
Historical Discovery Quotes

There are 359 quotes

"Each new discovery within the Great Pyramid is a piece of the puzzle in understanding one of humanity's most remarkable achievements."
"The discovery of this [mummification] process is amazing because we now have evidence that the Egyptians were perhaps not the first to mummify their dead."
"Are you ready to uncover the secrets of the past?"
"This find is a win for archaeology, a win for biblical scholarship."
"The endurance, the lost vessel of Antarctic explorer Sir Ernest Shackleton, was discovered at the bottom of the Weddell Sea."
"History is not as solid as we were led to believe. Every day, incredible new discoveries are found that threaten to turn our entire understanding of the past upside down."
"The discovery of a U-shaped wooden structure with Roman numerals at Smith's Cove on Oak Island is an intriguing find."
"In a statement, archaeologist Betsy Bryant described the site as the most important discovery in Egypt since King Tut's tomb was found in 1922."
"Rummaging can tell us about a fabulously remote past."
"In India, ancient Nandi statues made of Monolithic soapstone were discovered beneath a dried lake bed, dating back to the 16th or 17th century."
"Three days ago, this earthwork was almost unheard of. Now we've uncovered four thousand years of history on this Welsh hillside."
"Ballard succeeded in locating it and confirmed beyond a shadow of a doubt that the ship had, in fact, broken into before sinking."
"Their incredible skills enabled them when the Soviets launched Sputnik 2 only a month after Sputnik 1 to discover something new..."
"Arguably the most exciting archaeological discovery for the last, well, this millennia basically."
"The treasure of Solomon found by the Templars was not the Ark, but a knowledge of architecture that would inspire a revolutionary new form: Gothic design."
"The nephew of iconic drug lord Pablo Escobar claims he discovered an 18 million dollar plastic bag buried into the wall of one of his uncle's homes..."
"Sutton Hoo: one of the greatest discoveries of our time."
"The first ever pirate shipwreck from the golden age to be positively identified and authenticated."
"It's possible that a discovery has been found that may rival that of the Dead Sea Scrolls." - Katrina Jordan
"Isn't that amazing you can see the chisel marks."
"This airplane wreckage might be the C-54, we could potentially be solving a mystery."
"A royal treasure lost forever has at last been found."
"The long-missing B-24 bomber was found thanks to the non-profit project recover."
"By using satellite images, researchers are now able to look beneath the dirt, beneath the thick trees, and see where ancient trading hubs lay buried and forgotten."
"The famous terracotta army was revealed to be guarding the tomb of the first emperor of the Qin dynasty."
"The tomb of Tutankhamun is possibly the best-known archaeological achievement ever."
"Way back in about the middle of the 1800s there was the discovery of what became the most famous pagan creation myth that had ever been found in human history."
"The Dead Sea Scrolls remain one of the most important discoveries in all of history."
"Israeli teenagers made quite the discovery: a clay jar stuffed to the brim with gold coins dating back 1,100 years."
"Archaeologists have recently revealed their discovery of a vast Aztec Temple hidden beneath the 1950s hotel in the heart of Mexico City."
"The true discovery of America: L'Anse aux Meadows, a Viking settlement in Newfoundland."
"A collection of forgotten fortresses has been discovered in the Sahara Desert..."
"Archaeologists have discovered the earliest honey jars in all of Africa."
"Archaeological revelations: rewriting history with each new discovery."
"Silverdale horde: A significant historical discovery."
"Chinese archaeologists recently discovered over 10,000 extremely rare artifacts."
"Some skeletons with spears and knives still sticking out of them."
"35 million year old turtle fossil discovered in the ruins of a church."
"The lost golden city of Luxor: the largest ancient Egyptian city ever uncovered."
"Declassified CIA satellite spy program reveals lost ancient Roman forts in Syria and Iraq... high-resolution images from the 60s, 70s, and 80s."
"New excavations reveal advanced civilization on a remote Greek island, potentially rewriting history."
"This picture of Christ, which was discovered hidden in an outhouse, looks remarkably like the Turin Shroud, doesn't it?"
"Excavations have in fact unearthed the stone that is no less than 250 square meters in size."
"The coffin had somehow been encased nearly 1,000 years ago, and the body of the woman inside was almost perfectly preserved."
"Sakkara is literally rewriting history practically every day, each building uncovered and each tomb excavated shows a new piece of history and rewrites a chapter of the story."
"They felt as though they were standing in front of a hugely important historical artifact."
"It was during this time a Bedouin Shepherd was tending his flock near the Dead Sea and stumbled upon what some archaeologists are calling the most important discovery in archaeological history."
"The Maya have intrigued the world since their modern `discovery’ in the 1840s by John Lloyd Stephens and Frederick Catherwood."
