
Chess Strategy Quotes

There are 780 quotes

"In chess, you have to evaluate positions with specific moves or ideas... You cannot just go, 'That's scary.' Scary is not an evaluation; it's a human emotion."
"I got to be precise. I still got to attack. I got to hunt a rook trade now was good for me."
"This was once you get a pawn majority of three on two like this, what's going to happen is you're going to get them to become full passers."
"Hikaru was down a rook and a bishop after four turns... for him to safeguard his King and just create the tiniest of windows... defend and then advance the Pawns in this fashion... that was ridiculous."
"Magnus has been playing very, very practically. Usually, he tries to play quick, he tries to make sensible moves."
"It's not only that it looks bad, it might also be that practically it's just so easy for Wesley. He has a clear plan, and it's the right way to go with f4."
"Such a master class by both Magnus in game one and then Wesley in game three on how to build an attack and how to deliver the killer blow."
"I mean, game one today he played magnificently, played like a machine."
"Magnus plays these openings and they have poor reputations or dodgy reputations, and he just makes them look like part of a great master plan."
"One thing about Magnus is that he will always try to steer games, if possible, to territories that are off the main line and still practically decent, where you have to do battle."
"Magnus Carlsen's ability to win from literally every situation—be it from better positions, worse positions, playing good defense, in the endgame, or the middlegame—encapsulates the magic of Magnus."
"Every time you move something in chess, you've got to think: what does it do and what does it not do?"
"In chess, the two most important things are material and king safety."
"Castle before move ten. Usually, after you castle, your king is safe behind a wall of pawns better than being in the center of the board."
"Connect your rooks. Your rooks protect each other, they can help each other, and they also have easy access to go to whatever file you need them to."
"Knights on the rim are grim. Keeping your knights towards the center of the board is better than putting them on the side."
"Doubled rooks on an open file are very strong."
"The best way to deal with an attack on the flank is to counter-attack in the center."
"Develop your pieces quickly. Developing your pieces just means moving your knights and bishops off of the back rank."
"Activate your king. Your king is a very valuable piece at the end of the game."
"The best type of past pawns are connected past pawns."
"I think bishop f5 is a nice and simple move."
"This is a one could say a positional queen sacrifice."
"If you calculate lines where you're not losing or you think it's equal, then you can always play the line and then look for more when you reach that situation."
"When you're up a piece, that's exactly what you want."
"That's why you always look for captures first."
"Traps in chess should be intelligent, not just hoping your opponent falls into them."
"Playing in the center most of the time is best. Don't get too wrapped up with flank play."
"If you can justify the move and it has some auxiliary purpose, try to set up your trap."
"One of the great things about the Karakan is that it helps you practice good piece development."
"Understanding that piece activity, particularly the activity of your bishops, is worth a lot more than a pawn in most cases."
"You should always err on the side of having your center too well protected."
"Black has a few different ways of playing the position."
"In chess, assessing the pawn structure gives us instructions on how we should position our pieces."
"Remember, in order to gain something in a chess game, you have to give something up."
"Keeping your king as active as possible in the end game is crucial."
"King activity is important even with queens on the board."
"I managed to save an end game a full piece down by activating my king at all costs."
"That's how you do it, rook h3, you have to give this up."
"Now how to sneak in here, form a back rank mates are good, you could pick this pawn up, no you get back rank mated in the end, chop-chop-chop, checkmate."
"Interesting structure here opposite sides castling bishops' eyes are opened."
"If I had maybe two consecutive moves here, two, I would have had a good...because I think there was this idea that was a little bit unconventional here that basically led to a nearly winning position."
"It definitely does make sense for you to invest a little bit of your time to learn to play Sicilian Defense well."
"Magnus is fighting on for every half a point, for every 0.1 to 0.5 of an advantage."
"You're playing Magnus. He's not going to stalemate you, he's going to run you out of moves."
