
Prowess Quotes

There are 288 quotes

"Witnessing Meng Chuan's exceptional combat prowess left the crowd in astonishment and admiration."
"Cage, such an impressive physical specimen, but an incredible professional wrestler as well."
"The king is on fire, 20 and 20 fully streaked out."
"He's a Savage, he's got Killer Instinct... everything a Formula One World Champion is meant to be."
"You are the greatest video game player that has ever been born."
"He's one of boxing's most vibrant champions... He's got personality, he's got power, he is a force."
"The Polish Army will be the greatest in Europe."
"Goku's power exceeds the gods of destruction."
"Valentina is a true badass and a beast, she's a terminator period."
"No one can match his strength on the ground."
"A display of skill from the number one pound-for-pound no-gi grappler in the world."
"He had a habit of beating some of the best wrestlers."
"I may have undersold Terry... a total badass."
"I believe I am that most devastating puncher in the world today."
"Muichiro's performance during this fight is truly amazing."
"He's too quick... and yeah, now cannot be stopped."
"Triple H wasn't just the best wrestler in the game, but he was the game itself."
"Jon Jones welcome back you're an absolute assassin."
"Becky Lynch is just brilliant right now, Oscar she doesn't know how to have a bad fight it's almost impossible."
"There's no winger in the world that could beat him one-on-one."
"If I had 504 damage on my sword... then you would be truly good."
"Coldheart is the closest thing to a legendary champion."
"Warlock is, in my honest opinion, the number one best DPS class in the game in Wrath."
"I'm the best in the world. Anybody put in front of me, they're gonna get beat up."
"I'm like the Jesus of the Minecraft, so I'm a beast. I just fly, land wherever I feel like it."
"He's got all the game, the kicking, safeties, brakes."
"He's like the sweet science killer."
"The Turbo was always a fearsome performer."
"A perfect blend of unimaginable strength, short to hand-to-hand and long-range prowess, with a sprinkle of brilliant intellect throughout."
"Alusia Chan was able to defeat everyone."
"This DC AMU Batman has near max levels of sauce when it comes to his visual aesthetic and combat ability."
"This is why the Hyuga are so badass."
"He had great balance, he had great flexibility, and great strength."
"You're very alluring, you're very good in bed."
"The greatest tank hunter in the history of warfare was dead."
"Max Holloway has the ability to do a lot of things."
"IIs on power stairs is almost untouchable."
"A formidable Edge to Panzera's defensive efforts."
"Ken is so goddamn strong at this point that when he enters the storyline he's literally just beating up entire armies by himself."
"He literally caught and redirected a homing missile mid-flight."
"In battle, Legolas pulls off some of the most impressive feats in the entire trilogy, namely taking down a league of orcs and an Oliphaunt using only his arrows."
"Of the three houses, Hador was the strongest, largest and most formidable on the battlefield."
"Mihawk is the only character on this list that has yet to receive even one little scratch."
"The edger yelson 4x4 mortar carrier stands as a testament to Turkey's prowess in manufacturing Advanced military vehicles."
"He was still able to do that much if you're talking prime Whitebeard."
"Eden's undaunting courage and starlight scope allowed him to own the night."
"Well, he's the Bruce Lee of noses."
"Achilles had barely come of age; however, despite his youth, he was already recognized as the best Greek warrior."
"Ajax of Salamis was a true force of nature."
"few can match the dangerous power he a commands"
"Alexander's military prowess was unquestionable, his ability to inspire and lead men, awesome, his energy prodigious."
"Known as the Brown Bomber for his punch and string of knockout victories."
"Bruce didn't only knock the guy back a few steps but he made him sit in his chair while the pad that he used to protect his chest had literally flew off."
"Mastery of the martial arts had become so innate that he literally didn't even need to have his eyes open to win a fight."
"He's Dynamite with his right hand."
"The Mongolian Army proved themselves to be adaptable, resourceful, astute, and disciplined."
"Brun Ellen is a beast, she just comes forward."
"Fable is a genius at killing and said genius seems to have just arrived."
"...the Trojan War was a long one. For 10 long years, the battles raged on. Achilles was undefeated, winning every single battle that he found himself in."
"To be able to smack down both Captain America and Hawkeye within just a few seconds is as good as it gets when it comes to introducing yourself."
"A veritable showcase of magical prowess."
"They've got some big-time hitters."
"...if that bastard's martial prowess is at that level then his lightened body technique must be excellent as well."
"It visually looks like perhaps the single most impressive display of advanced conqueror's hockey that we've ever seen."
"He has effectively pulled off the impossible, single-handedly defeating 200 rebels by himself."
"He's got a very high knockout percentage."
"Amanda's proved again in the past, you put her on her back and she will come in with a right hook and knock you out."
"Now you see why they call him the bull. He's ripping it."