"William Buckland's work on Megalosaurus in 1824 revealed more about dinosaur bones."
"For Clapp, this could mean only one thing: that the lost city of Iram had finally been found."
"Despite the tragic loss of the crew of Franklin's Expedition, it ultimately led to most of the discoveries in the area."
"The discovery of the second almost complete Viking helmet is so amazing."
"This mask likely dates back to the end of the fourth century BC," said archaeologist Khan Iren, conveying the remarkable nature of the discovery.
"A former theater in northern Italy ended up being the location of a valuable trove of old Roman coins dating back to the late Roman Imperial era."
"A shipwreck filled with lost gold is solving a mystery from the 16th century."
"It may have already been known in some ways but the fact that Goddess statues can sense each other and their condition fascinated me."
"Recent archaeological discoveries have uncovered a series of long-forgotten structures nestled among the dense foliage, unlocking the secrets of Machu Picchu."
"Archaeologists proceeded to unearth what appeared to be a 12th-century burial site with a total of eight graves inside."
"A civilization previously unknown to historians... a great military victory over the kingdom of Phrygia."
"The ruins of an ancient Coptic church were just found in Egypt along with a Roman fort."
"Shipwreck Holy Grail: two ships found near Spanish Galleon full of gold worth 17 billion."
"Our lady in the sarcophagus just seeing some lovely Bright Eyes makes her seem just a bit more real thousand years later."
"And just like that, a man 2200 years ago found the circumference of our entire planet with just a stick and his brain."
"It was sobering to realize what they had discovered, the first piece of Challenger debris since the shuttle washed ashore in 1996."
"The most exciting Maritime Discovery since the Mary Rose in 1982."
"These Tartaria tablets have direct equivalence in the Sumerian language."
"Finding this kind of history for this time is significant."
"My father excavated a city in the rub al-khali in Arabia which he dated to more than 4000 years before the rise of any known human civilization."
"The stunning results proved that Central America once had a civilization roughly as advanced as the ancient Greeks or Chinese during its heyday."
"Lost Golden City: The discovery of the lost golden city near Luxor hailed as the second most important find in Egypt since King Tut's tomb."
"We think it's in fact the earliest fleshed bog body from anywhere in Europe."
"We've uncovered the story of these Iron Age tribes."
"Archaeologists believe they may have just found that very house."
"The Dead Sea Scrolls are some of the most long-lasting and incredible finds of the 21st century."
"We may indeed be on the precipice of one of the most important discoveries of our Modern Age."
"America was discovered by the Vikings in or about the year 1000."
"What we've got today is absolute confirmation that this place was in use right through the fourth century."
"What will they uncover next? Could it be valuable historical manuscripts or treasures like gold and silver abandoned by the Knights Templar?"
"In opening up what could turn out to be one of the most significant villa sites in the country, we've had a unique view into Roman life in Britain."
"That's absolutely fantastic. It's absolutely astounding. We've got the three ranges and possibly a gatehouse. Gardens in the middle. Corridors and rooms up here. Everything's so, so clear."
"The lost golden city is deemed the most important archaeological discovery since the finding of Tutankhamun's tomb."
"It's the largest known child sacrifice ever found."
"This did not come as a surprise to literally anyone that humans were present in the southern part of the United States long before scientists had previously said so."
"The existence of manuscripts is an amazing discovery, revealing details about life in Timbuktu centuries ago."
"They found evidence that shows sophisticated civilizations lived there well over a hundred thousand years ago."
"In 1940, a young boy from Montignac by the name of Marcel Ravidat found a strange cavity on Lascaux hill in France."
"King Richard the third was found under a parking lot in Leicester, UK in 2012."
"The tablet's discovery is major not only for its historical value but because it potentially opens up possibilities for further excavations."
"Unearthing the world's oldest subway tunnel."
"The legendary city of Troy, it is in fact real and this guy is responsible for having found it."
"The 4500-year-old boat buried in the Sahara."
"In 2019 archaeologists discovered two decorated roman-led coffins at a quarry in Surrey England."
"These were shocking and challenging texts never before seen by a Western scholar."
"Archaeologists have discovered what very well could be the largest single incident of mass child sacrifice anywhere in the world."
"I had done something I had always dreamed of, tracking down the remains of some of America's unique aviation history."
"Rumors spread of the Smithsonian catching wind of these mysterious relics, dispatching a team of some 30 scientists to document and explore this Monumental find."
"This discovery not only shocked the world but also let us understand that there are numerous incredible pieces of knowledge about the Stone Age that we are yet to discover."
"Imagine seeing the preserved remains of someone who lived in your community a staggering 2,200 years ago."
"This is the oldest Quran that has now been found."
"When a new motorway was being built here in central Poland, archaeologists made an unparalleled discovery."
"It's unbelievable to think that such a thing was found during this tune heads Gold Rush."