"When material is totally equal, your rook is also under attack."
"You dominate the king and the queen with your own king and queen."
"You won't be worried about moves like pawn takes, even though they block your own bishop, as long as they can remove the knight from the defense."
"Remember, if we can just get his Bishop away from the diagonal, we will win the game."
"The real reason black lost this game is time management."
"I'm really liking this, I think pawn takes and c5 is the way you gotta play."
"One cannot simply pursue one piece around the board willy-nilly. This is true. The aggressor must cease. That is the Only Rule."
"Gambits: Sacrifice material early for faster development."
"Activity: Control squares on your opponent's side."
"Attack: Coordinate your pieces to go forward."
"Tactics: Forcing sequences of moves to gain advantage."
"I played the Scotch or the Max Lange Attack with Bishop c4 because you kind of want to play more open positions, more attacking positions."
"Every situation is different, but the vast majority of the time in the opening, you want to bring the bishops and knights out and castle as fast as you can."
"The goal of today's video is to show you the differences in the openings, the differences in the middle games and the end games, and where the worst mistakes occur."
"This is incredible. Wow, this is incredible. Rook to D5, okay, so I'm gonna have to create my own counterplay. They're gonna get this pawn. Amazing, I mean, honestly, just amazing stuff, really just showing the levels."
"It remains a very sharp position but that would definitely put the pressure on Magnus."
"Bishop d6 is, if I remember correctly, the best move in this position."
"You can figure out the best plan in a position just based on how the pawns are set up."
"Creating pawn breaks to open up the position."
"Pawn structures determine maneuvering between your pawns."
"You don't need to put every single pawn on a light square, but you need to look at how to negate the development of the enemy light squared bishop."
"Double pawns don't win games; being up a pawn, two pawns, six pawns, 16 pawns, that's what wins you games."
"Pawn breaks can be a way to open the position and create play."
"Black is helping my attack by pushing my pawns in the direction they want to go."
"I think the quality of my pawns could be higher than white's."
"Pawns become increasingly important as you climb up the levels in chess."
"Pawn breaks can be a weapon to open up closed positions."
"Jan puts his knight on c5 so the bishop has to chop, and Jan's got a very nice advantage."
"Every time somebody who plays a very solid opening with black actually gets to play with white you have that game open."
"It feels like you're actually up a lot of pawns."
"Natural moves like bringing the rooks over in these positions can be very dangerous to the coming threats."
"Is it time for a real Reckoning around this issue?"
"Some of the most fun that you will ever have playing chess is when you orchestrate a nice attack on your opponent's king and end up finishing off the game with a really nice checkmate."
"When you attack, you want to look for specific weaknesses to take advantage of."
"When you attack, you want to be able to remove the defenders."
"Momentum is important when you're attacking."
"In chess, you get one move, and your opponent gets to move after that."
"Even winning material can be good. So, I sacrificed a bishop. If I'm able to win a rook or a queen, well, that's going to be good enough."
"Magnus wins down to the final pawn, understanding the king and rook versus king and pawn endgame."
"The whole point of rook f4 is you actually bait the move g3, which is a massive concession for white."
"He knows when to play the unspeakable simplifying moves."
"What a beast of a piece of rook on the seventh."
"Empowers you to go from the opening to the end game with confidence."
"In chess, when you choose a plan, stick with it."
"Absolute class from Magnus finding bishop before."
"The bishop has sacrificed himself for the king."
"It's a chess position, not a life philosophy."
"A gorgeous attacking win for Magnus, queenless attack using just two rooks and a bishop and a pawn storm."
"B4, sacrificing the pawn to activate the rook."
"Pin it with the queen... black is going to struggle with this e5 pawn."
"We share a dream of creating iconic franchises that unite friends around the world."
"Let's just castle here. I can take with the knight, take with the queen."
"Fabiano had good prep, got a good position, and absolutely tore his opponent to shreds."
