
Cryptocurrency Enthusiasm Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"My prediction for Doge long term is that it's going to go to the exact number of to the moon."
"Doge to the moon! We broke trading platforms today. I love you Doge Army!"
"I'm personally very excited about cryptocurrencies."
"Dogecoin to the moon, keep up the good work."
"Bitcoin is tremendous cuz it ain't never finished."
"Hit that subscribe button harder than ETH hit 3K."
"I've been a bitcoin enthusiast since like 2013, 2014 around that is when I bought my first. I was like blogging about it for the NYU newspaper so I've just been fascinated with this idea of programmable internet money software eating the world."
"This is some of the most exciting things that I have seen regarding bitcoin in quite some time."
"It's going to be a hug your altcoins and kiss them and love them and sing them L moment."
"Mark Cuban is a bitcoin bull. He's a big bitcoin bull."
"I'm a bitcoin enthusiast first and foremost."
"Cryptos one of the greatest things in the entire world."
"Crypto is this great thing that's happened and I just want to go out and tell everybody about it."
"Bitcoin is literally going, man. Alright, that's gorgeous."
"Bitcoin is magical and is truly The Innovation."
"Get your freak on, Bitcoin is the truth elixir."
"Things are about to explode for V chain. Very excited for Bitcoin and shout out to Sunny over there."
"Doge is going to a dollar, doge is going to a dollar!"
"He's the crypto Jedi knight. That's pretty awesome."
"Cryptocurrency's a lot of fun... it's been the most exciting lucrative fun thing I've ever done."
"He's a well-known fan of Bitcoin, he's initiated several Bitcoin projects through Twitter and Square."
"Like many of you guys I've been completely enamored with this idea of crypto land... it's one of the best things that's ever happened to me personally."
"I would take everything in crypto right now."
"I got into crypto in 2013 when I first heard about bitcoin and you know I thought it was the greatest thing ever that you could create your own money tree basically."
"The crypto market is back on fire again. Look at this, Dogecoin hit nearly 30 cents, 0.2835, almost 30 cents. We finally broke a level of resistance that we have not been able to break for quite some time. This is a very good sign for Dogecoin."
"Until next time if you could one last time moon up the likes moon them up smash those thumbs click the subscribe button take the little bell and let's get this crypto."
"South Koreans are literally waking up with Bitcoin on their minds."
"I've been a fan of ethereum from before it even existed."
"Dogecoin is so much fun. Elon Musk is so much fun to listen to."
"Cardano excites me possibly more than any other altcoin as a crypto enthusiast."
"Immediately my mind just changed. I was very, very excited about the whole idea of Bitcoin and decentralizing money."
"Are you ready for Bitcoin 2023? I certainly am."
"Welcome to Crypto Banter, the best YouTube channel and the best crypto channel out there."
"If you're a crypto nerd, bitcoin guy, especially if you're a bitcoin maximalist, you don't have one of these in the house, well you really ain't as orange as you think you are."
"Peace and love to the crypto crew, we look forward to welcoming you in."
"I've never been more bullish on bitcoin in my life than I am right now."
"Dogecoin to the moon, loving the ride and watching the future happen."
"Doge coin to the moon! Dogecoin to the moon!"
"Crypto is not just making money for me, it is my lifeboat out of slavery for when the new system comes online."
"Let's get this crypto moving, the likes, ladies and gentlemen. Munem up!"
"I'm huge in the crypto, I'm massive in the crypto." - Unknown speaker
"They sure love their [__] crypto, it's a whole new environment now."
"Cryptocurrency is the best thing to ever happen to us."
"People loving everything to do with Bitcoin these days, that's for sure."