"This small decorated chalk cylinder discovered before the pandemic has rested in the ground for 5,000 years, a precious object to accompany three children."
"An Anglo-Saxon settlement: we may have a rare Anglo-Saxon hall here."
"These burials might represent the first solid archaeological evidence that there was a church here before Edward the Confessors."
"Tutankhamun's tomb was discovered almost completely intact in 1922."
"What's intriguing about this newly discovered enclosure is that it and what's inside it appear to be earlier than the medieval."
"Hundreds of love letters and keys were found inside a bronze statue of Juliet from Shakespeare's most famous tragedy."
"It's the biggest trove of coins ever found in Britain."
"It's fascinating to see Richard's skeleton convincingly being found and proven."
"This historically rich site would never have been found at all were it not for exploratory work carried out ahead of the creation of a new housing estate."
"The Vikings discovered America a long long time before Columbus."
"Machu Picchu: Finding an abandoned Incan city in the middle of the jungle is unlikely."
"It's like another world. When the remote operated vehicle drops down through the water column and you see this ship appear in the light at the bottom, so perfectly preserved, it feels like you step back in time."
"An ongoing drought across Spain revealed a ghost village that's been submerged underwater for 30 years."
"This is an incredible find. We've uncovered some sort of Mesolithic timber structure as old as the flint work on the mound."
"A tooth, a chariot, and buried treasure: Mike's incredible discovery captivates the world."
"Historians recently uncovered a list of 17 British soldiers hidden in a bunker at the Auschwitz concentration camp."
"Another piece of the Bronze Age ceremonial landscape falls into place."
"Renowned Egyptologist Zahi Hawas believes he has located the tomb of Nefertiti."
"Perhaps one of the more exciting discoveries and mysteries in the modern age has been what lies beneath Stonehenge."
"Cleopatra's Palace: Rediscovered after being lost to history."
"Easily one of the most famous accidental discoveries in history the terracotta army was also one of the biggest."
"Pompeii has become world renowned for its casts of the volcano's victims."
"Columbus discovered America in 1492, getting all the attention while the Vikings who discovered it in 1021 just out here drowning."
"The Leviathan was the first telescope that showed the spiral structure of galaxies."
"The advanced civilization discovered within the Amazon rainforest serves as a powerful reminder of the adaptability and resilience of the human spirit."
"Lost Golden City: the biggest sensations since the discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb."
"The royal tombs of Ur revealed Mesopotamia's golden splendor."
"The discovery of a ceremonial banquet hall offered a glimpse into the Moche culture."
"archaeologists discovered a collection of 120 large ceramic jars all lined up in turkey's van province"
"Completing the deepest known shipwreck dive in history."
"I'm searching for the past no one knows exists."
"An artifact is a history lesson in physical form."
"With the discovery of Ashurbanipal’s library, thousands of contemporary texts were discovered telling the story of the Assyrians in their own words."
"One of the richest archaeological sites ever unearthed."
"The mysterious tomb of a long-dead Egyptian Commander was unearthed near the Giza Plateau."
"French scientists Pascal Cotte shocked art critics in 2015 when he revealed his findings that the real Mona Lisa may have been hiding behind the famous masterpiece all along."
"Long-lost wooden boat: a fantastic story 27 years in the making."
"A team of archaeologists excavated at least 30 bodies, including 20 adults and 10 children, who were buried just 1.6 feet (50 cm) in the ground."
"The last relics that can be positively ID'd as part of the expedition were found about 40 miles north of the river, meaning that the men had made it some 200 miles across King William's Island."
"Discoveries like this show how archaeology can change the story of Britain."
"On the 13th of March in 1781, William Herschel discovered Uranus."
"Archaeologists in Sweden have uncovered the Mysteries behind a merchant ship that sank in the 15th century."
"It's hard to even imagine how shocking the news must have been in 1922 that Howard Carter had somehow managed to discover the nearly intact tomb of King Tutankhamen."
"The recent discovery revealed that the freshwater pool utilized by visitors to Jerusalem was larger than initially thought."
"This is where a groundbreaking discovery was made, a discovery which may shed new light on our mysterious prehistoric past."
"Unicorn enthusiasts all around the world are rejoicing claiming that this is the first hard evidence that their favorite beast of legend is actually real."
"Chancing upon an Undiscovered Elizabethan shipwreck is an incredible once in a lifetime opportunity."
"The discovery of this site has very radically shifted the way that we think."
"This was the first known discovery to them of the Americas."
"Now thanks to a few artifacts discovered by a fisherman, we can push that timeline back by 600 years."
"The map of the stars has been located, a big deal, the oldest known map, a remarkable breakthrough."
"It was like discovering the Sistine Chapel if you didn't know there had been a Renaissance."