"The king slides out of the way and you know why the king slides out of the way because the king knows that when this opens up the Rook is going to the G file."
"A very, very nice win by the world champion. Slow pressure without a lot of risk, and just outplayed his opponent very comfortably in the middle game."
"Slow steady pressure and very little risk, full control."
"Chess is made of more than just double attacks."
"Look for checks, then captures, and then threats. That drastically reduces the amount of moves we have to calculate."
"Pawns are the skeleton of the position... if you understand the pawn chains and what pawn moves should be made you will already be an excellent chess player."
"This setup was used by none other than former world champion Garry Kasparov... this exact concept that I'm trying to explain to you guys."
"Safety of your king should always be a priority."
"Don't be afraid to take your time in endgames; it's okay to play them slowly."
"Blundering hopefully has become a little more rare, and you really need to manage the spots where you do blunder in order to fully explore your chances."
"You want to get rid of this bishop because this off is so good on the diagonal."
"A lone pony can't really cause too much damage here."
"You take free pieces. You do not hang them yourself. And you always take them when presented. No matter what moves your opponent does, you take stock."
"The reaction is the action; your opponent's reaction is your action."
"It was the a5 to a4 move that changed this game."
"Chess oftentimes is a game of efficiency as much as it is a game of playing the best move at the best moment."
"Though it was only operational for half a decade, the sea darts racked up a remarkable number of flight hours."
"I just want to show like how easily you can go from a position where you seem to be losing material to now you're not now."
"Chess is somehow, when we're losing, it's like a swindle, you know?"
"A very important thing when you're lacking space when it comes to pawns is you have to find a way to chip away at those pawns."
"Strong players are always constantly monitoring how all the pieces are interacting."
"Unbelievable. The minimum amount of moves to win in chess, the minimum amount of moves is two."
"Actually, maybe you could still play e5 and transpose to a budapest but the move I would recommend here is e6."
"You have uh you have a double attack the queen and the knight attack two things which are only defended by one thing so you're actually guaranteed to win material here I see wow."
"Judge a move based on how good it is concretely within the framework of the particular position you have on the board."
"King up, king great, pawn up, push every pawn."
"It's a very annoying move order. So my opening has been a success. I can just focus on kind of kicking my opponent around."
"Once I start getting my heavy pieces into the game, you will feel the presence of The Rook."
"If you know your opponent plays g6 against close Sicilian, surprise them with v4."
"Magnus will try to take his opponent out of their comfort zone."
"You've got to make chess fun and practical. Those two things, right? They need to be fun and practical."
"You're only losing if you lose. No, I mean, actually, Bishop e6 is really smart."
"If you take back without thinking, you've only helped your opponent."
"Yeah it's simple we want this pawn gone so queen h1 will be made and knight h3 is a good way of doing that fork thinking of the queen good."
"It is almost as if alpha zero is demonstrating how chess ought to be played. It is really something special."
"One draw for Stockfish 10, the final game. 5 draws, one win. Awesome."
"Creating conditions where your opponent has an unprotected piece."
"Think about the stability of your pieces if you're creating this situation."
"A simple tactic involves a check and an unprotected piece."
"A simple move here is to attack the bishop that is unprotected."
"Another Queen sacrifice, I'm pretty much closing out this video with some spectacular moves."
"Why did he play bishop takes b8? That was disrespectful."
"You can checkmate with a knight and a bishop."
"Can we just look at the style points on the move king's e? This man doesn't even take the queen."
"The most important thing is to try not to give away pieces for free."
"Try not to lose material, then you can start seeing these sequences which win."
"When you play king e8 and then you put the pawn on d6, that pawn on d6 becomes a hook and white can exploit that hook by pushing e5."
"Chess has traveled more than a thousand years through history."
"So many cool ideas... Pawn endgames are the most fascinating type of endgame."
"You always want to look for ways to put the king in check, to attack the king."
