
Horse Riding Quotes

There are 76 quotes

"Clint said he told the horse trainers that he knew very little about riding horses and they said well that's okay you'll either learn or you'll die."
"For the first time since I finished my time with my trainer, I was riding with someone who actually knew what the hell they were doing."
"A rider who doesn't have enough pride in his trade to decorate his outfit with a little silver never rides a good horse."
"A man transmits his state of mind to his horse."
"There's something wonderfully humbling about just riding your horse through this beautiful environment."
"This barn has a program where kids who normally wouldn't afford riding and showing weekly have access to equipment training and showing."
"I've forgotten what a privilege it is to ride here."
"Let the horse be a horse and just accept what the horse gives you because you are privileged to be sitting on them and riding them."
"Horses really do pick up on your emotions, so you need to be confident and just go for it."
"Riding is funny, it's amazing, you can laugh at his tricks while at the same time being like wow I could never do that."
"The Queen is an excellent horsewoman and enjoys a good canter in Windsor Great Park."
"I can do wheelies and donuts on my horse, that's quite good!"
"If you can't do calm and controlled on the ground, you got no business getting in the saddle. Calm and controlled, that's where we start. Calm and controlled on the ground, not reactionary on the ground, lead to calm and controlled in the saddle."
"You provide your horse heavy energy, you can't complain if your horse has heavy reaction. If you let them respond to light, delicate signals, that's how you get a horse light and delicate."
"If you are riding and do ride horses, please, please never ever ride without a helmet."
"I can go from unstarted to riding in two weeks and I'll know that the horse has a sound mind and hasn't been abused or anything."
"The most dangerous ride on a colt is typically the first ride. If the first ride goes really well, as a good rule of thumb, the rest of them will follow along in line."
"The key to having a great successful first ride is preparation."
"By the 14th ride, I want to be able to do my one-rein stops, my cruising lesson, follow the fence, and have him loping on a loose rein."
"Did you go to your horse lessons?"
"If you've never ridden a horse before, there's a big difference between cruising in a car or a quad and having a bloody live animal underneath you."
"I just love riding. It feels like you and the horse are one."
"Every girl out there or boy that has that love affair with the horse should definitely pursue it."
"My goals are just silly things, like I want to ride my horse up a mountain, and that's it, for just for the sake of it. And once I do that, I don't know what's next, but at least I'm here."
"My family and I will forever be grateful to this horse who took us to places we had never even dreamed of and gave us the most exciting moment of our lives."
"I'd also recommend if you're going to do competing to get a white saddle pad that you just use for when you do competing or showing."
"...when we're sitting on top what we have to be able to see is the letter through their ears so that tells us that the front of the face is turned in the half pass so you shouldn't see any twisting or tipping."
"Davey's newfound freedom also gave him the chance to enjoy his other great love: horse riding."
"Reiner rides and Copy Cat Valley did his job."
"I'd rather ride my horse a thousand miles than say any of these goddamn words."
"If you can get one that really kicks and bucks around there and then spins well, you've got the one that you win with."
"Once those horses get to where their brain and their body are matching up they really start to relax."
"People liked the freedom and the view that they got from the top of a horse, so the wind in their hair."
"Turns out she was the best horse I'd ever ridden."
"I was just finding that I wasn't enjoying riding him as much as I do Ansie."
"Tomorrow I've got a dressage test with Popcorn, so we were practicing that tonight and Popcorn was just going absolutely amazing, he was such a good boy."
"When your knees hurt your stirrups are too short."
"The power comes from your elbow coming back and your forearm being in line with the horse's mouth."
"Here we've got a cross-country course, we've got literally miles and miles of hacking, I can go for a six hour hack if I want to."
"Brittany has control of a 1,500 pound animal, and she is free, and I think that helps her spirit."
"Most people just lope for two minutes and then can't figure out why their horse never finds a rhythm. You got good at riding a bike as a kid because you rode it and you rode it and you rode it."
"...when you first get a green or a young horse to canter and you have to take the canter they give you and be happy with it. You cannot be trying to alter the shape of their body, where they carry their head, what direction they go in, or how fast they go."
"Neck reining, when I get ready to turn left, the way I ride, the rein does in fact touch the neck."
"Yeah, balance and anticipation if these horses get out of balance or if they start anticipating, that's when you see things go bad."
"The ponies normally get ridden four to five times a week in a school week."
"It's like Galloping on a carpet. The horses love it."
"So much fun practicing polo cross for the very first time ever on a horse. It's a little bit different."
"Feeling ready to actually get on a horse now. Home girl is all cleansed, she's warmed up, she's dressed in riding clothes."
"Don't be afraid if you pull a little bit harder that you will suffocate your horse, that you will hurt them. But it's definitely not the case."
"I only have like two real riding horses."
"I just really liked riding in this saddle. I felt comfortable, I loved moving with the horse, I felt like I wasn't constricted but it has a lot of security as well."
"Your height doesn't really matter for riding once you're comfortable."
"Veronica doesn't deserve a horse as good as Cobalt. Cobalt doesn't deserve someone like her."
"Neither me nor my horse has a pedigree but he's taken me where I'm wanting to be."
"Trust is the thing that you have to develop in order to achieve that bond, and that comes with time."
"Moonlight Shalom, or just Shalom for short, is actually the name of a horse I rode and loved for a long while."
"Dressage is the foundation for everything when it comes to horses."
"Well, it wasn't so bad; you should have seen my first time on a horse."
"Nothing compares to riding a horse."
"When I'm on my horse, it's total freedom. I don't think about no problems, just me and my baby."
"We use horses to keep us off the streets and keep us busy."
"I've been around horses my whole life, and I can always go back to ride."
"Every ride on this horse makes me feel like a million bucks."
"You do not get a better place than this to have a horse ride, look at that, fantastic."
"I've been riding horses, which is really fun to me."
"If you tense up in the saddle, your horse is also going to tense up."
"I wanna be a cowgirl, just riding on a horse."
"I'm very excited because I'm going to be riding a horse, and it's something I really love to do."
"The woods is really an awesome thing that I love riding the horses in, and it really is diverse."
"Falls are not the normal, but in short, yes, I do believe in getting back on after you fall."
"High-heeled shoes were originally for men and used for horse riding."
"We could ride a horse, having fun of course, an adventure like never before."
"I remember loving visiting my family friends on farms, especially riding horses."
"Nothing lovelier than a sunset ride."
"I'm so excited for horse riding; I used to do it when I was younger."