
Sculpting Quotes

There are 123 quotes

"The most important part, and this is what any sculptor will tell you, is the primary forms. If they're screwed up, basically, you don't have anything."
"One of the last things you should be doing when you're sculpting faces that you want to be believable is to make them not symmetrical."
"He's the head of our sculpting department and he's developed a lot of the techniques for these faces."
"Start making some character busts - the face is the most interesting part of sculpting and the most difficult."
"We use our lighter tools to cut and slim the nose and then blend all of that in."
"I love shaping. It starts to make whatever you do come to life."
"If you're serious about getting into sculpting, I would really consider looking at a tablet."
"It's kind of an iterative process; you add some geometry or loops, and then you sculpt it a bit to get things in place."
"You want to think of it almost like you're sculpting."
"Sculpting each piece is all about using the right tools and techniques."
"It's kind of like chiseling through rock at this point, you know? You're just chunking away, getting these big shapes broken off. Gotta smooth it out and get a little bit closer. That's what I'm gonna use the belt sander for."
"Look at how natural that looks because of the super cool undertone you know what I mean it's just getting sculpted."
"It is so worth it, it is so much more fun to sculpt in VR."
"I was just really surprised by how much nicer it was to sculpt in VR."
"It is a lot of fun to sculpt in VR, I mean, to make it really small like that and see it when it's tiny."
"Sculpting in VR is such a joy, I can't recommend it enough."
"I painted the surrounding areas of sculptamold using some dark brown acrylic craft paint."
"Sculpting is really hard but I am happy with my second try."
"When you can start to kind of sculpt different elements, you can get away with adding a lot into your mix because they all have their own place to sit."
"I'm gonna make a button nose today."
"This video is not for you if you're reducing Seavers for like two years and you're complaining that we're going too slow. It's meant for people who are very fresh to just getting into sculpting."
"Everything is sculpting is down to good clean shapes."
"The main idea with working with subdivision levels in ZBrush is that you only subdivide when you need that specific level of geometry."
"It's like sculpting, it's pretty cool."
"When you want to put holes in objects, that really is kind of the only way. You can't really sculpt out a hole. That's not how sculpting works. You will have to use the boolean for that."
"At this point, I'm fast-forwarding just a little bit since all I'm doing is sculpting and painting layers."
"It's hard. It's like we were sculpting last night. Todd made the funniest, cutest, weirdest little thing for his tank."
"Liquid clays can be used in a number of ways including creating realistic sauces and frosting, securing pieces of clay together, or creating other effects such as water."
"The overall sculpt work just looks so well done, and to me, this is how the Siege Warfare Cybertron figures should have looked."
"This course has focused primarily on sculpting from photo references, but if possible I highly recommend finding a way to sculpt from life."
"...even if you're not that much into digital sculpting, you may still want to consider owning a tablet."
"the way that it's been sculpted here to have that blank expression but still look like the Mr X that follows you around the police station is an absolute Triumph in my opinion and it's exactly what you would want from a Mr X figure"
"It's all about creating a sculpted version of you so they're for the two we challenge their energizing workouts that are dumbbell only."
"...you'll find out that this sculpting technique is a great way to use your off Cuts."
"EQ'ing is like sculpting sound. You're chiseling away at the frequencies to reveal the masterpiece underneath."
"Artists can add more plaster to a sculpture to model it further, but they can also cut it apart or carve into it as if it were stone."
"The brushes we use by far the most would be exactly that: start off with the move brush, get the shapes where you want to be."
"I prefer to sculpt hands from scratch, it's very rewarding."
"Step by step, we're going to gradually go through the sculpting process as you can see bit by bit until we eventually come to this result over here."
"This is just going to be fantastic for people that want to sculpt."
"Overall, very easy to select and pose and change things and re-sculpt."
"None of what I will say constitutes a rule when it comes to sculpting faces."
"The first thing that I want to propose as an extremely important feature for you to know to really be able to sculpt a skull properly is what we call the superciliary arches."
"They did a great job with the paint and the sculpting on this figure."
"With copper, you're not just making jewelry, you're sculpting."
"It doesn't really matter how bumpy and lumpy it is; it only matters when you're sculpting."
"So, we want to keep this particular shape. I would add another little bead right here."
"Sculpting this was actually kind of cathartic."
"It's amazing for sculpting busts and getting fine detail, you can heat it up and when it's warm it's more malleable."
"My overall pick definitely Monster Clay."
"My secondary pick Super Sculpey, again nothing against Chavant, I love Chavant and I'll always use it but I do think Monster Clay is a superior clay when it comes to this type of clay."
"...and you can do a little bit of sculpting on these duplicates to give them a little bit of variation but I think that looks pretty cool."
"The magic it really happens when you start using Damien standard to define the wrinkles and the flow of your scales."
"Everything, even modeling, should be broken down in steps, likewise sculpting."
"Flexible definition, shape, and sculpt wet or dry hair."
"Junkyard is a sculpting Masterpiece."
"We're going to sculpt our rocks to learn something new and develop our sculpting skills."
"If you're not already subscribed, smash that button because in the next couple of videos, I'm gonna be going over my sculpting process for rocks."
"I like to approach sculpting in much the same way I approach life: I fail my way into something that kind of works, then pretend like it was my plan from the get-go."