"Black draws the game using a brilliant defensive idea: stalemate."
"End games are worth studying both from the perspective of becoming stronger and also from the perspective of appreciating a very unique kind of beauty."
"The whole point of this system is that I have two attacks on this pawn and by taking the knight I remove the guard here."
"Let's just not hang the queen now. It's easy; we just promote our pawn."
"The benefit of not rushing is that I'm winning the h7 pawn. It's a huge difference."
"Even classical openings offer trap opportunities."
"Strategic pawn sacrifice for attacking potential."
"Be careful about the move g4; this kind of move can be incredibly difficult to stop."
"Most people will take and realize that their queen is hopeless but same thing castling bishop d2."
"These positions usually come down to who can attack quicker."
"Black's play is so slow and white can just launch forward with h4."
"I want to go Queen G3 and rookie one Checkmate creating the classic right triangle."
"Chess sometimes hangs on the thinnest of knife edges."
"Hikaru is ready for a fight; he plays the most combative opening."
"White now has a four-on-three King side pawn majority and if best play followed from White's perspective the pieces would be traded eventually heading toward a position where black was lost in the endgame."
"Sam Shankland just thought that he was going to be checked on h1 and he was going to go king c2 and the game was going to end in a draw in a few moves, that is an irl pre-move."
"The game gets very, very sharp after H6 and Bishop to H4."
"When you don't see a forced win look for ways to win material attack pawns attack pieces you don't always have to play only for checkmate."
"The one big change that I've decided to make is that I will try to explain every single one of my moves even if it's just like one or two words."
"The Bon Cloud becomes much more effective when there are no queens on the board."
"A4: Creating the classic Bastion, preventing white from setting up pawns on B3 and A4."
"Nimzo is another kind of way of playing with bishop before and then ultimately bishop takes c3."
"I'll go here, Knight before, to go off to C2 Pawn. Maybe."
"I'm all about the king right every pawn the rooks the Knights the bishops even the Queen they're all on the board to protect the King."
"Chess is all about thinking you you don't actually know."
"Wow, nice move! Wow, I didn't see that at all, that's like vintage, that's pure danger levels right there."
"I have this very powerful thing here and now I can also throw my knight into the mix."
"It all stems from me completely dominating those queen side squares."
"Everything in black's position now becomes rather suspicious."
"Now my dark squared bishop came alive and I got a free pawn."
"A master class in surprising your opponent, making him uncomfortable and using experience and a slightly better nervous system."
"No, you're not down a bishop, you are up two pawns."
"I actually was very happy with the Rook sacrifice."
"Now we see absolute brilliance Czech Bishop d4 threatening Queen f2 mate."
"The game is going to be won and lost with decisions with pawns in the center of the board."
"If my opponent had played bishop h4... this is very unpleasant."
"Consent is very important in the real world. No means no. But in chess, it's go forth, please deliver a Checkmate."
"This is the full power of the Vienna unleashed."
"Oh, he just got mated, men. The old matin - you forgot f7 was hit."
"What a move from Dubov! What a move gluing the knight together."
"Stockfish saw until the end of the game; it put the queen in a box and put a prison cell."
"Stockfish saw like an eight-move combo: just amazing."
"Korchnoi played the opening which he never played against me. It's clear Korchnoi played for the win."
"Compensation for the pawn means you've got stuff going on in the position that gives you enough."
"If you're up a queen, trading pieces makes the game much easier to win."
"Black is up a piece and continues to take more material."
"You never switch off your tactical detector even when you're looking for positional solutions."
"Remember that game with knight c7, knight a6? The line between positional thinking and tactics was blurred."
"Stockfish wins with Bishop E6, checkmate to follow."
"Stockfish always pushes the pawn, exploiting weaknesses."
"Looking for undefended pieces is really the majority of tactical thinking."
"In general, anytime you have a situation like this where the rook has no squares, you should automatically think about ways to attack it."