
Nuclear Physics Quotes

There are 84 quotes

"We need leaders of the field like Oppenheimer."
"Fermi had split an atom in 2, a process that releases an absurd amount of energy."
"The island of stability was real, and they had found the beginning of its shoreline."
"Fusion and fission: based on the principle that in nuclear physics 1+1 no longer equals 2."
"Oppenheimer was many things in life... the destroyer of worlds."
"Oppenheimer is one of the most important figures that has ever lived."
"Fallout could mean the residual radioactive particles that rain down from the atmosphere after a nuclear explosion."
"Ellen's life has been an evolution beyond just personal growth."
"Fission is taking heavy elements like uranium and breaking them up, releasing energy."
"99% of the mass of an atom is to be found in its nucleus."
"Ultimately, stability depends on the balance between protons and neutrons in the nucleus."
"There are no simple set of principles to determine nuclear stability."
"To shatter nuclear pasta, we'd need about 10 billion times the force needed to shatter steel."
"A chain reaction: when a tiny atom splits, it makes a tiny explosion, and that explosion can start another explosion, and another."
"I've been extremely fascinated about nuclear physics and the power that lays deep behind the nucleus."
"In April 1943, Oppenheimer was 38 years old, about to take on a task for which few people thought him capable: harnessing the forces of the atom to build a bomb of awesome destructive power."
"Some of the things... Large bright flashes of Lights in the room... it was basically proven that these flashes were created by atoms splitting like protons."
"In the years after the war, Robert Oppenheimer's fame grew."
"In the 1920s and 1930s there were a few people who were intensely interested in the phenomena of Nuclear Physics."
"Protons and neutrons, known as nucleons, are the only two members of the baryon family."
"Control rods are devices that absorb neutrons."
"You can fire manhole covers off the nuclear bomb."
"You have to constantly be controlling those control rods to keep it in what I'll call dynamic equilibrium."
"We're going to be now linking up the stability of nuclei versus what mode of decay they will take in order to find a more stable configuration."
"Half-life is the time taken for half the radioactive nuclei to decay."
"Nuclear fission is the splitting of an atomic nucleus."
"Gertrude and Maurice Goldhaber were pioneers in nuclear physics, their work laying the foundation for many discoveries to come."
"Radioactive decay is an unstable nucleus attempting to achieve a stable configuration by spontaneously changing to a stable form."
"We're giving each nucleus a very good start in life."
"We had many surprises, we learned a good many things about atomic nuclei and many more about the behavior of matter under extreme and unfamiliar conditions."
"This theory of quantum chromodynamics plays an important role in how the nuclei are created, which are important for life, how stars form, and how stars explode."
"Nuclear explosions are so big that there are hundreds, thousands of little factors that play a part in the way it looks."
"In reality, Fermi had discovered nuclear fission."
"In beta decay, we're referring to beta minus decay, which would be the emission of an electron from the nucleus."
"The half-life is the time for half the nuclei to undergo decay."
"He's considered to be the father of the nuclear age."
"At higher temperature, there's actually a higher probability of nuclear fusion."
"In Copenhagen in 1941, Heisenberg tried to ask Bohr about working on nuclear projects in a roundabout way."
"The half-life is the time taken for half the radioactive nuclei to decay."
"Good morning, and welcome to Nuclear Physics 101. I see a lot of new faces, but you know the old saying: Out with the old, in with the nucleus."
"A neutron can be thought of as nuclear glue."
"The half-life is the time it takes for half of a sample of a radioactive element to decay."
"When we get a successful chain reaction growing, we have what is called a supercritical mass."
"Radioactivity is the spontaneous disintegration of atomic nuclei."
"That's my favorite word of all time: stellar nucleosynthesis."
"Uranium and many other elements that are heavier than lead are primarily formed through rapid neutron capture."
"He's also a nuclear physics super genius."
"For 60 years, the Curie family played a central role in the development of modern nuclear physics."
"Are you the type to get excited by a molecule, about it split an atom in a fraction, blow a nuclear fuse?"
"A heavy unstable nucleus splits into two lighter, more stable nuclei and releases energy."
"When I see this, I see the dance of Shiva, the very massive nuclei where all the positive charge sits with the proton, and the electrons around wave and wave like."
"A beta decay changes the nucleus of an atom in a way that it will have one less neutron and one more proton."
"The half-life of the source is 25 minutes."
"The number of protons decreases by two and the mass number decreases by four; that's a helium atom, which is the same as an alpha particle."
"The key here is nuclear; dark matter has to be exotic."
"Stable nuclei stay that way forever, but unstable nuclei spontaneously decay."
"Half-life is the time taken for the radioactive nuclei to decay to half its value."
"Every nucleus which has a charge and spin is now a magnet, a small magnet."
"The entire nucleus acting as a whole can have an effect."
"I'm a third year grad student at New Mexico State University doing my PhD in theoretical nuclear physics."
"The nuclear size is given by the equation \( R = R_0 A^{\frac{1}{3}} \)."
"The binding energy of a nucleus is the energy required to combine individual protons and neutrons into the nucleus."
"Binding energy is the minimum work required to completely separate nucleons of an atom."
"The half-life of iridium 194 is 19 hours."
"Activity is the number of decays of a radioactive source per second or the rate at which a radioactive substance disintegrates."
"Robert J. Oppenheimer is known as the father of the nuclear bomb."
"The strong force binds protons and neutrons into nuclei. It's so powerful it can overcome the natural repulsion of protons."
"Nuclear energy in uranium is converted to kinetic energy of the fission products."
"Nuclear decay always makes a nucleus more stable."
"Mass is converted into energy in nuclear reactions."
"Spin pairing is just about 10 times stronger than the nucleonic force and creates a chain of pairs with this pattern all throughout the nucleus."
"Half-life is the time taken for the number of radioactive atoms to go down by half."
"Nuclear physics is in a good spot where it's almost always eventually useful for something."
"Spin is a very touchy subject in nuclear physics for the proton."
"...our view of the nucleus has changed a bit, now we think of it more as a distribution of quarks and gluons."