"These are going to slim your waist, sculpt your booty, and really elongate the legs."
"I love the slide relaxed brush; it's sort of a smoothing and moving brush but it keeps the actual shape of the object intact as you're moving and sliding things around."
"It's like you're working with clay; you can add and take away."
"I really tried to include everything that I wish I would have known when I first started sculpting."
"Sculpting is kind of like the marathon running of art because it does take a little bit of time."
"That's why I recommend starting with additive clay; being able to add and then remove and kind of push it back and forth is really valuable when you're learning."
"It's like a sculptor when a sculptor is creating their work of art and they notice that they need a little bit more clay here, a little bit less clay there, they are trying to create their aesthetic masterpiece."
"Welcome to another sculpting video; in this one, we're making a scarecrow."
"If you're new to this and you want to get a better idea for what fabric looks like, I would actually recommend taking a sheet or something and throwing it over a chair and just kind of using that as a guide."
"By using the remesh, it gives us a consistent geometry density which would be very useful for sculpting over the top of."
"The goal is to get that toning, we'll get a nice good burn, everything strengthening and sculpting."
"Using a tool like this in the future will allow 3D modelers to model as if they are a sculptor."
"Think of sub D as a sculpting tool and think of NURBS as more of a precision tool."
"I'm going to show you not only the sculpting process but how to create a few different patterns really quickly."
"Don't worry with how your sculpt is turning out; just have fun and keep on learning, and you'll get better."
"This process of just sculpting and finding shapes is kind of like therapeutic."
"Thank you guys so much for watching me sculpt this character, had a lot of fun doing it."
"I took these lumps of clay and put my strength into it and tried to make something out of them."
"This is a fantastic tool just for sculpting."
"Cross light is perfect for this kind of subject matter because it really helps to sculpt the figure."
"We are bodybuilders, not weight lifters; we are sculptors of the body."
"It's got cool sculpting tools, a very unique modeling workflow, the symmetry tools are some of the best that are out there."
"So this class is all about Batman; we're going to create a really cool Batman sculpt."
"Welcome to chapter two. In this chapter, we're going to cover some sculpting basics so you can create a landscape like this you see in the image here."
"In this video, we're going to go over some cloth sculpting and detailing techniques that I use on my projects."
"There are three major folds for cloth to look out for when you're sculpting."
"It's important to look out for this in your reference and try to replicate it in your sculpt."
"Just like I did with the scarf, using the Dam Standard brush with a large radius and a low intensity in combination with the alt key can give the inverse effect which can really define those blocked out folds."
"...you can actually start curving and cutting away some interesting shapes within it which to me is kind of cool."
"The stellar stellar detail and again sculpting wise on the actual skin for the turtles looks absolutely terrific."
"The inside of the mouth looks really good."
"Masks are super, super useful anytime you're wanting to only adjust one specific area to your sculpt."
"It's great for doing just simple sculpts that you're not really needing to worry about the topology."
"Keep sculpting, don't rush, this is really important for anything that we do as artists."
"The idea that I'm going for is that we start in poly modeling to do the rough shapes, and then we go into sculpting and do the details."
"Excess fat is removed from the hips, the abdomen, the lower back, thighs with liposuction, and a portion of this fat is then strategically injected into the buttocks."
"Mid frequency is really what makes or breaks your sculpt."
"Can't express how important it is to not go crazy with the details."
"Mid frequency is one of those things that's the hardest to get right."
"It's so important, and now you know the magic of sculpting."
"It's nice to take breaks in between your sculpting sessions, it allows you to reflect a little bit."
"We can use curves to sculpt any waves, giving you a start."
"The sculpting can become very relaxing to do, it's like painting in a lot of ways."
"We're going to cover things like primary, secondary, and tertiary forms, which is a very standard way of looking at sculpting in the industry."
"That's the really fun part about sculpting, like doing stuff like that, you know, you can really add a lot to it if you just know little tricks and stuff like that."
"I'm kind of carving aimlessly, and I'll be honest, I have a couple of ideas of how I want this to look."
"The sport of bodybuilding is an illusion, like putting clay here, putting clay there."
"That's a quick way of getting the rough shape of the head."
"I find this the most efficient and best looking way of sculpting."
"So let's give him a face; let's give him eyes."
"Well, that actually might be a cute little nose if I'm honest with you."
"After every layer, you want to make sure you get it nice and rounded again."
"The Pilates Pro Chair Max gives you the opportunity to sculpt your body to your choice, get your fitness goals, tone long, lean, strong, sexy dancer muscles and flexibility, and a great sense of balance at the same time that you are getting a cardio workout."
"It's more like how a sculptor would work; you start off with a big block of clay and you chip away at it until you have the shape or the sound that you want."
"If you like sculpting then check out my sculpting playlist."
"He's got some really good articulation; he's got some nice sculpting work."
"We're going to start off by modeling a base mesh and then we will be sculpting that base mesh to create this whale character."
"If you've never done sculpting and texture painting before, this is beginner-friendly, so I will be going very slowly and showing you the entire process."
"It's going to be a product that really can give you an ultra sculpted, really pretty blush look."
"It helps lift and sculpt and tone different areas of your face."