"The drawing appears to be the oldest known portrait of the human face."
"12 men have just discovered something for one hundred thousand years it was buried in the snow and ice how it has found a place to live."
"Batteries existed 2200 years ago, a clay jar found near Baghdad, Iraq, believed to be the oldest electric battery."
"Huge Native American drawings dating back over 1,000 years found in a large unnamed cave in Alabama."
"Late yesterday afternoon, we unearthed a tile from the abbey belonging to Edward the Confessor, 200 years previously."
"Archaeologists crave unexplored territory. Nothing thrills more than new discoveries of ancient civilizations."
"Crucifixion is a word laden with meaning and symbolism... archaeologists found the first ever evidence of this cruel punishment in a quaint historic village in Cambridgeshire."
"Inscriptions can also solve Mysteries that previously had puzzled archaeologists."
"If any of these theories are indeed right, it would make for the greatest discovery in archaeological history."
"If they uncover a mill dating back to 1086, it'll be a major discovery because of the 6,000 water mills recorded by the Normans in the Doomsday Bull, only a handful have ever been traced."
"It almost feels like it's some kind of Industrial Revolution that they've discovered this fantastic new hard metal and then they're just thinking well what on Earth could we do with it?"
"They basically found Atlantis four years ago."
"Number 3: Staffordshire Horde. With its long history of kings, queens, Sherlock Holmes, and Monty Python, we shouldn't be surprised that England has so many buried treasures."
"So essentially we found five different major pieces of debris that told us that it was the remains of the Titan."
"This glimpse of a potential Anglo-Saxon building could be the breakthrough we've been praying for."
"In Orkney, archaeologists have found the well-preserved and almost complete remains of a rare building that likely dates back to the Bronze Age."
"This discovery not only confirms that Phil's located the hall's kitchens which would have put meat and grog on the table of the Norman Lords but the roof slates suggest that this could be a building that predates the Norman Hall."
"That's the first evidence of Anglo-Saxon past within the castle walls."
"It's one of the best time capsules I have ever seen."
"I would say this is probably uh one of the most important Anglo-Saxon discoveries since Sutton."
"Let's not lose the fact that people figured this stuff out at some point in history that we managed to figure out how to manipulate these waves that we didn't even know existed."
"Bjarni and his men were the very first two Europeans to arrive in North America."
"World's Oldest Cheese: A 3,200-Year-Old Discovery"
"We found this amazing bathhouse. Once Romans would have sat among these beautiful mosaics sweating then they would have sprinted over to Phil's plunge pool to cool off and exchange the gossip of the day."
"The baby mass grave: Unwanted infants abandoned, revealing Roman birth control."
"We have discovered a subway used by the ancient egyptians of 5 000 years ago."
"Eric Laws was searching his property in Suffolk, England for a lost hammer back in 1992 when he discovered the largest ever cache of Roman treasure ever found in Britain."
"Britain's first city arose near an ancient spring on the Salisbury Plain, and the ancestors of its inhabitants probably built Stonehenge."
"Auten: the most important find in Egypt since the discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb."
"The discovery took place in the so-called Valley of the Kings beneath the pyramid-shaped mountain."
"Only thanks to the dig has the full scale of this imposing site become clear."
"The treasures they found in just these few small underground rooms take up an entire wing of the Egyptian Museum."
"Room I discovered learning about my family's past."
"Fred's discovery made history; he had just pulled the first body ever recovered from Lake Crescent onto his boat."
"Nobody knew the bomb was there least of all the farmer until researchers found old records proving exactly where the 25 tons of explosives are hidden."
"You have done very well, few could have come this far, let alone discover the true tomb of tal Rasha."
"Nefertiti's tomb: If this turns out to be true, the rediscovery of her tomb may shed light on many ancient Egyptian mysteries."
"Back in 2010, some new tombs would be discovered in Giza, Egypt... a chief archaeologist would make a statement to the effect that the newly uncovered tombs were those of the workers responsible for building the pyramids themselves."
"Each figure is individually sculpted, cast, polished... the sheer scale of the discovery is mindblowing."
"Could this at last be our medieval townhouse?"
"The oldest recorded message in a bottle, dropped in 1906, was discovered on a German island in 2015, thrilling researchers."
"This is only the second place in America to yield direct physical evidence of contact between native people and the famous Hernando de Soto expedition."
"In January 2021 they made a remarkable discovery that dates all the way back to the time of Christ."
"The body was much older than we initially thought; this young woman was buried here 1,400 years ago."
"It's funny, 35 years ago a group of archaeologists came here, dug a load of trenches, got some finds, and then joined the dots together and conjectured that there was a Roman bath house here."
"These are all too real. What was found here was fragments of the Dead Sea Scrolls."
"Over 40 years after they discovered his torso, his identity was discovered."