"I once saw him kill three men in a bar with a B."
"I haven't thrown a left hook in like 20 years... I hit this guy with a left hook."
"He's just such an absolute killer."
"S is a monster. Oh, it's game over."
"I feel like I'm the best best defensive player in the league."
"I'm the king of this [__]. When it comes to trading punches, I stay in the pocket. Nobody can [__] with me."
"Paul proves himself in a fight, showing off great skills before killing him."
"His presence was commanding, his stature imposing, marking him unmistakably as the strongest swordsman Cairo had ever known."
"I can scissor kick a hornet's nest now and destroy the whole colony without hurting a queen."
"Zoro pulls off some of the most impressive solo feats in the entire story so far."
"Soaring through the skies with extraordinary aerobatic finesse."
"His prowess is defined as early as his first fight, an Agni Kai with Prince Zuko."
"As soon as he crouches, it's like he's entered god mode."
"An army of best fighters that's scary man."
"Nearly invincible. Not since his first fight with Leonard had Duran seemed so dialed in."
"Kakashi's arsenal was far more powerful and versatile than you might think."
"But back in the day he was truly a natural-born killer."
"...zero was so Fierce and driven he became directly responsible for the complete annihilation of the Rival shirai Ryu Clan."
"You can just tell by the fight, he's one of the big ones."
"Krillin is probably an absolute Menace."
"She's strong, her offensive rebounding prowess is incredible."
"The lightning Fox Warrior... the one-man Army."
"In the annals of history, the name Sturbjorn the Strong stands as a symbol of Viking prowess, ambition, and relentless pursuit of power."
"I don't know how Isaac is so good at hide and seek."
"Haku effortlessly handled all the bandits at once, proving her formidable skills."
"Achilles, his aristea, a pitiless orgy of blood, an unstoppable cyclone, a raging wildfire."
"With each strike, he pressed the attack on Dooku, his movements were quicker and more decisive."
"The streak is almost a match for Odin, fitting thing to say considering how strong he is."
"With a single swing of this mighty weapon, Talon breaks the men's blades."
"With unrivaled skill and mechanical prowess, we hobnob with the stars."
"The duel had not only shattered preconceptions but also established Roman as a force to be reckoned with."
"They are the Angels of death, these posthuman genetically augmented Warriors embody unmatched skill and devastating Force."
"He is an assassin at times out there on the lanes."
"He's the man, he's most dangerous down this end of the field."
"He's a genetically enhanced James Bond."
"Luffy is known for his exceptional physical strength."
"Lee Yeon managed to defeat all of them easily."
"All it takes is a total of 10 business seconds and Optimus savagely rips through a whole bunch of enemy robots without even breaking a single sweat."
"Lady Shiva is strong enough to one arm toss you that far. That's a DC human for you."
"Whitebeard truly was the strongest man in his prime."
"Zoro's on a whole different level, bro."
"Oh, he was literally unblockable, I mean, he was a beast."
"In Chicago, he proved his scoring prowess."
"Elton Brand was a beast both offensively and as a defensive anchor."
"Goon has faced and defeated numerous formidable opponents, including skilled martial artists, expert marksmen, and even other swordsmen."
"In this fight, Prin and Mary Leona truly proved their prowess and unwavering tenacity."
"These feats truly elevate Zoro's status to be one of the few characters in the series with all three types of haki."
"He loves to run to the inside, this magical left foot of his."
"He's touched laser beams, defeated a living iceberg faster than a bear, and once outran this Kryptonian pterodactyl Monster, Rocan, who flew from the edge of the Galaxy to Earth in about 15 seconds."
"He said he could get almost any woman he wanted."
"Ichigo is in a place now where even without fully mastering his strength, he is capable of walking circles around numerous Captain level characters at once."
"That last attack was something else."
"He's tremendous going to the rim."
"Now you know why they call me the Witch of Destruction."
"Gian tries to attack him but he blocks him with his sword and breaks his sword in just an instant."
"With just one swing of her sword, she took down all the Red Wolves at once."
"He was an incredibly impressive warrior."
"His strength and battle instinct is commendable."
"Tang is fierce even the seniors are no match for him according to them, this guy is simply a monster."
"My guy really unlocked Ultra Instinct in there."
"When you sort of get down to it, Mace Windu was the ultimate Jedi, really."
"I also got punched in the face and made him miss. The Pound The Number Two pound-for-pound fighter in the universe made you miss."
"Ain't no man on Earth alive that can get with me when I'm freaking frequencies."
"I'm about knocking people out and putting them to sleep."
"This is the most powerful guy I think we have ever seen in powerslap."
"Some say the unsullied are the greatest soldiers in the world."
"He's among people like Rayleigh and Whitebeard who can fight at old age."
"He'd made plenty of women beg for more."
"He's huge, he's fast, he's tough, and he gets it."
