music that meant anything is because something was happening."
"This drawing, I just love it. I loved it so much, and then to see the dress come to life... It was so amazing."
"One of my favorite things about being a quilt artist is getting to travel around and hang out with some of the most inspiring, coolest creative people ever."
"Make things that you are personally, genuinely excited about."
"It reminds me of Masao Yamamoto, a Japanese photographer and minimalist photographs. They're beautiful, they're poetic, to me this has some qualities of that."
"You shouldn't have to feel like you're running that rat race in hip-hop where you have to keep relevant, you know? Like, when an artist is inspired and putting out music, I think it's a special thing."
"When approaching the redesign for the 7 Remake, the character designers took inspiration from ballet dancers."
"But Ravel had a very different setting in mind when writing the piece. Boléro, in his own words, ‘owed its inception to a factory’."
"Reference reality always and it's gonna just help you so much."
"Honestly man, like everyone gets inspiration from everywhere."
"Giving history to a character adds authenticity and a response more engaging towards the story's premise."
"Create something beautiful today, contact your Muse as Homer did."
"Understanding the mythologies and cosmogonies is core to my work."
"The creator of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure loves music, like references, the entire series is there."
"You are my muse, oh you, I could paint you every day."
"I want people to see really cool paint jobs and be inspired and say, 'That looks so cool, I'm going to try really hard to achieve that.'"
"Actual feathers like this, so that's really awesome."
"Female empowerment, Boom! People ask me like, where do you get your ideas for your weird drawings and I'm like, but I need help, that's where I get them from."
"My number one dream as an artist has been to become a manga author myself and be able to tell stories that could inspire people just like the ones that I read when I was a kid."
"That's what I want to do right now. That's my... my creative nature is just pulling me towards that."
"Your art inspires me so much. I can't express how much you restore my love of art in general."
"Every single song I've ever made has had another influence."
"There's some cool looking costumes here with some great inspirations."
"Even her color choices are a great example of what to be striving for."
"Whatever inspires you to create... you should do it."
"New materials have always influenced the creativity of artists."
"Your presence is like a giant tree for manga artists of Our Generation."
"Everything is influence to me, even if it's negative, positive, everything is an influence." - A Boogie
"Viagra boys at their Peak inspired by techno and Hip-Hop."
"I knew I wanted to be an artist when I saw what music could do for me and what it could do for others."
"I really like the art style, this game's hand-drawn style all the enemies remind me of enemies from Cuphead."
"You're so inspiring especially that part when you say that we have to make art for ourselves and not for others."
"Festivals like Cannes are important in that they give film something to aspire towards."
"Every artist has mannerisms and techniques and styles, and to explore another artist is just another avenue to discover what you could put into your own work."
"He feels like a vision, and great artists and great writers - we still stand on the earth... visionaries fly... visionaries take wing and they fly above us ...they do something utterly different."
"Cezanne and Hortense left Paris for Less Tack, a small village on the coast of Southern France."
"Little did I know this film would leave such a profound impact and continue to shape my artistic endeavors today."
"...kind of stumble upon the little things that you like so you kind of steal and borrow from different artists and through that you'll find your style you might surprise yourself."
"The dropping of atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki marked the beginning of a new period of artistic exploration for Dali."
"What you can do with paint to make it look like reality...I'm gonna have to reconstruct his paintings through master studies...like you found a UFO...you gotta figure out how the damn thing works...you gotta sit there and reverse engineer it."
"It literally made me change the way I think of and paint with watercolors."
"Pull it with the swing of the mountain."
"There's no kind of right or wrong with any of these cards, it's just inspiration more than anything."
"These quilts got around and, by the way, the modern quilters will tell you absolutely, you know, with gratitude and passion that the G's Bend quilts were a huge influence on them when they started making their own quilts."
"The deck is inspired by an odd or slightly insane cast of characters out of Lorenzo's mind, and it just features a really fun vibrant line."
"Drawing him like this has only increased my love for this character. There was something about this design I came up with that is just rad as hell."
"Fashion magazines have incredible photographs of drapery and cloth and arms and body language."
"It's amazing and inspiring when something that you've created inspires other people to do their own art."
"After all that, it felt really great to sit down and watch something that felt wholly inspired and original."
"Go out and put some beauty back into the world. Be an artist, make something beautiful. Do something good for somebody, change a stranger's life."
"After putting in a lot of effort, she convinced him to tell her about what inspired him to make the girl under the moon cake."
"We watch the Sun go down through the broadcast room window, the sky painted with strokes of red and yellow that melted into deep purple."
"Cup of tea and a background won't hurt as well, let's dive in."
"Say hello to my new custom-made shoes, inspired by the one and only Van Gogh."
"The real goal is to take these artists that we admire and to break them down and try to learn from them."
"Deep in the Namib Desert lies a place that looks like something straight out of a surrealistic painting."
"It's so cool, I love that they got influenced by a poem and they wanted to retell that story through song."
"That guitar will help you create music, and as you create music, you will make new friends."
"I love painting birds; I find them fascinating."
"I want to pick up a book and I want to think and look at art; it's inspiring."
"Inventions, works of art, literature, music came from dream states."
"The whole point of this shed is that I want to come out here and I want to be creative."
"You are lucky because you're an artist and you have material creeping at the back of your mind all the time to make art about, so use it."
"I drew manga because I wanted Toriyama Sensei to praise me; he meant everything to me."
"She really inspires me to take my writing very seriously and to take my magic very seriously and to interweave the two."
"I was drawn back into art by Harry Potter, surprisingly."
"He definitely influenced a lot of young accordion players."
"Lana finally embracing the vintage pop and rock sounds that have always inspired her."
"I was attracted first of all to the sense of depth we got a foreground, we've got a middle ground with a village, we've got the background of the Little Mountain there with the castle."
"Capture the essence of this pattern and make it pretty convincing."
"Every detail or form or color turns out to have come into being via a fully intelligent Genesis."
"Why not paint a whole vase full of beautiful, colorful tulips? Wouldn't that be wonderful?"
"I'm always looking for in my work areas of connections... everything is talking to each other."
"I like that yellow and the peach; look at this, what's it called? Soft Scramble."
"He would just live his life and then... inspiration would strike and then he would paint pretty fast and furiously."
"There's a point in painting that your genius pops up and things start to happen in a painting that are uncontrollable."
"The idea is that with this color, it's inspired me to do a sort of one of those winter skies."
"Wow, just the waves on it, that's fantastic, I'm in awe, I just think it's really really beautiful."
"They want to inspire you and bring you new ideas about how you can take data and turn it into a beautiful piece of art."
"My life is my songs, and I write anything that happens to me."
"It becomes very easy working with your inspiration and finally putting that in your garment."
"The swirls inside here then are like a whitish background but the swirls are all beautiful grays which are just like Eileen's feathers."
"I had such a beautiful palette to work with, the Scottish Highlands, just like ridiculous."
"You can use feathers and dried skeletons of leaves, and other things like that. So, just get creative on that."
"The song and the dance and the music is what really stimulated them and kind of guided them toward wanting to be performers."
"He really brought out performances in her where you just loved her as an artist, as a person, as a storyteller."
"Spiritual direction inspires my creative flow."
"I'm inspired by it; it stirs the poet in me."
"I watched the performances Great Performances with New York City Ballet and it always captivated me."
"I would link it back to an artist that I looked at and how my drawing or my painting was inspired by that artist."
"When drawing, he zones out a lot and keeps staring at the clouds, thinking how beautiful they are, having different forms."
"It has this surrealist type of approach, it reminds me of like a Salvador Dali type of clock."