"Earl's love Earl plays pool like his hair is on fire I mean he just really."
"Andre was pure lightning made flesh, colder than falling snow, unstoppable as the desert sands riding the wind."
"An unbelievable combat, I don't know how he did it."
"Adults are fantastic and enthusiastic hunters taking down larger prey items with speed and ferocity."
"...the Blackfoot had quickly mastered hunting and fighting from atop charging mounts."
"Bruce Lee's martial prowess made him virtually unpunchable."
"Destroying the third rank formation in just one step...such a marshall Spirit without putting in any effort."
"Oh, he did it again! He's a beast!"
"Hunting a man would be the only true test of a good hunter."
"...kangan Jong became a C- rank Hunter with a single rebirth bonus and during the attack on the B- rank dungeon he personally destroyed the entire group."
"That 350 grain bronze x killed two buffalo with one shot."
"He fought alone against over 200 disciples of the same realm, and he won with a resounding victory."
"Several soldiers immediately attacked him. Unexpectedly, although Asher hadn't been in the arena for a long time, was physically impaired and started to lose his shape, he easily killed three soldiers."
"Android 16 exhibits an impressive array of techniques while facing off against Cell."
"Sukuna just proved why he’s the strongest sorcerer in the history of jujutsu kaizen."
"This guy was able to beat someone who could stop time."
"The Apache had showcased itself as the apex predator of attack helicopters."
"Throughout the East, there are legends of martial artists who can explode the body's organs with a single touch."
"I'm going to show him what flying's really about."
"Such a heart is only possessed by true sword Immortals."
"He's a different animal and a different breed, man. It's scary [__]."
"His ability to Snuff out and kill an attack before it becomes dangerous is superhuman at this point."
"Ryan Garcia is proven he's [expletive] lethal."
"Brian Danielson proved that he's a natural in-ring general."
"Warriors do not obtain Glory through brute strength but through their technical prowess."
"Wow, this person was really something if you trained All Might."
"He could drink like hell and fight like hell."
"He can move faster than the eye can track, killed 100 soldiers on his own in a single night."
"Sesshomaru is more than powerful on his own to overcome just about any opponent."
"You were able to kill a veteran Reaper with his own weapon," Death told him.
"Soldier knows that it isn't the weapon that matters most but the hand that wields it."
"He's a monster in head-to-head combat."
"Elektra moves like a natural predator and strikes rapidly without warning."
"Nothing if he can't tear the head off a hellish Beast with only his bare hands."
"Mauled every [__] they put in front of him. He's an animal."
"Conquerors hockey attacks cause clouds to part."
"Estelle had once again displayed her overwhelming abilities."
"Shanks is one of the greatest hockey users in One Piece."
"He's got speed, agility, and power."
"What a powerful kick out there from the warden."
"Cap is also an incredibly skilled fighter, defeating Crossbones, Black Panther, Winter Soldier, and Iron Man, and consistently taking down huge numbers of enemies with ease."
"All my techniques that may only be accessed in exchange for his life. That is Herculean Exodus, Hercules."
"I didn't know you had this in you, my man. Phenomenal violence by Styles."
"Demetrius Johnson Mighty Mouse would kick everybody's ass who's in front of him no matter their size or weight."
"You've come to the right place, Colonel. In addition to being a soldier of fortune, prizefighter, lion tamer, I've been known to thrash as many as 10 hoodlums at a time."
"The Swift Claws are among the greatest hunters of Oreskos. Known for the speed and efficiency, their hunts are known to be among the shortest and most fruitful."
"He's pretty much like a certified Jedi, he's hitting him without even knowing where they are."
"Her speed and strength are amazing."
"A joy he had briefly reveled in during his duel with the howling griffin: the joy of a being created solely for war finding an opponent worthy of his prowess."
"I kick a skill like Shaquille holds a pill, vocabulary spills I'm Ill, plus Matic."
"The armor that he has is a combination of all of his scientific prowess and all of his magical prowess."
"Once he gets to that main course, better watch out because he will be a force to be reckoned with."
"Robert E. Howard, the creator of Conan the Barbarian, wrote Conan when he was at the height of his powers and skill as a writer."
"There was no stopping him; Isagi was unstoppable, unbeatable."
"Akainu is one of the handful of fighters in the world that has a strong case to be on the level of the former Pirate King."
"I fight with a shuriken alike, going night night, it's a breeze like my kids strike."
"The sheer killing ability of the characters is amazing."
"In this corner, he's the greatest fighter in the universe."
"He's too much for everybody out; he's Superior at 168."
"That's when you learn just how dangerous Wonder Woman can really be."
"Benny is awesome on the inside and I do mean awesome, he throws tremendous shots to the midsection."
"You don't want a beef with Eminem; he shreds MC's like for real."
"It's safe to say that she has extreme skill, environmental and situational adaptation."